Between Boys (One Direction F...

By Oliviablueberry1D

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TRAILER: ______________________________________________________ Da... More

Chapter 01: Try not to fangirl
Chapter 02: Smoothie Date
Chapter 03: Eleanor
Chapter 04: VIP Pass
Chapter 05: Break even
Chapter 06: Close Call Kiss
Chapter 07: Rehearsal
Chapter 08: Party Night
Chapter 09: Cody
Chapter 10: He likes me?!
Chapter 11: Liam Payne's Mystery Girl
Chapter 12: Ice cream on my chin
Chapter 13 (part 1): Fair Play
Chapter 13 (part 2): Two Birds, One Stone
Chapter 14: Surf's up
Chapter 15: Good news, Bad news
Chapter 16: Upstairs
Chapter 17: Moments
Chapter 18: Dance Class
Chapter 19: We're not together
Chapter 20: I'm yours
Chapter 22: Broken
Chapter 23: Us

Chapter 21: Opposite of loneliness

875 10 5
By Oliviablueberry1D


I put a YouTube link in the multimedia :) At one point in the story I'll write { PRESS PLAY } that's when you begin the song ;) 

ENJOY !!!!


Danielle POV

The boys, Eleanor and I head towards the hotel that I have to admit, I do kind of miss.

While walking to the hotel, we had gotten stopped quite a few times by screaming girls, desperately begging for pictures and autographs. It's not that it bothers me much, but I'd rather spend my last moments with Niall alone with him, not constantly being stopped on the street by fans.

As the girls come and go, I smile politely and let them meet their idols, quietly pretending that I'm okay...

I sometimes wish Niall wasn't so famous. He wouldn't be surrounded by screaming girls... We could spend more time together... He wouldn't have to leave me... But then again if he weren't famous, I would never have met Liam, therefore I would never have met Niall.


I glance over at him as he slowly trails along behind us. He seems upset.

"Hold on a sec." I whisper to Niall.

I then sink to the back of our small group to find myself next to Liam.

"I'm sorry..." I say. 

He stops walking, I stop with him. "Sorry for what?" 

"For leading you on unintentionally. I didn't know you liked me as much as I liked you. If I would have known, I would have been more careful... I feel bad but I can't change the way I feel for Niall now."

Liam takes my hand and looks down at me. "Don't be sorry, I'd never want you to change your feelings for Niall. I know how much he cares for you, just as I do. I want you to be happy, Danielle, don't ever feel sorry for loving somebody."

I smile. Liam's so sweet I swear I can taste it.

"Now go, you don't have much time left with Niall... Take advantage of what you have." 

"Thank you, Liam." I wrap my arms around him and squeeze him gratefully. I look him deep in the eyes, "You're amazing." I say, giving him and an honest I adore you look. I then run back up to Niall and take his hand.

We soon reach the inn that's completely surrounded by screeching fans. 

"What are we supposed to do now?" Eleanor sighs.

"We'll have to sneak through the back door..." says Liam from behind. "Follow me, I know where it is." He walks in front of us and guides us across the street. We all act as casual as possible, luckily, nobody notices us and we all make it safely behind the hotel in a large yet unnoticeable alley.

"It's locked." Harry says as he tugs the handle of a massive metal door. "Someone should text Paul before he gets upset."

"I'll text him." says a girls voice.

Everyone stops and looks at each other. Who said that? ...

"El?" Louis looks at his girlfriend.

"That wasn't me."

"Me neither..." I add.

Uneasy about the extra voice, we all turn around to see a familiar girl crawling out from a dumpster...


She smiles. "Hey!"

Well this just got awkward...

"What are you doing here?!" says Eleanor completely mind blown that Christina's been waiting for us in a giant garbage bin.

"I knew One Direction were leaving for London today and I really wanted to see Zayn before he left. I came to the hotel but front door is obviously blocked by all the fans so I would have had no chance getting in. I knew the boys were over at your house 'cause I saw them on their way over so I thought well, they're probably gonna get into the hotel by the back so I -"

"Wait." Zayn says cutting Christina off. "You... You're the girl who's been texting me? Who's following me everywhere?" 

She giggles awkwardly, "Hi Zayn..."

His jaw drops.

Christina smiles hopefully, trying to contain her excitement but failing horribly. I look at Zayn and he seems a little shaken. He knows that she's not dangerous or anything but just the thought of being in front of the girl who's been following his every move seems to trouble him, which is completely understandable.

Christina's expression dims a slight bit.

"I'm sorry..." she says. "I had no intention of scaring you or acting strange... I just wanted to meet you and I wanted to show you how dedicated I am."

I can see in her face that she's being honest. She looks at the ground in embarrassment. I think being in front of Zayn, who looks quite freaked out by her, made her realize that she did something wrong. 

Zayn smiles understandingly, "It's alright." he says.

Christina looks back up at her idol's friendly face, her expression brightens.

"So.... Does anybody have a camera?" he winks. Christina gasps.

