Mated To The Bastard (lone st...

By Animejunkie13

71.6K 3.2K 308

My names Virgo its been a year since I challenge my cousin to be Alpha and lost. I don't regret it one bit be... More

Big lost
The Cresent Moon Pack
Save him
My Mate
Are you crazy
Who is He?
The Curse
The Talk
Meet your father
Tell me everything
it's crazy.
Touch me
wild wild
Moving on
I'm off
Saying good bye and Hello
The Villains
Rescue plan
Break the Curse
counter attack
A might Alpha
The Firefly Pack
wrap it up.

I'm leaving

1.7K 87 7
By Animejunkie13

Najay's pov

I can't believe that bastard walked away after all that he just walked away.

Does he not want to break the curse or am I not good enough for him.

Following him to his room, he closed the door in my face, I was trying to be civil with this bastard but he's making it hard.

I kicked and banged in his door but he didn't respond.

After he didn't respond, I gave up and went back to the room that I had picked.

Bello had brought me a day ago, all I wanted to do at that time was to burn this crap down.

But then it dawn on me that Rick had built this place.

I've been waiting for him to get here so we can mate and break the curse, then move as far as possible.

But no now he doesn't want to do this shit.

Going back into my room I strip and decide to sleep before I do something I would regret.

Closing my eyes, "Damn," I curse. All I could think about when I shut my eyes was that bastard's face.

I don't known why but he was affecting me in Ways I never expected.

Counting back from one to a hundred I try to fall asleep.

Next morning

Getting up out of bed wasn't easy, I had gotten waking up to the warmth of my lover beside.

Chester was a key role in the morning, for me. He would wake me up and we would cuddle.

Then we would make breakfast, I groan at the thought. Getting up I pull on my PJs and a over size T-Shirt, then left the room to see what I could scramble to prepare to eat.

Leaving my room the first thing that I encountered was the scent of intoxicating aroma of food.

It smell so great, going into the kitchen what I saw next brought in a total new feeling.

Standing there in the kitchen preparing food was the bastard. But this time he was practically naked except for his boxers.

He looked so sexy and find, I was hard before I even knew it, my boner was still in my PJs and it was creating a tent.

I had to sit arround the granite Island in the middle of the kitchen to hide my reaction.

"Orange juice or coffee," he asked me randomly.

I must have looked confused because he asked me again "orange juice or coffee, which do you prefer to drink," he asks me again.

"Orange juice," I replied. "Nice" he smiles and says as he pours orange juice in a glass.

My heart skipped a beat as he smiled, it was like the whole world stopped and only his smile exist.

My co*k must have agreed with me because I got harder, than ever, the immense pain the my stiff tool brought me, shock me from out of my day dream.

"Here you go," he says and puts a glass of orange juice and a plate with French toast with a side of scramble eggs Infront of me.

The food looked delicious but all I could think about was eating his body, I wanted like his nipples and work my way from his abdomen to his," AHH crap what am I thinking," I question the images my mind conjured as I looked at his barley cloth body.

Trying to take my mind off the hit body that stood before me, I decided to try to the food.

It taste great, looking at his coy smile , I could tell he knew I like his food.

"How is it," he asks me, I just continue to eat without giving him a response.

Next think I knew he was sitting across me eating his own breakfast.

"Why am I more interested in eating this man's body, more than the food in my plate," I wondered to myself.

"Did you poison the food or put so from of drug in it," I had to ask him, there's no way I could be this horny just from seeing this bastard.

Because that ass of his was all I wanted to eat right now.

He didn't respond right away after he finished, eating his food, he then got up and put them in the sink.

"Let's start over, I know the shit I did to you and Chester is unacceptable, I don't want to make up excuses, I was just so upset to see my mate with another guy so I just snapped," he says to me while looking in my eyes.

Him looking at me like this got me tense, but I knew he was waiting on my reply.

"What you expecting from me after your speech, for me to come into your arms and forgive, then we go off into the rainbow living happily ever after, hmm," I ask him.

"I don't except anything of you, I just want you to know I'm not the guy that attack you and Chester, and I don't hurt people nor do I poison them," he explains and gets up from the table.

"Hey idiot," I shut at him stopping him in his tracks.

"What," he response?

"What should I call you," I ask him.

He was confused again for a split second before giving me another of his world shaking smiles.

"My name's Virgo but you can call me V if you want too," he says .

"Nice! I'm Najay and you can call me Najay," I tell him.

"Good to know Jay," he says and starts to walk off again.

"Hey you forgot to do the dishes," shout out to remind him.

"Nah I didn't, I left that to you," he smirks and steps out of the kitchen.

He must be joking, looking at the mess he made in the kitchen, and the dirty pots and dishes in the sink, just made me pissed all over again.

Virgo's POV

It's been two days now since I've moved into the pack house.

My mate and I gave gotten into a routine, we have been civil as possible.

Jay was a good guy, believe or not, he was the pack trainer, While being a human.

I don't know much about his past but from what we've discussed, he's still clearly still in love with Chester.

It hurt to know that someone else was in his heart.

I don't care if he can't love me back because, I made up my mind from the moment I saw him that morning that I'll have enough love in my heart

Today Frank came and knocked on my door.

"Hey how can I help you," I smiled and asks him.

"There's someone waiting down stairs for you," he tells me.

Heading down stay we take the left and we walk to the office that
I've gotten to known.

Inside standing in the room was Chester and Olo.

The office it self was beautiful, it had the latest modern furniture accompanied by great interior design.

The most significant things that made me fall in love with this room were the artificial water falls and the amazing view that over looked the the entire pack lands.

Walking I to the room I sat around the desk and smile at the both.

"So Chester you want to see me," I ask him. With concern in his voice.

I didn't know what he wanted but once it's in my power I give him.

Just the thought of him wanting back Najay had my heart contract.

But if he wanted back Najay, I'll step aside and not interfere in there life's.

"Thanks for seeing me Alpha, I just want to ask for sometime away from the pack," he tells me.

"What do you mean," I ask him.

"I need to leave the pack for awhile," he then states.

"Why? Is this because of Najay being my mate," I asks him.

"Jay told me the only reason why Chester ended it with him, he wanted me to break the curse and he thinks I need my mate for it," I thought.

"It's not that, I just need some time away to regather myself and figure out what's best for me," he lies.

I didn't want to force him to stay away but I don't want to be the the reason he goes.

"What about the clinic, aren't you the pack healer," I asks him trying to see if I could find a reason for him to stay.

"Olo is a capable healer, he's been trained by Ben and can feel my post until I return," he says to me.

"I see, have you told your brothers or Najay about your decision," I asks him.

"I haven't told them as yet," he admits.

"I'll grant your request to leave the pack temporally but you have to wait until Rick's condition gets stable," I tell him.

"Okay," he says and gets up and say.

"But before you go please call Najay and tell him about your discussion to leave the pack," I advised him.

"Okay," he agrees and give him the telephone on my desk to dial his number.

Listening in I could hear him great him, they talked for a bit before Chester's heart beat starts to increase.

"I just called you to tell you I'm leaving the pack," he Whispers over the line.

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