Can't Stay Tranquil (BoyxBoy)✓

By DrillBurger

150K 7.9K 12.5K

Put someone who is too good for you beside someone you want but can never have, spice things up with a relent... More

An Author's heartfelt note
Meet The Characters!
Prologue - Can't Stay Tranquil
01: New Friends
02: Alex SpongeBob
03: Ugly Shadows
04: Casper Stenchrow
05: Just, don't be gay
06: New roommate
07: Chocolates for You
08: Scramble Vs PS4
09: A Mason in Denberg
10: Easy one to talk to
11: A Visit to Mako's pt. 1
13: Chafer's Request
14: Fear, Tears, Sadness and Safety
15: Watchful eyes
16: Reunion
17: Acceptance
18: Young Lovers
19: Lip gloss!
20: Under Starry Skies
21: You're in my Head
22: Party at The ER pt. 1 - Casper
23: Party at The ER pt. 2 - Tarek
24: Party at The ER pt. 3 - Blackout
25: The Note
26: What Is This Fuckery?
27: A Friend In Me
28: Classy and Fancy
29: A Calming Effect
Denberg Extravaganza✨(Bonus)
30: Matriculation Ceremony
31: A Tipsy Kiss
32: Ramifications
33: Bleeding and Falling Apart
34: Needing Him
35: Deceiving Him
36: An Incubus and Dead Brain Cells
37: Spin a Two-way Challenge
38: Out and Proud
39: Finding My Rainbow
40: 6 Feet 11 Inches Under
41: Coming Out
42: A Birthday Sleepover - Pink-White
43: A Birthday Makeover - Bloom
44: A Birthday Surprise - An Empty Jar
45: A Pansexual Spouse (Khalid)
46: From Grey to Turquoise
47: Breaking Him
48: Lighthouse Goes to Church
49: Burgeoning Colours
50: The Diner; where memories were made
51: Everything Goes Wrong
52: Breathe
53: I Love You Too (Finale)

12: A Visit to Mako's pt. 2

2.3K 158 157
By DrillBurger

Picture of Damian (^^)

Chapter 12 - A Visit to Mako's II.


He looked a bit older than Mako, he also had a nice build, he wasn't ripped though, but it was just appropriate for his height and size, he definitely was taller than the both of us, me with over four inches, but probably just about an inch taller than Mako. I could see beautiful tattoos on his hand, I couldn't make out what they looked like though because of the distance between us and I was paying more attention to his facial features. His face was adorned with a nice nose and small pink lips. He had a beanie on so I couldn't tell the exact colour of his hair, the edges had a mixture of white and black though. He also had a stubble and a little moustache.

Mako dropped his phone as he jumped out of the couch and sauntered towards him, welcoming him with a hug, he whispered something to him which made the both boys chuckle, happiness visible in their eyes.

Have I ever been this happy?

Mako collected the nylon bags the older guy had, before they both started walking over to where I sat. I eyed them conscientiously as they approached me.

"Olly this is my friend, Damian." He introduced, pointing at Damian and sharing us looks before he looked back at me and continued, "His the owner of this bourgeois flat," he spread his hands, motioning around with a giggle.

He repeated the word I used with a little stress on it to emphasize, which made us all chuckle a bit, mine completely tainted with nervousness. He then proceeded to introduce me to Damian.

"And Damian this is Oliver, Olly for short. He's the guy in my dorm, the one I told you was gonna come visiting."

He nodded, with a smile on his face, offering me a handshake which I took, still seated on the sofa. I refused to let it linger so I broke it just as quickly as our hands met in that soft handshake. His hands were so soft and his nails flawless, he had the best manicure I've ever seen on a guy. I could now get a better glimpse at the tattoo, I saw a huge inverted R, an M and an A. I also saw some Chinese words which I did not understand, so I did not bother to look further. It would've been creepy anyway.

It then just dawned on me that Mako had similar tattoos on the same hand as well.

My hand looked so meager and pale compared to his big tanned ones.

"Nice to meet you, Olly." Damian said walking over to the next sofa, just beside the one I was sitting on and got comfortable on it. Mako headed into the house probably to offload whatever Damian had bought.

He examined me closely with his hazel eyes, they shined so brightly holding light and life in them. He went from my face to my lips, down to my shirt, then all the way to shoes before looking back up into my eyes. He had a welcoming smile on his face, but the way he looked at me made me feel the opposite way.

"Nice to meet you too," I swallowed before mumbling back. Suddenly feeling uneasy and out of place, being right under Damian's gaze.

I wiped my hands on my jeans, realising that my hands had become sweaty.

