bbgl {h.s}

By obsessionharry

285K 4.7K 1.9K

"You're going to be my freaking stepbrother! You are mad." "You think I really think I give a shit about thi... More

one -Messages and Awkward Dinner
two- Jace Kurt the Dreamboy
three- Hickeys
four- Rude Remarks
five- Clingy Ex
six- Bad thing, good feelings
seven- Number Exchanged
eight- Sushi and "Who's Most Likely?"
nine- "You want me."
ten- Music Tastes x 11:11
eleven- Morning Jog in Fuzzy Socks?
twelve-Tingly Feelings
thirteen- We Want Pancakes
fourteen- Loner's Hideout
fifteen- Harry Styles, Gentleman?
sixteen- Rose Tomlinson
seventeen- The Musty Bar
eighteen- Melted Ice Cream
nineteen- Meow Pussies
twenty- Seed Sized Brain
twenty1- Wave Sensations
twenty2- Little Spoon
twenty4- Adore You in The Nasty Way
twenty5- Fine Line
twenty6- The Accidental Confession
twenty7- A New Transition

twenty3- Unfinished Business

2.7K 49 14
By obsessionharry

so sorry for the delayed update, here's a little longer chapter for you all. thank you so much for reading!

btw I did not revise this chapter at all so i apologize for my dumbass in advance.


The throbbing ache from my head woke me up. I couldn't comprehend- and for heaven's sake, where's the goddamn water bottle? And who's screaming into my ears?


I'm not home.


A realization hit me, I'm at Louis's.

I was sure that Louis had kidnapped me. I was sure of it. My body felt heavy and my eyes are betraying me. I battle to open it but it wouldn't budge.

"Shut up Harry!" The voice shouts.

Harry? Why is Harry here?

Oh, I'm dreaming.

"Don't tell me to shut up! Did you fucking drugged her?" the other voice yells back.

"Of course not! Are you joking?" Louis -I think- pants then the door slams making the floor shakes.

"Then why the fuck is she passed out?"

"Shut up," I grumble bringing my hands to rub my face. If this was a dream, it sure is a vivid one. "Please shut up."

Glimpses and fragments of memories begin to replay in my head. I was out with Louis. I think I might have drank too much. I need to stop that. I should stop drinking until I turn 21. There's a freaking law for a reason. God, the aching really killing me.

"Are you awake?" Louis asks. I finally open my eyes to face the searing bright lights as it hits me making me regret opening my eyes in the first place. I wasn't sure if it was just me but the ground is shifting drastically from left to right.

"What is going on?" I wobble my head. "And stop yelling. My head is going to explode."

"Valeria," a voice like Harry's grunts, turning my attention from the ground to him. He studies me with a harsh expression before turning his body back to Louis. I can barely make out who the person is before he speaks again. "Why the fuck is she here?"

Wait. Curly hair, ugly skinny jeans, hideous (sexy) boots. Why the fuck is Harry here? This has to be a dream. Was I thinking of him that much to dream about him? "Why are you here? And can I have some fucking water please?" I ask, dismissing Harry's question for Louis. I was surprised to be able to pull my body away from the couch. "Please?"

"Sure," Louis says before walking past Harry to the kitchen. I take a minute to examine my surroundings. The pungent smell of marijuana, it's like old worn socks, and the uncomfortable platform I'm currently sitting on called a couch. If I was dreaming, it shouldn't feel this realistic. I don't think I'm dreaming.

"Hello?" Harry rages. "Why the fuck is she here?"

"Chill out bro," Louis chuckles. "We went out for a drink, Val had too much."

"Why am I here? Why are you here?" I fume before quickly turning to Louis. "Louis, you know Harry?"

"Of course, I know Louis," Harry chimes in not giving Louis time to answer. "This is fucking weird. Valeria, I'm taking you home."

"No, she needs to sober up first," Louis disputes from the kitchen as he walks back to hand a glass of water. "Here."

