Nothing Like Us - (Sequel to...

By kidrauldream

288K 8.1K 3.7K

Sequel to Being A Braun. - Read the continuation of Ri's life, as she and Justin battle with their crazy live... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 30

3.4K 189 78
By kidrauldream


This chapter was slightly rushed due to the speedy 120 votes y'all got on the last chapter! Enjoy. I love you!



I tossed and turned for most of that night, wondering how on earth i was supposed to sleep with any of this going on.

Everything was running through my head, exhausting me yet making sleep impossible. I lay there dwelling on everything. The thought of Justin being so mad and upset with me made me want to cry.

I rubbed my hot forehead, turning onto one side. I focused on my phone on the bedside table, staring at the black screen.

After i moment i picked it up, unlocking it and finding Justin's number from my list of contacts.

I paused, my finger hovering over the screen before i went ahead and tapped it.

It rung off straight away, causing me to eyeroll and pull it away from my ear.

I tried it again but got the same result - just an immediate beeping noise before it cut off.

I sighed, tapping on the twitter app instead. I hovered my finger over the screen before typing out a message for my fans.

@missarianabraun: sorry i've been quiet on twitter lately. i love you guys so much. ready for Houston night two tomorrow? xxxxxxxx

My mentions instantly blew up and i stayed online for a few minutes to retweet and reply to some of my fans.

My phone then vibrated, lighting up with someones caller ID. I squinted at the screen for a moment then slightly smiled, pressing accept and lifting the phone to my ear.

"What are you doing up at this time Ri?" Ryan Butler's voice greeted.

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I'm studying what bout you?"

"At 1AM?"

Ryan laughed. "I like to ask the teachers for extra homework and stay up all night doing it for extra credit."

"Now i know you're lying." I smiled.

He laughed. "Why are you awake?"

"Just tossing and turning i guess." I shrugged.

"Really? Cos Fredo called me earlier."

"Oh." I sighed. "What'd he tell you?"

"That you and Justin are fighting again."

I fingered the edge of the duvet. "Yeah.."

"Do you guys ever even get along anymore?"

"I'm begining to wonder the same thing.. It was so much easier when we were all just friends." I admitted.

I head Ryan sigh, and then there was a moment or two of silence.

"Are you okay Ri?"

"Yeah, i'm fine." I nodded. I rubbed my flustered cheek. "Can we talk about something else for awhile?"

"Alright, sure." He said. "How's the tour going?"

"Good, i think. We're at Houston again tomorrow night and then we head to Memphis and then Louisville without even a break."

"Jeez. But what about Toronto?"

"Thats in two weeks." I smiled. "I've reserved y'all tickets and VIP passes."


I laughed slightly. "I can't wait to see you all Ry. I miss you."

"I miss you too. Chaz get's really pissed with me when we talk on the phone without him." He admitted. "So maybe you should drop him a line sometime."

"I will." I promised. "Is he doing good?"

"Yeah. He almost got expelled the other day."

I laughed. "What did he do?!"


The phone call with Ryan made me actually smile and forget about everything for a little while. We talked for about an hour, but then i forced him to get off the phone and go to bed. Afterall, he did have school the next day and i felt bad for keeping him awake so late.

After we hung up, i completely gave up trying to sleep and went downstairs to the music room. I took out my song book, sitting cross-legged on the piano stool in my pyjamas.

I turned to a fresh page in the book, taking out a pencil.


I woke up at 5:30AM.

After spending most of the night scribbling song lyrics into my book, i had fallen asleep, my head resting on my arms on the piano top.

I moved my head, screwing my eyes up and making a little moaning sound in the back of my throat. I slowly squeezing my eyes open, lifting my neck and squinting towards the door.

It was open now, and there was a blanket draped over me, probably placed their by Max. My song book was closed.

I licked my dry lips, carefully shifting and pushing myself up onto my feet. I yawned.

My feet softly padded across the carpet towards the door as i adjusted the blanket around my body.

I could hear voices.

They where coming from the living room, which the door to was mostly open.

I frowned, creeping over to it. I pressed myself against the wall to listen.

"So do you have any idea where he is?" Max's asked.

"Well apparently he was seen leaving the Four Seasons hotel at around 8:30, so just after i got off the phone with him, but nobody knows where he went from there." Scooters voice sounded.

"Where could he have gone?"

