It's a Long Story

By aestheticaries

14.1K 442 293

13 ordinary high school students, complete strangers to one another, end up tying a undying bond together aft... More

Chapter One - Detention
Chapter Two - A nightmare
Chapter Three - It Doesn't Really Matter
Chapter Four - Aquarius
Chapter Five - I Trust You
Chapter Six - I'm A Cancer
Chapter Seven - I Killed Her
Chapter Eight - I Don't Care
Chapter Nine - No Comment
Chapter Ten - Do You Believe Me Now?
Chapter Eleven - Another New Student
Chapter Twelve - Locked
Chapter Thirteen - Aries
Chapter Fourteen - A Team
Chapter Fifteen - Powerful
Chapter Sixteen - Aquarius&Capricorn
Chapter Seventeen - Sagittarius&Scorpio
Chapter Eighteen - Libra&Virgo
Chapter Nineteen - Leo&Cancer
Chapter Twenty - Gemini&Taurus
Chapter Twenty-One - Blair
Chapter Twenty-Two - No Problem
Chapter Twenty-Three - Begin
Chapter Twenty-Four - Goodnight
Chapter Twenty-Five - I'm Sorry
Chapter Twenty-Six - Rihanna
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Now
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Psychotic
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Let's Play
Chapter Thirty - Each Other
Chapter Thirty-Two - A Word
Chapter Thirty-Three - True Aries
Chapter Thirty-Four - It's A Long Story
One Year Anniversary

Chapter Thirty-One - Oh My God

129 11 15
By aestheticaries

"Blair..." Mason's voice snapping me out of my thoughts, I looked up to him to notify I was listening, "I'm sorry." he spoke in a saddened tone, my eyes widened as he slammed his fist into my gut with his sheer strength, the blow sent me back into the wall, tumbling through the boxes, I rolled onto the floor, luckily I was still conscious but fragile, as I used my arms to push my weight onto the ground, looking at Mason's saddened gaze, he's actually taking this seriously?!

Rihanna's laugh cut through my thoughts, "That's it!" she spoke excitedly, slamming her hands hard onto the wooden arms of the chair, "Kill each other!"

I stood up weakly, clutching my arm harshly, "M-Mason! Please stop!" I yelled, trying to get through to him, "This is just what she wants! We can work through this together!" I tried to call out to him, striving further to hear any reply from him, but he never replied. 

He charged at me again, kicking me in the legs, I screamed out in agony as I tumbled to the floor again, I refuse to fight against him, he's like a brother to me, sure we bicker a lot but that's not an excuse to resort to such violence. 

"Huh, what's this? Refusing to fight? How lame." Rihanna spoke with an unimpressed look as her bewitching eyes glanced at my weak state, "This is going to get boring really quick I suppose." 

Mason overheard this as I heard a growl gargle from his throat, my attention was snapped back to him after hearing the sound of him clicking his fingers together, my eyes widened as the orange glow surrounded Mason, he was changing into his form. 

It enhanced his wicked abilities, I wasn't going to survive much longer, his glowing orange eyes glared into my auburn ones, he was in the Taurus form right in front of me, shirtless, in the enriched black shorts and boots with belts that wrapped around his shoulder blades and had the bull-like horns, my eyes widened as he once again brought his fist into my gut once again, my back hit the wall more fiercely this time, I whimpered in agony. 

My eyes drifted to Rihanna who seemed to be enjoying but also disliking the scene that was unravelling, "Took him long enough to get into his form." she spoke with a pout, my eyes began to turn half-lidded, I could feel myself becoming dizzy and lightweight as I felt Mason's arm wrap around my leg as I laid unresponsive on the floor, my whole body felt weak, numb, my resist to not fight back was torn away. 

His grip tightened on my foot as he lifted me up so I was hanging upside down, he swung me around before throwing me to the opposite end, my back then being the first to collide with the wall, dust encircled me, as things began to grow blurry. I coughed up blood, or at least, what I thought was blood.

Suddenly, there was hope the three of us could come out of the alive. I stared down at the ink I had choked up from my mouth substituting the blood that was what I initially thought I had gargled from my mouth, I had forgotten all about it if I'm being honest.

With the energy I had left, I began to trace my fingers through the ink onto the concrete flooring, it wasn't the neatest but who could care at this point, I looked at what I had written as my arms grew weak and aching, I dropped to the floor, watching my last conscious view be covered with the view of a Taurus. 

Leo, help me. 

The words written in ink became smudged as the Taurus' foot stomped into it, but it was too late for it to be erased, I had changed time already. The door was broken into, as a person revealed themselves, catching everyone's attention, I weakly lifted my head up to see Levi's body standing where the duplicate used to be, he was in his Leo form. 

