It's a Long Story

By aestheticaries

14.1K 442 293

13 ordinary high school students, complete strangers to one another, end up tying a undying bond together aft... More

Chapter One - Detention
Chapter Two - A nightmare
Chapter Three - It Doesn't Really Matter
Chapter Four - Aquarius
Chapter Five - I Trust You
Chapter Six - I'm A Cancer
Chapter Seven - I Killed Her
Chapter Eight - I Don't Care
Chapter Nine - No Comment
Chapter Ten - Do You Believe Me Now?
Chapter Eleven - Another New Student
Chapter Twelve - Locked
Chapter Thirteen - Aries
Chapter Fourteen - A Team
Chapter Fifteen - Powerful
Chapter Sixteen - Aquarius&Capricorn
Chapter Eighteen - Libra&Virgo
Chapter Nineteen - Leo&Cancer
Chapter Twenty - Gemini&Taurus
Chapter Twenty-One - Blair
Chapter Twenty-Two - No Problem
Chapter Twenty-Three - Begin
Chapter Twenty-Four - Goodnight
Chapter Twenty-Five - I'm Sorry
Chapter Twenty-Six - Rihanna
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Now
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Psychotic
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Let's Play
Chapter Thirty - Each Other
Chapter Thirty-One - Oh My God
Chapter Thirty-Two - A Word
Chapter Thirty-Three - True Aries
Chapter Thirty-Four - It's A Long Story
One Year Anniversary

Chapter Seventeen - Sagittarius&Scorpio

316 9 4
By aestheticaries

"I'd like the ninth zodiac sign, Sagittarius to step forward please." Aries announced, everyone looked around is if they was looking for the tall male with glasses, casually, he stepped forward. "Ah, so it is you, eh, Bailey?" he asked, Bailey shrugged, "I guess." he replied. 

"Well, congratulations for you, now, please step forward into the circle I created here." Aries spoke, gesturing to the area in the middle, apart of me wondered whether Aries was being sarcastic or not, but I shrugged it off and paid attention to Bailey's power. 

"Ah, Sagittarius, the Centaur zodiac," Aries began, "It comes in at the age of 15 million years old and has the ability to manipulate the weather depending on their mood, like for example, when it's torrential downpour, all you guys have to know is that this young fellow is upset." he explained as he marched his way around the circle, "However, when the weather is sunny, like it was today for example, this shows that he is rather happy today."

"Sagittarius have a mixture of emotions, but could even be classed as bipolar is people call it nowadays, that's why Sagittarius is a negative sign rather than a positive," Aries explained, "Although controlling the weather is something he can do without activating his power, when in his Sagittarius form he can absorb any weather and use it as a weapon, such as thunder and lightning being the most common one, he could even use rain if he so dedicated, he can even combined both rain and the sun, he's basically a mixture of Scorpio and Aquarius, to put it plainly." he explained as glances were sent from Bailey to Eleanor and Bronwyn. 

"Anyways, when the Earth is lined up with it's ruling planet Jupiter, Sagittarius is at their strongest, which was exactly one month ago today, which is completely useless information to you." Aries explained, he clapped his hands together, which broke the atmosphere of anticipation, "So, Sagittarius, please tell me you know how to click your fingers together?" he asked as his steel grey eyes averted to Jake, who looked away in embarrassment, "I'm never going to live it down." he muttered under his breath, causing Cody to give him a supportive pat on the back, "Don't worry buddy, we've all got a downfall." he reassured. 

"Yeah, but it's not something as simple as clicking, is it?" Jake snapped back with a sharp psychotic glare causing Cody to retract his hand, "Chill out!" he exclaimed, "I was just trying to be nice to you!" This earned a small giggle from Eleanor which was pretty rare. 

Bailey said nothing about the minor set-back of the situation, he waited till the bickering had died down before he clicked his fingers and his body glowed teal. 

His eyes shone brighter than any of the others beforehand, like raging thunder within his soul, his suit came more like armour as it towered over his body like sheer metal and statics of thunder burned in between his fingertips, and like usual, he had the Sagittarius sign tattooed onto his cheek, "You see," Aries began, "Sagittarius has metal on their body to stop the harm from the weather hitting their body, it's adapted through many centuries and was finally strong enough 200 centuries ago to withstand all of the elements of weather combined into one." he explained, the idea of combining them caused his bright blue eyes to light up. 

"I'm not going to teach that today, sorry to disappoint you Sagittarius." Aries spoke with a fake, yet tormenting pout. Bailey frowned disapprovingly, "Why not?" he questioned. "For the sheer reason that you're not ready yet." Aries answered, "You've only just started your journey as Sagittarius, you're simply not capable of such great power." 

