Her Boyfriend, My Husband

By RaaziWriter40

478K 55.3K 13.9K

The lives of Maryam, Yusuf, Zainab and Abdallah. How are they connected? Read to find out! * #1 in Arewa #1 i... More



7.3K 911 78
By RaaziWriter40

Yusuf's POV

Morning was quick to come. I didn't know if it was because of yesterday's tiredness or because of the fact that time goes by fast when you don't want it to. I never wanted those few hours I spent with Maryam to end. Even though we were a distance apart, with me down on the carpet and her up on the bed but still, at least we slept in the same room. Something that has never happened before and something I want to happen every single night for the rest of my life.

After Subhi, I wanted to give Maryam some privacy to get ready for the day so I left the room for a run. I had on a sweat shirt and a pair of khaki trousers and with my earphones plugged in, I hit the pavement where me and Maryam had walked through on that magical last night.

The resort has started to awaken and I could see a few people out on a run just like I was. It was still not yet sunrise and everywhere was tinted a light shade of blue. Everything I saw, reminded me of her and that was more than enough reason for me to be lost in thought with a giddy smile on my lips. The people wheezed past me and the music blasted into my ears but it wasn't what kept my mind occupied. Maryam's smile, her beautiful voice with that accent I can never get enough of, the sound of her laughter, her face and everything else about her, was what made me so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't even realised that I had trailed further away than I had intended to.

I have been jogging for almost an hour and I calculated I would take another hour to get back to the suite so I turned back, deciding that two hours were enough for my wife to finish getting ready. Yes, now, in my mind, Maryam's title has become what it rightfully is; my wife.

Yusuf's beautiful, amazing, kind, honest and down to earth wife. My wife. I don't think I ever loved the sound of a phrase more than I do that one and there's no day that I don't spend a long portion of time after every prayer to ask Allah to bring closer the day where I can say that out loud to Maryam and she'd agree with it whole heartedly. I pray to be granted an easy way out of this predicament, To make Maryam feel for me even if it was a little bit of what I feel for her and to make Zainab understand and accept our relationship.

Like I've been doing since she left, I've just blocked out every thought of Zainab out of my mind. I don't want to think of her and remember the fact that when she comes back less than a year from now, she would want me to put her plan into action. I never want to hurt Zainab but I know that now, it couldn't be helped. I felt nothing for her but I felt everything for Maryam. I just pray and will continue praying that somehow, she'll understand that. Somehow, she won't allow herself to stand as a barrier between me and Maryam because I know it won't be easy for Maryam to accept me when Zainab doesn't approve. It felt like betrayal. I know that too but at this point, my love was selfish and it could do everything to make Maryam truly accept our relationship.

The hue of the surrounding has changed turning much lighter and I realised that the sun had risen a while ago. I looked around to see the beautiful scenery and I grew eager anticipating what this glorious morning held in store for me. I had Maryam by my side, I have two more days to spend with my wife.

Since Maryam had wanted to go to Abuja, the plan was for us to spend the rest of this Saturday here with Hamza and his wife and then leave for Abuja in the evening where we would spend Sunday before taking a flight back to Lagos in the night.

Every second from now on was going to be golden, I could feel it and I just hope and pray that Maryam would allow herself to feel it too.

I was only a few feet away from the hotel and perhaps, it was from the excitement of reaching back that I sped up my running and on the way, I bumped into someone. I recognised him right away and plugged out my headphones to apologise.

"So sorry, I didn't see you there Ibrahim."

"No, it's my fault no need to apologise." he smiled warmly, "Good morning, looks like you're out on a run too."

"Yes, I'm on my way back actually. It's nice to see you again and you're still bringing Ahmad along later for breakfast right?" I asked, I had taken a strong liking to that little boy and I was looking forward to seeing him again.

"Oh yes Ahmad can't stop talking about you." Ibrahim answered with a laugh.

The slight apprehension I had had towards him since last night when Maryam introduced him as her friend wore off.  Maryam had a life before me and so of course, there was nothing to be surprised with if she knew him in some way.

"Really? He's up already?" I looked at my watch and saw that it was only a few minutes past 7 am.

