Wolves Of Mount Bay

By Devils_Assasin

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Veta Mars has always been the outcast of her town, the odd ball, splattered in paint and holding a heavy desi... More

Chapter 1: Veta Mars
Chapter 2: Nikove Romanoff
Chapter 3: I Love Them
Chapter 4: Two Low Whistles
Chapter 5: Most Lovely Shade
Chapter 6: Susie Is A Bitch
Chapter 7: Time To Get A Job
Chapter 8: Shock
Chapter 9: Psychotic Jealous Girlfriend
Chapter 10: Do I Smell That Bad?
Chapter 11: Varcity Track
Chapter 12: Please
Chapter 13: Keep The Change
Chapter 14: Abuse
Chapter 15: Go Fuck Yourselves
Chapter 16: Grounded
Chapter 17: Deer In The Headlights
Chapter 18: Veta Mars
Chapter 20: Found Your Mate?
Chapter 21: Date
Chapter 22: Took A Bullet
Chapter 23: Veta, Veta.
Chapter 24: Room For More?
Chapter 25: Ah, Dickinson
Chapter 26: What If I Smell Like Dog Still?
Chapter 27: Im Sorry
Chapter 28: The Truth
Chapter 29: PDA
Chapter 30: Sittin In The Park

Chapter 19: Work

2.7K 152 94
By Devils_Assasin


"It's Friday, I've been grounded long enough. I fixed the drywall, I fixed the table and the couch. I also fixed the blinds. Come on." I begged while dad gave me a long stare before looking to Zelda.

They both exchanged a look, and then she stepped forward, "We think it'd be nice if you got a job. Made back the money. That television cost us almost a thousand dollars." She said cocking an eyebrow at me.

Yeah, I know.

"A job?" I laughed a bit and wasn't sure they were serious until I looked to dad and realized he wasn't laughing.


"Fine." I muttered.

Dad grabbed his keys, "I have to go to the new building, I'll drop you off at the town and you can walk around and see what jobs you can get." He said smirking as we walked out the house.


Slipping on my boots, I snatched my bag and beanie and gave Zelda a heavy glare before walking out and shutting the door.

When he dropped me off at the town, I went straight to Lue, she had to know about the psychotic belief that I needed to get a job. I'm still in highschool!

The only reason Lue works is because her parents own the diner and her grandma owns the book store.

Pulling the doors open furiously, I stomped in, letting the snow drop on the mat before I walked inside.

"Zelda is on my last nerve! My last one! I only had so many Lue, only so many!" I ranted before stopping and eyeing a book on one of the carts.

Oo a new book, poetry collection, hm.

Holding onto it, I began again, "First she has dad take away my paint studio, like why the hell would she do that? What am I supposed to do while I'm grounded? Stare at the wall? We still don't have a damn tv." I rambled and made some sounds of frustration, "She just, she tries so hard to be the punisher of me. I want to just look her in the eyes and say, 'Hey Zee, you're not my mo-' Oh shit." I stared at Haiden who had a small grin on his face.

His eyes ran down to the book in my hand, "By all means, continue, it's a bit amusing. Zelda is your step mom I'm guessing." He said leaning into the counter with his dark blonde hair neatly groomed back.

I froze up.

What the hell happened? Where is she?

"Where's Lue? It's Saturday. She's always here, every Saturday since she was a kid." I said questionably looking around.

Haiden smiled, "You two have known each other that long?" He asked furrowing his brows.

I gave a nod and put the book on the counter, "Yeah, we've been friends since kindergarten. I was getting over taken by Susie and her posse, then Lue beat them up for me." I said with a small laugh.

He looked to my beanie and reached over flicking the fur ball on the top of it, "That's a cute beanie on you." He said with a small laugh.

The more he smiles and laughs, the hotter he gets. I felt a blush roll up and nervously laughed a bit, "When I walk it bounces all over." I said idiotically.

He just held that small smile, "Lue caught a cold, she's been in bed, she'll be okay but maybe stay away for a bit. Don't want you catching it." He said ringing the book up.

Right, "Yeah. Um hey do you know if you're hiring here?" I asked tucking my hair behind my ear to hear the rejection clear.

Haiden reached over and grabbed a clipboard, "Well Lue was supposed to be working tomorrow and all of winter break. But she seems like she won't even be able to. If you can do those days, they're yours." He said letting out a sigh and handing me the clipboard with a pen.

I looked to the pen and carefully took it, avoiding touching him with my clamy hands. I crossed off Lue and wrote Veta above her name. Noticing that I was working with Nikove half of those days and Haiden the other half.


"Thank you Haiden." I said politely while pushing the clipboard to him softly.

He gave a nod, "Anytime. The books on me. Enjoy your last day off." He said with a grin as I took the book.

My chest did some weird things, then a flip in my stomach and I nodded, heading out the book store before I could say anything dumb.

Going to the diner, I sat down and tried to calm my nerves. I can't believe Haiden just bought me a book. Was he flirting too? Yeah, he was. God Lue, where's my best friend when I need her?

I sighed and sulked into a booth.