"Thanks." I chug the whole glass of water down. "Holy fuck."

"Valeria," Harry growls.

"What?" I snap back but by the judgment on his face, I knew he was going to shout at me so I talk before he can. "Look, I don't know what the fuck is going on but my head is pounding so hard that I want to throw up so we can all shut up for the next few minutes?"

Harry lets out a huff, displaying his infuriation. He then storms towards one of the doors, pulling it open and slams it shut. Louis rolled his eyes at Harry's actions before taking a seat next to me on the couch. I look at him with a confused expression.

"Harry and I are friends," he breathes out. "He crashes at my place when his roommates lock him out. It's annoying-"

"Why aren't you asking me how I know him?" I cut in.

"Because I know you guys-"

"Look, we didn't fuck okay?" I say out of frustration. "I don't know what he told you but he's a dickhead."

"Val, I never said anything about fucking," Louis says holding both of his hands in the air. Louis then rambles on about how Harry randomly mentioned me when they were smoking pot and called me hot (to which I tried my best not to react) and they basically ended up stalking me on my social media.

"So you sent me a message because you wanted to sleep with me?" I question.


"Louis," I state sending him a glare.

"Okay," he frowns in defeat. "I thought you were good-looking but as we continued to talk, I realized that you were pretty cool and fun to talk to. Do you hate me now?"

"Hate is a strong word. I dislike you a little bit more now," I say shrugging.

"You disliked me in the first place?" he pouts. "I'm sorry for lying about seeing you at Frank's party."

I let out a long sigh before bringing my hands to my face again. "It's fine. I don't really care at this point."

"What do you mean?" Louis asks.

"If you wanted to take advantage of me, you would've but you let me sleep on this awful looking couch of yours," I joke. " And I got bigger shit to worry about."

"Like your boy toy Jace?" he teases to which I scowl at him. "Sorry. Are we still friends? Because I kind of really like you as a friend and I promise I won't let you sleep on the couch again."

"I guess," I state. "What's Harry doing?" My tone came out a little more hushed than I expected it.

"Pissing, smoking, I don't know." Louis states. "He has a temper so he smokes in the restroom to cool down."

"Why doesn't he smoke outside?"

"Because," he replies pointing at his ceiling to the smoke detector. I reply with a puzzled look because I know for a fact that Louis smokes in the living room due to the smell and the leftover residue of pot on the table. "I turn it off when I have a smoke session but I made a habit to turn it back on if I leave the house."

Before I can make fun of him for being such a pothead, Harry reappears into the living room, this time, he didn't look half as furious as before. "I'm going to take you home," he states.

"Harry, I'm fine. Louis can take me home," I respond shifting my gaze towards Louis. "Right?"

"Of course little spoon," he smiles ignoring Harry's blazing eyes.

"Little spoon?" Harry mocks. "The fuck?"

"Why are you even here?" I hiss.

"Louis is my friend, princess. Not everything is about you."

I grimace at his idiotic comment. "Then stop giving me attention. You made it clear that we don't need to see each other again so Louis is going to fucking take me home and you can fuck off."

I totally did not regret telling Harry to fuck off. He winces at my statement before bursting into laughter. He's fucking laughing. "What?!"

"You just, kinda look like shit," he chokes out. "And that attempt to be all scary- nice try."

"You do look like a little baby tiger, Val." Louis agrees, slipping out a small laugh with Harry.

"What the fuck?" I groan. I can't believe that I'm here in the middle of the night, stuck with two, devilishly handsome, British guys crackling because of how apparently, shitty I look. My life's not going well. "Can you guys stop laughing? I feel like I'm in an alternative universe and this throbbing inside my head is not helping."

"Don't worry, with some sleep you'll feel better," Louis says giving me a small smile. "Don't forget, we need to get your car at the bar."

"You drove to a bar?" Harry sneers, shifting his entire mood. "Aren't you like a little too young?"

