Relentless (Jasper Hale) {UND...

By IThoughtUSaidWeast

974K 26.5K 4.6K

Nixie Dovers was the flame that lit Jasper Hales fire. With one task in mind Nixie didn't expect to fall for... More

Tragedy Strikes
Into the Life of a Protector
Hero Hair
"Sup Eddy"
The Cullens
What the Hell?
We All Have Our Secrets
"I'm Sorry"
Eddy to the Rescue
Protectors out of the Bag
His Salvation
Shark-bait Hoo Ha Ha
" I Didn't See Them"
Life With You
"I Told You So"
The Bee and Her Honey
Bonus Chapter #1
Bonus Chapter #2
New Moon
Happy Birthday Old Hag
Mending Broken Pieces
Hollow Eyes
"You're Pathetic"
The Pack
"Slowly Release the Clutch..." *CRASH*
Love Squares and Marshmallows
An Eye for an Eye
"Freaked Out Yet?"
"I'm Sorry I Failed You"
"You're a Real Piece of Work"
Let's Go Home
Bonus Chapter #3
Ice Cream Date
With Guilt Comes Pain
Unlikely Friendship
"Another Protection Detail?!"
"I Will Love You Forever"
A Decisions Been Made
"Your First Time?!"
Something Wicked This Way Comes
"It's Okay"
Love Will Remember You
Bonus Chapter #4
Bonus Chapter #5
Breaking Dawn Part 1
God's Work
Flightless Bird
"Something's Wrong.."
The Impossible Becomes Possible
No Tears Left to Cry
You Are The Reason
Clock is Ticking
A Little Hope
Be Still My Beating Heart
"You Weren't Supposed to Leave Me"
Something I Want
Bonus Chapter #6
Bonus Chapter #7
Breaking Dawn Part 2
"How Could You?"
"I Did It"
Forgive Me
"Oh, Brother.."
Mommy Issues
Nixie-1, Fried Brain-1
Battle vs. War
"Let's Get F*cking Married"
"You're My Home"
Bonus Chapter #8
Bonus Chapter #9
Alternate Ending
Book 2 of the Nixie Dovers Series

"Just Say the Words..."

5K 128 15
By IThoughtUSaidWeast

"I keep dragging around
what's bringing me down,
if I just let go, I'd be set free.
Holding on,
why is everything so heavy?"
                         -Lincoln Park

  The snow fell softly, the supernaturals around the fire not even phased by the frozen tundra. Jake sat in front of the fire with a small grin, "this is what I'm talking about" he hummed, "a little pre-battle bonfire. Telling war stories." His eyes traveled to the people in front of him and his grin dimmed, "or just standing there like frickin' statues."

  Nixie chuckled as she plopped down on the seat beside him, body soaking in the warmth the fire was offering. Garrett appeared beside her with Kate on his lap.

  "Name any American battle, I was there" he boasted earning an eye roll from the protectress.

  Jake's thoughts raced as he tried to remember what he learned in school, "Little Bighorn" he tried.

  Garrett smiled like it was his favorite memory, "I came this close" he stated pinching his fingers together, "to biting Custer. But the Indians got him first."

  "Try Oleg's assault on Constantinople" Kate bragged, "he didn't win that one on his own."

  Nixie's head snapped towards the Irish coven who raced to join them, "if you're talking battles, you're talking the Eleven Years' War" Liam smirked, "no one does rebellion like the Irish."

  "You lost the Eleven Years' War" Garrett stated causing Nixie to laugh.

  "Aye" Liam confirmed, "but it was one hell of a rebellion."

  Garrett pointed his finger with a grin, eyes lighting up at the statement.


  "When we ruled, everything came to us" Vladimir's voice rang throughout the woods causing Nixie's lips to purse. "Prey, diplomats, favor seekers. Such was our power. But we never put on white hats and called ourselves saints."

  "We were honest about what we were" Stefan chimed with his creepy grin.

  Vlad grinned at his statement, "we sat still for a very long time. We didn't notice we were beginning to petrify."

  Stefan's eyes drooped, "perhaps" he mumbled, "the Volturi did us a favor when they.. burned our castles."

