Ms Jenner

By kendallsbitch

412K 11.8K 3.1K

Y/n's boss has moved to another branch, and as an assistant she's had nothing to do since he left, but her ne... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4


12.8K 339 62
By kendallsbitch

When I got to work, Kendall wasn't in her office, but when I flipped up my laptop screen I saw a note that read 'had to go to a meeting, should be back at 11 but you can text me if you need anything' she'd signed it off with her name and a little heart. I closed my laptop and got my phone out and texted her, pretending I hadn't seen her message.

Me- hey , where are u ?

She took a few minutes to reply, which I'd expect because she was in a meeting.

Kendall- check your laptop, I left you a note ❤️

Me- ok :( I'll miss u

Kendall- I'm so bored, some intern is presenting for the next 15 mins. Feels like he's been talking for hours already but it's been 5 mins so keep talking to me

Me- how was ur sister

Kendall- She brought her 3 kids with her, the house is a mess

Me- wait how many bedrooms do u have

Kendall- 3 spares, I had one of them turned into a kids room but it's pretty classy

Me- never seen it

Kendall- I'll show you next time you're at my place

I smiled to myself and caught a random guys eye, and he smiled back at me, so I looked away and back at my phone.

Me- when am I coming?

Kendall- anytime you want, I'm free most wednesdays thursdays and fridays

Me- I'm free all the time basically

Kendall- I wish I was

Me- what do u do all the time that makes u so busy

Kendall- I go out with friends mostly, I like finding new places to go nowadays

Me- I don't have that kind of effort with my friends we just ft all the time

Kendall- why would you Facebook them when you can just meet with them?

Me- FaceTime u idiot 😂

Kendall- excuse me I have two masters degrees

Me- and I have a high school diploma take that

Kendall- I can't believe u just ruined my career with one text

Me- I'd be ruining it if I sent u a weird picture

Kendall- that would just make my day better

Me- I miss u come back

Kendall- miss u too bby, send me a pic?

Me- what kind of pic

Kendall- just a pic of you for me to put on the contact pic

Me- but what if u think I'm ugly

Kendall- I don't think I'd be texting you right now if I thought you were ugly

Me- 👀

Kendall- you're beautiful 😘

Me- ok fine u win

I sent her a cute picture my friend had taken of me last weekend and she took a second to reply to it which stressed me out no end until she reassured me with her response

Kendall- you're so sexy 🤤😘❤️😍 way to show me what I'm missing

Me- ☺️ now send one of u

Kendall- don't take pictures of myself because I'm not vain

Me- did u just trick me into sending a picture

Kendall- I know you wanted to 😋

Me- I'll get u back

Kendall- I'd like to see you try

Me- oh u will , it's on I'll look u up now

Kendall- don't you dare, I'll take pictures of when you do weird things when you think I can't see it

Me- fine have it ur way

Kendall- it's always my way

Someone leaned over my desk and I looked up at them with a dirty look until I realised it was her, and she gave me a little smile "hey"

"You're mean to me" I pouted and she looked around at the office and then back at me

"I would kiss you, but there's a lot of people who want promotions around here so I'll hold off for a while"

"Why would kissing me give then a promotion?"

"Because they can blackmail me, kissing your assistant isn't exactly an accepted or standard greeting"

"I thought you had a meeting until 11"

"I did, it's half past" she chuckled "I liked your picture, I thought it was adorable"

"I'll like yours when I look you up"

"Don't you dare, young lady" she said

"Why? Will I find out something about you?"

"Maybe, gossip sites are crazy nowadays, especially for rich people" she shrugged "if you were online I wouldn't go looking for you so I expect the same level of respect, please"

"Yes ma'am" I said

"You're adorable. Ok Bambi, I have work to do so I'll talk to you later"

"Ok, bye" I smiled

"Bye" she said softly and went into her office, but left the door half open. We kept looking up and catching each other's eye, and I kept looking away because I felt shy. She knew it, and she kept staring at me until I looked again, just for me to look away. It was fun, I liked flirting with her because it made me feel really special and precious, she was always so nice and surprisingly funny, the more I got to know her the more I enjoyed her cynical sense of humour and her gorgeous smile.

