She was ok for a Potter

By Blooberylemonade69

196K 5.7K 2.3K

(Y/n) Potter is the better half of the Potter twin set. Her and her brother are always in constant friendly r... More

First, the first chapter
The importance of purple giraffe
Why hello there muggle
Journey to Hogwarts
Slytherin drag queen
First class
The unatended midnight duel
Nimbus 2000
4th year
Well... this is fun
Well okay then
Bulgarian exploits
Those good old days
Wolf in human clothing
Oh dear!
Dragon test
The Yule Ball Disaster
Final trial
Snake in the waters
In the dark
The letter
Boys are back in town
Awkward encounter
Happy fun days!
Its Not So Bad
Day 2 Of Hell
The DA
The artical
Just Dance!
Owl-t of place!
That night
Back to the DA
Wannabe Drarry
Oh shi-
You Ok?
6th year in a flash!
We dont talk about fight club
Walk or die
What a story
Wedding shinanigans
Intended Chaos
Say something...
Imma keep going
Infomortial breakdown!
Lol jokes
Too late!
Tee hee! 69!
First, the first chapter (take 2)
The giraffe never existed 🫢
Wheres the muggle?
There is no muggle!


852 23 12
By Blooberylemonade69

Y/n and Harry has been staying at the burrow for a number of weeks now.Dick and Draco were going on trial in about a week, and they wanted to go out with a bang if all sh*t hit the fan. And Y/n had the perfect idea. The broken wand.

She had told everyone how great the bar was, and now was the time to take them to where she built a big part of her reputation. She walked into the living room where Harry lay spread eagled on the rug making pieces of lint fly with his wand, Ron and Hermione reading a book together by the fire, Dick and Draco were playing catch over Harry and Ginny sat in an armchair occasionally getting hit by the ball as Dick purposefully threw it at her head.
"Hey yall!" Y/n greeted the room. They all said hey back and Y/n snatched the ball out of the air as Dick threw it to Draco.
"Hey! We were playing with that!" Dick protested.
"I have something better we can do. You guys remember that place I went to? The broken wand?" At this, Harry sat upright, exited to see what Y/n would say next.
"Hell Yeah! The place where you got totally wanted, right?"
"That's the one." Y/n said as she threw the ball at her brother. "I think we should have one more fun day together. In case Dick and Draco get sentenced to Azkaban."

Dick jumped up and jumped onto Y/n's back.
"Yeah! For sure! I always wanted to know what the deal with that place was."
"Well, What are we waiting for?" Draco asked the room at large as he stood up too. "I suggest we dress accordingly?" At this, Y/n laughed at her boyfriend's formality. "What?" He asked confused.
"Oh hon, they don't care what you wear there. You ain't there to impress people with the way you dress, just your fighting technique and how many drinks you can take before you pass out! What we're wearing now is fine." Y/n smiled and punched Draco playfully in the arm. "So, what are we waiting for? Let's get going!"

The group started to rush around the hollow, grabbing stuff like money or something else for them to wear. Y/n lay on the sofa in the living room wearing ripped jeans, a plait t-shirt and her dope hooded leather jacket. She was already good to go, she was just waiting on the others. After about five minutes of mad rushing, the group gathered in the living room once more. Y/n blinked everyone to the entrance of the broken wand and then knocked on the iron door.

"Who's there?" Demanding the familiar booming voice from the other side once the hatch opened up.
"Oh please. Is this any way to treat a returning star bear?" Y/n said sweetly.
"Prove it's you half pint and I might consider!" The voice chuckled "What was the name of the last guy you beat?"
"Easy! Gregorovietch Krum! Father of Victor Krum!" Y/n proudly stated as she smiled at the two beady eyes peering at her through the hatch. The hatch then closed and the big iron door creaked open.

A giant, bushy haired man with a thick beard greater them with shining eyes.
"Good ta see ya half pint!" The man bellowed as he put Y/n in a headlock and ruffled her already messy hair. Y/n laughed as she wriggled out of the strong hold.
"Who are your little friends then?" Bear asked jovially.
"This is my dopey brother Harry." Y/n said as she dragged Harry forward by the collar and putting an arm around his shoulder. "Cyclops over there, that's Dick. Blondie's Draco. Girl with the bushy hair, that's Hermione. Red head girl's Ginny, that's her brother Ron. We're here to have a little fun, ya know? What with the majority of us being legal adults and there being only one minor among us, I thought you and TJ might throw me a bone and let us buy a couple drinks." Bear bellowed an uproarious belly laugh as if he was St Nick himself.
"Don't see no reason why not!" He clasped Harry on the back and led the group to the bar, where TJ was busy making cocktails.

