Red Hot ~Nikki Sixx

By sixxndirish81

306K 7.5K 2.8K

Ashten is hired on as Tommy's new assistant and thrust into all aspects of his life. Including Nikki Sixx. More

Part 1: In the Beginning
Part 2: Merry-Go-Round
Part Three: Don't Go Away Mad
Part 4: Satan Sixx
Part 5: Louder than Hell
Part 6: Ride with the Devil
Part 7: Dr. Feelgood
Part 8: A Brewing Storm
Part 9: Hell on High Heels
Part 10: Live Wire
Part 11: Danger
Part 12: Oh My God
Part 13: Relief
Part 14: Kiss and Make-up
Part 15: Date night
Part 16: Just Another Psycho
Part 17: Knock em Dead
Part 18: Bastard
Part 19: Piece of Your Action
Part 20: Hotter than Hell
Part 21: C'mon and Love Me
Part 22: Take Me to Your Heart
Part 23: Feel Me in Your Bones
Part 24: Sure Feels Right
Part 25: Terror Twin Tuesday Part 1
Part 26: Terror Twin Tuesday Part 2
Part 27: Nikki Fuckin Sixx
Part 29: Ashten Montgomery, M.D.
Part 30: Snow Daze
Part 31: More Snow Daze
Part 32: Public Enemy #1
Part 33: Thin Ice
Part 34: Thanksgiving Eve
Part 35: A Family Affair
Part 36: Wolf At Your Door
Part 37: Two Words
Part 38: Calm Before the Storm
Part 39: Busted
Part 40: Damage Control
Part 41: Under the Weather
Part 42: Dancing on Glass
Part 43: Blindside
Part 44: Aftermath
Part 45: Hungover
Part 46: Sweet Emotion
Part 47: Needle and the Damage Done
Part 48: Sweet Pain
Part 49: Sticky Sweet
Author's note
Part 50: Dream On
Part 51: Back to Basics
Part 52: Warren
Part 53: Sweet Dreams
Part 54: St. Nikki, Part 1
Part 55: St. Nikki, Part 2
Part 56: A Man of Means
Part 57: Somebody Get Me a Doctor
Part 58: Back For More
Part 59: Predator and Prey
Part 60: Long Cold Winter
Part 61: Slow An' Easy
Author's Note
Part 62: The Ex Factor
Part 63: Scars
Part 64: Impromptu Debut
Part 65: Pillow Talk
Author's note.
Part 66 - Dirty Thirty
Update coming soon!

Part 28: More of Nikki Fuckin Sixx

5.4K 115 35
By sixxndirish81

A/N:  I can't express my thanks to you all.  Almost 10k reads and I am overwhelmed.  Thank you for loving this story.  I apologize for the delayed update and will hopefully be able to get to it more often.  This part is a little on the fluffy side. As always, comments are appreciated.  Love you all!

Nikki's Diary

I've always had an addictive personality. It's no secret I delved into the depths of hell and filled my body with every toxic poison I could get my hands on. I use to say heroin was the sweetest thing in the world. It made my pain go away and took me to a place where the demons that plagued me were silenced. Everything became euphoric. During the height of my addiction, I didn't think anything could ever bring me that level of ecstasy and I never wanted to lose that feeling. Until it killed me. Twice. Then I had to wise up and look elsewhere for my high.

Even without the chemicals, I still have the tendency towards addiction. After years of chasing the high without the drugs, I finally have that feeling back. It has come in the form of the girl who stood in my dressing room on opening night, toweling the sweat off her shoulders after our sticky sweet tryst.

Ashten is my new euphoria and I am so fucking strung out it's almost frightening.

I am addicted. Addicted to the lip-gloss she wears that always makes her mouth taste like vanilla frosting. And how her perfume has the sugary fragrance of cotton candy. She is like a walking fucking dessert and my sweet tooth is incorrigible.

I am addicted to her eyes. I've never seen a pair like hers. The irises are blue on the outside with a ring of green and a hint of gold wrapped around her pupils. I can't stop looking at them, especially after I noticed they change color depending on her mood or clothing. They take on a greener turquoise shade when she wears red or black. Blue grey when she is pissed off or determined. Sapphire when she is turned on and horny. That shade is definitely my favorite. Especially when she looks at me like she wants me. That look makes me believe there is a God.

