Between Boys (One Direction F...

By Oliviablueberry1D

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TRAILER: ______________________________________________________ Da... More

Chapter 01: Try not to fangirl
Chapter 02: Smoothie Date
Chapter 03: Eleanor
Chapter 04: VIP Pass
Chapter 05: Break even
Chapter 06: Close Call Kiss
Chapter 07: Rehearsal
Chapter 08: Party Night
Chapter 09: Cody
Chapter 10: He likes me?!
Chapter 11: Liam Payne's Mystery Girl
Chapter 12: Ice cream on my chin
Chapter 13 (part 1): Fair Play
Chapter 13 (part 2): Two Birds, One Stone
Chapter 14: Surf's up
Chapter 15: Good news, Bad news
Chapter 16: Upstairs
Chapter 17: Moments
Chapter 18: Dance Class
Chapter 19: We're not together
Chapter 21: Opposite of loneliness
Chapter 22: Broken
Chapter 23: Us

Chapter 20: I'm yours

896 12 8
By Oliviablueberry1D

Danielle POV

♫ The sun comes down, the stars come out, and all that counts, is here and now.. ♫

The ringing of my phone wakes me up instantly. I really should change my ring tone but c'mon, who doesn't like that song? I begin to sing along when I suddenly snap back to myself and realize I should probably answer the call...

"Hello?" I say through a morning yawn.

"Danielle!" My face brightens to the sound of the friendly voice.

"Oh, hey Niall!" 

"Could ya come outside please? Hurry!"

"I'm in my pyjamas! Can it wait?"

"You're sexy in your pyjamas... Come on!" 

I giggle as I roll my eyes with a loving grin on my face, Niall never fails to make me smile. He's just perfect that way...

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" I hang up and run downstairs and make my way out the front door, the smile still glued to my face. I can't imagine how gross I must look in my pyjama's and my messy bun... Oh well.

For a short moment, I stand outside and search around but there's no one in sight. 

Maybe he's out back on the beach...

I jog around my house, the breathtakingly colourful sunset distracts me causing me to almost trip on a small rock. I wonder what Niall could possibly want this early in the morning, I can barely even see the sun peeking out off of the ocean in front of me. I arrive on my back porch and stop instantly at the sight of Niall and the boys, including Liam, on the beach. They're sitting in a half circle, Niall has his guitar in his arms. I watch him carefully as he slowly strums each string. 

Harry nudges the adorable blond who hasn't yet noticed my presence. He looks up to see me and smiles widely.

"This is for you, Danielle. I love you." 

Niall begins to play, counting the beats with his head, smiling at the boys who also seem to be in a good mood considering the fact that they are leaving for London today. I can't help but smile too as I watch the boys as they sing.

Niall is serenading me...

One Direction is singing to me!!

I cover my mouth with such surprise and adoration. I love him so much it's almost painful. 

{{Wonderwall by Oasis}}

"Today is gonna be the day

That they're gonna throw it back to you

By now you should've somehow

Realized what you gotta do

I don't believe that anybody

Feels the way I do, about you now"

I can feel tears coming to my eyes as Niall sings to me, followed by the other boys. His guitar, beautifully accompanying their voices, creating a medley of perfect sounds. 

"Because maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me

And after all, you're my wonderwall"

I take a moment to look at Liam who seems to be having a good time, he glances over at me and smiles. I'm sure that no matter what, this is hurting him quite a bit, I smile back at him with an I'm-sorry-I-broke-your-heart-and-I-hope-you-forgive-me-for-acting-like-a-bitch-last-night look. He doesn't seem mad, I'm so happy he understands that I didn't mean to ever hurt him...

The song ends.

My eyes are blurry but I haven't yet shed a tear. I look at Niall in the eyes and whisper, not caring if he can hear me or not, I love you too.

"This next song means a lot to me, Danielle, I hope you enjoy it." he says with a shaky voice, making my smile wider then I ever imagined it could get. He begins to to sing...

 "Well you done done me and you bet I felt it

I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted

I fell right through the cracks, now I'm trying to get back"

I can't believe my ears... I'm yours!

The song he sang to me when we were together that night, him and I alone, on the roof top of my house. I suddenly feel a warm tear flow down my right cheek, then down the left. As he sings, I walk slowly towards him and the boys, closer and closer, and sit myself down in the sand a few feet away. 

I listen closely to the words of the song, thinking back at him and I dancing as he sang them to me under the moonlight. How by the end of the last chorus he was on top of me, his lips on mine, kissing me lovingly. I think back at how Niall looked at me sitting on the palm tree, all we could hear were the midnight waves. I think back at our dance in the dressing room, how Liam almost caught us, at the moment I first saw him as Lou was doing his hair. 

I smile and wipe the tears off my cheek... Niall can't leave today. 

"So I won't hesitate no more, no more

It cannot wait, I'm sure

There's no need to complicate, our time is short

This is our fate, I'm yours"

Those words. This song. They are so meaningful.

Niall stands and walks towards me. He takes my hand and pulls me up to my feet. 

Here we are, face to face, Harry, Louis, Zayn & Liam watching us all giggly, almost girl-like.

I ignore them and concentrate on Niall's beautiful eyes, staring into mine. 

"There's no need to complicate, our time is short, this is our fate, I'm yours." he sings to me once more, this time just under his breath. 


"I promise." 

He places his guitar on the sand next to us and I jump into his arms. I kiss him passionately with all the possibly love I can give, my legs wrapped around his waist.

I can feel one of his hands on my back, and the other placed on my bum, not in a perverted way, but to hold me close as we enjoy every moment of right now. I pull back and look him deep in the eyes, I can feel the love. I can feel the depth. I can feel emotion inside of him just by looking at his beautiful face. 

"No matter where I go... No matter  how far apart... I will always be there for you... In your heart." he whispers into my ear. 

I can feel Niall breathing, my body tight onto his. Our hearts beat on the same rhythm, we were meant to be. Bumping into Liam was no coincidence... Everything happens for a reason. 

We stand here for a moment, my head burrowed into his shoulder.

"Don't leave me, Niall..."

"I have no choice, I have to go back..." 

He puts me down and looks at me for a moment, like an elastic that has been stretched to it's limit, I snap back onto him and and hug him tightly, never wanting to let go.

I don't want Niall to go...

Louis POV

Those two are adorable, you can tell they genuinely love each other. I glance over at Liam who seems a little down. 

"Liam, you alright man?"

"I'm fine." he shrugs. "I'm a bit upset over Danielle and such but you know, at least she's happy right now, that's what counts..."

I pat him on the back, "You know she cares about you, right?"

He sighs, "I know... but... I guess you're right. She does care about me and I care about her. I want her to be happy and if she's happy with Niall, then so be it. We'll still be close friends." 

Liam finally smiles, I feel better knowing he's okay. He had me worried for quite a while. 

"What's all this?" I look up to see Eleanor walking out from behind Danielle's house, "What have I missed here?" she laughs.

"El!" I run up to my girlfriend, hug her and peck her on the cheek. 

"When are you leaving?" she asks straight away. I look at the boys, then back at Eleanor.

"Thirty minutes... All of our stuff is packed into the bus, Paul gave us an extra hour, we were supposed to be out of here a while ago." I watch her as she begins to tear up, I then brush the hair out of her face.


She looks up at me.

"Don't you worry about anything, I love you, alright? Everything will be okay."

She smiles, "Okay..." and kisses me once more.

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