"I DO! I DO!" she jumps handing him her camera. Zayn hands it to Niall who takes their picture, then gives it back to Christina who completely flips out.

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" she screams and hugs Zayn with all her might. He laughs, "My pleasure!" 

"I texted Paul," interrupts Louis from behind us. "He's on his way with the bus." 

Christina sighs, "I guess I have to go now... I'm so happy I met you all, this is the best day EVER!!" She hugs all the boys and smiles. "Sorry again, Zayn, for scaring you..." 

"Don't worry about it," he says. "Forgive and forget!" 

Christina looks so happy.

She wipes a tear of joy off her cheek. "Have a good trip back, guys!" She waves at the boys once more and subtly sneaks out the alley, trying not to giveaway our little spot. I'm so happy she finally met Zayn, he was so sweet to her, no matter how obsessive!

"Honestly, that was a side of her I've never seen before." Eleanor chuckles.

Minutes later, One Direction's bus pulls into the alley followed by security guards holding back a mob of crazed fans. The girls, and the occasional boy, couldn't pass the bus seeing as the alley wasn't wide enough.

Thankfully, that might give me a bit more time left with Niall. 

"C'mon boys!" We hear Paul call from beside the bus.

Zayn comes up to me first and hugs me tight. "It's been incredible." he says with a look I don't think I've ever seen on his face. "Take care, Zayn." I smile sadly, not wanting him to leave. 

Zayn moves to the side as Harry walks over to me. With a cheeky smile, Harry gives me a friendly bear hug and playfully messes up my hair causing me to laugh. "Thank you, Harry, for getting me into that rehearsal and ditching me with Niall." I wink.

"Hope to see you again, Dan." He hugs me once more before getting into the bus behind Zayn. 

I suddenly feel a soft hand slip into mine from behind me. 


I turn and look up at my Irish boy. He takes my other hand and pulls me in close to him. My palms pressed up against his. Neither of us pronounce a single word, yet we find ourselves in complete understanding of each other. I look at his ocean coloured eyes, they are so close to mine that I almost have a bit of trouble focusing on them. 

"How long has it been?" I whispers to me.

"How long has what been?"

"How long has it been since we've met?"

"Almost two months."

"These past almost two months have been the best of my entire life, you know that? I've never felt so myself. So complete. I feel the absolute opposite of loneliness when I'm with you. You're the love I've been yearning for forever, the love everyone hopes to one day find."

He smiles at the ground, his head against mine, then looks back into my eyes. "You complete me, Danielle." His fingers intertwine with mine.  

Niall then places his lips on mine. Softly, with such tenderness and honesty, like as if our lips were made to fit perfectly together.

Time itself stops.

I can no longer hear the screaming girls. The rumbling of the bus' motor. Paul rushing the boys to get into the vehicle. All I feel is the static between the two of us. Nothing else seems to matter but this last moment... this last kiss. Magic. Electricity. A feeling greater then when the sleeves of your sweater are long enough to hide your hands. A feeling greater than hot chocolate in mid October.

A feeling like no other...

Just as everything was perfect, our lips come apart, breaking the most breath taking feeling I've ever experienced.

I find myself staring at Niall's beautiful face, his hand caressing my left cheek. With his thumb, he gently wipes away my last tear. 

"I love you." he says. I watch as a beautiful tear outlines the side of his cheek. Heart broken, Niall breaks our stare and turns his face to the ground. He looks up at me once more before climbing up into the large bus.

Those last three words he pronounced rest ringing in the back of my mind.

All enlightenment instantly fades away from inside of me. I feel a sudden wave of loneliness crash onto me like bricks. "I love you too." I whisper feeling nothing but a simple emptiness. I stand lifelessly staring out at the vehicle that will be driving the love of my life away from me. I watch Louis and Eleanor as they live their last moment together, though I feel as if their's couldn't be anything compared to ours. I say goodbye to Louis who then kissed Eleanor once more before getting into the bus. 

Liam appears in front of me.

"I'll miss you, Danielle."

With those words, my face begins to feel hot. My lifeless expression turns into hopeless sobbing within a second. "I'll miss you too, Liam."

I hug him one last time. His arms comfort me as I die slowly inside.

"Take care of Nialler for me..." I sniff.

"I promise."

I smile at him through my tears. 

Liam's turn comes to get into the bus as well.

The driver closes the door behind him. I spot Niall in one of the windows, his eyes not leaving my stare until I completely lose sight of the bus. A mob of fans chase the boys' bus down the street while I just stand here, next to Eleanor who takes me by my hand.

I look up at her face, reddened from crying, she looks just as heartbroken as I.

For once in my life, I had been truly happy with someone and in a flash, all that was taken away from me.

Niall is my everything.

My everything is gone.

I now have nothing meaningful left inside of me.

Don't leave me, Niall. 


This was so emotional for me to write, you have no idea. Please comment what you think it's really appreciated <3 

- Oli xx

p.s That was depressing lol, but it's not over yet... don't worry ;)x

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