Vangsvere Retold

By Devils_Assasin

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The Vampire world that once stayed hidden is now open, ruling the planet and overtaking all humans. With the... More

Chapter 1: The New World
Chapter 3: Mourning
Chapter 4: Not As Bad As I Thought
Chapter 5: The Pills
Chapter 6: Maybe Theyll Grow Back
Chapter 7: Heath & Zuri
Chapter 8: Wrath Of A Vengeful Mother
Chapter 9: Not My Little Girl
Chapter 10: First We Need A Boat
Chapter 11: Petra
Chapter 12: How Romantic
Chapter 13: Straight line.
Chapter 14: You're A Smart One Too
Chapter 15: The Scruffed Womanizer
Chapter 16: Alone
Chapter 17: Nice Job
Chapter 18: Shes Alive
Chapter 19: Took His Hand
Chapter 20: Dream
Chapter 21: The One I Longed To See
Chapter 22: You Have Family
Chapter 23: Witch Boy
Chapter 24: Its The Fucking President
Chapter 25: Besides Dorky
Chapter 26: She Was My
Chapter 27: Stay. Please.
Chapter 28: Forever
Chapter 29: Petra!
Chapter 30: A Beer
Chapter 31: We Buried A Man
Chapter 32: Two Annes
Chapter 33: For Fucks Sake
Chapter 34: Tell Me Your Story
Chapter 35: No Bitch
Chapter 36: Old Fashion
Chapter 37: I Can Remember That Too
Chapter 38: Nathan, Nate
Chapter 39: Romance
Chapter 40: Other Captain
Chapter 41: Hadnt Known He Was Still Physical
Chapter 42: Knight In Shining Armor
Chapter 43: Permission
Chapter 44: He's Part Dragon
Chapter 45: Joy and Happiness
Chapter 46: Dont Have Green Eyes
Chapter 47: Wait
Chapter 48: Its Coming
Chapter 49: Game On
Chapter 50: Jet
Chapter 51: Top Bunk
Chapter 52: Niko
Chapter 53: Four Girls
Chapter 54: Russia It Is.
Chapter 55: Annes Child

Chapter 2: Oh Killian

1.2K 59 34
By Devils_Assasin

Valdus's POV:

"She's not dead, she can't be. I know Anne, she wouldn't just die." I retaliated, watching Lana's now bandaged stomach as she carefully ran a hand over my arm.

She shook her head, "We didn't see her. Anywhere. The other girls have the rest of the human survivors. We'll need to head back and find a way-" to hell with that!

I moved away from her and grabbed my bag, putting a few guns inside and a first aid kit, incase she's hurt.

A sweater, she might need a sweater, or a jacket, incase it's cold. She'll need to be warm, and food, she needs food. Candy. I'll get her some candy.

Running around the apartment, I began filling the bag and turned around, watching Dad as he stopped me and stared at my face, "I'm not losing you again. She's gone Val, it's time to come home." He said and just like that, the weight of every heart ache hit.

I loved Anne, I loved her so much.

Nevana's POV

It tore at me, to see them sob for my beautiful, precious Annalise. All I could think about was Jolene, Thomas, dear sweet nephew will not be okay.

I fear for the world now, I truly do. Valdus fell apart in a single moment, with his dad telling him he should let go, he was distraught.

Valdus fell to his knees and dropped down to his hands. He was clearly not okay, and Viktor-who clearly has never comforted his son, stood there lost about what to do.

Lana walked over and knelt down, pulling Valdus into a hug. She always knew what to do, always.

He hugged her back and as he cried and held her, Vydia was crying in Dayna's arms.

An hour later, they all fell asleep, I gave Lana Anne's blood and watched her heal in bed. Valdus was asleep and Viktor placed him in the bed beside her when she told him he needed to rest properly.

Vydia was asleep on the couch and Dayna was asleep sitting up with Vydia's head in her lap.

Going outside the apartment, I shut the door behind me and held my face in my hands.

God give me the strength.

I'm so scared to return home, to give them the news. To watch them all fall apart and know that I can't-Oh Killian.

He's lost Kilana once, this is going to ruin him.

"Nevie." Viktor said softly as he shut the door behind him. I felt my body shake, my heart was stumbling all over the place in pain and sadness.

I turned to Viktor and he held his arms out pulling me into a hug. I held him as if the world was crumbling beneath me and he was the only support I had to keep me standing.

"I failed them all." I admitted sobbing into his shoulder.

