Red Hot ~Nikki Sixx

By sixxndirish81

306K 7.5K 2.8K

Ashten is hired on as Tommy's new assistant and thrust into all aspects of his life. Including Nikki Sixx. More

Part 1: In the Beginning
Part 2: Merry-Go-Round
Part Three: Don't Go Away Mad
Part 4: Satan Sixx
Part 5: Louder than Hell
Part 6: Ride with the Devil
Part 7: Dr. Feelgood
Part 8: A Brewing Storm
Part 9: Hell on High Heels
Part 10: Live Wire
Part 11: Danger
Part 12: Oh My God
Part 13: Relief
Part 14: Kiss and Make-up
Part 15: Date night
Part 16: Just Another Psycho
Part 17: Knock em Dead
Part 18: Bastard
Part 19: Piece of Your Action
Part 20: Hotter than Hell
Part 21: C'mon and Love Me
Part 22: Take Me to Your Heart
Part 23: Feel Me in Your Bones
Part 24: Sure Feels Right
Part 25: Terror Twin Tuesday Part 1
Part 26: Terror Twin Tuesday Part 2
Part 27: Nikki Fuckin Sixx
Part 28: More of Nikki Fuckin Sixx
Part 29: Ashten Montgomery, M.D.
Part 31: More Snow Daze
Part 32: Public Enemy #1
Part 33: Thin Ice
Part 34: Thanksgiving Eve
Part 35: A Family Affair
Part 36: Wolf At Your Door
Part 37: Two Words
Part 38: Calm Before the Storm
Part 39: Busted
Part 40: Damage Control
Part 41: Under the Weather
Part 42: Dancing on Glass
Part 43: Blindside
Part 44: Aftermath
Part 45: Hungover
Part 46: Sweet Emotion
Part 47: Needle and the Damage Done
Part 48: Sweet Pain
Part 49: Sticky Sweet
Author's note
Part 50: Dream On
Part 51: Back to Basics
Part 52: Warren
Part 53: Sweet Dreams
Part 54: St. Nikki, Part 1
Part 55: St. Nikki, Part 2
Part 56: A Man of Means
Part 57: Somebody Get Me a Doctor
Part 58: Back For More
Part 59: Predator and Prey
Part 60: Long Cold Winter
Part 61: Slow An' Easy
Author's Note
Part 62: The Ex Factor
Part 63: Scars
Part 64: Impromptu Debut
Part 65: Pillow Talk
Author's note.
Part 66 - Dirty Thirty
Update coming soon!

Part 30: Snow Daze

5K 95 33
By sixxndirish81

Hey all!!

Sorry this took so long. This is kind of filler but it is necessary and I will be making multiple updates this week. Thank you SOOOO much for all of the love. Comments are always encouraged. Love ya!!

Chapter 30

Nikki's Diary

The past few weeks have flown by.  Hard to believe its already November.  I've been so busy I hardly even notice the time passing.  Haven't even had time to write in this journal. 

The kids had fall break last week and they flew out to meet me in New York. Well, the oldest three anyway.  Frankie's mother wouldn't allow her to travel without her.  Not even with her older siblings. I don't know why I was even surprised. But, it was a good time.  They traveled with me for a few days before I had to put them on a plane back home. Being away from them is never easy.  I think it is actually getting harder as the years go by.

I had a phone interview with Revolver Magazine this morning.  The guy was pretty cool but it seems all anyone wants to ask me about is Donna and our divorce.  I don't want to talk about any of that shit.  It's bad enough the whole process is already monopolizing most of my time but I don't want to have to discuss it any more than necessary.  I'm doing my best to to keep all of that as private as possible.  The soon to be ex Mrs. Sixx doesn't seem to share that opinion.  She has no problem sharing our business with the world.  Anything to make me look like a huge monster so she can play the victim in an attempt to get a bigger settlement.  Hard to believe I once thought she was the love of my life and that we'd spend the rest of our lives together.  Now I can't even look at her.

I've never claimed to be the best husband.  God knows that I 100% contributed  to the demise of this union but she isn't exactly blameless.  She has been doing an incredible job playing the part of a martyr.  I guess she is a better actress than I thought.  Interesting how some people's true colors shine through with it comes to getting paid.  Ashten was shocked when I told her there wasn't a prenup in place.  My own stupid fault.   I just never thought the ex was the kind to try and take me for everything.

