The Test of Time

By JessicaLouAuthor

2.5M 93.1K 81.9K

{18+ COMPLETED} THREE BOOKS IN ONE. "What are you doing?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow. "What do you think... More

Part One
1 ~ Month One: July 2019
2 ~ July
3 ~ July
4 ~ Month Two: September
5 ~ September
6 ~ Month Three: November
7 ~ November
8 ~ Month Four: December
9 ~ December
10 ~ December
11 ~ Month Five: March
12 ~ March
13 ~ March
14 ~ Month Six: May
15 ~ May
16 ~ May
17 ~ Month Seven: June
18 ~ June
19 ~ June
20 ~ June
21 ~ June
22 ~ June
23 ~ Month Eight: July
24 ~ July
25~ July
26 ~ July
27 ~ July
28 ~ July
29 ~ Month Nine: August
30 ~ August
31 ~ August
32 ~ August
33 ~ August
34 ~ Month Ten: September
35 ~ September
** BONUS Chapter **
Part Two
36 ~ Month Eleven: September 2021
37 ~ September
38 ~ September
39 ~ September
40 ~ September
41 ~ Month Twelve: October
42 ~ October
43 ~ Month Thirteen: November
44 ~ November
45 ~ November
46 ~ November
47 ~ Month Fourteen: December
48 ~ December
49 ~ December
50 ~ December
51 ~ December
52 ~ Month Fifteen: January
53 ~ Month Sixteen: February
54 ~ February
55 ~ February
56 ~ Month Seventeen: March
57 ~ March
58 ~ March
59 ~ March
Month Eighteen: 60 ~ April
61 ~ April
62 ~ April
63 ~ Month Nineteen: May
64 ~ Month Twenty: June
65 ~ June
66 ~ June
67 ~ Month Twenty One: July
68 ~ July
69 ~ Month Twenty Two: August
70 ~ Month Twenty Three: September
71 ~ September
72 ~ September
73 ~ September
74 ~ Month Twenty Four: October
75 ~ October
** BONUS Chapter **
Part Three
76 ~ Month Twenty Five: December 2027
77 ~ December
78 ~ December
79 ~ December
80 ~ Month Twenty Six: January
81 ~ January
82 ~ Month Twenty Seven: February
83 ~ February
84 - February
85~ February
86 ~ Month Twenty Eight: March
87 ~ March
88 ~ March
89 ~ Month Twenty Nine: April
90 ~ April
91 ~ April
92 ~ April
94 ~ April
95 ~ Month Thirty: May
96 ~ May
97 ~ May
98 ~ May
99 ~ May
100 ~ May
101 ~ May
102 ~ May
103 ~ May
104 ~ May
105 ~ May
106 ~ Month Thirty One: June
107 ~ June
108 ~ June
109 ~ June
110 ~ Month Thirty Two: July
S P I N - O F F

93 ~ April

14.1K 656 626
By JessicaLouAuthor

"I really don't want to go." I moan as I watch Becky pin her hair up.

"Me neither!" Zara agrees from beside me.

"Girls. You are both doing fantastic." Becky lectures, turning back to face us, "It's time to rub it in people's faces."

"I'm in a job I hate. I'm knocked up. And single." I reply and Zara can't help but giggle.

"But you look beautiful!" Becky retorts.

"Becky!" I whine.

"We're going to this reunion!" She snaps, "So hush! Both of you!"

"I preferred her when she wasn't our friend!" Zara mutters, a smirk on her face.

"Me too!"

"Shut up!" Becky almost squeals, "You two would be lost without me!"

"How's the dress for Alice coming Bec?" I ask her, our apartment having been covered with sketches for the last week. Hell, I even found three rolls of yellow and pink ribbon in the bath tub yesterday.

"It's hard!" She admits, "But I think it's alright! She wants gold, which is the hardest color to work with."

"It is?" Zara echoes, standing up and smoothing her dress down.

"You've got make sure it hits the light right and doesn't end up looking yellow!" Becky replies in an obvious tone.

"I'm sure you'll smash it Becky!" I assure her.

