Hidden (Harry Styles fan fict...

By HeyItsJessenia

10.1K 217 88

Two wrongs make a right, right? Well sometimes things don't always go right for Kylie Summers. Life seems to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Preview to 'The Hunted'

Chapter 28

88 1 11
By HeyItsJessenia

Kylie's POV

Something is off. From the second I came home my gut has been telling me something is up but I can't tell what.

The house is eerily quiet and after a few feeble attempts of calling Kim I covered my face, rocking myself as I cried. I pushed everyone away and now I sit alone in my room in tears that swelled my face, and I take full responsibility. I reach under my mattress as a reflex, but nothing's there.

I jumped off my bed and lift the mattress completely up "No no no, it's supposed to be here" I ran to the other side of my bed and did the same thing, the book was missing. I trashed through my room, but the book was no where to be found. I picked up my phone and dialed the library number on my receipt, they were closing in an hour.

I grabbed what ever looked good at ran out the door with everything in my hands. I wasn't until I caught a taxi and sat down did I realize I grabbed his sweater, with his rich scent still faintly attached. White was touching to tops of the building, and goosebumps already covered my skin

"where to?" Asked the taxi man "downtown" I slowly put the sweater over my head and slid my arms through, hugging the fabric to my body. Traffic took awhile so I paid the man and began my walk. I'm becoming familiar with the area, only needing to look up occasionally.

I heard the footsteps, saw the shadows but kept walking. When the side walks thinned out and people filed out I stopped walking, and so did the footsteps. "What do you want" Silence. My breathing was feeling winded, as I stood for a few seconds absorbing their gaze on my back. If they were going to attack they would have done it by now, right?

So I turned, and Nate stared at me with a guilty face "Nate? What's going on?" He looked embarrassed and paranoid "Sorry for following you but I had to" "what do you mean?" I walked closer to him and placed my hand gently on his shoulder "It's just- I've been having a bad feeling and I don't want you alone"

"Then why didn't you just join me?" He looked at his shoes, avoiding my eye "Um, it's complicated" I roll my eyes and tilt up his chin "You can tell me on the way, I have go to the library" "I know, it's not there" "My book? How do you know about that? Your not mixed up in all this mess are you Nate? Not you to" He looked down at his shoes again "Who do you work for?"
"Um that's even more complicated" "Well I know your not going to hurt me, right" he seemed offended that I even mentioned the idea of him hurting me "Of course not" "Then walk me home since you know where my book is" "I don't know where it is I just know it's missing" "How do you know it's missing but not know where it is?" "You left me a sticky note" I blinked a few times before answering

"Oh" But Nate still didn't look his relaxed self, he was on edge, waiting for something to happen and that made me nervous. "Can we go?" He nodded and led the way back home. He looked like he was driving as we walked, constantly looking over his shoulder, left, and then right. He played with his fingers nervously and avoided my eye contact the more I talked to him. "Okay, what's wrong, why are you acting all weird?" He bit his lip "umm" "No no no. Don't start lying" he seemed to be having an internal struggle when we turned the corner, two cars pulled up I front of us with guns in aim "Get in the car" I looked at Nate who had a frown but nodded after seeing a laser beam aimed at my heart.
As we got in they put a bag over our heads and tied up our hands so tight it was stopping my blood circulation. "Kylie summers we have been waiting for you" "Who are you cowards!" I screamed. There was an extreme amount of pressure that hit me in the nose, making it spill with blood. I gasped and felt Nate thrash next to me
"Don't you dare fucking touch her!" And the repetitive hits to him that followed. We were both silent now. "You talk one more time and I'll slit your wrists and let you drain, got it?" Silence. "Good! I see we have fast learners" he chuckled to himself "here's how it's going to go. We going to get you out to see the boss, you going to follow me, and then I'm going to kill you"
I was shaking so hard I clasped my hands together painfully. Nate kept his shoulder pressed into mine, maybe to comfort me or maybe to make sure I was there with him, ether way it kept me calmer knowing I was not alone In this. If he was working for someone, he must be trained of some sort or have someone to call. I tried to picture the streets as we drove but it was no use, I lost count of which way they were taking us.

The cloth bag over my head was absorbing most of my blood and my kidnappers whistled and hummed to no beat in particular. It was like this was a normal day, or even a good day to them. I felt Nate push harder into my shoulder and I tried to ignore the pain as he fumbled with something. He seemed rushed, as if he knew we were almost there.

