Emison: I can't fight my feel...

By camren_againstreason

535K 10K 2.8K

A-Free story about Alison Dilaurentis and Emily Fields falling in love. This story takes you on their journey... More

The Truth Comes Out
You're Worth The Wait
The Talk.
The Surprise
The Study Session
The Party and First Times
One Month Anniversary Part 1-(The Planning)
One Month Anniversary Part 2 (You didn't remember.)
One Month Anniversary Part 3-(I hate myself)
I Love You
We're Going To LA
Las Angeles
Las Angeles-Part 2-The Perfect Couple
Not What It Looks Like
Caught In The Act
Toby's Party
Morning After-( Very Short Chapter)
The Assembly
The Assembly Part 2
A Broken Emily
Emily Don't.
Emily's Back
Tell Me It's Not True
Broken Hearts
That Should Be Me
The Mountain
The Evil Truth
My Dreams
Same Emily-Different brains
Getting to Know You
So In Love it Hurts
A is for Alison
I Can Remember
Will You Take It?
The Parents Agreement
Is That What You Think?
The Last Date
Stay with me.
Hard Cries, Harder Goodbyes
The Distance
She's My Happiness
Prom Night
Camren Fanfic
Camren Story is up
You guys still around?

Out of Reach

7.3K 184 45
By camren_againstreason


"Common Em! You could totally just come with us!" Aria begged as all the girls, except Alison, were laying around in my room. I was the only one who didn't have a date to Homecoming. Aria has Ezra, Spencer has Toby, and Hanna has Caleb. I didn't have a date because I simply didn't want to go to Homecoming with anyone but Alison. In fact, I don't want to do anything with anyone except Alison.

"No way. It's embarrassing showing up with no date!" I whined back. I actually wouldn't usually care about going alone but I don't want to watch Alison dance with Charlie all night, it would kill me.

"You are going to Homecoming and that's final!" Spencer said sternly as the other girls chuckled. I let out an annoyed grunt and fell back on my bed and starting staring at the ceiling.

"Please Em! It won't be the same without you!" Hanna said as she came and laid down next to me. I looked at Hanna then back at the ceiling and let out a deep sigh.

"But Alison is gonna be there." I said quietly as I closed my eyes to fight back the tears that were coming. The girls stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. I felt them all come closer to comfort me.

"Forget Alison! Show her that you can have fun without her!" Aria encouraged. I opened my eyes and stared at them as they all were waiting for an answer.

"Ugh, fine." I finally gave in. The girls immediately started jumping up and down and screaming in excitement. It's nice to know my friends really want me there even though I really am dreading this dance.


Homecoming is in a few days and I'm not really that excited for it. I heard Emily doesn't have a date and I'm not going to lie, I am very happy about that. I don't want any other girl slow dancing with my Emily.

Then, I immediately think of how broken Em looked when she saw what Charlie did to ask me to Homecoming. Could Emily want me back? I shouldn't get my hopes up because what I did to her was horrible and I understand if she never forgives me. I want Emily back so bad.

I realize I don't have a dress for Homecoming yet so I decide to go to the mall and get it over with. I grab my keys and head out.


The girls had to literally drag me out of my own bed and house to get me to the mall. We were all going dress shopping. If it was my choice, I would probably just show up in pajamas, but the girls are making me get all dressed up.


"Oh my god, I'm so excited!" Hanna practically screamed as I rolled my eyes but laughed at her enthusiasm.

"Calm down Han, it's just dress shopping." I giggled. All the other girls joined along with me.

"I know you don't totally like the dress part, but maybe you can meet a girl here." Spencer stated.

"Yes! Then you can ask her to homecoming!" Aria added.

"Guys, I don't think I can meet and ask a girl to Homecoming in one day while we're at the mall." I laugh. They all just look at me with hopeful eyes. "I will try though." I add and that makes them smile.

We all walk into the mall and we walk into the first store that sells dresses. All the other girls are going through each dress and criticizing every detail about each one, but I am just going through the racks until one catches my eye.

We have been looking for about thirty minutes and we are only in the second store out of the many stores in the mall. I'm slowly looking around and one dress really jumps out at me. It's a white dress with gold accents that goes down to right above the knees. I smile and run towards it and quickly take it off the rack.

"Em did you find one?!" Hanna yells as she sees the dress in my hand.

"Yeah, I'm going to go try it on!" I reply as I run into the dressing room. I slip on the dress and look in the mirror. I absolutely love it. I smile as I look at myself. I slowly come out of the dressing rooms and all the girls are waiting to see what it looks like.

Everyones jaws drops and they all smile as I blush because they are all staring at me.

"Em it's perfect!" Aria practically screamed. All the other girls agreed and continued to stare at the dress.

"You really think so?" I ask to Aria.

"I know so." She replies. This dress is perfect, I just wish I could wear it next to Alison.

As we look for dresses for all the other girls, the girls keep telling me to go flirt with different girls around the mall but I haven't really given in yet.

Hanna, Aria and I all wait outside the dressing room as we wait for Spencer to come out in her dress. Aria taps me on the shoulder and whispers in my ear.

"We got a blonde over there near the sales rack." She whispers. I giggle and look over. The blonde has her back towards us but you can already tell she's pretty.

"Aria, I don't even know if she's gay!" I whisper but yell at the same time.

"Oh yes you do. She was just on the phone about how her and her girlfriend broke up a while ago." Aria whispered back with excitement. I just stared at her as she signaled me to go over and talk to the blonde.

After Aria begging me for minutes, I finally gave in and got up slowly to walk over to the blonde. I took a deep breath and pretended to be confident as I looked back at Aria. She gave me a thumbs up and I walked over to the girl.

"Hi, I'm Emily." I say as I catch her attention and she finally turns around. Shit.


I'm looking for a dress for homecoming and then I hear somebody talking to me.

"Hi, I'm Emily." I hear them say. My eyes shoot wide open and I quickly turn around. Emily's jaw drops when she sees it's me. I'm choked up and don't know what to say and neither does she.

"A-Alison." She stutters out. My heart breaks a little because I notice she never calls me by my nickname anymore. It's always just "Alison."

"Hi Emily." I reply softly. My eyes drop from Emily's eyes to my feet when I realize she was trying to hit on a girl. That girl was me, but she didn't know it. It's not even jealousy I feel, it's sadness. At this point, I don't even know if Emily and I will ever get back together.

"Um, what are you doing here?" She asks trying to break the awkwardness.

"Shopping for a homecoming dress. What about you?" I ask while the awkwardness is only raising.

"Same. Same." She says as she puts her hand in her pockets and looks around, avoiding eye contact with me. There was an awkward silence and I decided to break it.

"Listen Emily, about Charlie-" I started to say but she cut me off.

"No Alison, I'm happy you. I really am. You deserve the best." She says as tears fill her eyes.

"Emily I miss you." I whisper as I step towards her.

"I miss you too," She says and kisses my forehead as tears stream down her face, "but I have to go." She finishes as her voice cracks because she's trying to hold in her tears. She rests her forehead against mine and closes her eyes as I close mine. She then lets go of me and begins to walk away slowly.

"I still love you." I whisper, but she's too far away now. She's gone. She's out of reach.


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