"Aren't you a straight-to-the-point kind of guy?" Bailey questioned with a devilish smirk, "Only if you want to think of me as." Aries spoke with a twitch-like shrug, "I'm only just trying to help." "Help by bringing down confidence?" Bailey questioned. This caused the smug look on Aries' face to drop, "I'm not bringing down confidence, put opening a door to a new level, you'd understand if you weren't so selfish and oh so very closed-minded about yourself, a pretty negative trait of a Sagittarius." Aires spoke causing Bailey to frown. 

"I don't like where this is going." Bronwyn muttered to Shannon, she nodded her head worriedly in agreement. 

Aries' eyes flickered up to me, causing me to gulp but his eyes then went to the tall male, who still had his glasses on, in his Sagittarius form, "Although, I must say, you're quite interesting Sagittarius, can't wait to get to know how you'll use your powers to your content." Aries spoke, his signature crooked smirk peering onto his face. 

My eyes widened. Was that...was that a hint? Is Bailey-? 

My thoughts were interrupted by Levi whispering into my ear, "Somethings off." he whispered, I nodded my head, "Yeah, and from the looks of it, all fourteen of us in this room know it too." I replied, giving him a side glance in the progress. 

"Now then," Aries began, "Which element of the weather would you want to control?" Aries questioned, giving Sagittarius a limited chance to choose, "I'll go with thunder and lightning." he replied. "Most common choice, pretty predictable, I suppose." Aries spoke, rolling his eyes slightly. 

"Alright, to access thunder and lightning, I want you to stop your foot as hard onto the floor as you can, and at the same time I want you to click your fingers too, try get it on time or it won't work." Aries explained, Bailey nodded his head, "I understand." he replied. 

He complied to Aries' order, stomping his foot harshly on the ground which created a similar sound to thunder and at the same time he clicked his fingers it sounded a lot like lightning this time. After about a split second, lightning came shooting into his palm with the dark grumbling of thunder echoing behind, this caused the lights to flicker and the other twelve of us crowding around one side unevenly, edged to the door slightly. 

His glowing teal eyes reflected the lightning that surged through his palm as he brought it close to his face to examine, "Pretty spectacular don't you think?" Aries questioned, Bailey replied with nodding his head nonchalantly, "Mesmerising..." he spoke, his voice trailed off more quietly towards the end. 

He lifted his head up from the lightning in between his palm to face Aries, "How do I use this?" he questioned, "Easy, aim your palm at something you want to hit and wait." he replied. Bailey complied, extending his arm out to the window, he waited about a second before lightning shot out of his palm, hitting the glass within a matter of milliseconds, causing it to shatter, the lightning and thunder faded away to resemble it was no longer in his able to use for now. "Excellent!" Aries cheered, clapping his hands, "And that is the power of Sagittarius." 

Bailey clicked his fingers and returned back into his normal form, however his sleeves were partially ripped due to the lightning but nothing to severe, he made his way back to the back of the group, more specifically behind Bronwyn and Shannon. The tension within the atmosphere seemed to fade away, seeming less hostile causing me and Levi to exchange a glance to each other before looking forward to Aries once again.

"Alright, can the eighth zodiac, Scorpio please step on up!" Aries announced rather excitedly as he clapped his hands and stood on a chair that faced outwards, like a giddy childish circus performer. 

Everyone flashed worried glances at each other as it finally reached Eleanor's turn, remembering what she said back an hour before the training had begun, more specifically when she said she was going to burn us all, I'm pretty sure it's safe to say the group of us were pretty terrified of her. 

"Ah Scorpio, the eighth zodiac with a harsh exterior and anger issues." Aries explained, "The most stubborn and possibly the most dangerous to be around when angry, despite being a water-type zodiac, Scorpio controls fire which strikes as rather odd until you realise how they got their ability of the power." Aries began, "Scorpio's main quality is intimidation and pessimistic views which makes their sign a negative sign, due to their ruling planet Pluto never being able to meet the Earth's alignment, Scorpio has always been rather competitive and stubborn." Aries explained. 

As Aries explained, our glances softened slightly at Eleanor's finger which looked rather infuriated as it glared sinisterly into the shattered mirror, she never used to be an angry student, she's only like this due to the effect Scorpio has upon her, it made me feel pretty sorry for her, nobody knew what the real Eleanor was like due to Scorpio melting over her personality, "As you can tell, the Scorpio's personality is what's used without even activating the power, the interior rage built inside a Scorpio was enough to cause a fire, literally!" Aires exclaimed, gesturing his hands excitedly towards Eleanor like she was a final product of a science project, "And thus the reason why Scorpio standing in front of you is how they are!" 