Random Song lyric:

                                                                           They never said I could catch this from a centerfold.

I got it bad and the dr said I should have known.

I just want it to be over.  Finalized and done. She just seems to want to drag it out as long as possible.  Every time I think we have FINALLY reached an agreement and the papers are ready to be signed that bitch decides she wants something else. Most recently, she's decided she wants my Bentley.  I got it about 2 months before we split and it was custom made for me as payment for a few songs I wrote.  She's never even sat her nasty ass in it and has decided she wants it.  I'm thinking of having it sawed in half so I can leave "her part" sitting in her fucking garage.  Actually, MY fucking garage.

Random Song Lyric

                                                                     But she wants more.
                                                                    That gold digging whore.
Here come the lawyers again.

We are in Chicago now and I'm sitting in my hotel room watching snow fall over Lake Michigan.  There is something very tranquil  about snow and ice.  It makes the world look peaceful and pure. Great for song writing.  James and DJ are out on the road with us and we are writing the new Motley album with Tommy and Mick.  I guess the good thing about all of this divorce bullshit is I'm getting some good material out of it. 

Can't tell her that, though.  She'll probably ask for royalties.

Ashten's POV

"Think it'll get cancelled?" I asked Tommy.

"Don't know." He shrugged.

After he finished a phone interview we headed down to one of the hotel's many restaurants for breakfast.  As we walked I received a text from the tour manager, Tim, who told us to stay put at the hotel until further notice.  A major blizzard was due to hit the Midwest and the forecast was for anywhere from one to three feet. We were supposed to head to Indianapolis for a show that night but they already had eight inches accumulated and ice was starting to get added to the mix. 

"Truth be told I wouldn't mind a day or two off," Tommy admitted, his voice slightly hoarse and huskier than usual. 

"I don't think any of us would be super disappointed," I agreed as I studied the menu.  It hadn't taken me long to discover that days off during a tour were like golden tickets.

After deciding I wanted the French toast combo I turned my attention to one of the many flat screens mounted to the walls of the restaurant.  All TVs were tuned to the local and national news/weather channels where everyone was tracking the impending weather.  Chicago only had about three inches of snow and ice but more was well on its way.  O'Hare airport had already cancelled over 200 flights.

"Not looking good," Tommy beamed at me as he sipped his coffee.

"Nope. Looks like we are gonna get lucky," I quipped back as we continued to focus on the forecast, the excitement building at the possibility of a free day.  "And I could think of worse places to get snowed in than here at the Ritz-Carlton."

"No doubt." Tommy and I bumped fists in agreement.

"The two of you look like kids waiting for school to get cancelled." Tommy and I looked up at the sound of Nikki's voice. He'd approached the table and plopped down in one of the empty chairs.

"Sixx!" Tommy exclaimed.  "Where the fuck ya been?  Feel like I haven't seen you in days."

"You saw me on stage last night," Nikki muttered as he grabbed the coffee carafe from the table and poured himself a mug.

"Whatever, that doesn't count.  That's work."

"Feeling neglected, T-bone?" Nikki snickered and shot me an amused look.


"Not to worry.  You'll always be my number one." Nikki sipped his coffee as his signature smirk graced his lips.

I furrowed my brows and shook my head at the two of them.  "I can leave if you two want some alone time so you can make out."

"Nah, the moment's passed." Tommy chuckled and began studying the menu.

The bromance aside, Tommy wasn't completely inaccurate.  Between the differing schedules, the Sixx kids coming out on the road with us, writing for the new album and other assorted things that go along with being a rockstar, Tommy and I hadn't seen much of Nikki for the past week.  And by we, I mean me. Nikki and I'd had zero alone time.  None. Zip. Zilch.   The most intimate exchange we'd had recently came in the form of some filthy text messages.  Granted, they were titillating but not an acceptable substitute for the real thing.

"What's the real difference between hash browns and home fries?  Nikki inquired while looking over the breakfast and brunch selections.

"Beats me," Tommy shrugged and they both looked at me.

"Hash browns are shredded potatoes and home fries are potato chunks.  Both of them are fried." I took my first sip of coffee, grimacing when I realized I needed to add a bit more French vanilla creamer.  As I did so, I noticed the two men at the table staring at me with slight smiles on their lips.  "What?"

"Say that word again," Tommy requested.

"What word?"


"Potatoes," I repeated.

Tommy grinned and turned his head to Nikki.  "Did you hear it, dude?"