"Good morning beautiful." Abel's voice came to the side of me and I jumped before looking to him with a bit of relief, "Hi Abe, just a coffee for now." I said watching him look down at me and sit across from me.

Okay, or join me, "What's wrong? You don't look too good. I mean you're still fine as hell but you emotionally okay?" He asked quietly.

I nodded, "Just worried about Lue, she's really that sick?" I asked Abel who gave a nod, "Apparently she was throwing up all night. Haiden was taking care of her, he's a good guy." he said smiling and then standing.

"One coffee coming up, sweetness." He winked and left me alone with my thoughts.

The door dinged open and I watched Petra walk in with Luca and Vyke, they all seemed annoyed about something.

They took a seat at one of the booths past me and I watched Petra waddle there while holding Luca's hand.

I kept my head low and eyed over the menu, not feeling hungry for anything but advice from Lue.

A tap came to my shoulder and I looked up, catching eyes with Anya, relief flooding me almost instantly.

"I missed you." I said blushing as I gave her a hug.

She took my hand, holding onto it tight, a feeling of protection, loyalty and love flowed through me.

"I'm so sorry for what Ava did. Honestly she's psychotic. We offered to pay for any damages but your dad refuses. Something about you getting a job." She asked laughing as I scooted over and she sat beside me.

Mikael took the seat across from us and gave me a small nod and smile. I think he's warming up to me, slowly but surely.

His eyes hung over Anya's hand in mine and I wondered if he was jealous.

Removing my hand, I grabbed two menus from the end of the table and handed one to the two of them. "Yeah I got a job at the bookstore. I'm working with Lue's cousin Haiden and Nikove." I said with a fake smile.

Anya carefully looked from me to Mikael and back at me, "Isn't there anywhere else to work?" She asked sounding bummed.

"Sweetness, your coffee. I didn't think you'd want my cream in there, so I put you a bit of caramel creamer instead. Almost as sweet, just a bit less salty." Abel grinned disgustingly as he placed my cup down.

Anya stared at him appalled while Mikael held an amused look, laughing a bit.

They both got their teas and he left while I looked to Anya, "This is the only other place that hires high-schoolers, and I'm not about to work with him. Imagine, hours, not just one breakfast, but hours of that." I said gesturing to Abel who was humping the doorway grinning at me.


She scowled, "He's a pig, it's no wonder Lue hates people. If he was my brother I'd hate everyone too." She said laughing and catching me off guard.

She defended Lue.

I tried not to make a big deal about it and decided on a chocolate chip pancake to make my day better.

The doors opened and I watched a few of the older guys including Susies adopted brother Tony walk in.

They all kept low and quiet as they sat in a booth, they're waiting for Abel.


"Not again." I muttered before looking to Anya, "I need to go warn the pervert." I said watching her nod and get out the booth.

I stood and thanked her before going to the back and pushing the door to the kitchen open, "Abe!" I called grabbing a strawberry and taking a bite.

He looked over at me and then at the tray in his hands, "What's up baby? I got fifteen minutes of a break in about an hour. If you want, we can shag it up in the employees restroom." He grinned and I wondered if I should just let him get his ass beat.

I'd have let him, if he didn't end up with a broken arm, leg and fractured nose. Lue's family went through hell trying to find a waiter who'd work as much.

Pursing my lips, I took the tray, "The Muckie Boys are at one of the booths and I'm guessing they're waiting to kick your ass." I said cocking an eyebrow.

He sighed, "Seriously? Fuck." He dropped his games and laughter and stared at the door with a bit of fear.

I looked down at the tray, "What table?" I asked while he snapped out of his trance and told me which goes to which table.

Going out the kitchen, I began serving the dishes and coffees, refilling waters and drinks as I did it.

"Where's Abe?" Mrs. Veltz asked me while looking confused. She always looked confused though, she's almost ready to croak over and die. Ninety two long years, I can't imagine how she wants to still live. Sixty is good enough for me. Ninety seems a bit...selfish...

I placed her parfait down, "He's just helping cook some of the meals. Can I get you anything else?" I asked while she shook her head.

Okay, "You should marry that boy. He loves you." She commented, and I gave a small tight smile and headed to the Muckie boys table with a notepad and pen.

"Hi boys, what can I get started for you?" I asked sweetly while the four of them gave me look overs and seemed annoyed.

Yeah, I figured they'd be, "Where's your boyfriend?" Jimmy asked crossing his arms over his chest and cocking an eyebrow at me.

I hate when they refer to him as my boyfriend. It's because all Abel ever tells people is that we're dating but it's not official. Idiot.

"I'm not sure, I haven't gotten one. What can I get you guys to drink?" I tried again and they just glared.

The doors opened and I watched Nikove walk in with Ava, the two of them taking a seat with Petra and Luca.

"Hey, sweet cheeks, Vee, Where's Abel?" Susies adopted brother Tony said scowling and leaning forward.

I leaned in and met his eyes, "I don't know, I just got a job here this morning. Let me get your damn drinks so I can get to other tables." I said low and calmly.

His eyes ran down my lips and he sat back looking to the table.

Thank you, "Now, drinks?" I asked.