"So how do you like Denberg?" Damian asked, still looking at me with that cute but creepy wide smile still plastered on his face.

He was trying to make small talk, there was a huge possiblity that he noticed I was tensed, and that made me a lot more tensed than I already was, as I felt my began to feel hot.

I need fresh air, and I also need those hazel eyes, not staring at me.

"It-it's-it's ordinary," I replied stammering like crazy. I shrugged, trying to act normal, "there's nothing too spectacular... about it." I finished with a little more confidence.

He eyed me for a few more seconds before leaning forward, he cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Calm down please, you don't have SAD or something I hope?"

I frowned at him, feeling a bit offended.

"Oops, that's probably not something to joke about sorry." He apologized, scratching the back of his head. He looked uneasy now which made me feel powerful and in control for a split second.

"Nope, not something to joke about." I replied, shaking my head.

"Anyway I don't bite, so please calm down okay?" He said flashing me the kindest smile I've ever seen, which exposed his perfect white dentition.

Man, I hope you do bite.

I mentally slapped myself, as I smiled back at him, with a nod I promised to settle down.

I chuckled at what he said earlier about SAD, feeling a bit shy. I could feel the heat rise from my neck to face, again.

"I like to believe I don't have a social anxiety disorder," I replied casually, feeling myself get comfortable.

"Well believe harder." He said with a smile, before getting up and disappearing into the house.

I noticed he and Mako had the same wide, bright smile. Their behaviours and facial expressions were very similar as well. This made me ease up a lot more as I realized he was probably just as friendly and sweet as Mako.

I sat there alone with a my thoughts for a while, also looking around. The white walls had this very calming effect on me, I didn't hesitate to let it help me relax.

Minutes later Mako came out with his guitar, he had the rope around his neck and held the body with both of his hands.

"Ta-da!" He chimed. "See here, look what I've, in my hand here," he spoke lifting the guitar up a bit, like it was some sacrifice or a sight to behold.

Indeed it was a sight to behold.

"I promised to play for you" he didn't say it like a question but I answered anyway.

I sat up, clapping my hands. "Yes, yes Mako, you did."

Damn this kid knows exactly how to make me happy.

"This guitar is not mine, so it might not be as good as the first time you heard me play," he stated, criss crossing his legs under his as he sat in the middle of the living room, getting comfortable.

Just then Damian entered the living room, seeming to have heard what Mako said about the guitar. "What do you mean by that, my guitar is much better than yours." He said, resuming his seat on the sofa just beside the one I sat on. "It's more expensive so yes it should be better," he finished, wiggling his brows at Mako.

He had changed from his skinny jeans and hoodie jacket, to shorts and a light T-Shirt. It was so sheer, light passed through it revealing the tight, firm packs, that was his stomach. He had also taken off the beanie he had on, I could see his full hair clearly now. It was white, but it looked dyed because the dark brown roots were beginning to dominate.

I tore my eyes away as quickly as possible, it was his house anyway. Of course he has to relax and feel comfortable.

Mako let out a sarcastic laugh "haha, you can only wish Damian." He stuck his tongue out at Damian who playfully attacked him and joined him on the floor. Laying on his stomach, he held his chin up with his hands.

The level of utmost intimacy between these two was really something to admire, I felt jealous.

I wish I had a male friend I was this close to.

My mind instantly wondered to Mason, but I brushed it aside. Mason doesn't want to be just best friends, he wants something more than that. He wants a relationship? Maybe. These two definitely aren't in a relationship.

I want a male friend not a boyfriend. I hope.

Mako struck the strings once, then twice. He tapped the body of the guitar, thinking of what to play before he finally decided. All this while both Damian and I were completely silent, as we watched him in total veneration.

He played shallows, a song by Daughter an alternative singer, he sang as he played, getting the tune and the lyrics right. Everything fit so perfectly I felt like I was in a live concert. Throughout the time he played, which stretched over a duration of ten minutes or less, because the actual song is about six minutes long, none of us dared interrupt him. None of us even thought about interrupting him, he was so glorious as he played.

Just watching him without hearing was soothing enough, his head was bent over as he focused on the strings of the guitar and the chords he was making. This made his black curly hair fall into his face, covering his honey brown eyes.

Damian occasionally brushed these few strands of curly hair out of his face so we could see him properly. His attention never wavered though, he never got distracted in the least bit by Damian's soft touch.

I could almost hold the connection between these two, like it was something material. it was floating around the room and made my head light, but in a very good, relaxing way.

"Phew," Mako let out air from his mouth when he finished playing and singing, "I think I need two gallons of water, my mouth is so dry now." He paused, sharing looks between Damian and I who were both speechless and awestruck, "so? Did you guys like it?" He asked, unhooking the long rope of the guitar from around his neck.

