Red Hot ~Nikki Sixx

By sixxndirish81

315K 7.6K 2.9K

Ashten is hired on as Tommy's new assistant and thrust into all aspects of his life. Including Nikki Sixx. More

Part 1: In the Beginning
Part 2: Merry-Go-Round
Part Three: Don't Go Away Mad
Part 4: Satan Sixx
Part 5: Louder than Hell
Part 6: Ride with the Devil
Part 7: Dr. Feelgood
Part 8: A Brewing Storm
Part 9: Hell on High Heels
Part 10: Live Wire
Part 11: Danger
Part 12: Oh My God
Part 13: Relief
Part 14: Kiss and Make-up
Part 15: Date night
Part 16: Just Another Psycho
Part 17: Knock em Dead
Part 18: Bastard
Part 19: Piece of Your Action
Part 20: Hotter than Hell
Part 21: C'mon and Love Me
Part 22: Take Me to Your Heart
Part 23: Feel Me in Your Bones
Part 24: Sure Feels Right
Part 25: Terror Twin Tuesday Part 1
Part 26: Terror Twin Tuesday Part 2
Part 27: Nikki Fuckin Sixx
Part 28: More of Nikki Fuckin Sixx
Part 29: Ashten Montgomery, M.D.
Part 30: Snow Daze
Part 31: More Snow Daze
Part 32: Public Enemy #1
Part 33: Thin Ice
Part 35: A Family Affair
Part 36: Wolf At Your Door
Part 37: Two Words
Part 38: Calm Before the Storm
Part 39: Busted
Part 40: Damage Control
Part 41: Under the Weather
Part 42: Dancing on Glass
Part 43: Blindside
Part 44: Aftermath
Part 45: Hungover
Part 46: Sweet Emotion
Part 47: Needle and the Damage Done
Part 48: Sweet Pain
Part 49: Sticky Sweet
Author's note
Part 50: Dream On
Part 51: Back to Basics
Part 52: Warren
Part 53: Sweet Dreams
Part 54: St. Nikki, Part 1
Part 55: St. Nikki, Part 2
Part 56: A Man of Means
Part 57: Somebody Get Me a Doctor
Part 58: Back For More
Part 59: Predator and Prey
Part 60: Long Cold Winter
Part 61: Slow An' Easy
Author's Note
Part 62: The Ex Factor
Part 63: Scars
Part 64: Impromptu Debut
Part 65: Pillow Talk
Author's note.
Part 66 - Dirty Thirty
Update coming soon!

Part 34: Thanksgiving Eve

4.3K 100 46
By sixxndirish81

Nikki's Diary

Damn, I haven't written in this thing since Chicago?  That was three weeks ago.  Fuck!

Well, we got out of the winter wonderland and have been thawing out in the south ever since.  First was Tennessee, then a few stops in Texas and Oklahoma, then New Orleans and now we are in Miami.  Its 80 degrees and balmy which is amazing.  Tropical weather like this makes it hard to even compute that Thanksgiving is tomorrow.  I wish I could see the kids but since I'm on tour they'll be with their mothers or, as I like to call them, Evil Bitch 1 and 2.  At least I'll get to have them all for Christmas. 

It's been a productive few weeks.  Between me, Tommy, Mick, DJ and James, the new Mötley album is completely written and we can start laying down tracks as soon as we get home.  Although I think we may need a few weeks off before getting down to business.  Only three more shows left and we are done with this tour.  It has been fun but I'm shredded and I think we are all starting to look like the walking wounded.  It's the norm.  The road just wears you down and with all the meet and greets, shaking stranger's hands, and sharing common space, getting sick is inevitable.  Happens every tour.  So far, I'm fine.  Just exhausted.  But the flu has been making its way around the crew and some of the performers.  Vince had it last week and Mick the week before so it's only a matter of time before it reaches Tommy and me.  And, of course, if I get it then Ashten will too since I can't keep my hands off her. 

Or my dick out of her for that matter.

We've had a very active and healthy sex life from the beginning but for the past few weeks, we've been like rabbits.  I don't know what it is but there is just something about her lately. If I'm not on stage or doing press or whatever I'm all over her.  One minute we're talking and the next minute I've got her bent over a counter or pinned against a wall.  Or she rolls her vanilla lip balm over her lips and I've got an instant hard on from hell.  And when she bites the right corner of her lower lip?  Fuck!

I just WANT her all the time and it's unstoppable.

Random Song Lyric: It's the thing in you that feeds the animal in me.

Maybe it's because I know someone else wants her and it's given me this primal need to mark my territory.  But it isn't just me.  She's giving as good as she's getting.  

Or maybe we are distracting ourselves from the fact that at any moment, Tommy could find out about us and this could potentially all come tumbling down.

