His Tutor

By OnlySiaah

162K 7.4K 3.1K

Smart ass with an attitude, new nigga with grades to maintain. When they meet what will happen? More

Suicidal Robbery
Thirty-nine39: pt1
Thirty-nine39: pt2


1.4K 91 30
By OnlySiaah


"Come on, you can do it" the nurses and doctor cheered me on.

"I can't" I cried and Jahking rubbed my head and squeezed my hand.

"Come on baby" he kissed my forehead.

"The baby's too big, just cut me open" I continued to cry.

"Look, we're almost there. Just a few more pushes and you're done. I promise"

After 10 long, painful pushes, my baby was born. "Congratulations mom, it's a girl"

"WHAT!?" Me and Jahking yelled.

We decided that we wanted to wait until birth to figure out the gender. I'm real upset because I wanted a fucking boy and after this birth I ain't having no more kids!

This was the most painful feeling ever, Nala didnt even hurt this bad. "We've got to stitch you up, big mamas tore you" the doctor chuckled.

"You think that's funny?" Jahking asked upset.

"Don't mind him" I laughed. "We were just really praying on a boy"

After my baby was all cleaned up, weighed, and checked, you know all that stuff, they handed her fat ass to me. "How much she weigh?" Jahking asked.

"8 pounds, 10 ounces" she smiled and my jaw dropped.

"Well shit" I looked at her. She was just the cutest thing. The little pain I was still feeling and the anger of her being a girl went away when I looked her in her eyes. It's really love at first sight with your kids.

She yawned and her bottom lip started to quiver. "Shhh, don't cry fat" I bounced her a little. When she calmed down, I handed her to Jahking.

I was moved into another room, so that I could have visitors and was waiting for Chris to bring Nala to me.

"Oh my gosh, Nala's birthday is in two months" I sighed.

"Okay?" He asked trying to under why I said it like that.

"She's about to be four" I pouted.

"Eisha don't" He side eyed me knowing I was about to cry.

"I swear it's the hormones" I said as tears slipped from my eyes. He got up walking over to me and handed me our baby.

"Scoot over" he told me and I did. He laid in bed with me and played with my messy hair. There were a few knocks, then Chris, Nala, and my nurse walked in.

"Here's the birth certificate that needs to be filled out, along with these papers" she sat them on the small table. "Also, we need you to feed her so she learn how to latch on while we're here to help"


"That's the baby?" Nala asked and I nodded. She smiled and reached to touch her face but I stopped her.

"Dirty hands, go wash them"

"You promised I could name her" Jahking smiled widely.

"I did not" I rolled my eyes.

"You said boy you name him, girl I name her. Quit playing wimme" he got up grabbing the papers.

"Don't put nothing stupid" I said regretting ever saying that. You see, I was just so sure it was a boy.

"Here" he smiled widely handing it to me after about 7 minutes.

"Go see what Butt doing" I told him.

"Okay, don't look yet then because I wanna see your reaction" he said before getting up.

Nala climbed in bed with me and Jahking sat on the couch. I took a look at the name and started to die with laughter. "You're so headass"

"Gone head and read that aloud" he smiled laughing.

Sarabi Honesty Guillory

I said aloud. "That's cute or whatever" I laughed.

"I know, now we gotta get them hooked to The Lion King" he laughed.

"Well I tried with Nala, she just don't like it because "they stole her name"" I looked down at her.

She was slowly but surely falling asleep. "Feed my baby, got her sitting there hungry"

"Please shut the hell up" I laughed taking my titty out. "When did Chris leave?" I asked and Jahking shrugged.

Probably had to get back to that hollering ass baby.

I can't stand that little mf, but I love Passion to death. She just don't fuck with me. Everytime I hold her she get to crying, like girl I'm your second mother don't do me like this.

"Where my baby at?" Yoni cheesed walking through the door. I texted her the room number about 45 minutes ago.

"Woniii!" Butt woke up jumping off the bed to run to her.

"Awe hey Butt" she bent down hugging her. "Okay listen this is going to suck, but your sister..." she looked over me.

"Sarabi" I laughed.

"Your sister Sarabi- ay, I see what you did there" she laughed.

"IM A GENIUS!" Jahking proudly yelled.

Sarabi started to cry and I gave him a death stare, because I just got her to go to sleep. "We can finish this conversation later" Yoni stood going over the wash her hands.

Jahking and I knew she was going to get her, so we didn't bother to get up. "They just got you crying" Yoni cooed. "It's okay, mommy's here"


"I said" she made sure her d stuck. "that mommy is here"

I rolled my eyes and picked my phone up. "Where yo sister at?" Jahking asked.

"Home why?"

"Because I don't like you, I'd prefer her here"

"Nigga fuck you" she flipped him off.


"Jahking why is she throwing up like this?" I cried rubbing Nala's back as she threw up in the tub.

"Stop crying, she's just sick" he came in the bathroom with Fat.

"She's been sick before and never like this" I wiped my eyes.

"Mommy I booboo" Nala cried. I put her on the toilet and the shit came out like water.

I let her finish and helped her clean herself. She reached up for me and I picked her up going into the kitchen. "Babe here I gotta go to work" Jahking tried handing me Sarabi.

"Take the day off Jahking" I said angrily. "I need you here"

He smacked his lips and just stared at me. "You kno-"

"Fuck it!" I told him. "Go, I'm tired of this bullshit!" I slammed the fridge shut.

"Don't start Eisha" he groaned leaving the kitchen.

"Here baby" I handed Nala a cup of water, but she shook her head no. "Drink it" I told her.

"No Mommy I cold" she shook.

"You just said you were hot earlier" I sighed. "Come on we going to the hospital"

"Wait til I'm off, so I can go too" Jahking said.

"No, take yo ass to work. It's more important than we are anyway"

"Quit bruh" he tied up his shoes. "And get her"

"You fucking get her" I told him. "She don't want shit but to be picked up and I can't do it because I have my sick ass baby in my arms"

"Wait til I'm off work, please"

"Just get the fuck out!" I yelled.

Nala was still shivering, but her forehead was hot as fuck. "I don't know what to do" I cried sitting on the couch with both Nala and Sarabi.

Nala laid her head on my leg and I wrapped her in two blankets while I held Sarabi and bounced her to sleep.

If it gets worse, fuck Jahking I'm taking her.

Excuse any mistakes !
I missed writing this book😩

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