It's a Long Story

By aestheticaries

14.1K 442 293

13 ordinary high school students, complete strangers to one another, end up tying a undying bond together aft... More

Chapter One - Detention
Chapter Two - A nightmare
Chapter Three - It Doesn't Really Matter
Chapter Four - Aquarius
Chapter Five - I Trust You
Chapter Six - I'm A Cancer
Chapter Seven - I Killed Her
Chapter Eight - I Don't Care
Chapter Nine - No Comment
Chapter Ten - Do You Believe Me Now?
Chapter Eleven - Another New Student
Chapter Twelve - Locked
Chapter Thirteen - Aries
Chapter Fourteen - A Team
Chapter Fifteen - Powerful
Chapter Sixteen - Aquarius&Capricorn
Chapter Seventeen - Sagittarius&Scorpio
Chapter Eighteen - Libra&Virgo
Chapter Nineteen - Leo&Cancer
Chapter Twenty - Gemini&Taurus
Chapter Twenty-One - Blair
Chapter Twenty-Two - No Problem
Chapter Twenty-Three - Begin
Chapter Twenty-Four - Goodnight
Chapter Twenty-Five - I'm Sorry
Chapter Twenty-Six - Rihanna
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Now
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Let's Play
Chapter Thirty - Each Other
Chapter Thirty-One - Oh My God
Chapter Thirty-Two - A Word
Chapter Thirty-Three - True Aries
Chapter Thirty-Four - It's A Long Story
One Year Anniversary

Chapter Twenty-Eight - Psychotic

154 9 8
By aestheticaries

"You jerk!" I yelled, spitting venom with my words as I forcefully kicked his chair, he yelped out in surprise as he fell to the floor, his head hitting the cold concrete ground yet he was still conscious, I walked over stepping to the side of his knocked-over limp body, my eyes glowed red in anger, resembling that the Aries within me was also raging with anger, feeling the same behaviour and emotions as I did. I placed my foot on his throat, I lightly pushed my weight onto that foot as he let out raspy gasps for air, "Tell me where Rihanna is," I spoke threateningly as I forced my weight even more onto that foot to the fact he was whimpering and withering under my grasp for air,


"Blair, you're hurting him...." I heard Chi's worried voice come through, yet I couldn't seem to acknowledge it. I noticed his pain and suffering yet it strove me further, all my anger and jealously I've held it was coming free, the harder I pressed onto his throat, the more my body seemed to cool down, like a coping mechagnism. I couldn't understand it. 

"Blair!" Scarlett yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts as the glow in my eyes died down and the heat came rushing back into my body, Scarlett dragged my shocked, stiff body away from Liam who laid helpless on the floor, Scarlett was then quick to drop me, yet I didn't seem to react to my body falling onto the floor. 

"Blair, you're burning!" Scarlett exclaimed worriedly as Chi scurried to help Liam up from off the ground, even Liam stared bewildered as I looked at their facial expressions, glaring at me in horror and bewilderment, like I was a monster, am I a monster? Who even am I? "Blair, are you okay?" Scarlett asked. 

I felt tears swell up into my eyes, "I-I don't know..." I replied, "Ever since the truth or dare I've been feeling this burning rage in my body, I can't get rid of it, and it hurts, I don't know what to do." I explained. I heard Liam snigger, "It's because you've played a game with a sin and lost." he explained with a sneer. 

Chi frowned, "What's that supposed to mean?" Chi questioned. "Well, I'm sure you're aware of the seven sins right?" he asked glancing around the three of us, "You got envy, greed, gluttony, pride, lust, wrath and sloth right," he listed, "Some point along the line, you're zodiac self has made a deal with one of them sins and is now apart of you and your abilities, you won't get rid of it unless you do the thing it's desired." he explained. 

Scarlett turned at me with a hopeful look, "Can you figure out which one you think you're experiencing?" she asked. I gazed at her with a blank look before bluntly speaking, "No." 