We've broached the subject a few times and Ashten has been apprehensive at best.  I told her from the beginning it's completely her call and we can talk to Tommy when she is ready.  She just doesn't seem to want to.  I get she wanted to wait for a while at the start because it was so new and it was just the smart move.  I get that she could lose her job and her home and why cause that kind of disruption over something that may or may not stick? But that was almost six months ago and I think it's pretty clear this is the real deal and not just some fling.  At least, that's how I feel. 

Maybe she's rethinking all of this. 

Narrator POV

Turkeys?  Check.  Stuffing?  Check.  Pies?  Check.  Booze.  Double check. 

Ashten sat at Tommy's dinosaur of a laptop perusing the menu for the following day while Tommy and Nikki did an interview at one of the local Miami rock stations.   Since they were on tour and couldn't be with their families for Thanksgiving, the band wanted to do something special for the crew and everyone who was out on the road with them.  So, after that evening's show, they would stay in Miami for a couple of nights and throw a massive dinner/party for Thanksgiving.  Since they were staying at the Four Seasons, they rented out one of the giant banquet rooms for dinner and then an additional ballroom and bar space for the party.  It was to be "very epic and very Mötley".

Ashten still wasn't quite sure how she ended up being the one tasked with coordinating the whole thing but she was pretty sure his name started with a T and ended with an ommy.  Nonetheless, she sat at one of the tables in the iHeart Radio booth opposite Tommy and Nikki while she read over the finalized food list the caterer emailed her.  She scrolled through the document and attempted to email it back with her stamp of approval when Tommy's computer locked up on her for the umpteenth time that week. 

Frustrated, Ashten sighed through her nose and tried not to make any noise while waiting for the hard drive to reboot.   She took a swig from her water bottle then rested her elbows on the table with her chin cradled in her fists.  Her bottom lip was trapped between her teeth while she half listened to the interview and stared at the blank screen in front of her.  Just as the monitor turned from black and flashed the Apple logo, her phone buzzed in her pocket.  Luckily, she'd remembered to keep it on silent so as not to disturb the guys while they were on air.  She looked down at the incoming text message.

Nikki: Get that fucking lip out of your teeth. 

Ashten released her pout from her teeth and pursed her lips, hiding them behind her fists in an attempt to conceal the smile she felt creeping across her face.  She dared to shoot her eyes over at Nikki who gave her a sideways glance, his knee bouncing under the table while Tommy talked.  She glanced back at the laptop and watched it slowly start to boot up while listening to the banter between the guys and the DJ. 

The interview seemed to be going well.  There was a lot of laughter, which was always a good sign.  The guys fielded the usual questions, talked about the tour and the upcoming album before the interviewer opened it up to take questions from callers.  Ashten rolled her tube of vanilla lip balm across her plump mouth while Tommy answered a question.  Recapping the stick and tossing it into her bag she met eyes with Nikki again, his eyes darkening as his gaze dropped to her mouth.

She felt the corners of her lips curve up slightly as she turned back to the computer display.  She knew that look.  Nikki was horny.  Again.

Ashten had no idea what was up with him lately but he seemed to have a constant erection and anything she did turned him on like a light switch.  If she didn't know any better she would swear he'd been snorting Viagra. 

Not that she minded.  Sex with Nikki wasn't exactly torture and he definitely wasn't the only one with the healthy libido but, damn.  She hadn't walked straight in a few weeks.

After finally getting the computer to cooperate, Ashten sent the approved catering menu back to the hotel coordinator and then focused her attention on her email.  She propped her elbow up on the table and cradled her chin back in the palm of her hand while she hovered over the laptop touch pad to scroll.  She was looking for one message in particular which was supposed to contain Tommy's medical records she had requested a few days prior.  Just as she found the email she was looking for she heard a question directed at Nikki.

"Hi Nikki! I'm Stacy from South Beach. I love you and have been a huge fan forever!" The excited female caller gushed over the phone.

"Thank you," Nikki smiled graciously as he always did.  It's not like he hadn't heard this thousands of times over the years.

"So, I was curious," the caller continued with a giggly voice.  "Are you currently single and if so what kind of girl are you looking for?" 

Ashten cocked her eyebrow at the computer.  Interesting question.

"I'm not looking." Nikki replied matter of factly.

"So you are with someone?" The DJ prodded to which Nikki simply took a swig of his water and shrugged with an impish glint in his eye.

"Dude, he's single." Tommy chimed in.  "Trust me.  I'd know it if he was seeing someone."

Ashten briefly flashed a dumb look in Tommy's direction and held in a snort of laughter while Nikki coughed on his water.

"Fair enough." The DJ accepted the non-answer.  "So, for the sake of the ladies who are listening let's say you ARE single.  What are you looking for?  What's your flavor?"

Nikki hummed while contemplating his answer before his smirk made an appearance.  "Someone who is not crazy and whose lips taste like vanilla frosting."

Ashten's eyes fluttered up and she hid a small smile behind her knuckles.  Her face was heating up and she didn't dare make eye contact with Nikki.