The next few days we spent flirting and sending quite amorous text messages, and she was taking me out for a few drinks after work on Friday night, which I was super excited about all week. She came out of her meeting in an outfit I really liked, and I checked her out as she walked towards me. I may have stared at her belt for a little too long, but I just couldn't help myself when she wore something like that, she was totally irresistible.

"My eyes are up here" she said and put a mint into her mouth

"Sorry" I mumbled and she passed me a mint

"I hope you don't look at other people like that, you'll get punched in the face" she chuckled

"I'd be the one doing the punching"

"You're like, y/h" she looked down at me and I rolled my eyes, mostly because I was embarrassed of being smaller than her "I won't be able to drive after drinking and I don't really want you running all over the city on your own so you can sleep over if you want"

"I don't think saying no is really an option" I said

"It's wasn't" she smiled and went into her office.


"Stop" I blushed

"No" she took a sip of her drink "you're pretty"

"I said stop" I whined and hid my face in my hands

"Ok. I'll stop while I go outside"

"Why are you going outside?"

"For a smoke" she said and showed me the pack of cigarettes she always had in her pocket

"Can I come with you?"

"No, or you'll be passive smoking and that's just not allowed" she said and patted my shoulder on the way past. I looked around at my surroundings, and everything looked a little sharper than it usually did so I knew I was tipsy but I wouldn't black out from this, so I was on a good level. I went through my Instagram and just when I was liking a picture of one of my brothers with his girlfriend, Kendall came back. "Who's that?"

"My big brother" I said

"Oh, he's very attractive. It must run in the family" she said

"He's ugly as fuck"

"Of course you'd say that, he's your brother" she laughed at my grossed out reaction

"But he's so annoying. He's ugly inside"

"Annoying must also run in the family" she said, trying to hide a smile

"Shut up"

"I thought I wasn't allowed to be nice" she raised an eyebrow "you're not annoying, or I wouldn't be here"

"What would you be doing?"

"Reading, sleeping or with my sisters"

"Don't act like you wouldn't be with another girl" I challenged her

"That depends on if we were seeing each other in this made up world"

"If we weren't"

"Probably" she shrugged "but I only have time for one of you so here I am"

"You're mean!" I gasped

"I'm joking. But one of the pros of dating me is that I don't have time to cheat and even if I did, I wouldn't because it's messed up" she said

"I don't have many pros"

"I'm sure you do"

"The only thing I'm bringing to the table here is my expressive face and the fact I only wear vans"

"Why is that a good thing?" She laughed

"Because it shows I'm consistent" I said "oh, and basic so no one looks at me like I'm something special"

"I know for a fact that's not true" she said "look at yourself"

"There's no mirror"

"You look beautiful" she said

"So do you" I blushed

After a few more drinks, she decided it was time to go home and I could feel my heart racing in my chest as we got closer to her apartment, I had no clue what was going to happen but while I watched her smoking and clung onto her arm, I decided what I wanted to happen. "Don't look at me like that"

"You're awesome"

"Don't talk like that, way to turn a narcissist on" she said

"You're not a narcissist! You're really nice"

"I might not be a narcissist but I'm very selfish" she said

"No you're not"

"Because I actually like you, there's nothing in it for me" she said and I whined "I mean from a business perspective"

"Yeah there is, your assistant's horny for you and I'm with you 8 hours a day at least" I said

"Your hair's in your face" she fixed it and blew the smoke right past my face, and I purposely turned my face and breathed in, then blew the little bit of smoke right at her but it didn't seem to bother her, she was used to much more "you're cutting it fine with that, young lady"

"What are you gonna do about it?" I asked and she picked up the pace

"I know exactly what I'm going to do about it" she murmured and pecked my lips

"That's just rewarding me" I said

"That's what I want, you can get away with whatever at this point" she said


"Not fries"

"But fries" I pointed to a food cart

"You really wanna put that crap into your body?"

"Yeah" I smiled and she rolled her eyes and took me to get some, and I happily wandered a foot or two behind her while she fed them to me so I'd stay with her and not wander off somewhere with them

"Hold my hand" she said suddenly

"Ok" I chirped and held her hand. She pulled me close to her and let me hold my own fries. A group of men with their hoods up walked very close to us and whistled at us, which was commonplace for me but she dug her nails into my hand and kept our fingers intertwined until they were long gone "why are you scared?"