"Levi..." I spoke in relief upon seeing him, Rihanna growled defensively, standing up from her chair, knocking it down as she stood up, her eyes glared to the ink smudge smeared into the pavement, "Damn you, Aries." she cursed. 

"Rihanna, stop whatever you're doing, now." Levi spoke in a threatening way as he made his way onto the arena, she shrugged, "Sorry no can do, it seems the ram over there is in no fit to fight so you'll have to do for now, fight Taurus to the death for my capture." she simply explained with a grin. 

Levi clenched his fist, "Lion." was all he spoke, and with that, his body melted morphing into the four-legged cat with a fierce mane, a roar gargled from the feline's throat, showing off his strength and pride, it was a fight between a lion and a bull, but there's no doubt a lion could win a fight, after all a Lion is high on a list for being a predator. 

I watched Mason's face turn scrunched up before charging towards to Lion, but as he did so, the Lion charged back, both bolting towards each other with equal speed, with my last remaining ounces of energy. The Lion's canines pierced into Mason's leg, tearing off large amounts of skin, it was no doubt painful. 

Mason let out a yelp in agony, losing all feeling in his legs as he dropped to the floor, the Lion pounced onto the bull in a predatory way, my thoughts were drifted away as the last thing I saw was the Lion's sharp claws scratching across Mason's body, along with his teeth scraping across the bull horns in attempts to tear them off. 

I suddenly passed out due to my body losing the last amounts of energy it had left, my head lolled across the concrete floor, my body following behind it before nothing became clear to me anymore. 

That was....

Until I walk up again. 

Levi's figure towered over me, back into his original form and ordinary self, my eyes fluttered a few times and his worried look turned into a faithful smile, that damn smile...

"Blair, you're okay!" he spoke in relief, assisting me in sitting up, his arms wrapped around my fragile stomach, enveloping me into a hug, I had no choice but to hug him back, yet it pained me inside to know that I couldn't have this forever and that he'd probably never see me in that way, he had Vivian so why should I bother? 

The smile of relief faded from my face as I looked around, "Where's Rihanna and Mason?" I questioned, "They took off, I let them go," he replied, "I couldn't kill them, I didn't want to kill them, it's just not me to kill someone," he explained, "I have a feeling we won't be seeing them for a while." 

I looked at my feet in disappointment, "Oh, I see." I spoke rather quietly, "Yeah, it turned out Mason was apart of Rihanna's plan, whilst she was on the run from the window scenario you talked about, she got a hold of Mason and he got wrapped up into her plan, he lead you here where they was going to kill you." he explained, I sighed heavily, "I see? Is there anyone I can actually trust?" I spoke rather gloomfully. 

"You've got me!" he spoke, in attempts to cheer me up, I gave him a quick and fake smile, did I really have him though? I couldn't bare to look at him in the eye, the pain was too much. 

Despite my aching, bruised and the ink smudges soaking through my clothes at my sides, I stood up, beginning to walk away from Levi without a second thought, he deserves to be happy, and if he's happy with Vivian, why should I get in the way of it? Why should I keep going back to him if he never looked at me in that way. 

I could sense Levi's anger and confusion about my ungrateful action, "Blair, what the hell?!" he exclaimed, standing up himself, his arms extended outwards, I stood up too quick and my weak body caused me to collide against the wall for support, "Where are you going?! I need to talk to you!" he exclaimed. 

His running feet echoed behind me, "I'm sorry," I began, "I shouldn't keep resorting back to you if I can't make you happy." I replied, staying where I was, my arms crossed and tears began to swell in my eyes as his body stopped me from walking anywhere, the confused look remained on his face, as he lifted my head up to face him, "What do you mean? What are you talking about?" he questioned. 

I turned my head away, holding my arm out in front of myself, pushing him away, "You and Vivian." I replied, "She obviously makes you more happy than any time we spent together so why should I wait for you to come back when you won't!" I exclaimed, confessing my jealously, but I couldn't keep it contained for much longer.

"Blair you aren't making any sense, what has Vivian done wrong?!" Levi questioned, looking at with a bewildered look, his voice rising a little. "Nothing!" I replied, jerking my body back into his direction, staring at him with my hurt eyes, "She's done nothing wrong and that's what irritates me!" I answered, "She's perfect, she's the most beautiful girl in the entire school, she's popular, likeable, gorgeous, she's everything I can't be for you!" I exclaimed, pointing my finger at myself accusingly, "And that's why I'll leave you alone, I'll let you be happy for once in your life because that's what you deserve!" 

Levi stared at me dumbfounded, utterly speechless before speaking up, "You' love with me?" he questioned. I clenched my fists together growing irritated as each second fluttered by, "Maybe I am!" I exclaimed, "Maybe I'm so madly in love with you, I'm the happiest when I'm with you, but clearly you don't feel the same way so I'll leave you alone, it'll be the best for both of us if I do!" I exclaimed. 