  Nixie felt her heart pang with sympathy, sure they were creepy, but she was very familiar with getting your life taken away in an instant. She didn't let it show, but she truly felt sorry for Stefan and Vladimir's loss.

  "We've been waiting 1,500 years to return that favor" Vladimir admitted earning gulps from those around them.

  Unable to listen to yet another war story, Nixie stood from her spot on the log and padded deeper into the forest. The snow didn't phase her as she trudged through it, the only thing affected being her socks that were becoming slightly wet. "Ew" she whined, "wet socks."

  "Yeah" a voice spoke scaring the shit out of her, "those are the worst."

  Nixie's head snapped up and narrowed, "Gale, what the hell are you doing here?" Eyeing her brother she noticed an odd glimmer and chuckled, "you're not here."

  Gale smiled at his sister's ability to always notice everything, "right you are little sister, simply here in a spirit that's all" he cheekily grinned.

  The protectress shook her head at her brother, always amused at the fact that his body was most likely lying back at their old house completely empty. It was one of the things that both intrigued her but also creeped her out about her brother astral projecting, his soul completely left his body unoccupied where it was last. "What're doing here" she quizzed again, jumping up to sit on one of the lower branches.

  Gale took a spot next to her, smiling at his younger sister with a knowing look. "C'mon Nix, I know you better than anyone, the fights getting closer."

  "So" Nixie grumbled knowing exactly where he was going with this but still refusing to admit it.

  "So" Gale repeated, "you're stressed, I can see the stress lines on your forehead."

  "No you can't" Nixie gasped as her hand reached up to smooth any wrinkles only to glare at her brother when he laughed at her.

  He shook his head, grin still apparent on his face, "what kind of brother would I be if I didn't come and try to cheer my sister up when she needed it?"

  "A normal one" Nixie stated with a chuckle, the air became silent around them and Nixie glanced over at Gale. He was staring ahead into the forest towards the direction everyone else was in with a content smile on his lips. Her grin widened, she never thought she'd be sitting here with her brother, gearing up for war in the middle on winter. She never thought she'd see him again after the events at her graduation. She hoped he was proud of her, of her accomplishments, her failures, her persistence to always protect. That's all she ever wanted from her family was for them to be proud of her.

  "He would be ya know" Gale spoke, breaking her from her trance and earning a confused look. "Dad" he elaborated, "he'd be proud of the woman you've become, I know I am."

  Nixie's eyes watered at her brothers words and she wished she could hug him but she settled for a watery smile instead. "I hope so" she breathed.

  The rest of the time was quiet as the siblings sat together, no words spoken between the 2 as they simply sat and enjoyed each other's company.


  The time had finally come. The snow was sticking and winter was at it's peak. The harsh winds hardly phased the group of supernatural beings that made their way across the snow covered clearing.

  Bella, Edward and Renesmee lead, the family placed in the front of everyone.

  They were followed closely by the rest of the Cullen clan, Rose and Emmett to their right and Carlisle and Esme to their left.

  The rest of the clans stood in the back, their numbers looking extremely thin due to to size of the field they were in.

  The air was thick, tension rising at they awaited the arrival of the Volturi. The fog coating the field only made the atmosphere more ominous, more dangerous.

  "If we live through this" Garrett spoke, aiming his words towards the blonde vampire he had quickly been taken with. "I'll follow you anywhere, woman."

  Kate met his grin with a smirk, "now you tell me."

  Carlisle clutched his wife's hand within his, eyes casted down towards their intertwined fingers before he met her eyes. They didn't speak, their eyes conveying their love just as well as words.

  Rose gave Emmett a worried frown before staring ahead as the sound of footsteps stomped at the other end of the clearing. Emmett's arms tightened around his wife.

  Tons and tons of black cloaks exited the trees, the snow crunching underneath their leather boots.

  "The red coats are coming! The red coats are coming" Garrett fidgeted. He eyed the amount of vampires on the other side, noting the uneven numbers before all of them even stepped out.

  Bella moved to stand slightly in front of Renesmee, her daughter clenching her hand with her smaller one.

  The number of witnesses the Cullens gathered barely even dented to amount the Volturi had presented. The only difference being the Cullens' side consisted of multiple vampires with abilities instead of the minor few Aro had.