But the hue of her eyes doesn't matter as long as she keeps looking at me through those thick lashes and I can look back knowing she is mine.

Fuck. The way she looks at me she could take me for anything. My house, my cars, and all of my possessions. Hell, even my bank account. Especially when she flashes the dimples.

I'm addicted to the way her ass bounces on impact. And how she bites my shoulder with her eyes glazed over when I'm inside her and she is about to cum. Her whole body tightens around me and when she moans in pleasure, it has to be the sweetest, most delicious sound on the planet.

And fuck, can she wear a pair of jeans like a second fucking skin! It's enough to kill a man. Luckily, for me, the difference between Ashten and heroin is she isn't toxic and wont kill me. Fuck, even if she does, it will be a great way to go.

Ashten's POV

"Ever borrowed eyeliner from a boyfriend?"

I looked at Nikki from the mirror as he stood behind me pulling up and retying his pants. I was doing my best to pull myself back together after he made a mess of me. After toweling off the sweat and slipping back into my dress, I raided his make-up case. Grabbing one of his eyeliner pens I attempted to fix my face, which had surprisingly minimal damage. Just a little smudged eye makeup, which would be a breeze to fix thanks to his arsenal of cosmetics.

"No." I lined my right eye with his midnight black liquid liner. "This is definitely a first." Before switching to my left lid, I glanced at him from the mirror. "It feels slightly odd to refer to someone who is twenty years older than me as my BOYfriend."

"Nineteen years," Nikki corrected me as he pulled his black t-shirt back on.

I frowned at him. "You were born in '58 and I was born in '78. That's twenty years."

"Yeah, but you were born at the beginning of '78 and I didn't turn twenty until that December. So, I was nineteen when you were born. Nineteen years. Not twenty." He sang at me with a smirk.

"Fine, if it makes you feel better then nineteen years it is." I chuckled and finished with the eyeliner then searched through his eye shadow pallets for something that wouldn't make me look like Satan's mistress.

"It makes me feel like less of a cradle robber," He pulled his belt through his pant loops and fastened it, looking up at me

"Where were you then?" I inquired, finally finding a shade of silver shadow that would work.

"March of '78? I was here in LA. Probably with London at that point. That timeline is a little foggy." He walked over to me and leaned against the vanity table, watching me apply color to my lids.

"What?" I wrinkled my brow at him when his stare lingered.

Nikki shrugged and cupped my chin in his hand, angling my face towards him. "I'm just trying to figure out how you think you can improve an already perfect face."

"Oh puh-lease," I rolled my eyes and let out a scoff while he grinned and softly chuckled. "That was a dorky line. Even for you."

"Wasn't a line, Sweet Girl. You're naturally beautiful and not the kind of woman who even needs makeup." He pushed himself off the counter to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. I felt myself flush while my lips curved into a shy smile and my insides turned to goo. Nikki calling me "Sweet Girl" never failed to make me weak in the knees.

"Mhmm," I skeptically hummed and I locked eyes with him in the mirror, trying to keep my head on straight. He smirked back at me and moved his arms up to wrap around my ribs and pull me closer. I finished my eyes and placed my hands over his, leaning back to rest against his chest.

"It's true. You are gorgeous. Vince saw you earlier and asked me who the smoke show was."

"What did you tell him?" I laughed, knowing he probably marked his territory.

"That you are Tommy's assistant and off limits to the band. And that he isn't your type." He shot me a devilish grin and let out a wicked chuckle. That couldn't be good.

"Not my type? Meaning?"

"That you like pussy and he should forget about it."

"Nice." I smacked his arm and pursed my lips at him.

"I thought so," He continued to smirk, obviously very proud of himself. "What are you gonna do after the show?"

"Go straight home. I still need to pack. And bake."

"Bake? Why, what's wrong?"

I smiled and turned to face him, my arms wrapping around his neck. "Nothing is wrong. Tommy decided that he has to have my world famous chocolate chip cookies for the bus. I made the dough today so I can bake while I pack.