"He also likes a girl who will ride his face." Tommy pipped up causing the room to erupt into chuckles.

"He is not wrong," Nikki confirmed, a Cheshire cat grin plastered on his lips. 

Ashten's eyebrows hit the ceiling, her hidden smile doubled in size behind her fist.  She exchanged a brief knowing glance with Nikki and focused back to her screen all the while squeezing her thighs together. She swallowed hard as she thought about how just a few short hours prior, her knees were firmly planted on either side of Nikki's head while he ran his hands over her body and worked her with his skilled mouth. 

Jesus Christ.  Tommy doesn't know how right he is.

For her own sake and to prevent herself from jumping across the table and mounting Nikki, Ashten forced herself to tune out the rest of the interview and pay attention to the email she'd been looking for before Tommy opened his filthy mouth.  She was so engrossed in reading the intended document she didn't even notice they were finished until the two of them were standing in front of her.

"What are you reading?" Nikki inquired.

Ashten looked up at him and then over to Tommy before closing the laptop.  "His medical records."


"His shoulder." Ashten replied earning a knowing nod as she packed the computer into her bag.  Tommy had been having pain in his shoulder off and on for over a year.  Based on his range of motion and the area of the pain Ashten was pretty sure it was his rotator cuff but she needed to see his previous scans to confirm. 

"What do you think?" Tommy asked as they walked out of the studio and into the elevator.

Ashten shrugged.  "The scans they sent me are blurry so I really can't tell.  It could be tendonitis but it's probably a torn rotator cuff."  She exited the elevator and frowned at both of them.  "But this isn't exactly my area of expertise."

"So if it is a torn rotator will I need surgery?" Tommy lit a cigarette as they exited the building and walked to the car.

"You might.  Again, this is not my specialty, Tommy.  What you need is a consult with an orthopedic specialist.  And lose the doctor you've been seeing.  If he keeps blurry films in your file I shudder to think about what else he's doing wrong."   Ashten slid into the seat next to him when their car arrived, Nikki taking a spot behind them in the third row.

"Great," Tommy grumbled.  "So I need an Ortho dude.  You know anybody?"

Ashten thought for a second and then her eyes lit up as if a brilliant idea just hit her in the face.  In turn, she smacked Tommy on the arm as she pulled out her phone and sent a frantic text.  "Yes!  I do.  God I can't believe I didn't think of this already."

Nikki and Tommy just shrugged at each other and the ride to the hotel was silent as each of them busied themselves with their phones.  They didn't have any more press for the day and had a few free hours before they needed to be at the venue for sound check.  Ashten was grateful for the spare time and intended to take a nice power nap.  She said as much once she and Nikki got off the elevator at their floor.

Nikki tugged her back to him by the rear belt loop of her jeans as they walked down the hall.  He turned her around and planted a sultry kiss on her lips, swallowing the small sigh that came out of her throat.  He broke the kiss and ran his hands from her back down to her ass, flashing his sexy smile at her.  "You don't REALLY want to sleep, do ya?"

"Well," Ashten contemplated his words while he backed her against the hallway wall.  "I am pretty tired."

"I'm sorry I've wrecked your sleeping patterns." He brushed his lips against her ear, gently nibbling her lobe.

"No you're not." Ashten let out a throaty chuckle.

"You're right. I'm not." He smiled against her neck.  "But it's not my fault.  It's yours for having such an incredible pussy."

She sucked her bottom lip through her teeth when Nikki placed hot open-mouthed kisses on her pulse point.  "If it's so incredible then why are you trying to destroy it?"

Nikki unlatched his lips from her neck with a smack and stood at full height, his eyes meeting hers with a wicked smile as he pressed himself against her and pinned her to the wall.

"Trying? Oh, baby..." He chuckled and traced his index finger from her neck all the way down to the waistline of her jeans, his pupils so dilated with lust they were practically blown.  "You and I both know I've destroyed it.  Many times."

Ashten rolled her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck.  "Take it easy, Casanova.  I wouldn't want you to trip and fall over your own ego." Nikki leaned in and captured her mouth with his causing her hips to instinctually push against his.  She broke away from his lips and looked around to ensure they were still alone.  "We need to get out of this hallway."

Nikki merely nodded and before she knew what was happening, he hoisted her over his shoulder and carried her to his room cave man style before anyone saw them.

Or so they thought.


Hey ALL!!

Ok, WHO saw them in the hallway??

Sorry its been so long. The good news is this is actually part of a VERY long chapter that I decided to split up into separate parts. So there will be multiple updates.

That being said, THANK YOU so much for your patience. I can't believe I am sitting at 20k reads. I sat on this story for so long because I didn't think anyone would be interested in it so I am ridiculously excited!!
I love you all and as always, please leave comments if you wish. Your support helps keep me motivated.

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