"Aren't you a little noisy?" I snap back. "Louis works there."

"Don't tell me you used your freebie on her?" Harry states to Louis with disgust fill in his tone. Louis slowly nods his head, tensing up due to Harry's return daggering eyes. "You're kidding. You don't even know the chick."

"I knew you were uncomfortable the moment I told you I was going to message her!" Louis reveals.

"I'm not," Harry says firmly.

"Yes you are," Louis fights back.



"Can you guys stop talking as if I'm not right here?" I interject. They may be 4 years older than me but they sure don't act their age. To what I'm witnessing at their petty argument, they both have a mentality of 10 year-olds. really need to go home."

"I'll take you," Harry says but it came out more like a demand. "I'll drop Louis off at the bar so he can drive your car back to your house and I will drive you back."

"I never agreed to that," Louis scoffs.

"I wasn't asking," Harry talks back.

"Mate," Louis whines. "I want to drive Valeria home. You can drive her car back."

"It's either I drive Valeria back or I don't drive at all," Harry resists.

Louis glance at Harry with a long face before rolling his eyes one more time. "You're a real piece of work."

Harry quickly shrugs then turns back to me. "Let's go. What are you waiting for?"

We stumble out of Louis's plat to meet the stinging cold air. Louis's neighborhood is, for the lack of words, quite crummy. It could merely pass as an abandoned valley with red-bricked buildings surrounding it. Louis's apartment is located on level 3 and let's not mention how shaky the elevator ride was. I can't even recall how he was able to pull my drunk ass from his car back to his home. "Want to wear my jacket?" Louis asks nudges me as he points at his coat. "You're shaking."

I contemplated for a second before turning his offer down as he was just in a t-shirt under the coat. I can see through the corner of my eyes that Harry was annoyed at Louis's kind gesture but I decided to ignore him. "Thank you though," I softly say to Louis.

We walk towards Harry's familiar red truck before settling in. Harry made it clear that I was seating on the passager's seat with his demand of sit in front then slamming his driver's door shut.

The drive back to the bar was foreign as well. I must've been really drunk because I don't remember anything besides glimpses of chugging down shots at the bar.

"There's the car," I say pointing at the only car in the parking lot before handing Louis the keys out of the window, after taking my house keys out. "Thanks for driving my car back. I'll text you my address."

"Anytime, little spoon. I'll see you back at your house," Louis smiles before very quietly adding. "Sorry, you're stuck with Harry."

I let out a small laugh in return but not wanting Harry to hear. "Drive safely," Louis warns Harry only to get a nod from him. Louis then turns his body and head to my car parked in the empty parking lot. I send Louis my address before checking the time. Holy fuck. 2 AM.

"Is your head better?" Harry murmurs as he drives out of the lot, eyes set still on the road.

"Not really," I say not wanting to give him any more.

"You know I saw you at the diner right?" he asks breaking the silence. "You weren't with Jace. What happened?"

"Why do you care?" I know he expected me to tell him about Bradley and how he's not my boyfriend but I won't.

"I don't," he spits. "I'm just asking."

"Well, don't," I utter with no emotions. "Don't know why you couldn't just have let Louis take me home."

"Do you hate me that much?" He quickly glances at me before turning his eyes back to the road. When I don't respond to his question, he repeats it. "Do you Val?"

"Don't know," I whisper shifting my head to the window. "Don't call me Val. It's a nickname reserved for family and friends only."

"I'm not your friend?" Harry muses.

"Are you kidding?" I snort. "You really just asked if you were my friend?" he slowly nods in response to my question.

"No you're not my friend Harry," I snap feeling the anger that I've built up inside, finally boiling up. "You said it yourself, there's no need for us to see each other anymore remember? I really fucking don't understand why you want to take me home. Ugh, it's so frustrating being around you. I wish Mason and my mom never meant each other so you wouldn't have been in my life in the first place." As soon as I spill out, I immediately regret it. You don't mean that and now you're the mean bitch Valeria.