"Because you're so cute and pretty, I don't want you to get hurt while you can't defend yourself" she said

"I'm not even properly drunk"

"So you're telling me you tricked me into buying you $3 fries because I thought you were drunk and needed it?"


"You're a little shit" she laughed and lit up another cigarette

"Jesus, how much do you smoke?"

"A lot more than I let on, I'm guessing" she said

"But you I thought you never leave the office?"

"I do on my breaks, we all smoke behind the building" she said

"Who's 'we'? You and every other boss?"

"I'm the boss. The other ones suck up way too much, but I guess it's okay when you have someone sophisticated to smoke with" she said

"I just realised, this is the first time we held hands" I said

"Aww, we're so cute" she cooed and kissed my temple

"Can I sleep in your room?"

"That depends baby" she said


"On how many clothes you're wearing" she said "I'll review the situation when the time comes"

"Do you want me to get naked?" I asked and she shrugged and took a drag. I used to think that smoking was really weird and gross, but I decided to make an exception for her. She made up for it in so many other ways.

"Like I said, when the time comes" she said and I'd had enough of my fries so I passed them to her "my hands are full right now baby"

"Can I put them in the trash? I've had enough" I said

"Of course, get them away from me" she watched me run over to the trash and then back to her, and we walked the strangely empty streets hand in hand back to her place. When we got there, she went into her kitchen and poured us both a glass of water and then I followed her to her big sofa.

Kendall slowly kissed along my jaw, but when she got to just next to my mouth I turned my face and pressed our lips together. She put her hand on the back of my neck and stroked it gently with her thumb, and I sighed happily at her while things quickly got heated. She took her jacket off and kissed my neck, her lips finding their way to my sweet spot and working it while her hands roamed my body freely, caressing me in all the right places and I let out a small moan, and she replied with a low grunt that sent gentle vibrations rippling across my neck.

"Fuck" I whispered and I felt her smile against my skin while she kissed it, and she tilted my head slightly so she could get a better angle. She was working at my neck with her lips, teeth and tongue, and I never wanted it to stop but not long after, she came up to kiss me. I felt her hand on my thigh and it was slowly sliding up my skirt, and I accidentally bit her lip pretty hard because I was distracted.

"No thank you" she said when I let go

"Sorry" I murmured and appreciated that she was direct when she didn't like something. She rubbed my ass and gently squeezed it while I straddled her lap and put my hands on her small waist and started to unbutton her blouse, but she moved my hand away and I soon figured out she'd let me do just about anything over her clothes so I started touching between her legs, making her inhale sharply.

"You wanna feel me baby?" She husked and I moaned into her mouth "yeah? Start nice and gentle for me, I like that"

"Yeah" I managed to get out and she took my skirt off while I gently rubbed her where it was especially warm, and she pushed my face into her neck so I'd kiss it for her. I took her hand off my butt and guided it down my panties, and she chuckled and stopped everything completely to get my attention. "No, keep going" I whined

"There won't be any of that tonight" she said

"I thought I could get away with anything?" I said and kissed her. She traced up and down my spine with one finger and held my thigh against her to keep me close to her, and I started grinding against her leg. While our tongues danced with one another, I quickened my pace and tugged at her belt, and she let me play with it because she knew I enjoyed her in a belt. My pussy throbbed against her leg, and she must have felt it because she changed positions so I was on my back and she was hovering over me.

"I didn't think you liked me that much" she cupped my wet pussy and I bit my lip and moaned from my throat with my eyes closed. She held me by my chin and made me look up at her "no, look at me while I'm talking to you. I can feel how wet you are for me, just look at me baby" I opened my eyes to see her black pupils scanning my face, and I could barely see the dark brown outline. My pussy throbbed again, and it was starting to get embarrassing. I shook my head, praying I wouldn't finish just from a few more touches without any direct contact, but she was making it so hard for me.

"I'm sorry" I whispered

"For what?"

