Everything About You

By mrs_Stylesxox

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Kylie Styles is a 16 year old normal girl. Except for one part. Shes Harry Styles little sister. Kylie is re... More

Everything About You
No, you got it all wrong
Samantha and Interview
Who Samantha really is
Movies, Games, Food and...Samantha....
Beach house >>
Really, who is this mystery girl?
Daddy Styles?
Chapter # 11
My secret date with Nialler
Fun night with the guys.
The letter
Home sweet home
**I dont know what to call this chapter so be creative and make up your own**
putting the peices together
Finding Kylie
We Found You
Home sweet home.
Date night
What a Morning
This night should be interesting.....
The nights still young
The party still goes on!
'Wait theres Two?!'
as long as your ok
planing the flash mob
Flash mob
Hard work pays off
The End
Authors Note :) ~PLEASE READ~

Night with the girlies <3

484 7 2
By mrs_Stylesxox

Kylies POV

"The note book? or Love actully?" Eleanor asked while i grabed the bowl of popcorn and placed it on the coffee table.

"Umm.... The notebook, I havnt seen it in a while" I tolled her and she noded. Then i heard a knock at the door.

"Ohh, the girls are here" Danielle said excitedly. She opened the door and sure enophe it was Ari and Morgan!

"Hey, guys, come on in, we're just starting the movie!" I tolled them and they smiled.

"Which one?" Asked Morgan.

"The notebook" I said and threw my arms up in the air. They both laughed and we sat down and started playing the movie. When it was halfway through, we stoped and took a break to you know go to the bathroom, get more food and drinks. Just that kind of stuff. I was really into the movie even though i have seen it plenty of times, i really wanted to watch it so Ari and i stayed in the living room.

"So how are you and Zayn?" I asked her. She got the cutest little smile on her face when i mentioned his name. Aww!

"Were good actully, things are going great. taking things slow but we hang out all the time and i really like him" She said and smiled.

"Who does Ari like?" Morgan asked comming into the room munching a bowl of popcorn.

"Her boyfriend!" I yelled which made Ari turn a dark color pink.

"So how are you and my brother?" I asked Morgan. She looked up from her popcorn and smiled.

"He honestly is the sweetest and romantic thing ever. Hes so cute and quite the gentlemen" She said i rolled my eyes.

"Just wait untill he starts to get comfterble around you. You will meet the real pig that is Harry Styles, 'the one that all the girls swoon over'" Danielle said as she walked into the room followed by Eleanor.

"Has he asked you out yet?....like are you guys officially dating?" Eleanor asked.

"Um, yeah he kinda asked me today" She said Eleanor and Danielle both squeeled.

"Thats soooooo cute!" They both said making Morgan blush.

"Wait, you kissed him right?" Danielle asked. Eleanor slaped Danielles arm. Sheesh what is it with this girl and hitting today?

"Dont say that! He already tolled us he did on the first date, i dont wan talk about little Hazzy all grown up and stuff" Eleanor said i rolled my eyes.

"Yuck!" I complained.

"Oh come on, he's your brother, you care about him just like he does with you" Eleanor tolled me.

"Yeah, but i'm not going to cry or get upset when he kisses a girl or goes out with someone thats not Louis" I tolled her and she just shrugged.

"Speaking of Lou, El how is he?" Danielle asked.

"Hes great actully, the sweetest thing ever he was really annoying me this morning when i had my headache" she said.

"Yeah, she even hit him a total of like three times" I said causing the girls to laugh.

"Hey Dani have you tolled the girls the news yet?" I asked. And she smiled and shook her head no.

"What news?" Ari asked.

"Soo..were having twins" Danielle said. Both girls beamed. They were so happy for Dani.

"Boy or girl?" Morgan asked.

"One of each" Danielle tolled the girls.

"Thats amazing! Omg do you know the names yet?" Morgan asked.

"Uh, no not yet, were still thinking" Danielle said and i noded.

"Do you know what names you want, like have you been thinking?" I asked her and she shrugged.

"I really like the name Alexandra for a girl, i also like the name Matthew for a boy but i'm not going to say anything to Liam yet" I tolled them.

"Why not?"

"well, i dont know, i dont want to scare him" she toleld us and i smiled. I felt my pocket vibrate. I picked up my phone and looked at the contact. It was Coltin. The one i met at the club.

"Whos that?" Morgan asked. I put one finger up and walked into the kitchen and answered the phone.

Kylie: "Ello?"

Colton: "Hey, Kylie. you remember me, right?" He asked. I laghed.

Kylie: "Corse, i only met you yesterday" I tolld him and he laughed too.

Colton: "Yeah, but hey i was wondering, maybe you want to go out to lunch tommarow. I kinda have to aaske you something" He tolled me. I wonder what he wants to talk about.

Kylie: "Ahh sure, want to meet me and Nandos at 11:30? I asked him

Colton: "Yeah sure, that works, see you then" He said and hung up.

Kylie: "Bye" and with that i hung up. and walked back into the living room were the girls were giving me curious looks.

"What?" I asked.

"Who was that?" Eleanor asked.

"Some guy i met at the club" I toleld them.

"Wait, what about Niall?" Morgan asked.

"I dont like him like that. He's atractive but he has a girlfriend" I tolled them.

"Just, be carefull, you know how Niall gets and everyone hates seeing him upset" Danielle tolled me. I noded.

"So what did he want?" Ari asked.

"He asked me to go to lunch tommarow, and he toleld me he wants to ask me something" I said.

"Just, be carefull alright" Eleanor tolled me. I noded.

"So how was your first time in the club?" Morgan asked.

"Well....i got drunk. I was sober for..what an hour into the club and then the rest was a blur" I said and the girls laughed.

"No, the rest was hilarious" Danielle said. Causing all of us to laugh.