Harry did not say a thing. His hands stay firmly on the steering wheel and his face no longer holds an emotion.

After a few minutes of driving, I realized that none of the streets I was familiar with, so I slowly ask not daring to look at him. "Where are you going? This isn't where I live." He ignores my question so I speak up again, "Harry? Where are we going?"

"Just shut up," he mutters. "I like it better when you're not talking." Dick.

I decided to just stop talking because the more I talk, the bigger the urge I want to just slap him across the face then kiss him a little.

Just a little.

This feels like deja vu from our pool event in which ended horribly. He turns into an empty plaza and parked his car. Harry then proceeds to turn his engine off and set his keys in the cupholder without saying a word. We sit in the dark, surrounded by no cars nor many people driving around. I mean, it's way too late to be out at this time, nonetheless parked in an empty plaza with a guy you may or may not have feelings for. There, I said it. Blame him for managing to look so handsome even when he's being a dick.

Harry turns his whole body to the side and sends a deadly glare at me, making my stomach go uneasy. He's definitely going to kill me and bury my dead body.

"You are so annoying," he jeers, furrowing his eyebrows. "You know that? Like you always fucking babble."

I feel my chest rises with the same boiling anger once again but Harry continues to talk before I can. "Yes, I fucking said we don't need to talk to each other anymore but you, somehow- magically- always show up out of nowhere."

"It's not like I'm following yo-"

"I wasn't finished," he growls. "You are stubborn as hell and you are so fucking weird."

I am Valeria fucking Haas and I don't take shit from anybody, I repeat to myself as I plot ten different ways to murder Harry Styles while he continues his list of insults for me.

"Okay? Is this why-"

"I said I wasn't finished," Harry interrupts again. "You go out with strangers you meet on social media and get shitfaced? Is that what you do?" Why is he playing god? "Did you have fun with him?"

"Louis?" I question in utter confusion. "Of course I had fun with him. He's nice, unlike you. I honestly don't know why you even offer to take me home if I'm so annoying and stubborn."

"Not Louis," he profanely says. "That guy at the diner."

"Bradley?" I scoff. "Are you kidding me?" I look at Harry with a small grin because thinking of the image of Bradley and me together, that's just all sorts of gross. Harry, however, was not amused. A deadpan look plastered all over his face.

"No," he replies emotionless. "So is he your new boyfriend now?"

I watch him as he grimaces at the word boyfriend so I taunt back, "and if he is?"

"Wouldn't he be mad if he knew that you went out with a stranger for a drink?"

"He trusts me," I partly lie.

"Oh really, darling?" Harry slowly grins as I slop down the seat at his term of endearment. Fuck. "You must be so in love."

"So what if I am?"

"So your boyfriend wouldn't mind that you're out with a guy in the middle of the night?" He mocks. "He trusts you right?" I nod, not knowing where Harry is going with this. "So he wouldn't mind if I touch you?"

"Excuse me?" I scoff. Harry then does the last thing I thought he would. He lay one of his hands on my thigh with an annoyingly proud grin on his face. "What are you doing. . ."

"What does it look like I'm doing?" he replies with a low tone, not moving his hands.

(a/n: warming! the rest of this chapter will contain sexual content.)


"You have a really bad habit of stuttering when you're nervous," he chuckles, traveling his hand to my upper thigh making my breath hitch. Harry then leans in, putting his elbow on the armrest. "Do I make you nervous?"

I was unsure if I was way too tired or the sleep-deprived mode had taken over me but I couldn't comprehend anything. "No." My voice is shaking.

"Really?" he whispers, lifting his hand towards my face as he tugs a strangle of hair behind my ear. "I think I make you nervous, babe." Harry gasp my chin and motion it gently towards his face. We were way too close. His familiar scent hits me like a ton of bricks and I take in as much as I can before tearing our proximity apart. "Valeria," he mutters. I need to breathe. Whenever I'm with Harry, I forget what breathing is. He makes me that anxious.