"Oh, sorry guys. We don't take Girl Scout cookies. Guy down the street does though if you need to get some money for your new broom." He mocked as he scanned the barely legal group. He side glanced at Y/n and grabbed a sandwich bag from under the counter full of some sort of pink powder.
"Hey half pint? You up for it?" He raised his eyebrows, hoping that Y/n would take the baggie of pink powder. Harry looked at Y/n in disbelief. Y/n looked sheepishly at TJ.
"Sorry man. Gonna have to leave that good stuff behind me." She then leaned over the bar and whispered in his ear. "Meet me in the back and I'll take that burden off your shoulders." Her and TJ nodded at each other in mutual agreement. "I'll take six shots my dude."

Ginny pushes herself hurriedly next to Y/n.
"Y/n?! My mum would KILL me if she found out I had been underage drinking!" Y/n rolled her eyes.
"Alright TJ, make that five shots and a fruit hue cocktail." TJ nodded and made the drinks for the motley crew and lay them out in a row on the bar.
"Don't fret red head. It ain't alcoholic." Y/n smiled at Ginny and then turned to the rest of the group.

"Right. So, this is how it goes. You take a pinch of salt, put it on your tongue, take a shot and suck on a lime slice. Simple." Y/n demonstrated and had an immediate thrill as the vodka entered her system. Dick was the first to follow Y/n's instructions and threw his hands in the air yelling at the thrill of his first taste of the forbidden water. Dick had so much energy that he started to literally bounce off the walls. The rest of the group followed suit as Ginny looked on drinking her fruity mocktail.

The seventeen year olds were now buzzing with excitement, Ron had to throw up in a bin, Hermione started flirting with everyone (being guided away from the creeps by Y/n), Harry was walking up to random people and unloading all his burdens on them like how his Lara ya were dead and all of the normal kid stuff he missed out on, Dick (as Y/n suspected) was a stripper drunk and was standing on the table taking layer after layer off. Draco was one of the only normal drunks there, being quite the opposite of a light-weight like everyone else.Dick was now shirtless and was about to take his jeans off when Y/n finally stopped him. Y/n thought it was quite funny how none of the most responsible people she knew turned out to be wannabe sober drunks.

Y/n, Ginny and Draco found themselves babysitting their drunk friends and having a right laugh at how stupid they were making themselves look.
"Hey half pint! Your brother pothead as good a fighter as you?" Bear called from across the room.
"Probably." Y/n turned to her brother with mischief written all over her face.
"Bet I could beat you in a fight."
"Bet you couldn't." Her and Y/n then clasped hands in agreement and then made their way to the fight ring.
"What do you bet?" Hardy asked shiftily.
"Loser takes five clean shots? Winner gets bragging rights?"
"Deal." Harry took off his glasses and put them on a table next to the ring. The two then started to fight, Harry went for Y/n's head, but Y/n took advantage of his intoxicated state and kneed him in the stomach and pinned him to the floor.
"Hope you like the taste of scotch." Y/n smirked at her brother. Harry couldn't hold back his laughs as he giggled uncontrollably from beneath Y/n's firm hold.

Y/n and Harry went to the bar and Y/n watched as Harry took five shots of scotch in a row. The group turned their back for five seconds, and when they looked back at the fight ring, Dick was drunkenly fighting Gregorovietch Krum. The fight however, did not seem jovial or good natured. In fact, Dick was digging his teeth into Gregorovietch's muscular, hairy arm.