"Danielle and Liam were the only ones who didnt drink. Niall had a few and so didnt Lou. I was tolled that Harry had none cus he wanted to keep and eye on me and he was with some girl but me and El got-"

"Whait?..Some..girl?" Morgan cut me off.

"Ahh, yeah but dont worry i even questioned him about it. Aparently he was 'only dancing' with her. I wasnt so sure at first, but i know my brother. I know when he really likes someody. And he really likes you. trust me and i dont think he would do anything on perpous to hurt you" I tolld her and she noded.

"Yeah, i'm a witness, he actully didnt make out or touch any girl in a sexual way. He actully didnt bring a girl home eather. Its ok sweety" Danielle tolled Morgan. She smiled a little.

'Anywho...how about we watch the rest of the movie?" Ari asked and thats excatly what we did. we finished the rest of the movie and it was actully a really fun night. Yeah, it was weird without the boys. You know. Lou interupting our movies. Zayn falling asleep and drooling on somebody. Harry calling Louis boobear every two minutes and Danielle and Liams makout sessions. It was odly quiet. But i liked it. Soon we finished the hole movie.

"Well that was fun" Ari said. we all noded.

"What time is it?" I asked while i yawned.

"Um..10:46" Eleanor answered.

"The boys should have been home by now, dont you think?" I asked. They noded.

"Eh, there probly at Nandos waiting for Niall to finish eating the whole menue" Eleanor said. I laghed. Thats my boyfriend.

"Well, I gotta go, I tolled my mom i would be home before twelve" Ari said.

"Yeah, and Ari's my ride home, so i better get going too" Morgan said. I noded before giving them both hugs good bye.

"Thanks for the night girls, see ya later' They said while walking out the door. I turned around after closing the door and looked around the hotell. We sure made a mess. There were pillows and blankets all over the place. Some of the couch cusions and pillows were thrown around too. There were multiple popcorn peices and snaks on the floor to.

"This is a lot to clean up" Eleanor said.

"Well, better get started" And thats exactly what we did. We cleaned everything up before the boys got home too. Which i was now getting a little concerned about. It was 11:34 and they still wernt home.

"Hey, do you think we should try calling them?" I asked Danielle and Eleanor. They both noded.

Soooo, i called Niall.

No answer.


No answer.


No answer.


No answer.


No answer.

I tried calling each boy multiple times but it just keeps going strait to voice mail.

"What the hell!" I screamed causing oth Danielle and Eleanor to look up.

"Still nothing?" Dani asked.

"I tried calling each of them. Do you think one of them could pick up the phone?" I said angrilly.

Just then i felt my pocket vibrate. It was my phone. Someone was calling me. but it was an unkown number. This better be one of the boys i swear to god!

"Hello?" I asked intot he phone.

"Uh, hi is this Kylie, Kylie Styles. Harry Styles little sister?" The mysterious man on the phone asked. I noded but then i realized he couldnt see me. So i answered;

"This is she, may i ask who is speaking and were my brother is..?" I asked

"This is Dr. Mason and i'm calling to let you kow that your brother and his friends have gotten into a terrible accedent and they are all in the hospital" The guy said. I fell to my knees and started sobing quieyly. Danielle and Eleanor took notice and came over to comfert me. Danielle answered th phone. I could tell the guys had tolled her what had happened because her whole body language and facial expression changed. Eleanor soon learned what had happened after.


We are on our way to the hospital right now. Danielle and i are both in tears Eleanor wasnt because she was driving. But you could tell she was on the verge of tears. I called both Ari and Morgan and tolled them what happened. They are meeting us at the hospital now.

As soon as we got there, we jumped out of the car and raced to the emergancy room. We quickly tolled the lady at the front desk who we were waiting for and she took us to a waiting room, were we soon met Ari and Morgan and grabed eachother in a hug. We were all really scared right now. No one tolled us any more information other than they got into an acceddent. it was probly a car accedent but how would we know? They didnt tell us anything other than tahat. They never tolled us how it happened or how bad it was. nothing. It tok two painfull hours sitting in the waiting room together all holding eachothers hands and praying before someone a doctor came over to us. As soon as she came out we all stood up;still holding eachothers hand.

"Um.. are you the girlfriend of the boys?" She asked. We all noded.

"Ok so what happened was the boys were it head on by a drunk driver" The lady said which made the girls cry more.

"well are they all ok?" Ari aksed.

"Most of them, yes" She said.

"Well then whos hurt?" I screamed.

"They all are. They have several breaks and sprains but there are two of them who are in worst condition." The lady said.

"Who and what happened?" Morgan asked.

"I'm afraid Louis and Harry. I belive thats there name. they were the ones driving and the orther in the passanger seat. They are verry lucky they wore seat belts, things could hvae been much worst" The lady said. We were all pouring our eyes out by now. Why? Why me? Why us? Why my brother and my best friend? This just isnt fair.

'Will they be ok?" I asked.

"Yes, no life threatning injuries. They are all verry lucky boys but we will need to keep them for a while" She tolled us and we all noded.

"Can we see them?" Danielle asked. That was the first time she has sopken since we have been here. Her voice was weak and shaky.

"Of corse" The doctor said. HSe walked us down the hall and stoped at a closed door.

"Ready?" She asked. We all noded. When she opened the door we were all shocked.



Hi guys. Sorry i know its been a while since i have updated. I made this one a bit longer since i'm not going to be able to update next weekend. I posibly might be able to late monday night but it all depends! I'm also working on a new story! Woop woop. It will be out once i finished this one. I still hvant figured out how i'm going to fnish this one yet. But i will be thinking about it. And if your lucky, there might be a seual! OOOHHH hahha well yeah. Let me know what you think of this chappie!!

Comments/Vote/Fan ?

~Laura <3

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