Switched Up

By perksof_being_payton

296K 15.2K 4K

We all know the story of how Sang and the Blackbourne Team met. But what if, Sang had never tried to run awa... More

Prologue- Rewritten
Chapter 1- Rewritten
Chapter 2-Rewritten
Chapter 3- Rewritten
A Report- Rewritten
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
A Report
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
New Story
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 4

7.9K 395 67
By perksof_being_payton

I loved writing the end of this chapter because she's starting to spend one on one time with the boys. Her mom is a bitch though.

Sang's P.O.V.

The next morning, I wake up so early, that it is still  dark out. I find my phone and see that it is 5:30 A.M.

    I decide to mess around with my new phone to kill time. My body feel too worn down to do anything else at the moment.

   I lay in bed trying new games for a while until I hear my mother screaming my name from downstairs. I quickly hide the phone and I walk downstairs, wondering what I have done this time to make her angry with me.

     "You stupid slut! You ungrateful little bitch! I do so much for you and this is how you repay me?" She screams in my face.
    I cower away, still not understanding what I did. "I don't know what you're talking about," I tell her quietly.

    She seizes my arm in an iron grip and pulls me to the sink. "This you dumb bitch!" There are two plates along with some forks that I assume+ are from her and Marie.

     "I-I'm sorry, I thought you were eating out last night, that's what you said."

     "Well you should have checked that we actually did before being so fucking selfish!," she gets an evil look in her and begins rummaging through the cabinets, "I'm just going to have to keep punishing you until you learn your fucking lesson!"

     She grabbed it a bag of rice and ripped it open, spilling it on the floor. "Kneel!" She yells and I slowly comply, wincing as the grains embed into the skin on my knees. 

    I expect her to say something but she keeps looking for stuff and I suddenly realize what's about to happen as she pulls a cup out. She pours lemon and vinegar in the cup. She walks over with the cup and says, "You will drink every fucking drop of this and if you try to spit it out, I will make you start over."

   She reaches down and yanks my hair back. I open my mouth, knowing if I don't, things will be much worse. The acidic substance scorches my mouth and throat. My body heaves, trying to rid itself of the horrible concoction. She's pouring it faster than I can drink it and I struggle to breathe through the large gulps I have to take in order for the drink to not spill over. 

   When I am over halfway done with the cup, I feel the bile rising and I try desperately to swallow it, knowing I will be here all day doing this if I throw it up now. Luckily, I am able to fight it long enough to finish the drink. My mother glares at me, "Well look who can finally listen. Stay here until I tell you to get up." She leaves the room and I'm left alone with my thoughts.I finally allow myself to cough, letting some of the foul substance escape my body. 

    What is so wrong with me that my own Mother does this to me? I know she is sick, but she never does this to Marie.  And my Father? He barely acknowledges my existence.

   I don't know how long I am left kneeling, probably at least three hours, but my body is shaking at this point with the position my body is forced to stay in. Finally, my Father arrives home. He barely spares a glance at me before he tells me to get up. 

   I retreat to my room slowly, my body sore and my legs asleep. I throw myself onto my bed when I realize I promised the boys that I would check in with them. I rush to get the phone and I have numerous texts and calls from all five of them.

   I just sit there for a second, not really sure how to react. They were concerned. I mean, rightfully so, but it was a foreign concept to me. 

   Suddenly my screen changes and Corey is calling me again. I don't even know if I can talk at this point, but I guess I'll have to attempt to try. I put the phone to my ear after answering it. 

    "Hello?" I'm barely able to force the word out, my voice sounding broken and hoarse. 

   "Sang? Thank God," he breathes a sigh of relief. I hear raised voices in the background but he shushes them. I guess he finally realizes the state of my voice because then he asks, "What's wrong? What happened to your voice? Did your Mom do something?" His voice is panicked and the voices raise in the background once more before he shushes them again.

   I have to force more words out and it pains me to the point of tears, "No, she didn't do anything. I'm just sick. I slept in and did some chores, that's why I didn't check-in. I'm sorry for worrying you guys."

    Suddenly I hear the footsteps of my Father approaching my room and I hang up, shoving the phone into my bra as quickly as possible. I lay down casually as he opens the door, "I'm leaving for a business trip. Make sure your Mother eats and takes her medicine."