Before I could say anything, Damian lunged himself at Mako, smashing him into the floor with a hug and the guitar still in his laps. He placed kisses all over Mako's face, making loud kissing sounds.

"It was magnificent!" mwuah "Marvellous!" mwauh "transcendent!" mwauh "exalted! I could go on and on and on" Damian complimented with a teary voice.

Mako giggled, pushing him off, which took more effort than it should've. Damian had no intentions of letting go and Mako loved the way he held him.

"What about you Olly, I was playing for you anyway not this big baby. What do you think?" He asked, smiling at me.

I simply nodded, I was so impressed. "Damian has already used all the words I can think of, but it was really beautiful." I replied.

Damian scoffed jokingly, "then you must have such limited vocabulary, because I can go on and on, I'm not even done yet." He said, wiping fake tears, and leaned in to hug Mako again.

He smacked him and pushed him away for the second time, which made us all laugh a bit. He then stood up, balancing the guitar against a chair, he walked over to me and half hugged me, because I was still sitting down.

"Thanks Oliver, I'm joining the music club, and I'm also learning how to play the violin." He told me, walking back to the guitar and retrieving it.

Damian jumped up "Yass!" He squealed, "you took my advice, you're gonna show those bitches how it's done, you're going to shine lad." He said with total excitement in his voice.

Mako just rolled his eyes at him.

"Yes I took your advice, mostly because I think I'll flourish in the music club, and it'll help boost my grades and give me so many opportunities, even before I graduate. Denberg music department is highly rated, celebrities come scouting often. And I won't be showing any bitches, because there are many people way better than I am in my department, but shine I shall." He finished, tipping his head to the side, with one hand on his waist, and the other held the guitar in a very fashionable manner.

Damian squealed louder and went in for a hug again, Mako let him this time but he didn't let it last too long, as he scrambled away.

We all laughed softly at everything, before I spoke up.

"That's great Mako, I really think you're in the right place and I wish you the very best" I complimented, "and yes you shall shine!" I finished.

Of course I believed he would be very successful, I mean have you seen this beauty play?

Damian and Mako both had a really funny way of communicating, I couldn't help but laugh at their little silly inside jokes and comments. I couldn't understand but the reaction of the other person was funny enough to crack me up.

"Well let's watch a movie," Damian suggested.

"I think that's a great idea, I'll go get chips and drinks," Mako agreed, leaving the living room with the guitar.

"Yes it is, but I should be going back to my dorm before 7:30." I stated, checking the time on my phone.

"You will, it's just one movie. Besides Mako will drop you off with my car," he told me, turning on the television.

My mouth involuntarily made an 'O' shape in realisation to what he'd just said.

He has a car, does that scream wealthy? I think yes.

"Does he have a driving license though?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him even though he couldn't see me. He was too busy scrolling through movies on Netflix.

"Oliver" he dragged my name, signaling frustration, "it's just a short drive to the next street, it's not like it's across town. I think you both will be fine, license or no license." He replied with a chuckle, finally selecting a movie.

Mako returned to the living room just as soon as it finished buffering, handing me a big bag of chips and a can Coke. He walked back into the kitchen and returned with a full bowl of chips and five cans of Coke for Damian and himself. It was what was left out of the half dozen that Mako had taken one out for me from.

He sat comfortably beside Damian on the sofa, retrieving two cans for the both of them, I figured the rest was for during the movie.

The movie started but my mind wasn't at rest as I repeatedly checked my phone for the time, I later decided to stop worrying and just enjoy the movie. Mako was driving me home anyway.

The movie ended about two hours or more later, I took out my phone checking the time. It was 9:45.

Gee, time flies when you're having fun.

"I must be going now," I said handing the half eaten bag of chips to Mako who stood up with me.

Adjusting himself, him and Damian had been in a, dare I say, compromising position through out the movie.

"Why are you giving this to me?" He asked with a frown on his face, confusion also very clear in his voice.

"Umm... I-I couldn't finish it?" I replied as a question, hoping he would take the bag of chips from me.

"Take it home with you then, it's yours." He said waving his hand dismissively, heading inside. "Give me a minute, let me fetch the car key, we'll be leaving now."

I nodded, muttering a thank you as I watched him disappear inside.

"Well," Damian said loudly with a heave, getting my attention, "I hope you had a good time Olly." Damian asked as he searched for another movie he would watch with Mako when he returns, taking from the bowl of chips.

They had already gotten a refill during the previous movie, and their second full bowl had already gone halfway.

