Vangsvere Retold

By Devils_Assasin

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The Vampire world that once stayed hidden is now open, ruling the planet and overtaking all humans. With the... More

Chapter 1: The New World
Chapter 2: Oh Killian
Chapter 4: Not As Bad As I Thought
Chapter 5: The Pills
Chapter 6: Maybe Theyll Grow Back
Chapter 7: Heath & Zuri
Chapter 8: Wrath Of A Vengeful Mother
Chapter 9: Not My Little Girl
Chapter 10: First We Need A Boat
Chapter 11: Petra
Chapter 12: How Romantic
Chapter 13: Straight line.
Chapter 14: You're A Smart One Too
Chapter 15: The Scruffed Womanizer
Chapter 16: Alone
Chapter 17: Nice Job
Chapter 18: Shes Alive
Chapter 19: Took His Hand
Chapter 20: Dream
Chapter 21: The One I Longed To See
Chapter 22: You Have Family
Chapter 23: Witch Boy
Chapter 24: Its The Fucking President
Chapter 25: Besides Dorky
Chapter 26: She Was My
Chapter 27: Stay. Please.
Chapter 28: Forever
Chapter 29: Petra!
Chapter 30: A Beer
Chapter 31: We Buried A Man
Chapter 32: Two Annes
Chapter 33: For Fucks Sake
Chapter 34: Tell Me Your Story
Chapter 35: No Bitch
Chapter 36: Old Fashion
Chapter 37: I Can Remember That Too
Chapter 38: Nathan, Nate
Chapter 39: Romance
Chapter 40: Other Captain
Chapter 41: Hadnt Known He Was Still Physical
Chapter 42: Knight In Shining Armor
Chapter 43: Permission
Chapter 44: He's Part Dragon
Chapter 45: Joy and Happiness
Chapter 46: Dont Have Green Eyes
Chapter 47: Wait
Chapter 48: Its Coming
Chapter 49: Game On
Chapter 50: Jet
Chapter 51: Top Bunk
Chapter 52: Niko
Chapter 53: Four Girls
Chapter 54: Russia It Is.
Chapter 55: Annes Child

Chapter 3: Mourning

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By Devils_Assasin

Michaels POV:

It hurt.

Every single part of me, aches and tears with an endless immense of pain.

I've endured a lot of pain, almost died a few times, but this-this was the worst possible pain I could ever encounter.

Going down the steps, I went out the front door and to Lily's. I waited after knocking and then the door opened. Ryker gestured up the stairs, "She's with Eva, Kris and Lincoln." He said quietly.


"Thanks." I said before going up the stairs and to her room. Slowly, I opened the door and saw her laying on her side, Lincoln was in a chair crying softly but trying to keep it together while Eva and Kris were comforting Lily.

I stepped inside and she looked to me for a brief moment before the tears grew and she sobbed heavier.

"Mike." She cried and I felt my brows knit together to stop from crying with her. The loss was too heavy to handle alone, "I'm so sorry Lily." I said walking over and kneeling beside the bed.

I took her hand and held it tight.

The first night is the hardest.

Vydia's POV:

Taking Lucien's hand, I pulled him to me closer, but I felt so alone, so scared. A knock came to the door and I watched Tyler walk in and give me a long and careful stare. Jessa was with him, both walked in and made their way to my bed.

My oldest and sweetest friend, my sister and my love and yet, Anne's loss was still so heavy on my chest. She was more than just a friend, I loved her like a sister and I felt as though I'd lost Jessa.

I laid with them until they all fell asleep.

Getting up, I went out the door and shut it behind me quietly, going to his room and knocking on the door.

Valdus pulled the door open and looked distraught. I dropped my head to his chest, "I hate this feeling in my chest Val. I'm surrounded by loved ones and yet-I feel so alone." I said wiping my tears.

He hugged me softly, "I know Vee, I know exactly what you mean." He said comforting me, and memories of him filled my mind.

I just needed to be surrounded by them, all of them. "I need Dimitri, Lex. I need Judah." I said frantically watching him stare down and nod once.

Maybe if I had everyone, it'd be easier.

As Valdus walked out, he gestured for me to go lay in his bed. I headed to the bed and laid down feeling so sick. My stomach turned in sadness.

Viktors POV:

I watched my sons one by one go to Valdus's room, I felt sick for what I'd done with Nevana, especially after I'd realized Killian and Melissa didn't do anything.

Melissa held Belle in her hands and gave me a confused look.

I took our daughter and walked down the hall to see all of them huddled around the bed, piled and surrounding Vydia and Jessa. The two were asleep but Vydia was red and clearly crying.

Melissa wiped a few tears and slipped into the bed beside Kayla and Vydia, hugging her. I walked in and shut the door, sitting in the rocking chair beside the bed and softly rocking Belle to sleep.