   I nod, my voice failing me now. He says nothing else as he shuts the door. No goodbye or anything. I try to bury the hurt, I should be used to this by now.

   I make sure I hear no movement near my door before I take the phone out of my bra. I send a message to the group message Corey started. 

  Sang: So sorry. Dad came in, I had to hang up. Plus, I can't talk anymore because of my throat.

   Axel: It's fine, but please just tell us the truth. Did your mom do something? 

I contemplate on if I should tell them and ultimately I decide to tell the truth.

  Sang: Yes

 Raven: Are you able to leave the house?

 I tiptoe to her room, peek inside, and see her passed out on her bed.

Sang: Yes

Raven: I'm on my way. Pick you up where we left you yesterday. 

I panic once again as I quietly walk back to my room.  I put on a pink blouse similar to the one I wore yesterday minus the bloodstains and a white skirt along with the same black flats. I brush my hair out and sneak out of the house, praying that Mother doesn't wake up while I'm gone. Usually, when she wakes up from her drugged up stupor, she tends to ignore me, so I should be safe. Marie couldn't care less about what I do and Father wouldn't check-in even if he was home. 

    I walk to where I'm meeting Raven and I only have to wait a few minutes before the familiar car comes barreling up. I get in and he gives me a sad look, "Malen'kiy kotenok, what did she do to you?" 

    I tap my throat, indicating that I couldn't talk. 

   He reaches into the back and pulls a notebook with a pen and hands them to me, "Sorry, forgot for a second." 

   I write my reply, "She made me drink lemon and vinegar which is why my voice is like this."

   He frowns at my response, "Will you please let me take you to the hospital? It'll be fast, just so he can check your throat. Same Doctor from yesterday."

   I seem to already be doing things that would make my Mother upset, so I nod my head.

 He takes off and we sit in silence as Raven recklessly drives to the hospital. It doesn't feel completely uncomfortable, which is surprising since I just met him yesterday. 

  We arrive to the hospital and I'm filled with a sudden surge of anxiety. As if sensing this Raven grabs my hand and looks into my eyes, "It's going to be fine. It'll be a piece of cookie."

   I want to correct him, but he is being so sincere and kind in this moment that I just kiss him on the cheek in thanks. I blush and get out of the car, leaving a grinning Raven. 

   He finally gets out and I follow him into the hospital, holding his hand all the way in. I feel safe right now, another feeling that I wasn't used to.

   We reach an office and Raven doesn't knock, just throws the door open. 

    "Sure, Raven, do come in!," Dr. Roberts says sarcastically, "And Sang, my favorite patient! Come sit down," he gestures to a chair. 

  I nod and do as he says, Raven coming to stand beside the chair. 

  "I'm not going to ask anything Sang, I'm sure Raven and the others will have this taken care of," Dr. Roberts shoots Raven a look that I don't have time to decipher before he says, "Raven filled me in on the phone so I'll just take a look at your throat real quick."

   He goes to grab something when his words fully hit me. Raven hadn't called Dr. Roberts while I was in the car, meaning he called before he picked me up. I raise an eyebrow at Raven, letting him know I know what he did. All he does is grin innocently at me before sending me a quick wink.

   "Alright, open wide," Dr. Roberts says, now holding a foreign instrument.

    I open my mouth, tilting my head back slightly as he uses the instrument with a light to take a look into my mouth. He looks visibly upset and I get slightly antsy, scared of what he is going to say.

   He steps away, sighing heavily, "Well, there is a lot of scar tissue built up, meaning whatever happened, wasn't the first time. Sang, in all honesty, if this keeps happening, you might not be able to talk again. As for what you can do, you can take some cough medicine to help soothe the pain along with drinking hot tea or eat soup. Don't force yourself to talk, let that come naturally."

   I nod in understanding, but I know all I will be able to do is not forcing myself to talk. 

 He gives me a weak smile, "Well, I do have an appointment, but just know, that if you ever need help, I'm here." He tells Raven goodbye and walks out of the room.

   Raven looks very angry and I follow him silently, not like I have a choice, out of the hospital and back into the car. He's silent except for his heavy breathing.

  Then he gets a mischievous look on his face.

  "So, malen'kiy kotenok how about that shooting lesson?"

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