His hands wound around me and he shook his head, "You did the best you could. Fate is fate Nevie, it'll always surpass our attempts, no matter how badly we wish it wouldn't." He said softly before pulling back and staring down at my face.

He wiped my tears with one hand and then ran a finger over the tears collected on the underneath of my chin. "I forgot how beautiful you look when you cry." He stated more to himself.

I looked up at his handsome face, wondering how I could ever let a man like him slip away, all because of my family, their strictness and hatred of humans. I didn't even get a chance to love him, I watched Killian get his moment with Melissa, but I never got mine.

"You were gone too soon. I spent many nights wondering what my life would've been like, could've been like, with you in the picture." I said softly, afraid to admit it but wanting so badly to rid these feelings I felt of failure and sadness.

He reached down and gently pulled my face to his, our lips met, in a soft and tender kiss that blew me away.

I've always been surrounded by men who treated me in rough, manlike ways. This kiss was so delicate, so feminine.

His hand hung over my waist while the other held my face, kissing me deeper and washing away the thoughts in my mind.

Viktor lifted me up, carefully and with one single arm. It would've taken Killian two and he'd complain.

He walked us to an apartment across the kids, and slowly opened the door but kept his eyes on me.

A vampire was by the window eating a squirrel or something.

I pulled a knife out and tossed it hard and fast, pinning it's now dead skull into the wall.

Viktor stared at the vampire and then looked back at me with a heavier look, "Who taught you?" He asked quietly while laying me into the bed and moving over me.

I couldn't really think, Killian and I only ever had sex if we were procreating because although he loves me as a partner, he doesn't enjoy sex with me, he's too rough and says I cry too much about it.

I've grown up to being beat, whipped and tied to wooden posts, my father was not a nice man, therefore the thought of rough sex is nothing but disgust to me.

"Taught me?" I asked admiring the way he softly ran a hand down my side.

He gave a nod, "To fight. Was it your brothers?" He asked while I thought back on it and gave a nod, "Luscious was adamant about me being able to fight. They treated me as if I was a brother, not a sister." I admitted for the first time. Mostly because it's the first time anyone ever asked me that question.

Viktor smiled softly, "He did a good job teaching you." He said quietly before kissing my cheek softly, then my neck.

But he stopped and looked down at me, "Whenever you want me to stop, just say anything. I mean it Nevie, your boundaries, not anyone else's." He said making my heart falter.

I pulled his shirt, bringing his lips to mine with a passionate kiss, "It should've been you, all along." I said while he blushed and gave a small smile.

As he pulled my jacket and shirt off, I felt self conscious about all the scars, but he ran his hands over them and kissed each one, melting me into comfortability.

After we both stripped down, and he went inside so gentle, I found that he was a very gentle lover. There was no choking, no hair pulling or back clawing. He hadn't shoved my head into the blanket or tied me up. I was free to move how I wanted, free to do what I wanted. Moving him to his back, I got on top and road him while he stared up at the ceiling looking like a dying man seeing the light.

"Nevana, oh Nevie." He would call and when it finished, we laid together in the bed talking about what happened after high school. How we all went to Vangsvere Academy, and they talked about how they all separated and went their own ways. I remember Melissa and him were wild about one another, and I was just that girl who was the sister of the bad guys.

Viktor was still sweet to me.

He still is.

Norahs POV

We waited, watching as everyone huddled up with each other.

After the others didn't show, Lisa and Emma decided we should take them there ourselves. We avoided flying because planes are a bit obvious. We walked the entire group back toward the city.

When we reached the boating farmhouse outside the island, we began pulling the big boats out and loading the people on.

It would be hard coming home without them all, but we needed to get these people to safety.

"Norah, you go first. Make sure Jolene knows we have about ten more boat rides to go." Emma said before I gave a nod and headed into the first boat.

It was daytime and apparently the vampires and vampwolves sleep at this time, we'll have to board everyone onto the island and then find them space to sleep and stay. What once was very comfortable living might change.

For the sake of humanity, I think it's okay.

Getting on the boat, I began helping to row us toward the middle of the sea. They all got restless after over an hour and began saying there was nothing out there. I ignored them and kept rowing.

An opening, so small like a portal, had opened up, and I rowed us through and as it shut behind me, I watched Jolene and Thomas at the end of the sand, Killian and Michael right behind them with Lincoln.

I don't know how I feel about this.

