♡Wolf x Red Riding Hood♡(Edit...

De Kishize

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The story "red riding hood". A childhood classic where the wolf attacks little red riding hood and the huntsm... Mais

Authors' Note
<Butterfly fly fly to you>
<You Can't Interact>
<I'm not worthy>
<To see you again>
<We meet once again>
<You don't remember me>
<I like him>
<Where are you>
<Out of the oridinary>
<Knock Knock>
Christmas Special: <Magic>
Valentine's special:<Under the stars>
<Sakura Bloom>
<Apology Accepted>
<I will>
<Sports Festival>
<Cultural Preparations>
<Cultural festival Part 1>
Halloween Special:<The Woods>
<Cultural festival Part 2>


35 2 0
De Kishize

Ōkami's POV
I could not believe that I revealed myself to her once more again, but I did. I thought to myself as I stared at the leaves above me. Hey there was an apple, I bet it was sweet like her. She accepted me completely after the shifting but she cried. Why do I always end up making her cry? No matter what the reason was. I wonder would we ever be alright again? I wanted to hold her, but not hurt her concurrently. Kami-Sama, give me a sign that we would be alright eventually? That was when I felt something hard hit my head. Ow, what could that possibly be? The object had rebounded against my head and now rolled on the forest floor. Ah, the apple I was looking at. Maybe things may not turn out so bad after all, I thought to myself as I took a bite from the apple. Its sweetness and aroma were enchanting just like her.

Akazuki's POV
Why can I not remember anything at all? What happened before in my first year of high school? Why did no one tell me, even my friends kept it from me. What was so bad that happened? Should I ask Hana? Or should I ask someone else? Maybe I should ask someone first, I thought as tears begin to leak. I wanted my memory back.

As I walked to school the next day I begin thinking of who I could ask. Sure Hana was out of the question for now. I wanted to ask Chiko-Chan but she was only in first year now, that meant she would not have known in detail of what happened last year. I would have asked Kai, as he was in the same year as I and he would have known the details. However knowing that he was hitting on me, he may not tell the truth. I guess my only options were either Nishimoto-senpai or Ishikawa-senpai. "Hey Akazuki, did you hear what I said?" I suddenly heard Hana's voice as she pat my shoulder. "Huh yea?" I said, completely oblivious to what she just said. She looked at me rolling her emerald eyes, "Aka-Chan, you need to stop zoning out honestly. I'm worried about you." She said with concern. "Mhn, it's nothing." I mumbled quietly as we continued to walk. I looked away from her, instead dazing even more. "Please Akazuki. You're my best friend since god knows when and I really care. If you have any problems just tell me okay?" She continued, she definitely sounded concern. I could feel her genuine feelings leak from her words but...if she cares why did she not tell me? If she cared she would have told me about what happened right? Not keep it from me! I could feel a sudden anger bubble in me, but then she stopped and enveloped me in a hug. That hug snuffed out my heart's raging flame. She must have had a reason not to tell me about what happened. Hopefully she tells me soon.

(Timeskip :D)

I decided, I was going to ask Ishikawa-senpai. It was lunch time now and everyone should be free. I made my way to the school's third level and headed to her class. Knocking precariously, I opened the door after. "Eh is Ishikawa-senpai available?" I asked as I looked in. There she was, surrounded by a bunch of boys fawning over her. "Ah Asumi-Chan, great timing." She said as she got up and walked over to me a little to hurriedly. Once she reached me, she slid the door close behind her and let out a big sigh. "Thank gosh, they wouldn't get off me. Thanks for the help Asumi-Chan, what did you need me for?" She asked.

Ishikawa Koharu, she was a nice upperclassman. Many boys fawned over her but I heard that she already liked someone. That someone also happened to be her long time childhood friend Nishimoto Daiki. Though he never saw her as anything more. I think she would know what happened last year, I mean being so popular she would know most of the gossip.

"Eto...Ishikawa-senpai, what happened last year? If you know that is, specifically what happened between Kozure Ōkami and I?" I asked, wording it cautiously. Her face seemed a bit surprised like she was not expecting such a question. "Oh I just remember that you two were getting close and people were jealous. Then you got into an accident and people said it was because he rejected you and you tried to kill yourself but honestly I don't believe that rumour it's dumb. You won't want to kill yourself over a boy because there were so many you could have." She rambled. Well, she clearly did not know much to tell me what I wanted. I sigh internally.

Koharu's POV
"It's ok Ishikawa-senpai, I'll be heading back down." She said, there was a sad look in her eye. I could feel a pang just looking at it. I am sorry I cannot tell you what actually happened, I thought to myself. The whole school knew not to reveal anything about her past to her. They all assumed that Kai was saying it to protect her from Kozure-San. However Asumi-Chan is still around him, an exact opposite of what Kai needed. However among us "royalties", it was clear Kozure-San was the one for Asumi-Chan. No matter how much Kai did not like it. I watched as she walked away down the corridor. I could feel the aura of disappointment hanging around her. The only person which could tell her everything was Kozure-San, but he has to accept that he was not the one that put her in a coma first.

Ōkami's POV
Everyone concentrated on their own project. Trying to work out with the students in charge of costumes on how they would sew it. There were others which were settling the food organisation. Our class had been split into two. One half was the background team, the other was the 'display' team. I would have joined the background team on normal circumstances, but Akazuki wanted me to cosplay with her. I could not give that chance away. However, the background team did dress up a little like fairies and elves. It was to liven up and make the theme more realistic. The class was so crowded as there were double the number of students than usual. The buzz and enthusiasm was all around, unsurprisingly it did not affect me. I just lay my head on my desk and watched my friends as they chattered excitedly. It was the first time any class came together to make a booth. Though doing so the booth would be on a larger scale. Karasuno and Hana have planned to be Hansel and Gretel. It was cool and suiting for them as they both loved sweets and were going to bake. They were one of the very few which were part of both the background and 'display' teams. I literally have nothing to do now, I was so bored.