Eleanor looked over to Aries, looking rather bored out of her mind, "Whatever, can we please just get started already?" she asked rather absurdly, "Your explanations bore me, plain and simple." 

Aries giggled excitedly, "Man, I love Scorpio, they're so....broken." Aires spoke, placing a finger onto his chin as he seemed to be thinking, he giggled again, which was rather odd and out of place, "Alright! As you wish my sweet, dear Scorpio!"

Eleanor wasted no time in clicking her fingers, an olive coloured burned around her, as flames entrapped her body, engulfing her through the transformation, though the flames where rather faint and it looked as if Eleanor was suffering a great amount, "Is Eleanor okay?" I asked worriedly. "She's fine, it's just normal Eleanor you're seeing her as Scorpio is changing transformation." 

"She looks like she's suffering!" Scarlett exclaimed, "Look at the poor soul, she's crying!" Vivian stepped forward, "Stop this immediately, can't you see Eleanor's true pain?!" Vivian asked to which Aries only laughed, "But we're just getting to the fun part!" he exclaimed excitedly as the burns died down to reveal Eleanor, but more like Scorpio since it seemed more like Scorpio inhabiting her body more than anything. 

She wore a full body, leather olive suit with no mask to cover her eyes, the bright olive glow burning through her eyes, and the Scorpio tattoo pierced onto her left cheek, "Welcome back Scorpio!" Aires cheered excitedly. "Shut up!" Eleanor hissed with an unpleased frown, "Let's just get this over with, now, tell me how to use this power for god's sake." 

Aries chuckled as he walked around the circle anticipatingly, "Alright, alright, just for you my precious Scorpio." Aries spoke like an optimistic child. "To activate your power you need the physically hurt that body part, trust me, it will hurt but it's so worth it!" Aries told her. "N! It's not worth it!" Scarlett yelled in protest, "For once, I agree with Scarlett!" Jake answered, "Please stop this immediately!"

"Can you all just shut up?" Eleanor, well more like Scorpio, snapped, "You're all boring me, now let me do what I have to do." she spoke, getting down onto one knee, she raised her fist high into the air and with a huge amount of force she slammed her fist into the floor, she let out a slight whimper in pain which most likely meant the real Eleanor was in agony as her fist was brought up from the floor. A small light was ignited in each knuckle which then spread like wild fire around her fist, "Excellent!" Aries cheered happily. 

"Fire is rather contagious so she doesn't necessarily have to do anything in order to use it." Aries explained, "Really? So I could do this?" she questioned, placing her hand onto a plastic chair that was supplied around the schools, mandatory around each desk. 

We all watched fearfully as she melted the chair so easily, as she continued to burn it down, the fire began to fade away, "When the fire from the body part she's injured has gone out that must mean the fire is over with and she has to hurt it again in order to get it back." Levi whispered into my ear. I nodded my head, "You're probably right about that." 

After the chair was melted, smoke entered the atmosphere which started Vivian's overdramatic coughing once more, "Bravo! Bravo! Truly magnificent!" Aries cheered, "Now, Scorpio, if you please may, for your sake and others, I'd like you to return to normal please?" he asked hopefully. 

Eleanor sighed, "As much as I don't want to, if it benefits mankind I'll suppose I'll comply for now." she spoke, snapping her fingers and turning back into her original form. Some of her clothes where severely burnt from the flames and some clothes where even burned off because of it, it seems the further along the line we get, the more power emerges from each other's bodies depending on what zodiac we have. 

Left to order up is Libra, Virgo, Cancer, Taurus, Gemini, Leo and Aries. Which means there's Scarlett, Cody, Vivian, Mason, River and Rihanna, Levi and I who are still left to order up and train our powers, and it worries me at the faithful consequences. So far, everyone has been pretty stable but what if one of us can't control? Then what happens? I shouldn't be thinking like this, but the thought of someone, anyone, losing control over their ability scares me, I dread to even think of it. 

"Ooh, we're just warming up to the fun part, I can feel it!" Aries spoke, rubbing his arms, like he was enveloping the warmness, "And not just because of Scorpio's flames from earlier, because the fun part is just getting started!" he cheered. All my respect for him seemed to have vanished since he just seems purely unstable, I felt my body shiver slightly. 

"Now then, that was Sagittarius and Scorpio done!" he spoke, "Who's next you all wonder? Well let me tell you," he began.


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