Nikki dropped his jaw dramatically and feigned offense. "Tommy gets your cookies and I don't?"

I rolled my eyes. "You are such a brat. Yes, Tommy gets my cookies. But I ride your dick so who's the real winner here?"

"Hmm." Nikki hummed and furrowed his brow as if considering my words.

"Really? You're seriously weighing that?" I huffed at him, knowing he was teasing me. So I teased back. "Fine. If you think Tommy is getting the better end of the deal I'm sure he wouldn't mind trading if...OW!!"

My words were cut off by Nikki's hand giving my ass a hard slap.

"You better shut that filthy little mouth right now." He growled an amused warning at me.

"That's what I thought you'd say." I chuckled triumphantly and he gave me another quick swat before I walked over the couch to grab my phone. "Speaking of Tommy, I need to find out where he is."

"Tommy's at the...." Nikki trailed off and then his eyes widened when he realized he'd forgotten he was supposed to be at the meet and greet. "Oh, Fuck!" He grabbed his aviator sunglasses off the table and ran from the room, slamming the door behind him.

About two seconds later, he burst back into the room. "Sorry," he muttered and grabbed me with one arm before crashing his lips down on mine. "Love you." He pulled away just as quickly, shot me a wink, and flew back out the door.

"Love you, too." I replied to the closed door with an amused smile. I gave myself another once over in the mirror. Everything seemed to be back in place except one essential article of clothing. I scanned the floor and pulled up the couch cushions in search of my panties only to come up empty.

"Where the fuck did they..." I stopped myself and frowned at the door knowing exactly where they went. "Son of a bitch."
"What the hell took you so long?" Stella inquired, handing me a beer once I made it to Tommy's dressing room. He wasn't there nor was the rest of Mötley. But everyone else in the world was, including DJ Ashba who gave me a big hug along with a Jäger Bomb when I walked through the door. We talked for a few minutes and I was happy to learn he was going to be meeting us out on the road the following week so he and Nikki could do some writing.

"I lost my panties," I replied to Stella having to lean into her so she could hear me over the music.

"Of COURSE you did," She snickered and turned to thank DJ as he handed both of us another bomb. We raised our glasses and Stella made a toast. "To Ashten losing her panties."

"And to Ashten getting Sixxed. Finally." DJ grinned at me as the three of us clinked glasses.

"Both of you can eat a dick," I rolled my eyes at both of them.

"Who's eating a dick?" Tommy's raspy voice came from behind me as he threw his arm around my shoulder and stole the glass from my hand. "Let me get in on this."

"Hey, that's mine!" I nudged him in the ribs.

"WAS yours." Tommy laughed.

DJ must have anticipated this because the next thing I knew I had a fresh bomb in my hand and the four of us chugged them down with no problem. After finishing his, Tommy looked over at the door and frowned. He tightened his grip on me and pulled Stella into both of us before moving her to his other side. "Girls, stay close to me. I've got a situation I need your help with."

"Situation?" I cocked my eyebrow at him.

"Yeah. I think I have a stage five clinger." He nodded towards the door and I followed his gaze to see a brunette in a crop top and leather mini skirt. Her face was caked in makeup, her tits were pushed up to her chin and she was licking her lips at Tommy like a tigress looking at her next meal.

"What did you do?" Stella rolled her eyes at Tommy.

"Dude! I didn't do anything! She pulled me into a fucking bathroom and sucked me off!"

I flinched and looked at him quizzically. "You were JUST at the meet and greet. How did you even have time to....ya know what? Don't tell me. I don't want to know."

"Whatever, dude. Just keep her away from me," he pleaded.

"What do you want us to do? Kick her ass?" I asked, sipping my beer.

"I don't know! Sick her on Sixx or something!" Tommy motioned to the door and the four of us turned to see Nikki walking through the door dressed in his stage clothes.

My heart jumped in my throat at the sight. Good God in heaven.

"Doesn't look like we have to." Stella muttered and shot me a smirk when groupie chick went straight for him.