"Dudes, you get Dick out from there, I'll get Gregorovietch!" The group stumbled into action. Draco (being one of the only partially sober people in the group) grabbed Dick under the arms and dragged him out of harms way. He propped him up against a table and pinned him to it so he wouldn't run away. Hermione day next to him and started drunkenly flirting with him while Ron continued to vomit in the corner. Harry went over to Draco and started saying things like
"I was so wrong man. You know, I could never... not want to loose a friend like you." He occasionally accidentally spilt his drink on Draco's shirt and then rested his head on his chest "you know, Y/n may joke, and I may be with Ginny, but I bet we could make Drarry happen. What do you say?" Harry looked seductively into Draco's eyes. Draco looked awkwardly back, embarrassed in case Harry was being sober serious.
"You can be my backup Harry. I love Y/n too much to leave her like that for her brother. But if we ever break up, I know where to find you." Draco then kissed Harry on the top of his head and Harry hugged him round the middle.
"Mkay." Harry then proceeded the pass out in Draco's arms. Draco picked Harry up bridal style and sat him on a chair so he wouldn't fall.

Y/n skipped over to them, almost on the verge of drunkenness, and leant on Draco's back.
"So what, my brother your side piece?" She laughed drunkenly. Draco turned his head and kissed Y/n on the cheek. Y/n kissed him back on the neck. She took another sip of her drink and was totally lost to the alcohol. She too passed out on top of Draco. He then lay her on the chair just next to Harry and decided to call it a night. He did his best to round up his drunk friends and went over to the bar to ask TJ for some floo powder. He went back over to the group, threw the floo powder into the fireplace and they all bundled in.
"The burrow." Ginny said clearly, as she held her boyfriend's weight. Draco meanwhile, tried to hold the rest of the group to keep them all from falling over.

When they got to the burrow, they were met with a panicked Mrs Weasley who sat staring at the clock with her family's faces on instead of clock hands.
"Where in the world have the lot of you been?! I've been worried sick!" She hurried to the group and hugged them all in turn. Draco decided to lead the charge and try to explain their situation to Mrs Weasley.
"Y/n took us to the broken wand fight club before Dick and I were put on trial. She wanted us all to go out with a bang if this was the last time we all saw each other." There was a flash of sorrow in Mrs Weasley's eyes for a split second, but it was soon taken over by yet more panic when Ron suddenly threw up in a nearby bin.
"My word! What in the blazes where you all up to? And, Ginny! You went too?!"
"It's fine mum. I didn't drink anything." Ginny then went to hug her mother.
"Everyone else did though." She said just as Ron threw up for the second time into the bin. "Draco and I are the most sober out of the group." Y/n then waddled up to Ginny and put her arm around her shoulders.
"Oh, c'mon Gin! We ain't that hammered!" She drunkenly laughed sad she struggled to even hold up her own head.

Mrs Weasley looked disappointedly as the motley crew swayed around the kitchen.
"Right! To bed! The lot of you! But mark my words, there will be repercussions in the morning!" She commanded as she pointed to the stairs to get them all safely to bed. Everyone stumbled up the stairs and flopped onto their beds. Harry and Y/n shared Fred and George's old room for now and Dick and Draco slept on the floor of the same room. Ron and Hermione shared Ron's room for the time being until they decided what to do with themselves. As soon as everyone's heads hit the pillow, they were all out for the count, dreaming strange fever dreams as they slept what was left of the night away.

That night, Y/n dreamed of being a triceratops and everyone being totally cool with it like "yeah, that's totally Y/n. Not a triceratops." And every now and then Draco would just randomly turn into a ferret and would constantly chase Harry and Hermione (depending on which you ship more or both if your into that). A few hours after she fell asleep however, her dream changed. She sort of quantum leaped onto a warm sandy beach with calm waters. Even in the dream world she thought this was strange as nothing exiting was happening like it usually would. It then started to rain slightly, growing heavier by the second. Y/n decided that this dream was boring and woke up to find Draco spooning her and sobbing quietly into her neck. He had both arms wrapped around her as if he would never let go. Y/n stroked his hair behind her, knowing he was awake and needed some affection. Y/n reached down to where Draco's arms were wrapped around her waist, his hands grasping one another so he could tell himself that Y/n would never go. Y/n brought his arms up to her chest where she let his arms hold her as if she where strapped into a car. She hugged his arms affectionately and kissed his bicep. After a few minutes he had calmed himself down and fell asleep holding Y/n. Y/n soon drifted off again too, happy that Draco was with her, but worried about how much longer he would be.

Hey! Author here! I really hope you guys are enjoying this so far (sorry it took so long)! I wanted to bring in more stupidity but wasn't sure how far I would go with it. Feedback is greatly appreciated! And comments (good or bad) make my day!

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