Switched Up

By perksof_being_payton

296K 15.2K 4K

We all know the story of how Sang and the Blackbourne Team met. But what if, Sang had never tried to run awa... More

Prologue- Rewritten
Chapter 1- Rewritten
Chapter 2-Rewritten
A Report- Rewritten
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
A Report
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
New Story
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 3- Rewritten

9.5K 394 99
By perksof_being_payton

Sang's P.O.V.

     I'm freaking out internally, but I'm trying my best not to show it. I'm breaking all of mom's rules today. Sneaking out, seeing a Doctor, and hanging out with boys. She will kill me if she finds out.

I don't know why I feel somewhat comfortable here. It's against everything mom taught me. But these two seem trustworthy.

The two seem like complete opposites. Corey has cropped hair and blue eyes. He isn't as tall as Raven, but still he still towers over me. And he seems to radiate happiness. Raven has cropped dark brown hair and brown eyes that seem intense. He also has two earring studs in his left ear along with a lip ring. He seems nice like Corey, just much more intense.

I can tell the two want to ask more questions, but I appreciate that they don't.

Corey's texting somebody so I turn to Raven. "So, how old are you?," I ask quietly.

        "Nineteen," he says, "Almost twenty. You?"

"Eighteen," I answer as I play with the hem of the shirt he gave me.

"How did you learn Russian?," he asks.

         "I taught myself. Being homeschooled gives you plenty of free time."

         He nods. "Learning a new language is hard. Especially if you don't have anybody to speak it to."

       I'm about to ask him something else when the door opens again, making me jump closer to Corey.

       Corey turns and give me a reassuring smile before holding my hand again.

     The man seems to radiates dominance. It makes me want to disappear, but I do my best to not show that I am severely intimated right now. He's tall with long jet black hair. Behind a pair of glasses, his eyes are dark. His eyes are impassive, not giving anything away.

      "Who's this?," he asks. Although he is asking Raven and Corey, he doesn't take his eyes off me.

      Before he can answer the door opens again and I'm assuming it's the last two of the group that come in.

      "What's going on?," the first guy asks. What takes me by surprise is that he is identical to Corey. Corey had mentioned that he has a biological brother, he just never said he has a twin. The two might be identical, but I can already tell one big giveaway on who's who. While Corey's seem happy, his twin's look sad.

        The other has eyes that are very noticeable as well. He has something I briefly remember reading about, heterochromia. One eye is green and one blue. He is considerably taller than me, but a tad shorter than Corey and not-Corey.

"As I was about to tell Axel, this is Sang. I brought her here to be stitched up by Dr. Roberts," he turns to me, "Sang, this is Axel, Brandon, and Marc." He points to each one and I make a mental note of each name so I don't forget.

The twin he introduced, Brandon, frowns, "Why did she need to be stitched up?"

       Corey sighs, "She's not ready to tell us and I promised her I wouldn't make her tell me. I just wanted to get her some help."

        There seems to be some sort of silent communication between the boys. "Let me see," Axel says.

        Corey gives my hand a reassuring squeeze, before I get up and turn around. I lift the shirt from the back and make sure nothing comes up in the front.

      Eventually, I assume they are done and sit back down.

          "Who did that?," Axel asks with his arms crossed.

           "I just told you I promised she wouldn't have to answer anything," Corey says.

            "Well, I didn't promise anything. So, I'll ask again," his dark eyes meet mine, "Who did that?"

I flinch, his dominating presence and tone scaring me just a little.

        "Don't be a dick," Raven says, "You're freaking her out."

        Axel's face softens a little and he takes a small step toward me. "Hey, I know I can be a bit much, but you can trust us. We just want to know how to help you and we can't help you if we don't know what's happening."

        I don't respond, so he continues, "Was it your parents?"

"Not both of them," I admit while staring at my hands. I don't know why I said that, but it's too late to take it back now.

"Your dad?"

       I shake my head.

"Your mom?"

          After hesitating for a minute, I nod.

       "How often does this happen?," Marc asks. Although his tone is calm, I can tell he's not happy.