"Oh yeah," Nikki nodded.  "It's faint sometimes, but its there."

"Hear what?" I cocked my eyebrow.

"Putatuhs," Tommy chuckled, mimicking me. "Your southern belle came out again."

"It did not," I scoffed in protest. 

"Yes, it did," they replied, their voices unified. 

I rolled my eyes.  This had been going on since we were in Boston a few weeks prior.   We were out at a bar and the bartender made this huge fuss about me sounding like I was from the Deep South.  She went on about how I sounded almost aristocratic which Nikki and Tommy thought was freakin hysterical.  So now when I say certain words they are picking up on the drawl a bit more and they make me repeat myself if they catch it. They act as if I almost speak a different language. I don't think I have an accent. Well, maybe a slight one. But so do they! The California accent makes Tommy sound like a stoned surfer boy. And Nikki? Well, his accent is all over the place.

"Ya know, for the most part I don't notice it.  It only comes out on certain words. " Tommy announced after we placed our food orders. He then got up to take a piss.

I scowled at Tommy as he made his way to the bathroom and then glanced at Nikki, my eyebrows raised.  "Did you have something to add, Sixx?"

"You also drop your G's when you've been drinking." I felt his feet envelope mine under the table.

"Drop my G's?"

"Yeah.  Words like fucking, licking and sucking become fuckin, lickin, and suckin." His smirk widened into a full on grin.

"Wow, apparently I also have a pretty nasty mouth when I drink." I smirked at his choice of words.

"Yeah, well if you are offering I'll take one of each."

"You and me both." My cell chimed with a new incoming message which I read aloud.  "Show has been postponed.  Staying in Chicago tonight. YES!!" I beamed at Nikki. "Perfect timing!"

"How so?"

"College football Saturday, babe."

Nikki's POV

Once football season started that year I learned there were two things Ashten Montgomery loved more than anything on this planet.  Me and Notre Dame Fighting Irish football.  Not necessarily in that order.

Ashten's POV

"What time is the game?"

"8 o'clock," I grinned and sighed.  "God, campus is only two hours away.  I can't believe I'm not there.  We have to go sometime. I'm tellin you a game at Notre Dame stadium in the snow...Nothin better.

"Not even sex?" Nikki stretched his leg across the table to place his foot on my chair and between my thighs.

I squeezed my legs and gripped him.  "I don't know.  Its been so long since I've experienced sex I can't really remember"

"It's been four days, Ashten."

"Four days too long, Nikki."

"I would normally agree with you but based on that video you texted me last night it looked like you were able to take care of business all on your own." He shot me a devilish grin.  "What I really want to know is how you were able to record yourself with your phone from that angle."

I blushed and grinned back at him.  "You don't want to know."

"Betcha I do.  But you can tell me later. And maybe I can catch the next live show." Nikki's voice dropped an octave and he pressed his foot against me gently, making me bite back a small groan.

We were interrupted when Tommy's drum tech came over looking for him.  During the short exchange Nikki's face darkened into a glare.

"I can't stand that fucker," he muttered once the tech walked away.

"Derek?  Why?"

Nikki snorted and shook his head, his eyes following the guy.  "Something about him."

I nodded a little bit.  I kind of got what he was saying.  I had only just met Derek when we started touring and, like Nikki said, there was something about him that rubbed me the wrong way.  Plus, he kind of gave me the creeps and I would catch him staring at me a lot.

"The fact that I catch him leering at you all the time doesn't help," he grumbled, almost as if he'd read my mind. 

"I'm sure he's harmless." I sluffed it off and changed the subject.  "What are you gonna do today?"

Nikki sighed.  "I have a conference call with my lawyer later this afternoon.  James flew in last night so we could do some writing so I'll probably be with the boys most of the day.  What about you?"

"I think I'm gonna hit the gym and spa with Jozie before kickoff." Jozie was one of the Mötley dancers and had worked with the guys for about ten years.  We bonded one night backstage when I had to pull a MacGyver move because one of her costumes pretty much fell apart about two minutes before she had to go on stage.  It's truly amazing what you can do with dental floss and scotch tape.  Anyway, we got to talking and she found out I was former dancer and the rest is history.  She had become my workout and shopping buddy and let me tell you it was nice to have her and the other girls around.  The guys are great but there are only so many dick and fart jokes I can take before the testosterone starts getting to me.