"Stop," I whisper trying to decrease the thumping of my heartbeat. I bring both hands to the side of my cheeks feeling the heat that Harry had caused it.

"You're cute," he muses. Jesus, what's with him and the emotion switches. It feels like he has multiple personalities.

"I don't understand you," I state, regaining back from my shaky voice. 

"You don't need to." Harry leaves me in shock when he pulls me by my neck, quite aggressively, smashing my lips against his. Before Harry can even sync our movement, I part away in disbelief. "Stop."

"No." And our lips are touching again. A mixed of unjustified emotions stir inside me. This is a fly or flight response. Quick Valeria, punch him.

But I had completely forgotten my own identity when Harry slips his tongue into my mouth before pushing me closer by my neck to deepen our kiss. His taste is warm and addictive. The way he moves his tongue and tugs on my hair made my parts weaken.

This kiss is different from our other ones.

This is one is rough and raw.

Harry lets out a groan when I bring one of my hands to his jawline. His touch is not as gentle as Jace's. Jace.

I pull away once more. "Wait, what are we doing?" I pant.

"We're finishing what we've started," Harry smirks licking his bottom lips. "Come here, princess." He grabs my chin and brings his lips against mine one more time. He slips one of his hands on my inner thigh before quickly pressing two fingers on my part making me wince at his touch. "You're so wet," he grins against my lips.

"You make me nervous too," he breathes tearing his lips away from mine. "Feel." He surprises me again for the tenth time tonight by bringing my hand against his bulge. I couldn't help but to part my lips, feeling how hard he was. "Come here," he demands, pulling both of my arms towards him. "Sit on my lap."

"What?" I utter.

"Sit on my lap babe."

My brain had fully given up on me as I climb over the gear shift onto his lap. Harry quickly push his driver's seat back giving him and myself more space. He did not waste any time before his lips smash against mine again. We messily move our lips against each other, slowly losing ourselves.

Harry shifts his hips against me causing a small moan to slip out. His hands travel to my back, slipping his hands under my shirt. He presses his cold hands on my naked skin, sending literal shivers down my spine. "Off?" I nod my head. I don't know who I am anymore. I pull my shirts over my head, throwing it on the passenger's seat. "Yours," I practically begged.

Harry grins and his shirt was soon thrown to where mine is. He then presses his lips against my neck, giving me goosebumps. Uncontrollably moans slips out as Harry continues to leave wet kisses on my neck then my jawline. "You like it, huh?" He asks against my skin. I nod in return because I'm afraid I can no longer speak without shaking nor stuttering.

Harry then sucks on my neck a little harsh before pulling away. "Sorry," he chuckles shifting his lips towards my jawline again.

"What?" I stutter.

"Nothing." He smiles. "You look sexy as hell." And our lips connect again with more passion and lush.

Minutes after crashing lips, our pants came off leaving me in only a bra and panty while Harry only had his briefs on. He is hard. He's unbelievably sexy, without even trying and it makes it ten times harder for me not to just jump his dick.

"Baby," Harry moans as I bring myself to blush against his hardened length. "Stop or you'll regret it." I ignore his attempted threat and grind against it only to receive a loud grunt from him. Harry lets out a whimper as I move my hips, back and forth, slowly increasing the pace. Seeing Harry little vulnerable boosts my confidence a little as I lean in, pressing my lips against his ear. "Do you like it, babe?" I whisper, running my tongue down his ears for a quick second.

"Fuck," Harry mumbles leaning his head back. "Ride me."

"What?" I say in shock. "Do you even have a, you know. . ."

Harry smirks as he opens the armrest to pull out a string of condoms, one attached after another. "So ride me, princess."


aha. . .

pls don't hate val. she's a woman of needs yk.

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