After a few minutes I heard them speak "Five minute warning" the men in the truck with us all mumbled something at sounded like an acknowledgement. Nate seemed to relax next next to me, as my body stiffened. He whispered something under his breath, I only caught one word but it was enough to relax me "Silence!" There was another sick sound of flesh bruising. More tears came from my eyes and I heard nates moan, but only saw flashes of light thorough the thick material.

The car shook to the point where I was thrown back and forth against the window and nates shoulder. I spit out the blood that dripped down with no end making the kidnapper laugh. There was a shout and then the car hauled to a stop, making me crack my head on the head rest. There was firing coming from all over, shattering my window. My door flew open and someone grabbed me shouting to run.

My head felt swollen but I tried to run. The person pulling me yelled out in pain and let me go. I collapsed to the ground and tried pulling the bag off, untying the string with my hands crossed and tied. When I ripped off the bag my eyes were blinded at first, not used to the light.

I looked around at the chaos witnessing people running away from the side walk with terror in their faces. Gun shots were still going off around me as a buzz rung in my ear louder than the screams. The car I was pulled out of was smashed and molded into another car with someone hanging halfway out the car. I wiped the blood off my chin and tried standing, looking for Nate. When I got to my knees I heard yelling, but I couldn't find the source of the voice.

I tried to stand but collapsed to my knees. "Get down!" Nate ran to me limping, waving me down."Get down!" He had his eyes set behind me, as I turned around to see Jesse fighting off a man. I turned back to Nate who was still yelling gripping his shoulder "Hide! Go!" I looked at Jesse who looked over to me for a second and began to run to me.
Three guys jumped Jesse to the ground when Nate finally reached me he picked me up and ran in the opposite direction from Jesse "wait" I stumbled to run with him "Jesse" "No, we have to leave while we can" "but-" the next second we were on the floor grunting. I practically took the impact of both of our falls as he covered me with his body. After a few seconds he lifted me off the ground dragging me further from the chaos behind me.

A few more shots were fired and Nate shouted out in pain, collapsing to the ground. "Oh my god Nate" I fell to my knees next to him, blood spilling out from under him "No! Go!"

"No Nate, get up!" More shots fired at out direction "Stop!" I screamed. "Leave Lauren!" "No I can't! Don't make me!" He pushed my hands away "I only came back to save you, go!" "No, I can't do that" "Lauren please!" "Stop calling me that!" I looked up to see them advancing on us "Where is he?" He mumbled. "You have to get up, we can hide, hurry" "I can't, you have to leave so he can find you. You're not safe here" "Who? Jesse?"
"No! Go!" The men approached with guns in aim, sirens screeching in the background "Put your hands up" I put them up slowly as a car pulled up in front of us and the door flew open. "Get in" Harry hand his gun in aim at the men "No!" Jesse screamed running from behind the men who put down their weapons for a second "Go with harry!" Nate pushed me toward the car. I looked at jesses fearful face running toward me and Harry's outstretched hand. I got up and ran without having to think hard about it. I slammed the car door after me and we sped off leaving Jesse in the rear view mirror with his head down, hiding his expression.



I wiped at my face again and Harry reached over from the compartment and handed me a small portable towel. I didn't say anything, and nether did he. I opened my mouth to say something taking a deep breath but he looked at me so surprised it shut me up. After a few seconds he opened his mouth taking in some air but didn't speak, choosing the clear his throat instead.

"Where are you taking me?" Harry looked at me so intensely it made me blush "I haven't heard your voice in a while" he looked at the road again, "To see Kim" I looked at him in shock "Why?" He looked at me again "To fix everything"
After a few hours I woke up to see snow falling down our road. I looked down at my hand, Harry held it. As soon as he noticed my confused stare he let go immediately "Sorry I-" but he didn't finish. There was a few minutes of awkward silence when I got so fed up I spoke with anger "You left" he sighed, but I kept my eyes away from him "Yes"
"Why?" "I didn't want to leave you, but I had to. I thought if I made you hate me that it would be easier for the both of us"


"You broke my heart" he sighed again, but this time I stared at him with all the emotions I had building up. He had a sad expression "I don't think you understand what it felt like to stand there and be told you weren't loved" his grip on the steering wheel was tightening
"It was all a lie" "I don't care anymore" this time he looked at me with so much pain it was almost too much for me "You don't care?" "No" I looked away from him "Then why did you choose me?" "I didn't choose you" "Yes you did, you got into my car. Jesse was running toward you and you got into my car, why?"