They all ordered their drinks and I went to the back, filling the cups and watching Abel sit by the metal cabinets staring ahead at the stove blankly.

"I'll take over until they leave but I'm keeping all the tips." I said while he turned and looked to me, "I'd marry you if you'd let me. I swear I would, in a heart beat." He said desperately.

Mhm, "Keep dreaming Abe." I said laughing and then heading to the guys table, putting their drinks down.

"I'll be back to take your order." I said turning and going to walk away when I felt the squeeze of my ass.

Looking down at Tony's hand, I glared over at him and he dropped his hand grinning as he cocked an eyebrow at me, "It's real." He commented looking to the guys.

They all laughed and I held back my urge to sock him in the face.

Going to Anya and Mikael, I sighed, "I'm sorry, I'm dealing a bunch of idiots today. What can I get you guys to eat?" I asked while they looked confused but ordered.

I let them know it'd be right out before I checked on two other tables before working up the nerve.

Heading to the table, I smiled at Petra first, and she smiled back, "I didn't know you worked here Veta." She said with a polite tone.

I shook my head trying not to make eye contact with Ava or Nikove, "I'm just doing a friend a favor. If you're ready to order I'll put that in right away. And drinks if you haven't already gotten them." I said flipping to a blank page and waiting.

They each ordered and Petra leaned in and said "Make sure they pat down the bacon. This baby hates grease." She said rubbing her belly.

I smiled and nodded, "Of course." I said before Ava cleared her throat and I finally met her eyes. I'd been avoiding her eyes this entire time, only writing when she ordered, "Change Niko's fruit bowl to hash browns. And put them on a separate plate." She said smirking sinisterly.

I gave a nod, "Of course. Anything else?" I asked her and the rest of the table.

They all said they were good and I hurried off to put the orders in.

Abel began helping Chuckie cook the meals and I let them know Petra's meal had to be degreased so they nodded. Then I emphasized that if they don't they'll cleaning vomit and they replied with a "The meal will not have grease." To which I smiled.


After taking a few more meals out, and drinks, I headed back to the Muckies table and got their order before putting it in.

I took Anya and Mikael their food, then all the food for the other table. Leaving Nikove his fruit bowl but instead adding an extra plate of hash browns on the house.

"Great, no you got it wrong, no fruit bowl. Only hash browns." Ava said frustrated as she she grabbed his bowl and held it out to me.

I went to take it but she let go, luckily, I'm fast, and I caught it taking a slow and calming breath, "I just tossed in an extra hashbrown. We're having a busy morning so there's lots to go around." I said placing his bowl on the table and watching him stare at her low and careful.

He just let her push him around, I hate that.

She scowled up at me, "Get off my boyfriends dick bitch, I claimed it long before you walked in." She finally said it.

Okay-we're doing this.

All those hours practicing how to tell her, let's see how this comes out, "I'm not interested in Nikove. I actually have my eyes set on someone else. I'm sorry if it ever seemed that I wanted to take him from you but I don't. He's all yours." I said not looking to Nikove but feeling his stare on me.

"Sweet cheeks!"

Are you fucking serious?

Turning, I stared at Tony who looked impatient.

I stared back at Ava, "We're good right? I have some assholes to take care of." I said watching her look to me with disgust, "Yeah, go." She shooed me off.

I'll kick her ass some day.

Going to the table, I looked to Tony, "What?" I asked watching him stand and look down at me "Where the fuck is Abel? Johnson said he was just here before we walked in. He left before finishing serving them." He said coldly.


As he stepped forward, I stepped back, hitting my back into Jimmy who glared down at me.


"H-he's not here. He left. Right after you guys arrived he-" A loud smack echoed through the diner and I felt the sting.

He just smacked me.

Staring up at him slowly, I felt my chest grow heavy with fury. "Lie to me again bitch." He said gritting his teeth.

A hand slipped into mine and I was pulled from my sandwich of the two guys. Staring at Anya she looked to the guys and stepped between us. "I think you better gather your things and get out of this diner." She said low and threateningly.

Tony stepped forward and I watched as Mikael stepped in front of Anya, "Just a forewarning, the last fucker who touched my girlfriend was still being found months later. Pieces of him." He said sending a shiver down even my spine.

Jimmy took a step forward, "We just want to know where the fuck Abel is. That bitch knows, we want to know." He said pointing a finger at me.

I stepped up to Jimmy and balled my fist before tossing it hard and fast. It slammed into his jaw and he fell back into the table holding his face.

"I'm not a bitch. My names Veta, idiot." I said before staring at Tony who kicked Jimmys legs, "Get up. We'll come back next week." He said before walking past me and gripping my chin, "Watch your back." He threatened before walking out with the other guys.

I hate guys.

Looking to Anya, I smiled, "Thanks for that. I know you didn't have to, but it was nice of you to help me." I said watching her nod and laugh a bit, "Protective instincts sort of kick in. I couldn't really fight it." She said laughing before dropping her eyes and looking to Mikael.

The two headed back to their table and I went to the kitchen, "They're gone but they're coming back next week." I said watching Abel nod.

I better have gotten good tips.

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