"Where are you watching the game?"

"There's a sports bar/lounge on the third floor."

"Want me to meet you there when I finish with the boys?" Nikki inquired.

"Not if you are going to wear your USC shirt and root for the enemy." I pursed my lips and shook my head.  "You know they are one of our biggest rivals, right?"

"Yeah, so you've mentioned." He sighed and rolled his eyes probably remembering the nine kinds of hell I raised at him when I saw him wear that shirt for the first time.  "Ya know, I've been a California boy longer than you've been breathing."

"That's no excuse" I crossed my arms and smirked at him as our food arrived.  Waffles for the boys and French Toast for me.

"Ok, let me get this straight." He shook salt and pepper over his eggs. "You take no issue with my not wanting to get married again or not wanting to have any more kids. But supporting a rival team is a deal breaker?"

I chuckled and spread butter over my breakfast, the scent of nutmeg and cinnamon invading my nostrils. We'd had the kids and marriage discussion recently. He wanted to be transparent with me about our future. He wasn't interested in any more kids. I figured as much since he had a vasectomy.  He also didn't want to ever again get married. The divorce had turned particularly brutal and he really didn't think he, or his kids, could live through another one.
I honestly had no problem with any of that. I really couldn't care less about having kids or signing a piece of paper.

But rival teams?

I shrugged. "Could be."

"And what will you do if I did show up wearing USC colors? Get mad?" He flared his eyes at me while taking a bite of bacon.  I don't think I've ever seen him look so wickedly delicious.

"Maybe." I shrugged and tried to suppress a grin. 

"Then get mad.  I'll just fuck the rage out of you."

The closed mouth grin spread so far across my face I thought my lips would split open. My entire body from my cheeks all the way down to my thighs flushed and I became warm at the thought of Nikki's proposition. With absolutely nothing to say I stuffed a forkful of food into my mouth and chewed. 

The rest of the day went pretty much according to plan.  Nikki and I went our separate ways and planned to meet up later to watch the game.  In the meantime, he and the boys holed up in a room to write and Jozie and I hit the gym for a workout followed by a spa day.  After a mani/pedi, facial, and a mud bath, we got changed and hit the bar on the third floor.  Jozie even wore one of my Notre Dame T-shirts in solidarity.

We parked ourselves at the bar directly in front of the TV and ordered a pitcher of beer.  While Jozie poured a glass for each of us I looked out the window at the continuously falling snow.  There had to have been almost a foot accumulated at that point.  I also looked around the bar and noticed quite a few hotel guests, mostly men, were camped all around the place to watch football.  Quite a few of those men were roadies and the stage crew and a few of them looked as if they had been there drinking all day.

Nikki wasn't there yet but I wasn't surprised.  I knew when the guys get into a writing frenzy they lost all track of time.   The truth of the matter was I didn't really notice or mind.  Nikki was not wrong when he said ND football was a passion of mine.  When the team plays, I have a habit of tuning out everyone and everything else. 

That's probably why I didn't notice when Derek pulled up the chair beside me.  I did manage to exchange pleasantries with him during a commercial break and he let me know he was a fellow fan.  Of course I was happy to hear that so I didn't mind so much when he stayed with us to watch. 

That was until the first touchdown was scored and he threw his arm around me to squeeze my shoulder.  That was strange enough but the next time we scored he did it again, this time planting a kiss on my cheek.  That creepy feeling I had about him washed over me as he pulled away and the scent of his beer breath lingered.

Jozie's eyes widened and she pulled on my arm to move me to her other side, making herself a barrier between me and Derek.  Normally, I wouldn't have let another woman put herself in that position on my behalf but it was pretty well known that Jozie was a lesbian. None of the guys (other than Vince on stage) ever got handsy with her so she was safe. I gave her a silent look of thanks and she waived it off.  It wasn't until half time that she leaned into me.  "You ok?"

"Yeah," I leaned into her, "that was weird, right?  I didn't misread it?"

"No you didn't." She sipped her beer and looked at her phone.  "Where's Nikki?" Jozie was also one of the few who knew about me and him.

"I don't know," I shrugged, taking a sip of beer.

"Probably a good thing he isn't here." She handed me a kamikaze shooter. "You know what Nikki would do to that guy if he sees him put his hand on you, right?"

I sucked in a deep breath and blew it out before clinking glasses with her and tossing the shot back. 

"Yeah, I have a vague idea."

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