Once I made it to shore, the guys helped pull the boat in and everyone slowly got off, "Who are-is that the president of the United States?" She asked looking to him and furrowing her eyebrows.

President Nicholson gave a smile to her, "Had I known there would be woman wiser than all the men I'd hired to keep me safe, I'd have hired them." He said gesturing to me.

Jolene gave a small smile, "Where are the others?" She focused back on me and I helped a pregnant woman out, "Emma, Katie and Lisa are at the boat farm, we have a lot of humans. A lot. We found them caged up for feeding, changing and...breeding." I said while the woman carefully stood and pulled the blanket around her naked body tighter.

Michael walked up, "Where's Anne?" He asked looking to the boat.

I gave him a thoughtful stare, "I think she's with Lana, Dayna and Vydia." I said hopeful, but Ben's voice came worried "Where's my wife?" He asked looking to me.

Gesturing to the forest, I shrugged, "I think they're with Nevana and Viktor by now." I said feeling completely confused. I wanted to tell them that I knew very little but they all seemed frantic. Everyone was asking for their loved one and I couldn't really give them a straight answer.

Rosie walked over with her eyes blotched red, "Viktor and Nevana are bringing Valdus, Lana, Dayna and Vydia back with them." She said coldly.

Jolene stared down at her confused and she took Jolene by the arm, almost bracing her, "Petra....petra found Anne." She said choking up a bit before looking to her brother Michael, "She's dead." She said softly before Jolene dropped to her knees and sobbed.

I wish I hadn't been here for this moment.

Watching as Michael slowly sat down and then laid back, staring at the sky before moving his hands on his face, "I couldn't get in her head. I couldn't-I couldn't feel her or find her." He said with so much agony and pain. It's almost like he knew.

Jax walked out the home and ran over, pulling me to his chest, I held him tightly and felt ready to sob from missing him so much.

We were luckier than Anne.

"Anne?!" Lincoln asked running over, his eyes looking to the boat before he shook his head and dropped to his knees.

Michael laid in silence on the floor, his chest heaving but no sound came out. Thomas had left, gone to his house and shut the door quietly with Lauch.

Jolene was being held up by Edwin and Anastasia.

Annie, Dayna's mother, came out and looked frantically for her daughter before Rosie, who was keeping a hand on her brothers arm comfortingly, let her know that Dayna was safe and coming home.

I watched Annie immediately take over, beginning to file people in and get their names. I jumped in and began helping while Lucien got on the boat to return it and help load.

Many others came out and tried to ask where everyone was.

It was about fifteen minutes until the scream came, tearing at the island so loud you'd thought someone was being split in half.

"Anne!" Lily was on the porch, screaming while Ryker held her and tried to comfort her. Michael hadn't moved from the floor and still hadn't made a sound. Amelia joined Rosie in trying to get him to get up and go inside.

As the boats loaded humans onto the island, we earned a total of forty three people.

It wasn't as much as we originally felt like it was but it was a lot still. By the time the last boat docked in, the others had reached us.

I guess they took the helicopter to the nearest town and then walked to the boats.

Vydia ran into Lucien's arms, crying heavily before she was pulled into Killians chest while he held her and cried.

"This Anne girl, she was very loved." One of the woman, an old actress I couldn't remember, stated.

I gave a small nod, "She was an amazing young lady." I said softly before helping with handing out waters.

There was a gathering in Thomas's home. It consisted of the closest to Anne. Nevana and Jolene went inside trying to stay composed but dying inside.

Kristoffer and Jameson managed to get Michael up and into the home while Valdus was quietly chopping wood in anger.

They all were distraught, broken.

"Anne!" Lily screamed again, heavy and enough to feel your heart claw open. I've never had a sister, but I can imagine it's similar to losing a limb. To losing a child even. Especially when you've lived your whole life with them.

A hand was placed to my arm and I turned to see Lana, red eyed and smiling a bit, "You did amazing Norah, thank you. Would you mind helping me make dinner for everyone?" She asked choking a bit on her words.

Dayna walked over and looked to Lana, "You're not cooking jack shit, go to bed. Go feed your baby and lay with your husband. Emma, Lisa. Norah and I will prepare dinner." She said brushing Lana off.

I watched Lana smile softly and then nod, heading to her home.

Ben pulled her to his chest and kissed her lips passionately before guiding her inside.

Time to make a meal for over a hundred.


Authors Note:


I love you all. I just want to say, here's the story. I'll try to update a new chapter every Tuesday 💛💛💛 XOXO

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