"It keeps throbbing" I whined

"I like it. Don't look away baby, at least you're into me" she said and connected our lips into a tender but passionate kiss. "When did you last cum? This is worrying"

"Last night" I said

"What I'd give to be 21 again" she shook her head and stroked my hair


"Please what baby?"

"Touch me" I said and she picked me up and carried me to her room.

"If we're doing this, we're doing it right" There was a small hallway with a few doors, then it opened out into her large bedroom with a sitting area, large bed and the same windows as every other room I'd seen in her house. She took my shirt off and looked to see what she was working with, and nodded to herself "Very pretty" she murmured while she kissed along my chest

"I'm more of an ass girl" I said and tangled my fingers in her hair

"Me too, but these are lovely" she undid the bra and kissed my nipples "and very hard"

"Shut up!" I squealed and she laughed and started unbuttoning her shirt

"I must admit, I have a very similar situation myself" she swiftly took her shirt and bra off and showed me her perky breasts with hard nipples, which made me feel a lot better "but my pussy doesn't do as much work as that"

"Jesus, just when you'd made me feel better" I hid my face in my hands and I heard her sigh very exaggeratedly. I looked at her to see her looking at me with an eyebrow raised, so I took my hands away and she carried on like nothing that happened. I desperately bucked my hips into hers, silently begging for some friction which she granted by putting her leg between mine and letting me grind against it. I held her belt and started unbuckling it slowly, and when I'd undone it I unbuttoned her pants and she didn't notice until it was too late and my hand was down her pants and feeling her wet pussy. "Who's too excited now?"

"You" she commented when I throbbed against her leg again, and I groaned in frustration "it's ok, it's nothing to-" I cut her off by kissing her and wrapping my legs around her waist and trying to roll over so I was on top. I felt some tension against my stomach, and felt about down there and felt her stomach to find some toned abs. "I thought you'd never notice" she said

"How could I not?"

"You did a good job earlier"

"I was distracted with tits" I defended myself and she laughed and kissed me again. She rubbed me over my underwear and I lay on my back while she lay on her side next to me and encouraged me to touch her under her pants, and I rubbed her clit in circles while she made me wait for her fingers, and nibbled my jaw, chuckling every time I whined or moaned for her, then finally slid two fingers into my tight hole and pumped them in and out, her fingers covered in my slick while I grinded against her palm that was pressed firmly against my clit. I quickened my pace as I got closer, and so did she, and I came undone while I moaned and clutched her wrist in pure euphoria. "Fuck" I whispered when she pulled her fingers out of me when I was done, and she put the same hand on mine that was rubbing her pussy and I felt some of my cum come off onto her body, and she must have done too, because she buried her face into my hair and inhaled deeply.

"A little faster" she murmured into my ear and guided me with her hands until she climaxed "that's right, a little lower... that's it y/n, right there like that" When she was finished, she looked at me lying naked on her bed and staring at her with wide eyes. "Oh no"


"Don't tell me you're one of those girls who gets awkward after sex" she grumbled and got off the bed

"I'm not, you're just so awesome and I wanna cuddle you and fuck you" I shrugged

"I don't- at least you're not awkward" she said "I'm gonna go shower and put something on, feel free to go to sleep and I'll make sure I take your makeup off"

"Can you give me the makeup wipes?"

"Top drawer, gorgeous" she said went into the hallway and when I heard the door close, I rushed to take my makeup off so she wouldn't see me with half a face of makeup on. I texted Sam to tell her I was staying at someone else's for the night, and she texted me back a winky face so I knew she wouldn't worry about me. I got under the covers, and Kendall came back in some panties and a white designer shirt "you look comfy. Do you need any clothes? It doesn't get cold, I'm just being nice"

"Can I have some shorts?"

"Just shorts?"

"Mhm" I nodded and she went back to a different side of the hallway and came back with some little black shorts and passed them to me when she got into the bed, after shutting the curtains that went all the way around the room and letting the dogs in who sat on their beds and went to sleep right away. When I put them on, she kissed me passionately and then lay down like she was going to sleep, but I wanted to cuddle so I kissed her shoulder and snuggled up to her.

"You cuddle?"


"Interesting" she said

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