
By LilySaxton7

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It's been three months since Chris went back up to the mountains , rescuing Josh , who was in the process of... More

The night before
Getting ready
Getting there
Meet up
The time warp
A cry for help
Finally ;)
Boyfriends ?
Pjs and drives
Loss of control
we need to talk
party ?
Morning darling
the hunt
Butterfly effect
Movie star
Can we order pizza ?
Why did you hurt him?
How to take a wendigo on holiday
lets go to the pool
they all know
when the worst happens
wendigo walkies


443 14 0
By LilySaxton7

After Sammy got in her car , Chris watched her drive away down the dusty road from the beach . He sighed before entering his baby blue car , pulling out a cigarette and lighting it with his old clipper . He inhaled slowly his mind full of confusion about the past couple of days . Josh had always been his best friend since they were put together in class and he'd never thought of him in any other way apart from that but things were different now . Josh was different. He was bloody different. That night had changed everything; christ he used to love Ashley but since he'd rescued Josh he'd barely said two words to her . Chris found himself pulling his phone out of his pocket and dialing her number as soon as her name entered his head . As soon as the phone began ringing Ashley instantly picked up . "Chris?" She questioned her tone sounding as sweet as it did before the mountains . " Umm hi Ash " he mumbled suddenly lost for words and completely unsure why he called his ex crush . He entered his blue car quickly to get away from the outside noise . " I haven't heard from you properly since you found Josh , what is it Chris ?" She questioned , her tone becoming more aggressive . Chris sighed looking at the scenic view from his car window . " Umm nothing , I just wondered how you're doing you didn't seem yourself at the beach ?" He quickly said , not actually knowing what he wanted to say to the brown eyed girl . A rustling noise came down his phone then utter silence . "Ash?" He panicked his anxiety slightly rising . "Chris ... Nobody's the same since Blackwood ... you shouldn't have saved him Chris , after what he did to us " She said slowly . After she said that Chris litterally wanted to go round and knock her out ; after what Josh was going through , after becoming a wendigo , after his diagnosis , after they kissed ! She should have some sympathy . " Ashley , he deserves forgiveness !" He semi shouted before hanging up the call . After the phone call he instantly began driving , he just wanted to wrap his arms around Josh and tell him everything was going to be alright . In that moment , Chris realised with absolute clarity , his love for Ashley was in the past but his love for Josh was only just beginning . He stepped on the gas hard and sped down the dusty road .
When he eventually returned at the home he sped into the house as quick as he could . Utter silence greeted him when he entered into the lounge . "Josh?" He shouted . No answer . Panicking Chris began to search each room but within five minutes he saw the sweetest sight . Josh was curled on his bed , his arms wrapped around an old vampire teddy his dad had given him after one of the Dracula premieres when he was little and the credits to Friday the 13th were playing in the background whilst he slept . Chris slowly pulled out his phone to take a picture of Josh ; he just had to capture how precious Josh looked in that very moment . After he took the photo Chris studied it slowly and smiled , even his fangs looked cute next to that vampire teddy . Chris stifled a Giggle and slowly sat down on the bed next to Josh . As soon as he was sat , Josh stirred in his sleep and moved closer to Chris , his head dropping on Chris's lap , like a dog would do . Chris smiled and began playing his Josh's curls whilst changing the Chanel on the television to old reruns of the Big Bang theory .
At around the fifth episode Chris was binging , he felt Josh stir beneath him , his temperature slowly becoming hotter . He started muttering incoherently in his sleep , this made Chris slightly worried . "Chris ..." Josh whimpered in his sleep . Chris looked startled when Josh as usually having a night terror he screamed Hannah . As if on que Josh shouted Hannah's name as his arm thrashed  away from Chris . "Don't hurt him Hannah !" He shrieks . Chris jumped up noticing the panic in Josh's screams . He slowly reached and shook Josh awake , carefully grabbing his moving arms so he didn't hurt him . Josh slowly opened his eyes , seeing Chris leaning over him with a look of relief in his eyes . "You're here " Josh whispered , pulling the taller man on top of him and planting a kiss upon his mouth . Surprised by Josh's reaction to seeing him , Chris found himself engrossed in Josh's scarred lips kissing him deeper than he'd ever kissed anyone before . His hands began pulling the the grey dressing gown off of Josh , as Josh's claws violently ripped of his own t shirt .  A soft moan escaped Chris' s lips as Josh's scarred mouth began kissing him from his hips to his groin , leaving small purple hickeys behind . "Josh" he gasped as the boy's lips were now wrapped around his throbbing penis . His scarred lips moved passionately up and down his fangs slightly grazing the sides . "Fuck Josh!" Chris Moaned as he felt himself begin to climax . Josh shook his head and pulled back , flipping the taller man around on the bed , quickly pulling down his trousers before sliding his dick in raw . Chris gulped from the sudden rush of pain and pleasure as Josh pounded him from behind . Josh let out a growl as he thrust deeper into Chris , his humanity slipping for a mere moment as a glimmer of hunger shone in his eyes . Chris moaned about to cum and Josh's lips scattered hickeys upon his shoulder . Josh moaned seductively as he came into Chris sinking into him . Chris gasped cumming as soon as Josh did . The two sank into the mattress and sighed . "Fuck!" Chris murmured his head sinking into the pillows behind him . Josh sighed and interlocked his hand into Chris's, his energy wiped out of him . Suddenly the rush of hunger returned as his eyes snapped into Chris's lust filled ones . "I'll be back in a minute " Josh whispered planting a kiss on Chris's forehead . "You okay?" Chris murmured smiling at Josh's happy face .Josh sighed but the grin he was showing didn't leave his face . " Hungry ..." he whispered not even feeling the need to hide anything from Chris anymore .  Josh slowly sat up from the bed feeling entirely sleepy again . "What me to come with ?" Chris asked . Josh shook his head and walked out of the room , the wendigo spirit in him ready for dinner after all that exercise .

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