
By LilySaxton7

11.5K 498 32

It's been three months since Chris went back up to the mountains , rescuing Josh , who was in the process of... More

The night before
Getting ready
Getting there
Meet up
The time warp
A cry for help
Finally ;)
Boyfriends ?
Pjs and drives
Loss of control
we need to talk
party ?
Morning darling
the hunt
Butterfly effect
Movie star
Can we order pizza ?
Why did you hurt him?
How to take a wendigo on holiday
lets go to the pool
they all know
when the worst happens
wendigo walkies


333 12 0
By LilySaxton7

Josh looked to the front door and sighed as Chris stood up , made extremely awkward eye contact with Sammy (who was trying to stifle a giggle) , and opened the door . " Hello Dr Hill he's through here " Chris said politely . The psychiatrist walking through in a professional manner but there was a slight hesitance in his steps . Josh was sat on the sofa his blood splattered hands tugging at the ends of his shirt . "Hello Josh where and how would you feel comfortable discussing this ?" He said calmly.  Josh stood up slowly and interlocked his hand in Chris's ." The kitchen " he whispered " can I bring Chris?". Chris stared at Josh fondly and grasped his hand harder . Dr hill noticed this and nodded letting himself into the kitchen and taking a seat round the island . Chris and Josh followed .
Josh carefully sat on the stool opposite Dr hill his hand still placed on Chris's . He looked around the kitchen and noticed the hallucinations had gone for now , Chris has stopped them . He smiled . Then Dr Hill opened his mouth . " I'm going to keep with professional Josh , can you tell me reason why I've been called here ?" He began pulling out a notebook . Josh gulped and looked at Chris before starting but he knew he had to say , he needed help . "After what happened on the mountains .... it's gotten so much worse Dr Hill" Josh whimpered his eyes flashing past his therapist and towards the door . Dr Hill stared at Josh and nodded , trying not to look at the door ."How has it gotten worse Joshua" he replied his eyes keeping good eye contact . "The hallucinations, I keep seeing them , I keep fucking hearing them all the fucking time ! They taunt me every second and that well it just hypes up the fucking wendigo which apparently is me now !" He shouted his voice breaking . Chris clasped Josh's hand as if it was his lifeline . Dr Hill was aghast at the wendigo comment but his face maintained the stern professionalism . "Is it still your sisters you're seeing and hearing Josh ? " he asked . "Yeah Hannah and Beth and sometimes other things too ..." he whispered . Chris looked alarmed he only knew that Josh saw his sisters he never mentioned anyone else . "What other things ?" Dr Hill probed . Josh coughed and ran his hands down his face . " I hear the psycho sometimes ... well not the psycho me I think ? From the mountain ... and well I thought I was talking to Chris this morning and he wasn't there , he transformed into her ... Hannah " . Dr Hill nodded and then looked at Chris . "Chris can I ask you something as you're the person that's around Josh twenty four hours a day ?" He began . Chris nodded . " Do you ever notice any of these behaviours in Josh : slurred or disorganised speech ,paranoia , delusional behaviour or quick changes in behaviour ?" . Chris thought back to the many times Joshes speech had become incoherent in the past two months and how he believed he was revenging his sisters with the awful prank he played last year and how he was paranoid one piece of his flesh could enrage the wendigo earlier . " All of the above " he whispered , his eyes avoiding Joshes as he sensed the betrayed expression on his friends face . "Josh the reason you're medication isn't working is because you have been misdiagnosed..." Dr Hill began . Josh clasped Chris's hand even tighter . " The antipsychotics we have you were of a low dosage as you've been treated for major depressive disorder when you have all the symptoms for schizophrenia you should be on a much stronger medication " . Josh gulped and felt a tear begin to drop out of the corner of his eye . He felt Chris pull him closer as he felt the sobs rack his body . "What should I do ?" He whispered . "I'm going to prescribe you with a clozapine 100mg , so it's quite strong , I can get someone to deliver the drug by tomorrow afternoon just don't take any more of your current medication until then " Dr Hill stated . Josh sighed ,and looked at Chris who had an understanding expression upon his face . " What will this new drug do to stop the symptoms ?" Chris questioned . " It will hopefully relieve the symptoms of psychosis , decreasing the hallucinations and delusions hugely " the doctor answered . Josh smiled sadly "that sounds good , is there any sideffects , one of the old medications had terrible ones " Josh mumbled .
"Every drug you take has possible side effects Joshua, you know this , the ones for this one should be reported straight to me , I'll give you a leaflet explaining the drug properly when I deliver it tomorrow, in normal cases the patient taking this drug would have to have their blood regularly monitored however due to your current condition this may not be possible  as I have no idea how the wendigo blood will appear in hospital tests " Dr Hill explained gesturing to Josh's wendigo appearance . Josh just nodded , his mind overthinking the fact blood tests would not be a good idea . "No blood tests , that's not a good idea" Chris said sincerely . Dr Hill nodded . " I will be round tomorrow with the prescription around 2 o'clock , so stay in , if you experience any side effects you need to tell me straight away , I'm assuming you still have my cell number " . Then as Josh sat there processing the extent of the information he was just told , Chris showed Dr Hill out , thanking the man for coming round and helping .
When Josh heard the front door slam he lifted his head from the wooden kitchen island and slowly left the room to see Chris whispering the situation to Sammy who was sat in the couch on her mobile . "Hey guys " he mumbled sitting down next to Chis breathing in his musky scent of cigarettes and aftershave . "Are you okay Joshy ?" Sammy said in her cute Canadian accent . Josh sighed and rested his fluffy head of hair on the soft cushion behind him
. " I think so , it's hard but it's good to know now , it's like ... closure " .

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