"Maybe he took a flight or something?" A females voice spoke up. "Could he have gone to Canada? California?"

"I don't think so.. Allison and Fredo got the hold of a room key copy and checked out the suite. His stuff's all still there but the place was messed up. His phone was smashed too." Scooter told them.

"Justin's missing?" I gulped, stepping into view of the three of them.

They all stared at me for a moment before Scooter and Max shared sidewards glances. The female voice i had heard was Carin - the woman Scooter was dating.

"You weren't supposed to hear that." My uncle admitted. He pulled his hands out of his jean pockets, taking a step closer to me. "Come here pal. Gimme a hug."

I let him pull me into his body, holding me close.

"Has nobody heard from him at all?" I asked.

"No." Scooter said. He kissed the top of my head. "It's okay though, we'll find him."

"He was drinking when i talked to him." I told them, stepping out of Scooter's arms.

"We know."

"What if he's really drunk lying in a gutter somewhere? What if the paps found him?! Jesus christ this is all my fault." I panicked.

"Hey Ri, chill." Scooter calmed me. He rubbed my upper arms, squeezing them gently until i looked up at him. "He'll be okay, i promise you." He said. "And none of this is your fault so don't even say that."

I stared into his eyes. They were sincere.

I nodded. "Okay."

He was probably right. I was just being dramatic. I was thinking the worst and i was blaming myself for everything. I knew deep down in the pit of my stomach that it really was all my fault but i got way too scared when i dwelled on that.

"Hey Scoot?" Carin spoke up. "There's a flight in an hour. Is that okay?"

My uncle nodded. "Yeah, that should be fine."

I peered up at him. "Are you going to Houston?"

"Yes." He said. "We were gonna go straight but i wanted to come by here to make sure you were okay."

"I'm coming with you." I said.

All three stared at me.

"I thought we were seeing the doctor first, Ri?" Max gently asked.

I shook my head. "No. I wanna go to Houston."


I began throwing stuff into my bag, stuffing in fresh clothes and my songbook.

"Woah, what's going on?" Kezia asked, walking into my bedroom in her pyjamas. She ran a hand through her bed-head afro hair.

"Get dressed. We're leaving." I said.

"What? Now? I thought we were going to see the doctor first."

"Change of plan." I informed her. "Justin's missing."


I strode towards the door, closing it fully before heading back over to my wardrobe and pulling out a pair of leggings and a top.

"He's missing Kez. Nobody's seen him since like 8:30 last night."

"Well have they tried his cell?" She said in an obvious tone.

"Of course. It's broken." I told her. "He threw it at the wall apparently. He's not at his hotel either, and the last time i spoke to him he was drinking."

"So you're saying he just ran off somewhere?"

"It seems that way." I sighed. "Nobody knows what his intentions were."

I pulled off my pyjamas and stuffed my legs into my leggings.

"We need to get to Houston. I mean, what if he's hurt?"

"Then it's his own fault." She sassed. I stared her. "Girl seriously this guy is so much effort."

"You were the one last night telling me i had to dress up nice and sort everything out with him."

"Yeah well that's before i knew we had to go on a fricken wild goose chase to find for him."

"Will you please just go get dressed?" I sighed. "The flight leaves in an hour and i'm gonna be on it with or without you."

"Damn, someone got out the wrong side of the bed this morning. " She commented.

I shot her a look.

"Okay, okay, i'm going!" She insisted.


We plane touched down in Texas just before 9AM.

I sat the almost 2-hour journey beside Max and Kezia who talked over me to eachother the whole time. I sat staring at the chair in front as i thought about Justin and about where the hell he could be and what the hell i was supposed to say when we found him.

I didn't have a clue.

I glanced at the small handbag containing my stuff, which was resting on the floor by my feet. I gazed at it for a moment, then at the song book slightly sticking out of the top. I reached for it, gently sliding the book out.

Kezia and Max glanced at me but carried on talking.

I smoothened it out, opening it up and flicking through the first few pages. I skipped further through, turning to the song i was writting during the night - before i had fallen asleep.

I licked my lips, carefully tearing out the page and closing the song book. Using the book as a rest, i found a pencil and tried to finish the song.


After landing in Houston, a taxi drove the five of us straight to the hotel my tour crew was staying at.

I climbed out of the car, running a hand through my messy hair as i adjusted my bag strap.

"Any news?" I heard Scooter say.