"This is Alice Winters." She breathes out, staring at the mirror, "If I get this right it could open my business up to all the A-Listers!"

"You'll get it right!"

"You definitely will!" I agree with Zara.

"I appreciate your support girls!" She smiles, turning around to face us, "How do I look?" She places her hands on her hips.


"Likewise!" She replies to Zara.

"Really?" Zara raises an eyebrow, "I feel like a candy cane!"

"Stripes are in at the moment Zara." Becky retorts, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, "And green and white suit you."

"At least you aren't trying to hide a stomach." I pipe up, scowling at myself in the mirror.

"Really Sav?" Zara raises an eyebrow, "Look at you! Many women would kill to have a bump as small as yours right now!"

"I know but I just look slightly fat! You can't tell that I'm pregnant."

"I can't deal with this." Becky exclaims, throwing her hands up, "The dress I made you hides it anyway."

"I know Bec!" I smile, grabbing hold of her and pulling her in for a hug, "I love it."

"You two really do test my patience!"

"You love us though!" Zara giggles and Becky rolls her eyes, picking up her silver clutch from the side.

"Let's go!" She smiles and I nod, following her out of the room, Zara close behind.


Stepping into the crowded hall I feel my stomach begin to churn as my eyes start to pick out familiar faces. 

Ed, the chubby mascot is still recognizable from his cheeks, but other than that he appears to have thinned out, drink in hand as he laughs with Kate, the cheerleader who I once walked in and saw straddling Brett.

A gaggle of old cheerleaders stand in the corner, all stick thin, glancing around at the crowds of people with disdain on their features, Phoebe at the center.

"Why did we decide to come here?" Zara asks, and I follow her gaze towards the red haired boy standing with the old art students.

"Is that Sam?"

"Yep!" Zara confirms, nodding as she grimaces.

"He looks good!"

"Becky!" I hiss, shaking my head at my shrugging friend.

"It's okay." Zara assures, turning to face us, "He does." She shrugs, "I wonder how bitter he still is about the fact I'm a lesbian."

"Probably very." Becky smirks.

"Let's avoid him then." I giggle, as Zara cringes away from the idea of talking to him.

"Are they serving any drinks here?" Becky asks, craning her head to look around the room. "Ah, the bar! Let's go girls!" She gestures and Zara and I both follow close behind, terrified to lose each other in this alien crowd. "What do you want?" Becky asks as we reach the wooden counter, squeezing into a free space.

"Vodka coke please." Zara smiles.

"Surprise me." I say.


"There's nothing fun about being here and not being able to drink so just get me whatever!" I shrug, knowing that alcohol would have definitely helped me get through tonight.

"Alright!" Becky smiles, turning back to the bartender.

"Is that Dean?" Zara asks, pointing at the handsome dark-skinned boy across the room.

"Yeah!" I nod, watching the old football captain as he laughs, "He looks good. I should say hi to him."

"Why? Because he spent most of senior year chasing you?"

"Maybe!" I grin.

"Here you go Zar!" Becky hands the glass across before turning to me, "A non alcoholic prosecco for you Princess." She smirks, handing me a flute as I grin. It'll do!

"Thank you." I smile, "Is Haydon coming tonight?"

"He couldn't decide." She shrugs, "He found it weird that I would be here too."

"Why have they done three years worth of students?" Zara asks, gazing around at some of the random people.

"Apparently they thought if they only invited one year back not enough people would come." Becky shrugs.

"Well, Chris won't be here." Zara comments, "Him and Polly are still in South America."

"I'm jealous." I reply, "Their photos look amazing."

"Me too." Becky agrees, shaking her head. "And to think, I could have had that if I kept him around."

"Becky!" Zara exclaims as I giggle.

"Savannah Hurst!" A deep, familiar voice calls from behind us, "Becky Gordon. Zara Edwards."

"Ben!" I exclaim, turning around to face him, "You came!"

"Of course!" He grins, "Even though we did see each other a few months ago." 

"Couldn't resist the chance to see your old prom date again?" I tease and he laughs.