Liam groaned, "Wow, I've got to do everything for you useless teens," Liam spoke, rolling his eyes in boredom which caused me to growl, "you say this happened during your truth and dare game right? What exactly happened during the game?" Liam asked. Me, Chi and Scarlett looked at each other before Chi spoke up, "Nothing much, we had to stop it because me and Scarlett noticed Blair," she explained, "aside the fact that Vivian asked out Levi and Levi said yes." 

I noticed a wicked smirk spread onto Liam's face, "There you have it." he said to which Scarlett and I caught on immediately, Scarlett let an overdramatic gasp gargle from her throat, "Blair! You're envious!" she exclaimed, she then let out a squeal, "She totally wants Levi in her arms not in Vivian's!"

I blushed and looked away, even coming to sense with the reality that I had possibly fallen for him seemed to cool me down a lot, maybe it was true, but I couldn't expect him to like me back in anyway as he said yes to Vivian, "T-That's not the point right now." I spoke up, my face calmed down as I turned back around, "The point is we need to know where Rihanna is right now!" 

Scarlett cleared her throat, "Oh, yeah, sorry." she spoke, quickly regaining her posture, dusting down her clothes for no reason, she placed both hands on her hips, "So Liam, do you know where Rihanna is?" she asked, seeming rather calm. 

He snapped his gaze away from us seeming smug and confident, "So what if I do, it's not like this type of information comes with a price." he spoke. Scarlett tapped her finger mindlessly on her chin, "You're right, I could just beat it out of you and make you lose your food and water privileges until you do decide to tell us." Scarlett spoke, giving back a more overpowering confident look to Liam who made his smug look seem like child's play. 

Liam sighed, "Fine, but on one condition," he spoke, Scarlett raised an eyebrow, "Which is?" she asked. "I want to work with you guys, if Chi can do it, so can I, and in fact, you'll find out that I'm more of use to you than you may think." Liam spoke, I noticed Scarlett's face form a frown yet Chi's formed a worried look. 

As much as neither of us wanted to admit it, Liam was a rather great help, but was he really the one to trust? His looks decieve a little too much for his liking, anyone falls under his spell, and we haven't exactly had the best times of our lives with him lurking in our shadows, and he even nearly killed Rihanna himself, it's risky, but the end of the world is at stake here. 

Liam gave away the secret about Rihanna so the number of traitors are gradually increasing as time passes by, and with the 4:08 dawning upon us, we can't make many mistakes up to now, if we're going by dates, the end of the world should be the fourth of August. 

Scarlett grunted, "Fine, but you will be under my supervision at all costs and you'll be strapped up into that chair on a night so you don't do anything risky, and if you do, I won't hesitate to slaughter you." she warned, Liam light-heartedly chuckled, "Scouts honour." he spoke.

Scarlett sighed, edging towards Liam who sat limp in the chair, she kneeled down and undid the straps that snaked around his ankles as Chi decided to assist and do the ones that strapped his arms.

They both stepped back and I walked up to Chi and Scarlett as Liam limped out of the chair in a wobbly state, like he had forgotten how to walk, he was quick to maintain his balance as he stretched out his limbs with a soft groan, "It feels so good to be standing again," he sang, "Welcome to the land of the standing, now can you tell us where Rihanna is?" Scarlett asked dissapproving of Liam being free. 

Liam grinned, "Or where she could be, after all, I can control what she does with my thoughts whenever I want to." Liam explained. Chi exhaled heavily, "No please don't do that, just tell us where she is now, please?" Chi questioned. "Fine, you guys are no fun," Liam groaned, "Rihanna is at home with the comfort of River, I'll lead you there." Liam spoke, beginning his adventure to walk, Scarlett was quick to walk up to him, walking by his side. 

"Are we really sure it's safe to let Liam walk around like this after what he did to you guys?" Chi asked me as we trailed not far behind them, but a further enough distance for us to whisper, "None of us think it's a good idea, let's be honest," I replied, "it goes by the saying, keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Chi nodded their head in understanding. 

I spent the rest of the walk there watching Liam intently, I watched his head make the slightest movements as he seemed to be scanning the area, just as we walked down past my house I heard a voice call out my name, "Blair?" a rather cold harsh voice spoke which made me fix into my place, the four of us turned around to see both Jake and Eleanor approaching us, "Not you!" Scarlett exclaimed gesturing to Jake with a disapproving frown to which Jake shot a death glare at. 

