Nothing Like Us - (Sequel to...

By kidrauldream

288K 8.1K 3.7K

Sequel to Being A Braun. - Read the continuation of Ri's life, as she and Justin battle with their crazy live... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 31

3.1K 181 128
By kidrauldream



Just a quick note to say enjoy the chapter and pretty please read the authors note at the bottom!

Thnx lovessss :)


I glanced into the empty kitchen area before stepping through the living room towards the bedroom.

I lightly tapped on the partially-open door.

"Hey, Madison?"

I took a step in.

A scream escaped my lips.


Everything seemed to stop for a moment, my heart skipping a beat as i processed the image infront of me. I felt dizzy, like all the air had suddenly been sucked out of the room.

I squeezed my eyes tight shut, hoping to God that i'd seen wrong.

I'd found Justin..

There he was... infront of me in Madison's bed. 

I probably wouldn't have cared. I'd have actually been over the moon to have found him, if only it wasn't for the other girl laid next to him.


They were laid there together under the covers, just beginning to stirr from their slumber. Justin's muscular arm was around Madison, her head resting in the cozy crook between his chest and shoulder.

I felt my heart break, shattering into thousands of sharp pieces inside my rib. I pressed my hand on my chest. And then my fears were confirmed when i noticed their clothes strewn all across the carpet - a pink laced thong and Justin's boxers amongst them

My eyes filled with tears.

"Ri?" Justin mumbled. He groggily tried to lift his neck.

I stood frozen still by the door, struggling to even think or breathe.

Justin forced open his eyes. He squinted as he adjusted to the brightness of the room before tiredly glancing down at Madison.

He rubbed his right eye. "Babe?"

I watched in silence, tears streaming down my face as he looked confused.

Justin narrowed his eyes before slowly lifting his head to stare at me.

His eyebrows rose. "Shit." He said.


I ran out of the room, my heart pounding beneath my chest as i heard Justin yell my name. I kept going.

I ran through the living room, stumbling over my own feet as i headed towards the door. I burst out of it and into the hallway, stopping for a moment. I tugged on the roots of my hair, frantically looking for somewhere to go.

I just had to get away.

My eyes locked on Kezia emerging from the elevator. She waved at me, beginning to walk down the corridor towards me.

I ran at her.

"Hey Ri!" She waved. "Did you speak to Madison?! You're Mom just gave me the key for your room so i thought we-"

She stopped short.


 I sobbed. "I have to get out of here."


"I... dont... Justin.. i... he..."

I was a mess.

"Woah, slow down." She said. She grabbed my arms. "Justin? Get out of here? What are you talking about Ri?!"

I pressed a hand over my mouth, shaking my head as i wept. I couldn't.


Justin's voice suddenly sounded from down the corridor. Kezia snapped her head up to look at him.

I glanced over my shoulder, watching him stumble out of Madison's hotel suite - now wearing a pair of pants and a shirt.

"Ri." He called. "Wait-"

I looked back at Kezia, my eyes flooding with more tears.

Her mouth dropped open. "What the fuck?! JUSTIN?!"

He jogged down the corridor towards us.

I squeezed my eyes tight shut, shaking my head as i walked in the opposite direction. I took the keycard from Kezia's hand and opened the door to my room.

"What the hell?!" She yelled at him.

"I gotta speak to Ri." He panted. He tried to follow after me but Kez stood in his way.

"Why the HELL were you in Madisons room?!"

He ran a hand through his hair. "Not right now Kez. Please."

"You're not going in there until you tell me what the hell is going on-"

She stopped short.


I turned my back on them, walking further into the suite with my hands over my eyes. I couldn't bare it.

"YES OKAY NOW JUST MOVE." Justin yelled. He pushed her out of the way, quickly entering my hotel suite.

I placed a hand over my mouth, suddenly wanting to vomit.

Hearing him admit it made everything seem so much more real.

I broke out into a run, bursting into the toilet.

Justin came after me. "Ri!" He called.

I slammed the door of the bathroom shut and raced over to the toilet, lifting up the lid just in time. I was violently sick, tightly clutching the rim of the toilet as i felt the burning liquid lurch from my stomach up to my throat.

How could this be happening?

Tears rolled down my cheeks as i gagged. My head was spinning.