I sigh. I've already told them it was her, there's no point in keeping any other details to myself. "Depends on her mood. But it's just punishments, nothing that bad! I promise. She has cancer and her medicine makes her act more aggressive sometimes."

"Sang, you just got stitches. No punishment should be that severe," Corey says, "This is abuse. You can't go back there."

          I can't lie. Not going back to that house sounds amazing. But, she's my mom and somebody needs to be there to take care of her. Marie and dad would never take care of her. I shake my head, "I have to go back."

        "You're eighteen," Corey points out. "You don't have to."

"That's my mom. She's sick and I have to help her. Plus, if I leave, I have no idea how she'll retaliate."

"Why can't your dad take care of her?," Brandon asks.

I shake my head. "He's always on some sort of business trip. And my sister wouldn't be any help. So, that leaves me."

Axel looks around at the other boys. "Well, we can't make you do anything you don't want to do. So, if going back is what you want, we can't stop you."

I hesitate for a brief moment. Of course I don't want to go back, but it's the right thing to do. "That's what I want."

Axel nods. "Fine. Then we can give you our numbers in case anything happens"

I blush, unsure of why I feel embarrassed. "I don't have a phone, so that's not going to work."

Axel doesn't look phased at my response. "That's fine. Corey will get you one on your way home."

I wasn't expecting that response. That's ridiculous, I can't accept that. "W-What? No, that's way too much. You guys have already done enough."

Axel raises an eyebrow, "He will get you a phone. He helps out with plenty of those technology places, I'm sure he can get a phone for a discounted price, maybe even free. Don't worry about it."

I go to protest again but Corey just says, "Just say thank you, Corey."

I may have just met these guys, but I know I'm not going to win this one. "Thank you, Corey."

"I'm sure you guys need to get her home. We don't need her getting punished for being out too long," Axel says. "Sang, it was nice meeting you. You're welcome here anytime."

"Thank you, it was nice meeting you guys too."

Marc says, "If anything happens, you call us. Doesn't matter which one of us you call or what you need, just let one of us know and we'll be there. Understand?"

I nod timidly. I don't know why these guys are so willing to help out a complete stranger.

    After telling the other three goodbye, Raven and Corey walk me downstairs. They decided that Raven would drive so Corey could show me how to work the phone on the way to my house.

       Before Raven drives off, Corey turns around. "I'm so sorry for what you're about to experience."

     "What do you mean?," I frown.

      "Raven's driving can be a little... terrifying."

         "Don't listen to him," Raven laughs, "I'm terrific."

        I soon realize what Corey was talking about. There are many times that I see my life flash before my eyes, but we somehow to manage to make it to the store alive.

         "Alright, I'll be right back," Corey says, "Stay in here with Raven."

        I nod and he gets out of the car.

    "So, you said you are homeschooled?," Raven asks.

      I wonder why he is asking but respond, "Up until now I have been. I'm about to start at a public school though."

       "Are you nervous?"

         "Very," I nod, "But I'm also pretty excited."

     "Yesli u vas vozniknut kakiye-libo problemy, dayte mne znat' i ya ikh snimu" (If  anybody gives you any problems, let me know and I'll shoot them).

    "U tebya yest' pistoles?," I ask, surprised at his statement. (You have a gun)?

      He smirks at me, "Da."

       He seems pretty proud of that. We sit in silence until Corey comes and sits in the back with me.

           After telling Raven where my house is, he drives off. Corey hands me a iPhone that has a clear case. The phone itself is Rose Gold, as close to pink as he could get.

       Since the drive is short, Corey tries to show as much as he can about the phone. I have all of their numbers in my phone and he has me send a message to everyone so they can have my number as well. 

       I have them drop me down the street so mom doesn't see me get out of a random car. She would kill me.

         "Thank you guys, for everything," I say quietly.

          "You're welcome," Corey says, "Just make sure if anything happens, let us know. Okay?"

           I nod before getting out of the car. I tell them goodbye and walk to the house. When I get inside, I walk as quietly as I can upstairs.

I text the boys, thanking them again before hiding the phone.

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