Television was very addictive, look how absorbed Damian and Mako both were. This was the exact same reason I did not have a TV in my room yet, the distraction.

"A good time is an understatement, I feel really lucky being in Denberg now." I beamed sincerely, making him laugh, "thank you so much." I really appreciated them having me and feeding me, I drank over two cans of chilled beverage.

"I'm glad we're the reason you feel this way, and you're very much welcome." He said turning to me, and winking.


The drive back to my dorm was short and smooth, Mako was actually an awesome driver and the chilled quiet night made it a lot more relaxing.

He pulled up in front of the big black gate of our dorm, and unlocked the doors.

"We're here, so now please get out of the car," he joked.

I rolled my eyes at him and started making my way to leave before he stopped me, holding my hands he made me turn and face him.

We sat there staring at each other for what seemed like eons, everything was slow and the bright street lights made it very easy to see the look on his face. His honey brown eyes, glided around my face. Going from my eyes to my nose before he rested on my lips, staring at it for an awful long time before going back to my eyes.

All this while I felt my blood pressure rise to it's peak, I could feel myself choking on the air around me as this beauty gazed fixated upon me. It was another century or so before he finally spoke.

"I'll text you, we'll fix a date when you're going to feed me." He said with a chuckle as he broke our eye contact, taking his attention to the steering wheel and the street in front of him.

I too laughed, nervously though. Finally finding my voice I replied "sure, I'll make you chew your words," I threatened before I proceeded to show appreciation "I really enjoyed myself today, thanks alot for inviting me. And again, awesome pancakes." I told him with a teasing but sincere smile.

He nodded, feeling proud of himself "the pleasure is mine, you can swing by whenever, just call me first" he looked back at me, retuning the smile, as he brushed a curl away from his face.

Wow so beautiful.

"Sure will," I got out of the car and into the chilly night. I stood, watching Mako reverse and turn the car so he could head back.

I waved, smiling widely at him. He stopped, waving back with a brighter smile on his face before finally driving away, into the night and out of the street.

I swiped my student's card, it took a while before the smaller entrance of the gate opened. It was so late, I hope I don't get cautioned for this later.

Everywhere was bright and quite. I took the elevator up to my floor, I saw Khalid at the balcony and this was because I had followed the other, longer way to my room. Maybe I was hoping to see him, luckily for me, I did.

He had AirPods in his ears and seemed lost in his thoughts, and the song playing in his ears. The look on his face was vague, so I couldn't tell what he was feeling, or thinking. But then vague looks mean two things; either boredom or unhappiness.

"Oi, you'd better not be listening to sad songs mate." I said getting his attention, "that's my thing, don't do my thing, I did not authorize that." I finished as I walked up, standing right next to him now.

He turned to face me, taking out his AirPods. "Well it's Khalid's album, so it's like a mixture of everything." He confessed, raising his shoulders.

I shook my head at him, "you adore Khalid, I've never seen." I took out a chip from the bag I had in my hand and crunched it.

"Who doesn't love Khalid?" He shrugged, taking his attention back to whatever he was previously looking at.

"Chips?" I offered, holding out the half bag of chips I brought back with me, to him.

"No thanks, I don't have the stomach for snacks at the moment." He replied still staring out at nothing.

"What are you in the mood for then?" I asked leaning on the railings and looking at nothingness with him.

"You," he answered abruptly, "I-I m-me-mean you... came back a lot later into the evening," he added quickly with a stammer. Sparing me a glance before looking back out.

I shivered a little at his erroneous answer, which I totally believed was a slip of tongue, but for that split second, it didn't sit right with me. "Yeah, I got caught up,' I replied after clearing my head, "we watched a movie and lots of other stuff." I continued to explain, "Mako dropped me off though, so I was entirely safe."

"Okay I was just about to ask how you got back, from the tone of your voice I can presuppose that you had a good time" he replied, not putting it as a question but I answered anyway.

"I sure did."

We stayed there for a little while longer, talking about TV shows, sad music albums, actually nothing in particular. I became conscious of the time when it got a lot colder outside, the temperature had greatly dropped.

We said goodnight to each other before heading to our various rooms.

I quickly had a hot shower and got into my pyjamas. I was already full with all the chips and drinks, and also the lovely pancakes Mako made. Although that was lunch, it still held me.

I contemplated checking a few messages but I was too tired, so I decided to text in the morning. I plugged in my phone and placed it on my night stand.

Today was really amazing, and I really got to talk at length with Khalid. Right from opening up to eachother about school and some personal family issues, to the little conversation we just shared minutes ago.

I shut my eyes and soon drifted off to sleep without any problems at all.


Vote | comment| and stay happy for me <3

Till next time.

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