I looked up, my eyes falling on Alfredo. He stood just infront of the hotel entrance door, a thin smile on his lips and one eyebrow raised as he looked directly at me.

I rolled my eyes, a small smile forming on my lips.

"Hello Runaway." He greeted me.

I snorted a little, hugging him tight.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it."

"It was badass though." He laughed. He squeezed my hand. "Everything okay?"

"Did Mom explain?"

He nodded. "You can talk to me Ri, anytime. You know that?"

"I do. And i would have i swear, i just-"

"It's okay." He smiled. He squeezed my hand again. "Did you speak to the doctor?"

I rubbed my head. "No. We were gonna go this morning but when i found out about Justin we came here." I sighed.

Fredo chewed on his lip. "So all of that was for nothing?"

"Pretty much." I admitted.

He sighed. "We'll talk later, yeah? Your Mom and Allison are waiting for you inside."

"Thanks Fredo." I half-smiled. He kissed my hand before i let go and walked inside.

Inside the reception of the hotel was a selection of chairs. My Mom, Allison and Nick were sat on them, deep in conversation.

"Mom." I said, as i walked over to them. My Mom stood up, smiling as she hugged me close.

"Hey baby girl." She greeted.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." She said.

"Have you heard anything?"

She shook her head.

"We're just waiting for Scooter and then we'll probably call the police." Allison told me.

I sighed, rubbing my forehead. "He's gotta be somewhere."

"Sup guys." Scooter greeted, walking over to us followed by Max, Carin, Fredo and Kezia.

I moved next to Nick, sighing as he shot me a small smile.

I felt someone tap my back. Nick and i turned to see my dancers Alice, Jesy and Tracy.

"You're back." Jesy smiled.

I weakly smiled back. "Yeah."

"What's everyone doing?"

I glanced over my shoulder then back at the girls. "Justin's missing." I said.

"What?" "Really?"

"Yeah." I confirmed. "You girls wouldn't have happened to see him since 8:30 last night, would you?"

"Nope." "No, sorry."

"Yeah." Alice spoke up. I stared at her. "Actually i have seen him."

"Really?" I said, my eyes widening. I shared glances with Nick.


"Well, Madison and i went out last night with some girls i know from school. We went to this club - um i think it's called Jinx? - and he was there. About 10PM i guess?"

I shared glances with Nick again.

"Are you serious? W-who was he with? Did you see him leave?"

"No, i dunno. He was with this group of guys for awhile. I can't fully remember because i'd had a lot to drink.."

"Please try and think." I pleaded. She nodded at me, scratching her head.

"I remember Madison pointing him out but wasn't really that interested."

"Did Madison speak to him?" Nick asked.

"I can't remember." She admitted. "The next thing i remember is leaving the club with my friend Emily because she started being sick on the dance floor."

"Oh." I sighed.

Nick glanced at me. "Maybe we should speak to Madison?"

I nodded.

"I think she's in our room." Alice shrugged. "I bunked in with Jesy and Trace last night because i lost my room key, but i presume she's in there."

"What's your room number?"

"127." She said.

I smiled at her. "Thank you so much."


I took the stairs up to their room, jogging up them to get there quicker. I was so eager to speak to Madison, maybe she knew were Justin had gone.

As i left, Nick was updating the others on what Alice had told us.

I mean, it wasn't exactly a map to his whereabouts but it was definitely a step closer - even if Madison didn't know anything.


I walked out onto the level, squinting at each suite door until i found number 127. I stopped outside of it, raising my knuckles ready to knock on the door.

I paused.

The door was ever-so-slightly open.

I frowned, hovering for a moment before gently using my fingers to push open the door.

"Madison?" I called out, not entering yet.

There was no reply.

I took a step in, leaving the door open as i peered around.

"Madison, are you here?"


I glanced at the empty kitchen area before stepping through the living room towards the bedroom.

I lightly tapped on the partially-open door.

"Hey, Madison?"

I took a step in.

A scream escaped my lips.



Cliff-hanger ending much????!!!!

Y'all are gonna have to get the votes supperrr high if you want the next chapter!

QUICK NOTE: The British half-term is ending real soon which means i'm back to school on Monday. This means updates are gonna be a lot slower since i'm really busy studying etc.

But y'all know i never forget you! :)

VOTE & COMMENT my Rinies!

Love Rosie Posieeee xxxx

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