I watched him be cordial to her. It's how he is with fans, as he should be. I'm not a jealous person and I'm also not blind or stupid. Nikki is gorgeous and women have been throwing themselves at him for years. I didn't see that changing any time soon so I'd already decided I would not drive myself crazy and freak out every time someone looked at him. Looking is fine.

I did, however, suck in a breath and turn away as soon as she closed the distance between them and put her hands on his chest. That's definitely something I couldn't watch no matter how confident and understanding I was.

DJ, who I was now facing, gave me a wink and leaned into my ear. "Don't sweat it, babe. He's already pushed her away."

I smiled at him and turned back to see Nikki coming towards us while groupie chick turned her focus back on Tommy, who gave Nikki a scowl as he approached.

"Come on, Sixx-dawg. Take one for the team." Tommy plead.

Nikki chuckled as he shook his head and shot a smile over at me. "Not my fault you made her cock crazy."

"Cock crazy?" Stella almost choked on her beer. "Is that a thing?"

"It's a thing," the three men responded in unison.

"Then just tell her that if she tries to pet it again it'll spit at her." I spoke up, earning a laugh from the group. I looked at my watch and nudged Tommy towards his vanity mirror. "You guys have twenty minutes before you hit the stage. Go finish getting ready."

"Yes, ma'am." Tommy saluted me and sat down at the table to paint his face. "You stayin backstage tonight?"

"No, I wanna see the show from the crowd," I replied, sipping on my beer.

"Excellent!" Tommy exclaimed. "Bring on the Titty Cam!"

I rolled my eyes again and walked back across the room to Nikki who had just lit a cigarette. I took the butt from his fingers and took a drag, looking up at him. His stage boots made him taller than Tommy and he was now towering over me with his usual smirk.

"I saw that." He stated.

"Saw what?" I took another drag and inhaled before holding the cigarette back up to him.

"The look on your face when that chick came on to me."

"There was no look," I denied through a sheepish smile.

"Mhmmm," Nikki studied me as he took the cigarette and pulled a drag. He inhaled deeply, his eyes still piercing me as he slowly blew the smoke out. "Jealousy is cute on you."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes for the hundredth time that night and scoffed at him before I changed the subject. "Have you seen my panties?"

"I have and they are lovely." His eyes continued to focus on mine as his smirk widened.

"Yes, thank you. But do you know where they are at this moment?"

"Nope." He was lying and I knew it.

"I know you have them, Nikki."

"Do you?"

"Yes. Give them back. Unless you are planning to wear them and if that's the case we need to have a completely different kind of talk."

He laughed and finished his cigarette before stomping it out on the floor. "I gotta go finish getting ready." He looked over my shoulder at Tommy who was talking a mile a minute to DJ and not paying a bit of attention to us. Nikki leaned into me and whispered in my ear. "You stay away from that fucking camera."

"Are you gonna give me my panties back?"

He moved back to smile down at me. "I told you I don't have them."

"Then I'm not making any promises." I kissed my fingertips and placed them on his cheek.

"We'll see about that," He growled at me and made his way out the door.


It was no surprise the show was spectacular. It was also no surprise that as soon as the curtain went up Stella and I spotted a pair of panties hanging from Nikki's microphone stand.

"Please tell me those are yours," Stella commented over the music.

"They're mine." I confirmed.

"Are those crotchless?"

"They are now," I muttered shaking my head with a laugh. "Dirty fuckin dog."

It was also not shocking to me how amazingly hot Nikki was in his stage clothes and how every woman in the place lost their minds when he spoke to the audience after Ten Seconds to Love. Who could blame them?

What did surprise me that night (although it shouldn't have) was right after Same Ol Situation when Nikki pointed in my direction and mouthed something. He then pointed towards his side of the stage. I furrowed my brow and tried to read his lips when I felt a hand grip my upper arm. Turning around, I met eyes with DJ who simply smiled.

"I was sent to get you." He explained as he walked and pulled me along with him.


"Because of that," He pointed to the stage at Tommy who had whipped out the Titty Cam. I looked from Tommy over to Nikki who gave me a victorious smirk as he watched DJ escort me backstage to his side.

Nikki Fuckin Sixx.

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