"Oh yes, Ahmad is always up very early in the morning. Sometimes it's annoying." Ibrahim feigns a frown and I chuckled slightly. "Kids. There's no way to prepare you for them. You'll only understand when you have yours."

Those words of his planted a pleasant thought in my mind. My own kids. Mine and Maryam's children. It seems like a dream but all I know is that now I'd give everything to make that dream come true.

"Right. Indeed." I nodded with a smile.

"So you're the lucky man that will get to have Maryam Rabah as the mother of his children." Ibrahim said and I noticed the sense of disdain in his voice when he said that.

"In sha Allah." I nodded and made my reply as terse as possible.

"I must admit that I am surprised." Ibrahim shook his head and though now I was curious, I didn't like where this was going at all. "I always imagined that if I would ever come across Maryam again, the person I'll see as her husband will no doubt be that scoundrel, Abdallah Sahabi."

My liking for Ibrahim suddenly dropped low, I never approve of anyone calling people names and he had just called Abdallah a scoundrel. I didn't know the reason why but I surely didn't like it both for what he said and the other feeling that grew in my chest. My stance had gronw rigid and an unusual sensation was in my chest. It was immensely unpleasant and I tried to shake it off but it remained. Why was I taking meaningless words this much to heart? Abdallah is only Maryam's cousin so this person must surely be mistaken.

"Allah's plans are the best." I gave a short reply and this time, I made to leave before he said something that would distress me more.

"Indeed they are but..." Ibrahim called out to me just when I took the first step away and he made me turn back to him. "But it has always been obvious that that Abdallah had a thing for Maryam. I really can't tell if that guy is insane or not but I just know that he shook heaven and earth just to  part Maryam from everyone that ever came looking for her hand. He did the same to me and who knows how many others. I really can't believe that he finally gave way and let someone other than himself marry Maryam."

"We'll meet for breakfast?" were the words I chose to say next. What he had said had certainly pricked a part of my heart but it was better that I don't react.

"Actually, I don't think so. Me and my wife have decided to make an early flight back home." he replied and I couldn't bother to care if it was true or not, I actually wasn't looking forward to seeing him again.

"Okay, safe trip. Fi amanallah."I nodded curtly before turning around swiftly and jogging to the entrance

What Ibrahim has just said disturbed me beyond measure. It made me strangely fearful and apprehensive and that too towards Abdallah. Was it really true? Does he have romantic feelings towards Maryam? Towards my wife? That day he'd visited us back in Lagos, I had sensed a strange foreboding and I didn't like the energy radiating off him and that was the main reason why I pushed to finish work and come back very early just so I would be in the house. I didn't like the idea of leaving him with Maryam without me. But I have to admit that when we talked, I felt more at ease with him and I have come to see that he's a strikingly talented individual but now, after hearing this news, I couldn't help my perspective of him changing.

I shake my head to get every worrying thought out of my head before knocking on the room door. It only took seconds before it opened up to reveal my breath takingly beautiful wife behind it.

"Good morning." Maryam greeted me with a big grin that made me forget everything that has just happened.

Maryam was dressed in a purple pattern ankara and a grey veil over her head. Her skin radiated with a magnificent glow that it was almost impossible for me to stop staring at her but since I know I would make her uncomfortable, I managed to peel my eyes away before stepping inside.

Just when I entered, I smelled her heavenly fragrance. It was perhaps because I was so close to her that I could pick up her perfume since Maryam never wore strong scents, a remarkable difference to Zainab.

"Good morning Maryam. Looks like you're all ready."

"Yes, Farida just called me and told me they're getting ready too. I think I'll just go ahead and go out to the pool." Maryam said while she started putting some items into her purse.

"OK but I'd like it better if we could go together?" 

"But you're not ready yet." she stated and I became conscious of my appearance.

"Give me ten minutes, I'll be ready by then." I insisted. I don't know why but I felt insecure letting Maryam go anywhere alone after what Ibrahim has told me.

"OK. I'll wait." Maryam said sitting down on the bed.

I hurried to gather my stuff and dashed to make a quick shower. I went in to the bathroom with my clothes and changed in there before coming out in less than the ten minutes I had asked for.