"Because I- I wasn't thinking" "Yes you were, and you chose me. You want to know why? Because you didn't believe a damn thing I said to you before I left. Because you still love me and I love you" "You left me-" "I left to protect you! I left so I could come back and save you! Because everyday I was thinking of what I did to you! Because missing you came in tsunami waves, one after another! And everyday I drowned" "I don't want to hear it "Listen, Kylie-" I turned my attention to the window knowing it would annoy harry. I looked to the road counting the street lights. twenty one, twenty two, twenty three. harry shook his head at me "Kylie are you listening?" I kept my eyes on the road, we were entering a huge empty intersection, blurry from all white snow.

It was beautiful, falling freely with grace. from the corner of my eye I saw movement and bright lights heading towards my side of the car. I stared waiting for it to slow down when it quickened its pace even more heading straight for us . I gasped over Harry's talking and yelled "Harry!" The car hit us in a blink and violently pushed us off the main road spinning uncontrollably , into the other four empty lanes.

We spun without control as I screamed loudly and Harry protectively threw his arm in front of me. We settled at the tip of the road, a few feet where the mountain gave no end. Another push caused the car to roll throwing my head painfully against the frozen glass. I could feel my seatbelt choke me back from flying into the ice cold outside the car. My legs were squished where the car bent in as we flipped upside down, my screams fading.

My vision blurred as the car hit us one last time,pushing us completely off the edge. We were falling, i could feeI the car roll down hill quickly and forcefully. i could hear the cracking as the car rolled multiple times and then rested with a creak upside down.
My hair falling as a curtain around my face as I felt blood rushing to my head. I moaned painfully as my arms hung loosely and numb. "Kylie? Ugh- are you okay?" I blinked as I felt blood trickle down my face. I tried to open mouth but no words came out, not even a choked gasp. There was a few seconds of silence as Harry squirmed in his seat.

My eyes were slightly open as I numbly stared at him. He realsed himself from his seat belt and dropped clumsily with his hands out to catch his fall. "Kylie?" He mumbled rising his head to look at me. He reached for me trying to fit into the small space, with his eyes dazed and squinting as if he was trying to focus.

He shook me trying to get a respond but I couldn't move. I felt my head pounding restlessly, as Harry unbuckled me from my seat belt. He attempted to catch me as I fell head first into his lap. "Kylie please " he said into my shoulder. He held me in his arms, and yet I felt nothing . The only thing I felt was the ice in my bones and the pounding in my ears.

Darkness threatened to take me under as Harry wiped my face. "Don't cry love, I will find us way out" I suddenly realized that I had indeed been crying, and still couldn't move. Harry tried moving toward the window but stopped as a scream tore from his mouth. He glanced down at his leg and grabbed it painfully. He looked around and grabbed a small towel that escaped from the glove compartment stained with my blood, and put it in his mouth tightly. He was panting as he grabbed his leg regretfully. He pulled something out that looked like a piece of metal, and yelled between the towel.

I tried to reach for him, to hold him, to make him somehow feel better. But it was like I had no control over my body, I couldn't feel anything. I tried to swallow my worry but even then I couldn't swallow. Panic. That can't even describe what I was feeling. My stomach turned to the point I thought I would be sick. I felt dizzy, but I couldn't tear my eyes from Harry as he tried the break the car window.

I could see the ice blocking the windows in, knowing that we were trapped under the thick blanket snow that covered the car. But Harry continued to kick and pound at the windows."harry" I tried to say. But instead I began to choke as my body jerked, and not on words. Harry slide to me and held up my head as blood dripped from my mouth "oh god, Kylie" Harry said hugging my cold body against his feverish one. My eyes began to close as Harry shook and cried into my neck "No love, please don't leave me" as hard as I fought I couldn't stop.

My eyes sealed but I could still feel the cold all around me, the numb all over my body, and the blood hardening from the cold, sticking to my skin. And yet my last thought was my beautiful, green eyed hero; Harry.


I updated so late I know, I'm so sorry!

Hopefully you guys liked this chapter! Let me know what you guys think and what are your thoughts! A major shout out to my fantastic reader 9boys_4girls_1pigeon for being amazing!

Please keep reading/ voting/ commenting!

Have an awesome week and stay BEAUTIFUL XOXO :)

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