"You look good Ben." Becky comments, her eyes scanning over him.

"Becky. You too." 

"Did you bring your entire clan with you?" Becky asks and he raises an eyebrow.

"I don't know what you mean!"

"Well, well, well..." The unmistakable teasing voice of one Ellis Wakefield calls, "Diner Girl!" I roll my eyes at the nickname, "Hot Tits, and Zara."

"Watch yourself Dickhead!" Becky growls, immediately placing a hand on his chest and giving him a shove.

"At least I'm called by my actual name." Zara shrugs.

"Ellis." I greet.

"It's good to see you girls again." He grins and Becky grimaces.


"That dress Becky." He whistles, "Red is definitely your color." 

"I know it is." She retorts.

"Hey guys!" 

"Liam!" I squeal at the sight of the dark head of hair that appears beside the other boys, unable to contain myself as I throw my arms around him, "I haven't seen you since college!"

"Hey Sav!" He laughs, "How are you?"

"I'm good!" I reply, "You?"

"Yeah!" He grins, holding up his left hand.

"You're married?" I exclaim, grabbing hold of it and staring at the silver band.

"I am." Liam confirms.

"To who?" Ben asks and my eyes widen. Even his friends don't know?

"An incredible woman."

"I'm so happy for you!" I grin, letting go of his hand and stepping back.


"Liam disappeared off the face of the Earth." Ben explains, shoving his friend's shoulder, "It took us quite a while to track him down."

"You did?" Zara wonders, a curious look on her face.

"I've been busy the last few years!" Liam shrugs, glancing apologetically at his friends.

"What do you do Liam?" Becky asks.

"I'm a plumber."


"Nothing to do with my degree whatsoever!" He laughs and I shrug.

"Absolutely nothing wrong with that." I reply, "I work for a fashion designer."

"Didn't you do English?" Ellis comments, his face wrinkling up in confusion.

"Precisely!" I laugh.

"Where's your leader?" Becky pipes up and I feel my face immediately fall at the mention of the guy who rejected me, once and for all.


"No dumb-ass. Chris." Becky snorts at Ellis, "Of course Brett." She rolls her eyes. "He was your hero wasn't he?"

"I guess he's not here yet." Ellis muses, glancing around the room.

"He will be."

"Is that going to be awkward for you?" Liam asks, his eyes staring at me warily. With the exception of Ellis, as far as they know Brett and I haven't seen each other since we broke up at college. Maybe it would have been better if we hadn't, I'm sure I'd be feeling less awkward than I do right now.

"Oh." I exclaim, "I don't know." I shrug, "Hopefully not. I'm just going to get another drink." I quickly excuse myself, making my way back across to the bar, thankful to dip out from the conversation. How do I even tell them? Brett clearly hasn't told anyone, even Ellis, that I'm pregnant? Am I really that much of a dirty secret?

"Dean!" I exclaim as the old football captain steps in front of me.

"Sav!" He grins, glancing at my blue dress, "How are you? You look beautiful."

"Thanks!" I smile,  "I hear you played college at Berkeley!"

"I did." Dean nods, "It was great. How was Christlington?"

"It was amazing. I loved it."

"I'm glad." He exclaims, "I can't believe how beautiful you look."

"Thanks." I reply, "You don't look bad yourself."

"Hey Dean!" Someone calls from the other side of the bar.

"I'll talk to you later?" He asks, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Of course!" I grin, "It's good to see you." I say as he ducks away and I step up to the bartender, "Another one of these non alcoholic things please!"

"Coming right up!" He grins, taking the glass as I glance across at Dean watching as he talks to some of the old football players, laughing and joking. Him and I always got on well, sitting together in English and becoming fast friends. Ashley didn't like that.

"Thanks!" I smile as the bartender passes over a refilled flute. Handing him over the correct cash I pick my gold clutch back up and turn to return to my friends, stopping short at the sight of the platinum blonde in front of me. I guess my prayer last night asking for her to be dragged down to Hell hasn't been answered.