"O-Oh, hey Eleanor, what's up?" I asked seeming rather nervous around the taller, bulkier and gave off an intimidating vibe, "People are really terrified of her, huh?" I heard Liam mumble to which Chi retorted back with, "Are you kidding me? Eleanor totally has the look of that she's going to kill us in seconds! It freaks me out!" 

"Your mom asked me to find you since she didn't know what time you'd be heading home, but from the looks of things, you're heading home now, right?" Eleanor asked. I nervously chuckled, "About that...." I began, I saw Jake's eyebrows furrow, "Blair, what trouble are you getting into now?" he asked causing me to sweat-drop even more. 

I watched Jakes eyes drift up to Liam and his jaw dropped, "What the hell?! What's he doing here? I thought Scarlett strangled him!" he explained. Eleanor exhaled loudly catching everyone's attention, "She did, idiot, but not enough to kill him, she wanted him alive for information, are you seriously that egotistical to remember something from three days ago?" Eleanor asked, Jake huffed, "Maybe I am, who knows." he answered back with which caused Eleanor to groan, "But I have to agree with Jake, what is he doing walking around?" she asked. 

"Y-You see, he's leading us to Rihanna, she's in grave danger." I replied, Eleanor and Jake exchanged a confused look at each other before looking back at me, "How so?" Jake questioned. "You can blame Liam for this by the way!" Scarlett called out, catching both Jake and Eleanor's attention as she pointed to the rough-looking male, Chi nodded her head, both seeming to be trying to push the blame off for each other in case my explanation back fired. 

"As you know, Liam worked for the traitor, and what he did was, he hypnotised Rihanna into killing Bailey for the traitor, it wasn't the traitors doing for killing Bailey, it was Rihanna under the influence of Liam." I explained, lowering my head down in shame. 

I heard an animalistic grown come from Eleanor, I looked up seeing her death-look had worsened on seeing Liam's figure again, Liam squealed, "She's gonna kill me!" he cried, hiding behind Scarlett. Scarlett looked surprised and pushed him away, "Don't hide behind me!" she hissed, pushing him back to his original standing point. 

Eleanor lifted her head up, gesturing it to the scenery of the street behind us, "Let him lead the way before I snap his neck." she threatened, Liam squealed again, his shaking legs taking action once again as he walked, "O-On it!" he called out nervously. 

We didn't walk that much further till we stumbled on a large, detached house, Liam extended his hand out towards it, "This is where Rihanna is." he spoke. Scarlett nodded her head, "Alright, just act normal, despite who answers the door," Scarlett ordered, "and that means a friendly look Eleanor." Scarlett added, her emerald eyes drifting to Eleanor, analysing her death look. Eleanor softened her look slightly but the intimidating glare still remained, Scarlett let out a groan of defeat, "Oh well, at least it's better." she spoke, ushering Liam behind her as she knocked on the door politely. 

As they walked to the door, a middle aged woman with curly hair like Rihanna opened the door, no doubt their mother, "Hi, um, we're friends with your son and daughter," Scarlett began in a soft voice as she noticed their mothers sad look, "I know, I recognise a few of you from at the police station," she spoke, "I'm sure they'll appreciate your presence of being there for you, please come in." their mother spoke opening the door. 

Scarlett was the first to enter, followed by Liam and Chi, I muttered a thank you to Rihanna and River's mother to which she gave a smile to as Eleanor and Jake then entered, she closed the door behind us, "Would you like us to take our shoes off?" Chi asked, tilting their head to one side. 

"No it's okay, I'm sure your shoes will be fine, they're upstairs in River's room." her mother reassured, pointing to the stair case that had a beige carpeting which lead up to the second floor, "Thank you." I said politely, taking the lead up on the stair case, each going in a straight line one behind the other. 