  Stefan and Vladimir stood in the back, smirks on both their faces as their wishes were finally coming true.

  Aro led the other side, his brothers closely by his side. Caius with his usual smirk and Marcus with a look of dread followed behind at a small distance.

  Aro's eyes traveled across the clans, his red orbs never stopping as he attempted to spot his prize.

  "Aro's looking for Nixie" Edward muttered loud enough for only those around him to hear.

  Tanya and Kate frowned as they noticed their sister helping lead the enemy clan towards them. Irina's steps faltered as she noticed her sisters and she knew right then and there, something wasn't right.

  A howl echoed across the field, catching the others by surprise as they watched the giant wolves slowly making their way out of the woods.

  Jacob exited the trees first, his Russet wolf leading the pack of shifters out into the open for everyone to see.

  A black wolf followed closely behind with an equally as large gray one at his side. Their steps were in sync and it wasn't until the stepped apart did everyone finally catch the protectress walking between them. 

  The trio looked absolutely lethal. With Sam's midnight fur contrasting against the snow, his frame looked double in size. Paul's nails dug into the snow as he marched forward, body positioned to where his fur would brush against Nixie with every step. Their lips were curled back as angry snarls left their mouths, the warnings growing louder as they noticed the leader of the Volturi staring at the girl between them.

  Nixie's eyes were dangerously narrowed and her runes were on full display. The clothes she wore were tight and easy to move in with multiple weapons stashed in literally every place you could think of. Her sword sat comfortably in the holster on her hip, bow and quiver notched onto her back while her Chinese ring daggers were stocked in the back of her pants. The ugly gem she had possession of sat around her neck, the giant stone tucked into her shirt and hidden from view while her trusted whip was wrapped tightly around her wrist. She was ready for war if that's what this came to.

  The howls only added to the tension and soon enough, the witnesses and wolves were standing together facing their common enemy without fear.

  They may have been outnumbered, but the strengths were equal and that was something both sides seemed to understand.

  Jacob and Nixie were soon lined up with Edward, Bella and Renesmee, the wolf guarding their right and Nixie protecting their left.

  Aro lifted the hood off of his head causing the rest to follow.

  The clans were silent before Carlisle stepped forward, "Aro" he spoke quietly but loud enough for the vampire to hear him across the field. "Let us discuss things as we used to. In a civilized manner."

  "Fair words, Carlisle" the leader scoffed, "but a little out of place, given the battalion you've assembled against of."

  "I can promise you" Carlisle soothed, "that was never my intent. No laws have been broken."

  "We see the child" Cauis snarled, "do not treat us as fools!"

  Nixie's heart pumped steadily, refusing the let the others see any impact they may have on her. She watched Carlisle's shoulder tense and couldn't help but fidget.

  "She is not a immortal" Carlisle announced loudly, head turning to face his family before facing forward again. "These witnesses can attest to that. Or you can look." He reached his hand out gesturing towards Renesmee who stepped out from behind Bella. "See the flesh of human blood in her cheeks" he pointed out.

  "Artifice" Cauis yelled, halting as his brother lifted his hand to silence him.

  Aro's eyes narrowed as he noticed the cheeks but he ignored it, lip curling in a sneer. "I will collect every facet of the truth" he snapped. "But from someone more central to the story." His beady red eyes stared deeply into Nixie's before moving to the male beside her, "Edward" he cooed. "As the child clings to your newborn mate, I assume you are involved." He held his hand out while waiting for the young vampire to approach him.

  Edward gave his daughter a reassuring smile and his wife a nod before he looked forward, face devoid of emotion as he made his way to the other side.

  Bella tensed the closer he got and allowed herself to focus on her shield, the forcefield exiting her body and wrapping around Edward's. She was snapped out of her trance causing the shield to disappear and she looked to Nixie who's hand lied on her shoulder and the protectress shook her head.

  "Not yet" she whispered before turning back to Edward who's hand was already in Aro's grasp.

  Aro's arrogant grin disappeared as he exited Edward's thoughts, his face coated in surprise. "I'd like to meet her" he ordered.

  Edward's heart dropped as he faced his family, eyes instantly locking onto Nixie as he gave her an apologetic stare.