"Ashley." I blurt out, "Hello." I say curtly, her eyes not leaving my face as she continues to stare at me, "Alright then, excuse me." I mutter, stepping to the side, immediately stopped by the curly brown haired minion that's followed her around since high school. "Phoebe."

"Diner Slut." Phoebe snaps and I roll my eyes.

"Good one." I reply, "If you don't mind..." I step to the side again, Phoebe mimicking my move, standing in front of me, "Get out of my way Phoebe. We're not in fucking high school anymore." I snap and she grits her teeth as I stare her down, her finally giving in and moving back towards the silent Ashley. What hell is she planning?

Shooting Phoebe a dirty look I turn and walk back towards my friends, sliding in next to Ellis and Becky.

"Are you drinking Prosecco?" Ellis asks, an eyebrow raised.


"Non-alcoholic?" He laughs, "Did college put you off alcohol that much?"

"Something like that." I smile.

"Ben was just telling us about his fancy job."

"Oh really?" I exclaim, "Please elaborate."

Ben immediately explains his job, how he spends on sixty percent of his time in Seattle, the rest in Europe. The conversations flow as easily as they did back in high school, almost as if no time has passed, all of us laughing at each other. The conversation of Zara's sexuality certainly takes Ellis by surprise and she rolls her eyes, shoving him as he argues that her not ever being interested in him now makes sense. I have to pipe up, reminding him that I never was either, earning a loud holler of laughter from Ben and Liam.

"I'm just going to use the restroom." I eventually say to Becky, the four Proseccos now seeming a bad idea. She nods, before turning back to the thrilling conversation about how Ellis' lightbulb blew last night.

Making my way into the restroom I quickly do my business before washing my hands and running my hands through my hair, attempting to give it more volume. I mean, seriously, what is it with hair? Why can't it stay in the exact same position all night?

The stall behind me opens suddenly and I get a glimpse of the blonde hair as she walks out, washing her hands beside me. I make no move to look at her, no interest in starting another bitchy cat fight. I left that in high school.


"You know my name." I scoff. After all this time, all these years, she finally has the decency to use my name? I don't buy it.

"I'm sorry about Phoebe." Ashley says and I finally turn towards her, disbelief evident on my face.

"You are?"

"Yeah." She shrugs, her expression a little forlorn, "You aren't a Diner Slut."

"Thanks Ashley." I reply, cautiously.

"You're welcome." She shoots me a small smile and I nearly faint right here in the middle of the restroom. Who's possessing this Demon's body?

"I'm just going to..." I make a move to leave, unwilling to stick around and converse with Ashley's 'nice' side.

"My Mom has heard that you have been hanging out with Brett's sister." She exclaims.

"Maybe." I reply, making no move to turn around.


"That's none of your business Ashley."

"Why the hell would Alice Winters have any interest in you?"

"There's the Ashley I know." I snap, whirling back around to face her, "Why the hell can't she be my friend?"

"Because she should have class and sophistication." She retorts, crossing her arms under her obvious fake breasts.

"I guess she doesn't." I smirk, turning back away and pulling the door open.

"I'm not done!"

"I don't care. I am." I call over my shoulder, walking back into the hall as she follows, teetering on her ridiculously high heels.

"Do you really think you're going to be able to worm your way back into Brett's heart?"

"I have no intention of doing that Ashley." I reply, still walking as people begin to turn towards us. Classic Ashley, always making a scene.

"I don't believe you."

"Believe what you want."

"It isn't going to work you know!" Ashley snaps, grabbing onto my wrist and whirling me around to face her.

"Get off of me!" I order, pulling my arm away harshly before taking a step back towards her, "I swear Ashley, I will not hesitate to beat your ass like I did in high school."

"I'd like to see you try!" She smirks, "Looks like you've gained some extra weight there Diner Slut!" She comments, glancing down at my midsection, "Brett wouldn't touch you if you were the last girl in the world." She snaps and I swallow the lump in my throat. No, I don't think he would either Ashley.

At least not anymore.

"I beg to differ." A deep, slightly threatening voice breaks the silence of the hall.


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