"I'm ready? Shall we?" I grabbed my phone and wallet, making sure that my card was inside and I put on my pair of tinted glasses.

"Yes, let's go." Maryam led the way and I followed behind her, feeling the need to put my arm over her and make it clear that she was my wife.

But of course, I did nothing but silently follow behind her till we reached a nicely decorated and slightly crowded.

The sun rays reflected off the swimming pool and made it sparkle and shimmer with even more depth. The view was enchanting and the sound of people chattering and laughing enhanced it. It didn't take a lot of looking before we were able to spot Hamza and his family sitting at a table. I was glad to see adorable little Nai'a and to surprise her, I creeped up silently behind them and put the palm of my right hand over her eyes.

I signalled to Hamza and Mrs Benisheikh to keep mute as Nai'a fidgeted and started giggling, making her two pony tails bob as she looked from side to side.

"Who'ff that?" Nai'a said, interchanging her 's' sounds with 'f' sounds.

After looking around more, she burst out with the answer, "If it Baba Uncle?"

I wasn't surprised that she guessed right since almost everytime we meet, this is how I reveal myself to her. I always revel in her expression when she guesses right and I, her Baba Uncle, picks her up and lift her up into the air.

"Nai Nai, how are you?" I gently pulled at her chubby cheeks and Maryam joined along from beside me.

"I'm fine Baba Uncle." she smiled a dazzling smile.

"Nai'a who made your hair?" Maryam, asked playing with Nai'a's pony tails. "It looks beautiful, just like you."

"Ango da amarya maraban ku (bride and groom welcome.)" Mrs. Benisheikh started and I know I was in for a heap of teases from her since she was under the impression that the purpose of her and Hamza's gift has been fulfilled.

I smiled down at her and sat on the chair close to Hamza with Nai'a on my lap before answering her. "Mrs Benisheikh, I suppose we're going to be hearing a lot of that from you today?"

"Of course yes, what's more fun than teasing a new couple?" she laughed just as Maryam sat near her. "Remember when me and this your friend got married, remember how you were always pulling our legs so don't I deserve to return the favour?"

"But Farida," Maryam spoke up. "Not on me too since I wasn't even there when Yusuf did all that. So why are you punishing me for his crimes?"

"Because now, he is you and you is him. You have become one unit so why blame me for treating you like one?" Farida shrugged her shoulders and I couldn't keep my eyes off Maryam when she lowered her head and blushed slightly at Mrs Benisheikh's words.

Nai'a was busy in her own world playing with the Talking Angela app I gave her on my phone. It was the only app I had and I had specifically installed it for her, on a certain day months ago when I had met her and she started asking if I had "Talking Angela." I had never heard of it prior to that moment but for her, I had gotten it installed and given her to play with the talking cat everytime we met.

"Hamza?" Maryam finally looked up at Hamza pleadingly, to get him to revoke that statement perhaps.

"Sorry Maryam but I concur. My wife's right or maybe and more probably, I'm on her side only because I don't want to get kicked out of the room tonight." Hamza answerd and I chuckled when Mrs Benisheikh shot him a glare and he pretended to hide behind me.

"You just handed yourself your own punishment. Guess you can enjoy the view of gazing up at the stars tonight."  Mrs Benisheikh replied her husband and this time, it was Hamza that looked at Maryam pleadingly.

"Mrs Alhassan, you see what you did? You just made her throw me out for real. Please make my beautiful, elegant and fantastic dearest wifey understand that I'd rather gaze at her and only her than all the stars in his universe." Hamza said and I found myself envying his freedom to express his feelings to his wife. I wish Maryam would give me the chance to do that too some day soon.

"Awwwn," Maryam exclaimed, with her hand on her chest. "Farida, are you sure you haven't just melted? I can see you turning into goo fa." the tables had turned and now, it was Maryam teasing Farida. "Look how you're blushing oh my my."