I sighed heavily, "Now if you excuse me, I've got to head home and explain to my mom why I'm so utterly beaten to a pulp." I spoke, jerking my limp body to the door, I marched my way there. 

"Blair wait!" Levi called out, I could sense his voice breaking, was he upset too? No, he can't be, I'm mainly just a block in the road for the way to his happy life. My body cooled down the more I spoke and the more I turned away, I ignored his voice and kept on walking. 

"Blair!" Levi yelled frustratingly, and suddenly his body was in front of my way, blocking me, "Levi, please, just move." I ordered, not exactly in the mood, I just wanted to be alone, me, myself and the presence of my thoughts. 

His mouth was partly open as he looked around, seeming to be looking for something to say, "This...this can't be it..." he spoke, tearing up himself, despite his cold exterior showing a lack of emotion, "we've gone through so much together, please don't let this be it for us!" he pleaded, wrapping his hand around my shoulder.

I thought about it for a second, memories flickered into my mind of everything that happened with each other.

"She can learn later! For all we know she can be dying in there!" Levi called out. Aries smirked, "You seem to care rather much about her, my dear Leo." Aries spoke. "I have to care, she made me believe, so I'll bring her back, I'll be by her side no matter what!" he declared bravely.

Mason looked back at me, causing me to lift my head up to him, "Say, you seem to care about Levi a lot, is there something going on?" he asked, I felt heat rise to my cheeks, I looked away in embarrassment, "No! Well, I mean, not in that way!" I protested.

"Who would've thought you to be the type to workout?" I questioned, he chuckled, "Huh? I thought that's what you liked in a man? Did I get it wrong?" he asked, I knew he was teasing but I couldn't help but flush up in embarrassment, "Just get yourself over here as soon as possible, sending my please and thank you." I told him before hanging up the phone.

Rhianna yanked me away, "Are you and Levi?" she questioned, edging me to finish the statement, my eyes widened, "Oh god no!" I replied shaking my head frantically, "Are you sure?" she asked, arching an eyebrow. I nodded my head, "Very sure!" I answered.

I nodded my head stiffly, not speaking a word, "Well, since you're the only one that's also realised, I trust you a great deal." he began, "I was entitled the role of a Leo, a Leo can shapeshift into any form that they wish, to deceive others and it can even get their own way sometimes, it's quite fun not going to lie." he explained.

"I trust you."

"You ready?" Levi asked, I turned around, noticing him placing on his helmet. I nodded my head, "But don't kill me." I scolded him before climbing onto the back, wrapping my arms tightly around his waist, securing my stance, I hugged his back, and closed my eyes as I listened to the roaring of the engine.

I turned around, the freezer wasn't there. My eyes scattered around my surroundings, I was still in school, yet the hallway was completely empty, except from Levi, Rhianna and River standing around me. Tears swelled up in my eyes once more as Levi assisted me up from the floor.

I fell into his arms, crying softly, in the corner of my eye, I still noticed Rhianna's and River's worried and panicked faces. 

"Please, take that seat over there." he said, pointing towards a seat in the back corner that was next to some mystery guy I've never seen before. He had light brunette hair and intense dark eyes, he dressed in a white shirt and his tattoo on his right arm was visible, he wore dark blue jeans with a black belt. I sat nervously beside him, the height difference was obviously noticeable and he kind of scared me a little. I scooted my chair closer to the edge of the desk because he seemed like the type to have a large amount of space. 


I love you...

I grabbed his hand, removing it off my shoulder, gazing at him with a sad look, his birght eyes were crystallised with light sheds of tears, "Then how come it is?" I questioned rhetorically, letting his hand slip from my grasp. 

It was true we've gone through so many things together to get us up to where we are now, our friendship has made us stronger and closer yet...I want it to be more than that. So much more. But I know he doesn't, and every time I see him, everytime I look up and see his intense eyes, I'm just going to be reminded too much of what's happened. I know it's going to hurt but it's better off this way, it's better off for the both of us. Therefore, when graduation comes next year, I can go on to be a journalist and Levi can become whatever he wants to with Vivian as a loving wife by his side, and god knows how many kids. The pain now will be for the greater good, I know it could be. 

As I turned to walk away, Levi grabbed my hand and yanked me towards him, our bodies close, "Don't ever tell me this is it." he warned, and with that, his lips collided with my own, my eyes were widened in surprise, there was no way this was happening. 

The hidden jealously lurking in my body calmed down to a natural temperature, and for a moment everything seemed complete, my heart was beating at a rapid pace, I couldn't wrap my head about what happened. 

Until the sound of jangling keys broke the silence as they collided with the ground, me and Levi parted, turning around to see a bewildered Scarlett and Chi standing in front of the broken door. 

"Oh my God!"

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