I took a guess and went for the room right at the end, to which my hypothesis was correct, as I opened the door, I noticed River having his arms wrapped around Rihanna into a supportive sibling hug. Their door creaked open as their heads lifted up sensing the presence, Rihanna gave me a soft smile, to which I gave a smile back, knowing she was no longer going to smile at me like that again after what I'm about to tell her, "Blair, you're here." Rihanna spoke, running up to me and engulfing me in  a hug, "How are you feeling?" I questioned. "I-I-I can't wrap my head around anything, who could do such a cruel thing?" she asked, I didn't reply back as I knew what had truly happened.

"Thanks for coming Blair, it's best if we stick together in our time of grieving, right?" River asked, to which I nodded my head in reply, "Yeah, but in fact, I'm not the only one who came." I spoke, gesturing to the door. 

And with that, Scarlett opened the door along with Chi, Jake, Eleanor and Liam, all with saddened looks on their faces, even Liam looked disappointed in himself, River's eyes furrowed on seeing Liam's figure, "What's he doing here?" he asked, growing defensive over Rihanna. Rihanna looked at me with a confused look, noticing my sad look, "Blair..." 

I cut in, "It's best if he explains his doing himself." 

Liam stepped forward causing both Rihanna and River to take a step back subconsciously, Liam, surprisingly, seemed hurt by this action, "Rihanna, the time we spent together was amazing while it lasted, but I used you," he explained. Rihanna gasped before speaking up, "What do you mean?" she asked. "I used you, I used you to kill Bailey, through the time we spent together, I hypnotised you to do the deeds I wanted you to do, such as walk away from Blair when she explained the zodiac's against your will, and even, I even made you kill Bailey." he spoke. 

Rihanna's eyes widened, hitching her breath, her hand slapped around her mouth as tears swelled into her eyes, "N-No! I refuse to believe it! My sister isn't a killer!" River exclaimed, he turned towards me, "Blair, you don't believe this, do you?" he asked. 

"I-I saw it, it's true." I spoke. River began to tear up, as I watched Rihanna walk over to her desk, her hands grabbing the sides of the table as she inhaled and exhaled softly, trying to remain her composure, but she also seemed to be grabbing something, "What are you talking about? What do you mean you saw?" River questioned. 

"Back at the police department, I felt guilty about not preventing Bailey's death, and his soul from the past, showed me how he died, and Rihanna climbed on top of me, using her ability she stabbed him continuously, she did it but it wasn't her, it was Liam forcing her to do it." I explained, "I-I'm sorry River." I finished off, finally having the courage to look up to the betrayed look on his face, I even heard a sniffle come from Eleanor's direction. 

Rihanna turned her attention away from the desk, and approached her way over to Liam, despite her brothers protests, "Liam, I really never got to thank you, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be as broken as I am now," she spoke, yet something lingered in the atmosphere, something was off, she wrapped her arms around Liam's waist, pressing her head against his chest, enveloping him into a hug, "thank you, Liam." 

Liam was too stunned by her action to hug back, he watched as she pulled herself away from, she continued, "And thank you, for finally giving me the final push to finally kill you." she finished off, a gasp gargled from my throat and the colour drained out of my face. 

"Wha-" Liam began, he didn't even manage to finish his sentence, "Goodbye Liam." Rihanna spoke as she stabbed him in the eye with a pen she had taken from her desk, blood spattered everywhere across the walls, River stepped back towards Jake in horror, as Scarlett covered Chi's eyes on instinct, "W-What the hell?!" Eleanor stuttered, too gobsmacked to speak as she listened to Liam's wails in agony as Rihanna kept the pen in place firmly in his eye, the more he withered around the more the pen pushed in deeper and deeper.

It was gruesome. 

"You're only making this worse for yourself you know," Rihanna teased with a sadistic smile, "now you know how it feels to be under someone's control." she guided Liam's body towards the window, grabbing ahold of the handle and opening it, she gave one sadistic smile to Liam, "Goodbye Liam once again." she spoke before pushing him out of the window. 

I covered my mouth in horror looking at Rihanna's bloodied, sadistic figure who stood before us, she was smothered in Liam's blood but it didn't seem to bother her, "S-She's crazy..." I stuttered in horror. 

"She worse than that," Eleanor spoke,

"She's a psychotic."

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