"Hamza, so this is your new outside office persona?" I decided to join Maryam and gang up on them just like they had ganged up on us. "I remember back in the days when the likes of 'have you eaten?' were the only things you could say when you two were together but now, I see clearly that zamani ya canza (the times have changed.)" I looked down at Nai'a, who was still seated comfortably on my laps with her eyes filled with wonder and amusement as she looked at the phone screen.

"Right Nai Nai? Your Mommy and Daddy are now experts in PDA?" I winked at Hamza knowing I had hit the bull's eye with the Public Display of Affection card and he nodded, perhaps accepting defeat.

"Okay, okay, you win. The Alhassans beat the Benisheikhs at the couple teasing game. I agree. Take the trophy it's all yours."

It was barely 9 am but I could already tell that today was going to be an amazing day. Great friends, their extremely adorable daughter and my wife are here with me. What more could I possibly need?

It was a while later when we finally decided to stop the chatter and order some breakfast. Me and Hamza went to pick up the food since the area had grown so crowded that it would take ages for a waiter to attend to us.

We came back with plates of the same serving of fries and omelettes just like our wives had ordered and after Hamza served his wife, I served mine. There was one thing I noticed more about Maryam. That unlike Zainab, she actually ate. She didn't have meager salads or something else with controlled calories and she wasn't bothered at all by eating whatever suited her. A stark contrast to Zainab who was always busy worrying about her weight and diet which I don't get the point of since she wasn't even weighty to begin with. Even if she was, what's the point of troubling yourself and comprise favourig yourself just so you could please someone else? Though in size, she could be said to be slightly bigger than Maryam, but Zainab was okay if you asked me but of course, she never dropped the diet and agreed to everything I said.

I sat back down and I could only stare at the plate in front of me anxiously. The thought of Zainab has reminded me of our situation and made me lose my appetite.

"Nai Nai, come over here, let me feed you." I reach to carry Nai'a who was now sitting on her father's laps.

"Baba Uncle, ife cream." she demanded immediately I sat her down. "I don't want frief I want ife cream."

"OK Nai Nai eat first and then I'll get you ice cream after you're done."

"No Baba Uncle now." Nai'a said and I sensed a tantrum coming.

"Ango, kawo ta nan ka gani, yarinyan nan bata ji wallahi lallashi baya yi mata. (Groom, give her to me, this girl is stubborn.)" I let Nai'a's mother pick her up and sit her on her lap. "Don't bother yourself with her and If you want to feed someone Ango, here's your bride mana." she snickered as she brushed her shoulder against Maryam's.

"Farida? You still won't stop?" Maryam pretended to whine.

"OK OK, let me allow you to eat at least. But Maryam, can't you see your husband has yet to touch his food? Why don't you feed him?" Farida gestured to my untouched plate of fried Irish potatoes.

My appetite was lost but indeed the concept of having Maryam feed me was more than enough to have it rushing back.

"Farida." Maryam protested yet again before turning to me worriedly, "Is it that you don't like the food Yusuf?"

"No, it's fine. Just don't feel very much like eating right now and plus, I already feel full just by looking at you." I said and I realised I had said that last part too late to try to change it.

"Oh now see who was calling us experts in PDA. The kettle's calling the pot black." Hamza laughed and looked at me mischievously but I couldn't care less since all my attention was on Maryam.

Maryam looked taken aback but pleasantly so and again, I caught her blushing when she hurriedly looked away and started playing with Nai'a instead.

"Nai'a's done eaten her breakfast, so I'll go get her ice-cream." Maryam announced, taking Nai'a in her arms and standing up.

"Or in other words, you're running away." Mrs Benisheikh called after Maryam. "Getting ice cream is just an excuse."

But Maryam never looked back and kept walking away with a delighted Nai'a until they dissolved into the crowd.

"Maryam is amazing, you're incredibly lucky for having someone like her Ango." Mrs Benisheikh said with a sincere smile as we all watched Maryam walking away.

And that is why I'm never going to let her go no matter the consequences. I thought to myself before coming out of my head and replying to Mrs Benishekh's truthful statement.

"I am, indeed I am more lucky to have Maryam as my wife."

Secret Author's Note

Salamu alaikum lovelies! This chapter's relatively short but hope you liked it!

Love your secret writer
Razia X

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