Justin ran into the bathroom, his hands immediatley coming into contact with my back. I screamed, his touch making me want to vomit even more.

Kezia pushed him away from me, screaming at him. She quickly held back my hair, soothing my back. "It's okay." She whispered. "It's okay Ri."

I bowed my head, shutting my eyes as i tried to regain my breath for a moment. All i could hear was shouting now.

I spat into the toilet.

"You should just leave." Kezia said.

"No." Justin's voice cracked. "We have to talk."

"She doesn't want to talk to you."

Justin kicked a wall making me jump out of my skin.


I started shaking and sobbing again.

"YOU SEE WHAT YOU JUST DID?!" Kezia screamed at him. She turned me around, hugging me tight. "It's okay Ri." She soothed.

Justin placed his hands on the back of his head, pacing slightly as he gazed at me.

I let go of Kezia, suddenly going dizzy. Justin's arms twitched ready to catch me but Kezia held me tight.

"Woah." She said.

I rubbed my mouth. "I'm okay. I'm okay."

She peered at me in concern.

I looked up, my eyes falling on Justin in the doorway.

"Ri." He whispered.

I hung my head in humiliation.

Justin took a step closer to me but i moved backwards, sticking my hand out.

"Don't." I ordered. "Stay away from me."

"Baby we need to talk."

"About what?!" I wept. I gazed at him. "You cheated on me Justin." 

Kezia stood to the side of me, taking out her phone and quickly beginning to tap way at it.

Tears rolled down his cheeks. "I have-, i have to explain to you."

I shook my head. "No. I don't wanna hear it."

"Ri.. please."

I shook my head. "Don't."

"You should hear him out." Kezia spoke up. "I wanna hear his pathetic little excuses for why he thought it was okay to fuck Madison."

"God dammit Kezia." Justin seethed. She arched an eyebrow at him, folding her arms over her chest. Justin sighed and looked back at me.

"I was drunk, okay?" He wept. "W-we argued on the phone and i got mad. I was so mad at you, at Scooter, at life... I smashed my phone a-and i started drinking. I was upset like we argue so much baby."

I rolled my shoulder with discomfort when he called me baby. My chest was throbbing like someone had shot through it with a rifle.

"I went out," He gulped. "There was these cool guys about my age and they were Canadian. I was doing shots and shit with them. I was having fun-"

"I'm sorry but there's having fun and then there's fucking cheating on your girlfriend." Kezia spoke up. Justin glanced at her before continuing.

"The lads spotted Madison and then she came over to me."

I squeezed my eyes tight shut, not wanting to hear anymore. 

"She tells me she wants to talk to me about you." He said.

I shook my head. "Stop."

"No." He wept, his voice cracking as he spoke. His face was soaked with tears by now, his eyes red.

He wiped at his face with his arm, his lip trembling before he spoke again. "Ri, i need you to answer me truthfully when i ask you this.. did you or did you not get an abortion?" He wept.


"D-, did you abort our baby?"

"No!" I refused. Kezia and i glanced at eachother. "W-why would you even-"

"Madison said-"

"HA. The wicked witch of the west." Kezia spat. "What a surprise."

"KEZIA." Justin screamed at her. She stared at him.

My world was falling apart.

"W-what... i..."

Kezia had had enough. "Thats it." She said. "THAT DIRTY TWO TIME MAN-STEALING HOMEWRECKING SLUT HAS CROSSED THE LINE." She declared. She stormed past ma and then Justin, striding towards the door of the hotel suite.

We let her go.

Justin gazed at me, his face soaked with tears. "So there was never a baby?"

I shook my head. "You really think i would do that?"

His eyes flickered.  "You've kept things from me before."

A sob escaped my lips. "So you really think i'd keep something this huge from you or-, or would even consider killing our baby?!"

"I just wanna know what happened that day Ri." He wept. "Tell me what happened the day you went for the pregancy test."

I stared at him.

"I already told you." I cried.

"Tell me."

I shook my head. "You've changed Justin."

"JUST TELL ME." He yelled, causing me to jump.

I swallowed, tears streaming down my face.

"I went to the hospital in California with Fredo and Scooter." I wept. "I called you and told you everything. You said you'd be there for me no matter what.. but i was so scared." I recalled, my voice cracking.