I don't know what it was, but seeing all my sons, seeing them laying their heads on the edge of the bed, laying with their backs to it, beside the bed and even in the bed, all for support to Vydia, it meant I did something right in my life.

Melissa watched Vydia carefully, propping her head on her palm and gently brushed her hair back while looking up to Lucien who was laying with his legs beneath Vydia, she used his chest as a pillow.

Valdus was laying down beside him, his back to the headboard and Jessa laying in his lap quietly sleeping.

The door opened and I watched Nik, Lex and Wolf get ready to fight but stop as Rosie came in. She stared around the room and then shut the door and moved to Lex, laying down in his lap while sniffling.

We all fell asleep in that room, my big family and I.

Bastian's POV:

I owed Anne everything.

Running my hand over Kayla's hair, I thought of what my life would've been like, had Anne never cured Kayla. I'd probably be dead.

She was quiet as she watched Melissa hold Vydia who cried every hour.

We all knew how close Vydia had grown to Anne, how much she had loved her. Luce kept trying not to cry but kept shedding tears when she sobbed. We stayed close though, and we weren't going to let her or Valdus feel alone.

Valdus was angry but he didn't seem as bad as I'd have expected. I suppose death to him is not something unexpected. If anything, he greets it like an old friend.

He was more focused on Vydia, and even left later in the night to check up on all the others.

When he came back, Killian was following him and eyeing my brothers, "She's as safe as ever." Valdus said quietly.

I met Killian's stare and gave him a small nod watching him nod back.

He looked to Melissa and then Vydia before slowly moving toward the bed and sitting at the edge. His hand laid on Vydia's ankle and I watched her lift her head slowly before she began to cry again.

Killian moved over her, hugging her as she held him tightly sobbing. Jessa woke up staring over at Vydia while Lucien watched her and softly stroked Vydia's hair.

Valdus was quiet but looked down at Judah who was asking about Jolene. "They're all resting." He said with a raspy voice.

The others slowly woke and began to look to Vydia.

The boss stared at Killian with a bit of shame, I watched him stare at Vydia and then him. I can't help but wonder if he's jealous of Killian, Vydia is like a daughter to him, technically he's her step daughter. Yet in his mind, I think he believes she's his.

Melissa woke up and smiled softly at the two hugging before she moved closer to Vydia.

I watched Jessa move out of the bed and curl up beside Wolf and Judah around the bed.

She always says they make her feel safe.

Killian slowly laid beside Vydia and she cried into his chest before going to sleep again. Then slowly everyone went back to sleep, everyone but the Boss and I.

Anne's POV:

"Fuck you! I'm not saying shit!" I shouted toward the old hag.

She grew more furious this time, "You will tell me where they're hiding and where the child is!" She shouted back this time grabbing my face and digging her nails into my cheeks.

I gave her a heavy glare, "Go fuck yourself." I said low and threateningly.

Nyx grabbed the heavy rod and swung it into me a total of eight times. Each time breaking a bone or splitting the skin.

"Get me a witch! Now!" She shouted to one of the useless vampires who ran to fulfill her request.


A minute later, a witch was brought in and placed down on her knees before Nyx, "Go into her mind, find the location of where everyone hides. I want them. I want the child." She said pointing to my head as she said the words.

Hell no!

The witch nodded and turned to me, "No!" I shouted trying to pull my hands from the spikes that were hammered through them and into the floor.

Pulling at my calves, I couldn't! "No!" I screamed louder before the witch took my face and as her eyes went white and she spoke the sound of some spell, I tried so hard to think of everything I ever could. Everything I ever wanted to think hoping I could block her and distract her.

But when she let go and stared down at me, she looked back at Nyx, "They are cloaked in an island, we will need to take a boat. By the old city of Lunebar." She said calmly.

I let the scream tear through my throat, "No! Nyx dont! Please! I'll do anything you want. I'll give you a child, I'll give you my life, I'll be your puppet just please." I begged dropping my head down and staring through the tears and blood.

Nyx leaned down and took my face "I'll bring you back a toy. Just name one. Anyone." She said quietly with a grin, "Michael?" She asked.

One person, they need to be smart, they need to be strong, I need someone who will make sure they take in every detail, someone who will Time how long the distance to here is....

My heart hung in my chest, "Vydia Rosewood." I said calmly, meeting her eyes.

She smirked, "That is the one? Not your precious Jolene, or sister Lily. Or even your best friend Lincoln? You want Vydia?" She asked with amusement.

I gave a nod, "Yes. I want Vydia." I said coldly.

Nyx sighed, "Alright. One toy. I hope you're ready to mourn the others." She said before walking out.


Oh god, please leave.

If you can hear me, please leave!

Oh higher power, whoever you are, please don't let them die. Please! I'm sorry for ever praying to anyone else. Please help me.

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