  She knew what he was saying, he was sorry but he didn't have a choice, and she didn't hold it against him. She watched Bella grip Renesmee's hand and carefully walk forward with Jake at their side. The trio paused as they turned around, their gazes meeting Emmett's and Nixie's who was already making her way over.

  The protectress planted herself on the other side of Renesmee, the child now walking between her and Bella while Jake and Emmett were in each end. She felt Nes grab her hand and she gave her a comforting squeeze while her other hand clenched around the hilt of one of her daggers, just in case.

  Everyone tensed as they reached Aro, Nixie's lip lifting in a silent snarl. His stare met hers and he gave her an elated smile before speaking, his words directed towards the vampire beside her.

  "Ahh" he hummed, "young Bella. Immortality becomes you." His teeth were on display as he smiled widely, his ears catching the sound of the child's heartbeat in front of him and he let out a maniacal laugh. "I hear her strange heart" he whispered.

  Nixie released Renesmee's hand and allowed her to step forward and face the creepy vampire in front of her.

  "Hello Aro" Nes greeted without an ounce of fear in her voice causing Nixie's chest to swell with pride. She watched her blatantly ignore his hand before placing her small one against his cheek as she had done to many others.

  Aro's eyes fluttered as her memories consumed him and his lips lifted into a smile, "magnifico" he whispered before leaning away from her hand and facing those around him. "Half mortal, half immortal. Conceived and carried by this newborn, while she was still human."

  Surprised gasps filled the air and Nixie hurriedly grabbed Renesmee and placed her back between Edward and Bella. The shocked murmurs put her on edge as she listened to their harsh words.

  Cauis was the first to speak, "impossible." His denial caused his brother to turn towards him sharply with an angry glare.

  "Do you think they fooled me, brother" Aro snarled causing Cauis to look down in submission. 

  Nixie's sad eyes turned towards Jake who gave the vampires an angry growl before looking towards her and waiting to follow him as they went back to the other side. His confused brown eyes stared at her and her head dropped in defeat.

  "Mmmm" Aro sighed at the wolf, "I do think it's best for all of us, if Miss Phoenix were to remain on this side, if only for a moment. I'd like a word with her."

  Edward stopped, encouraging Bella to take their daughter back to the other side as he turned back around. "No" he denied, "she comes with us."

  "It's okay Edward" Nixie assured, giving the vampire and wolf an encouraging nod to leave her. "I'll be okay."

  The both stared at her, not wanting to leave her with the same men who had murdered her family. Edward felt his guilt increase as he remembered being the one who had basically asked her to come with him and now she was stuck.

  The protectress gave them another grin before shooing them away, "I promise." She watched them hesitantly make their way back to the other side, everyone taking a step closer when they saw Aro step beside her.

  His fingers brushed against her cheek causing her to smack his hand away, instead of getting angry like she expected he simply laughed in amusement. "Just as feisty as I remember" he cooed.

  Cauis eyed the girl beside him before speaking, "bring the informer forth" he ordered.

  A vampire Nixie didn't recognize gripped Irina's arm as he forced her in front, the blonde staring apologetically at the protector.

  "Is that the child you saw" Cauis angrily snapped, finger pointing towards Renesmee across the clearing.

  Irina glanced towards the child before looking back in shame, "I'm not sure" she stumbled.

  "Jane" the leader summoned causing Irina to hastily attempt to defend herself.

  "She's changed" she exclaimed, "this child is bigger."

  Cauis nodded, "then your allegations were false."

  "The Cullens are innocent" the Denali confirmed, "I take full responsibility for my mistake." She met her sisters' stares and felt her lip tremble as she mouthed I'm sorry to them.

  Nixie gasped as her shoulders were gripped, her back meeting Aro's chest as he pulled her to him to watch the show. She went to escape but his lips ghosted across her ear causing her to freeze, "I wouldn't dear, one wrong move and I'll be forced to tear your pretty little head off." Her shoulders slumped in defeat and her eyes filled with tears at Tanya and Kate's anguished screams as they watched their sister get her head torn off.

  "Blind them" Edward ordered Zafrina who instantly blocked the sisters from seeing anything causing them to pause. Everyone calmed as the attack was halted.