Justin stared at me, his eyes blurred, waiting for me to continue.

"I-, i took the test and it came out negative. Negative Justin. There was never a baby. I wouldn't lie about that."

A tear rolled down his cheek.

"After that we got a flight back to Atlanta and i was back with you. That's it."

"So she lied." He wept.

"Of course she lied!" I yelled at him. "She told you that and then you slept with her Justin."

"It wasn't like that." He denied. His eyes glistened with the tears. "I was so drunk Ri."

"I would never have done that to you. Not even after drinking all the alcohol in the world"

He shook his head. "I didn't do it on purpose baby."

"I don't want your sorry excuses."

"Then what do you want, Ri?" He asked. He came closer to me. "What do you want from me?! An appology? Because i'm sorry. I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i am so so sorry. It is already the greatest regret of my entire life and i fucking hate myself, okay?"

I turned my head, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"You want me to fix everything? Just tell me what i can do to make things better."

"You can't." I wept. "Don't you see? We've been through this before. You can't stop the arguments, the secrets, the hurt we go through almost every single day. You can't take back the fact that you cheated on me with Madison."

My voice cracked as i said her name.

Justin shook his head. "I can't lose you again Ri."

I hung my head.

Justin stepped forwards, gripping my hoodie by the waist and pulling me closer to him. I took a sharp intake of breath before loosing it. I sobbed loudly into his chest.

 "I love you Ri." He wept.

I clutched his shirt with my fingers, crying uncontrollably. 

Despite everything we'd been through, i loved him. My heart was shattered but it still beat for him. I didn't want to lose him again either.

"Baby i love you." He repeated. Our foreheads rested together as we clutched eachother, both of us sobbing.

"I love you too." I wept. "But we can't go on like this.."

A sob escaped Justin's lips.

"Baby don't do this."

"She touched you." I whispered. My whole body shuddered. "And you touched her... You felt eachothers skin, she knows your touch.. She felt the way your lips feel against hers... She heard you moan, the way you snore, the way you breathe when you're tired.."

Tears ran down his face.

My heart was well and truly breaking..

"You know i've been cheated on before." I wept. "I accepted it back then because Jamie was a dick and i wasn't in love but this? This was love Justin."

He gripped me tight, emotional hysteria taking over him. "We can fix this." He begged.

I shook my head.

"I gave you everything Justin.."

He kissed my forehead. "Please baby."

I shook my head. Tears rolled down my cheeks as i gripped him tight for one more second before letting him go. I took a step backwards.

"Ri." He wept. He tried to grab my hands but i wrenched them away.

"Stop." I whispered. I backed away from him.

"We can still be together." He sobbed. "Madison means nothing to me."

I shook my head. "You broke my heart. There is no way to fix this one Justin."

His lip trembled. "I can make it up to you."

"No you can't." I wept.

I took the promise ring off my righthand ring finger and held it out to him. He refused to take it.

"No." He refused, taking a step backwards. "No. I won't let you do this."

"I have to." I whispered. I took a deep breath. "You have to accept that this is the end."

"I can't." He sobbed.

I uncurled his fist for him, dropping the ring into his hand.

Justin hung his head.

The door of the suite opened and my Mom and Scooters voices sounded.


"Thank you for the happy memories we once had Justin." I wept.

He gazed at me, his face a wet and broken mess.

I opened my mouth to say something else but ended up choking on my words. I covered my mouth, walking past him out of the bathroom.

I wondered how on earth i was supposed to recover from this.



Holy shizzle guys.

Did that make you cry?

Ooppss. Sorry if the chapter was a lil poop i tried my absolute hardest.

A lot of yall have been begging for me to update and honestly i have tried my hardest to post this chapter asap but i am a true perfectionist plus i have school again now so this was the earliest i could have done it.

READ ME: Okay so im thinking of doing a Q & A (question and answer) in an upcoming chapter. Do you guys think i should do that? Comment 'yes' on this sentence if you think i should! I will post more about this in the next chapter if i decide that im gonna do it.

ALSOOOO: pleaseeee VOTE and COMMENT because that would be truly fantastickle and put a smile on my lil face :)

i love you all millionzzzz

Rosie x

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