  "Gimmie my sight back" Tanya snarled, her eyes frantically searching for something, anything, but all she saw was darkness.

  Nixie's heart quickened and she knew Aro could hear it, hell he probably felt it from how tightly he was holding her. She noticed Renesmee on Jake's back and calmed slightly after seeing she was safe.

  "Tanya" Edward pleaded, "this is what they want. If you attack now we'll all die."

  The blonde stopped struggling and gave a defeated nod, heart breaking as she thought of her sister. Zafrina allowed them their sight back and they were released, both sisters finding each other and seeking comfort.

  Edward slowly walked towards the front and instantly noticed the look Aro gave Jane and he tensed. Jane's eyes set onto him and with one word she had him falling to his knees. His muscles tensed at the agony she was forcing him to endure.

  Bella went to step forward but after meeting Nixie's gaze she remembered her gift. Taking an unneeded breath, she relaxed her shoulders and focused on the feeling Nixie had taught her. She pictured her shield leaving her and she watched as the shimmering bubble made its way to Edward and encased him in its protection.

  He let out a relieved sigh as the pain suddenly became bearable and forced himself to stand and make his way to his wife. He gave her an encouraging grin boosting her confidence enough to expand the shield around the rest of them.

  Aro stared in confusion unknowingly loosening his grip on Nixie but she made no moves.

  Jane's angry stare traveled from one to the next and once Bella sent her a smirk she took an angry step forward but was stopped by her brother. Alec spread his palms and his black smoke began to engulf the ground but was also stopped as his master held up his hand.

  Carlisle attempted to keep the peace, "Aro, you see there's no law broken here" he stated.

  "Agreed" the leader confirmed, "but does it then follow that there is no danger?" Stepping around Nixie he forced the protectress behind him and he confronted his old friend. "For the first time in our history" Aro yelled, "humans pose a threat to our kind."

  Nixie watched Marcus' face fall and reminded herself to do something later.

  Aro continued his tangent, "their modern technology has given birth to weapons that could destroy us. Maintaining our secret has never been more imperative."

  Nixie's fist clenched, this dude was looking for any reason to fight. Her overly sensitive ears caught a sound that was much too far for the vampires around her to hear. Her head lifted and she caught Edward's attention, giving the vampire a discreet smile causing his eyebrows to furrow.

  "In such perilous times, only the known is safe. Only the known is tolerable. And we know nothing of what this child will become. Can we live with such uncertainty?" Soft whispers began to spread causing Aro to smile, "spare ourselves a fight today, only to die tomorrow." Gasps echoed throughout the crowd as the vampires began to protest.

  Edward was still staring at Nixie until familiar thoughts began to enter his head and he looked at her in shock. His head snapped towards the footsteps causing Aro to also face them. "Alice" Edward mumbled.

  Aro let out an excited gasp, two for the price of one. "Alice" he whispered in excitement.

  The petite vampire marched across the field, her brother by her side who's eyes had instantly landed on his mate that was currently surrounded by the enemies.

  Jasper's heart dropped and his footsteps unknowingly sped up the closer he got to them.

  The Cullens all stared at them in shock, Alice giving them all a reassuring nod as they passed them.

  Demitri met the duo a few steps away from his master and he harshly smacked their chests keeping them away.

  "My dear, dear Alice" Aro cheered, "we're all glad to see you here, after all."

  Alice let out a gasp as she struggled against the hold they had on her, "I have evidence the child won't be a risk to our kind" she announced. She lifted her hand over Demitri's shoulder and offered it to the leader, "let me show you."

  "Brother" Cauis quizzed, afraid his brother was going to change his mind.

  Aro ignored him and gestured Alice forward. She ripped herself out of the guards hold, lifting her nose at them as she made her way towards Aro.

  One of the guards smacked Jasper causing Nixie to let out an angry snarl, she stepped forward and the guard almost shit himself. She stopped herself at the looks she was receiving and gave her lover an apologetic look before stepping back.

  Jasper let out an angry grunt as he watched Aro pat her head as if she were a dog and he attempted to escape his hold but it was useless.

  Alice hardly flinched as he greedily grabbed her hand, eyes flickering as he watched the vision she showed him.

  She felt her heart clench before ripping her hand away, "it doesn't matter what I show you" she realized. "Even when you see" she snarled, "you still won't change your decision."

"Now now Alice" Aro sang, "that's not entirely true and you know it." Both their eyes traveled to Nixie who was already glaring at the ancient vampire.

"This could all end dear Phoenix" Aro taunted, "just say the words."

"No" Jasper snarled as he attempted to lunge only for a hand to wrap around his throat.

"Silence" Aro hissed instantly stopping as a knife was pointed at his throat.

"Let him go" Nixie ordered, not even caring about a hundreds of vampires surrounding her, ready to rip her to shreds if she so much as scratched their master.

"You don't want to do that Miss Dovers" Aro cautioned, hissing as she pressed the knife deeper into his porcelain flesh.

"Yeah" Nixie grinned, "whys that?"

"Because I have what you want" he bargained, loosening his hold on her mates neck and lifting his hands up in surrender. "We're not so different, you and I. Both burdened by the gifts of power which allow people to rely on us. Aren't you tired Phoenix? Aren't you tired of all the fighting; and the heartbreak, you've spent all these years surviving, when will you ever get to just live?"

Nixie's hand tightened around the blade, her hand shaking as she attempted to remain strong. You're stronger than you think her father would always say. Giving the vampire one last heated glare she angrily ripped the knife away from his neck, "no."

"No" Aro repeated with a frown, "no?"

"No" Nixie confirmed, "you and me? We're nothing alike, I protect those I love, you only destroy them. All you crave is power, power over love, but it takes someone special to realize that love will always outweigh power. I loved my family and you killed them, you don't offer peace, you use it as a bargaining chip but it's never your intention. Not between my family and not between the Cullens!"

"You see, sweet Phoenix, there could never have been peace between our kinds. Your people were much too powerful, too dangerous, and we just couldn't have that" he cooed.

  "So you decided to just kill them all? My kind wanted nothing from you! We lived in peace until you and your lot of bloodthirsty guard dogs raided our home! I'd rather die than become part of your little battalion" the protectress snarled, a dangerous gleam in her eyes.

  His red eyes narrowed at her disrespectful tone, "yes, your brother had that same mentality right up until the moment I sunk my teeth into him. Never the less, since you've decided not to join me, consider your wish granted."

Alice's eyes met Bella's across the clearing and she mouthed the word that tore everything apart.


  Nixie watched Bella's face twist in agony, her words too quiet to hear but Nixie knew what she was saying. She tightened her hand around the hidden dagger on her leg, eyes meeting Jasper's as he looked to her. "I love you" she mouthed.

  Jacob's wolf turned away and began his escape with the child on his back causing Aro the snarl, "get them" he ordered.

  Alice quickly turned towards Nixie and after receiving a nod, the vampire didn't hesitate to kick her leg up nailing Aro right in the chin.

  Everyone stared as the vampire's body soared through the air, his fingers angrily scraping the ground once he met it. He stood and the look on his face was enough to understand.

  Cauis reached out and wrapped his hand around Nixie's neck, fingers squeezing hard enough to cut off her air supply. She let out a strangled gasp, eyes screaming at Alice to run.

  Alice went to turn but 2 guards had gripped her arms, their snarls filling the air.

  "Take them away" Aro ordered, no longer in a talking mood.

  "Let them go" Carlisle growled, watching his daughters and son fall into the enemies grip. He didn't hesitate to race forward, throwing the vampires who tried to stop him over his shoulder as he angrily charged.

  Aro smiled, running to meet him halfway and the two jumped, colliding in the air causing Aro to land in a crouch as Carlisle fell behind him.

  It wasn't until he stood did everyone let out horrified gasps.

  There stood Aro, Carlisle Cullen's detached head in his hand on full display.

  Esme let our a silent scream, hands covering her mouth as she witnessed them burn the love of her life.

  The rest stared in shock, bodies shaking with pure anger as they all let out angry yells. The clans raced forward and with one motion of his arms, Aro released his army on them.

**I don't know how I always get so blindsided when the end comes! I never realize how soon it actually pops up, I'm not ready😭😭**

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