That was when I felt something poke me. "Hey hey Ōkami-Kun, do you have the necessary clothes for your cosplay character? I can be responsible for them as I asked for you to cosplay with me." Akazuki said. She looked at me innocently like she meant it. That made me wonder, yes I did not have the sufficient clothing. I did not even know what she wanted me to wear. I nodded back in response to her. "Okay, then follow me after school." She said cheerfully. Where would she bring me, I wondered.

(After school)

The bell rung, I packed my bag quickly and headed to Akazuki's class. Students were already shuffling out, giving me repulsed looks as they walked by. Avoiding the space around me as if contagious, but I did not mind. At least I got my own personal space. Once I could, I walked in to the classroom. Akazuki was packing her bag as Hana babbled on. "I have to go Hana, text me later." I picked up with my sharp hearing. Hana gave her a weird look then she turned and saw me. Her mouth changed and formed into an 'o' shape. Then she gave me a creepy smile, and begin to nudge Akazuki, teasing her. Her reaction was so cute. Her cheeks seemed to poof into a pinky colour and she begin to act very flustered. Mock hitting Hana, she tried to defend herself. I chuckled to myself as I continued to watch them. Eventually Akazuki rushed over with her bag, "Let's go Ōkami-Kun. Hana's being mean." She said. Such a child-like voice came from her mouth and she gave such an adorable pout. My heart melted but I did not say a word, all I did as nod. She begin to walk and I followed her. She walked for quite some time after we walked out the school gates. Though the path she walked was familiar, it was to somewhere I knew. It was the 'enchanted' forest. We walked in silence side by side. Memories filled my head of the many times she and I have been here. As children, our first meeting. The heartbreak which followed, the meeting again. The encounter before the confession, everything. The forest brought so many memories to me about us. I looked at her, I wonder what she was thinking...

Akazuki's POV
Ah the forest, it was my favourite place. It was also the path to grandma. I cannot believe I am bringing Ōkami to my grandma's house. She will tell mother for sure. As I walked on, everything felt peaceful. Though the moment I took the turn down my usual path, my head begin to hurt. It was probably just a headache from too much thinking, I thought. Rubbing my forehead in attempt to soothe it.  However it only got worse as I walked further down the path. It was getting unbearable and I stopped a few times. Ōkami had a concerned look on his face. As the pain got excruciating, images begin to flash through my mind.

A little girl with a red hood. A little boy, furry ears sticking from his head, a yukata robing him. They looked like they were playing. So happy, so carefree.

Another image. A girl under an apple tree. Her face hidden by the hood of the cloak she wore. A big black wolf coming close to her, snuggling up against her.

My vision was starting to get hazy. Who were those people? Ah, my head really hurt.

Ōkami's POV
Suddenly Akazuki dropped, I tried as fast as I could to catch her. Managing to in time. What happened to her? Why did she faint so suddenly? As I sat on the ground, holding her in my arms I just stared at her. Why are bad things always happening to you around me. Akazuki did not look like she would come around any time, though we could not just wait in the middle of the forest. I think I would head to Minako-obasan's house. She can take care of Akazuki, she was her grandmother after all.

Akazuki's POV
The moment I blacked, everything disappeared, scattering like dust. Instead a warmth enveloped me and it felt peaceful. I could feel myself being carried. The difference was soothing, whoever it was. This person felt so warm and comforting.

I woke up to the smell of cinnamon and apples. It was warm and cozy. I was rested snugly on a...couch? How did I get here? Was this grandma's house? That was when I heard footsteps, a familiar being walked in. "Ah darling you're awake." Grandma said. Her voice was gentle as ever, a pleasant smile on her face. In her hands she held a cup, the cinnamon smell must have been coming from it. "Have some homemade cider sweetie, it'll boost your sugar levels." She said handing me the cup. It smelt heavenly, I blew slightly before I took sip. It was so sweet and the slight alcohol content made me feel hot. That was when suddenly, I realised who could have brought me here, the person I was going to bring here in the first place. "Grandma, where is Ōkami-Kun? He's the one who brought he here right?" I asked hurriedly. If he brought me here where was he? That was when grandmother chuckled. "Oh sweetie he's changing." She said. Her expression still signalled nothing out of the ordinary. Wait...what? I was in my grandma's house, and got some reason Ōkami is changing!

"Eh! What? Why?" I shouted in shock. That made grandma laugh even more. I could feel my face flush, my mind was thinking of a bare Ōkami. Oh god I should not be thinking of such things. Upon seeing my expression grandma begin to laugh even louder. That was when a familiar head stuck out from behind the door arc. "What's all this laughter without me?" A smirk on his face, Ōkami only showed his head.

Ōkami's POV
Honestly, I had been standing behind the door for some time already. Listening to the conversation between the grandmother and granddaughter. Akazuki's mother was beside me too, she was the one who passed me the clothes. Minako-obasan knew we were there eavesdropping but she did not seem to mind.

"Eh! A-aren't you supposed to be c-changing?" Akazuki said again, stuttering from embarrassment. That made me myself chuckle. She was so cute when she was embarrassed. Then I stepped out from behind showing my entire body. Flustered, she tried to cover her eyes. However, she peaked through then.

Akazuki's POV
As I peaked through the gaps between my fingers, I could see that Ōkami was fully dressed. He was also smirking at me. Uwa he looked so good, I could feel my cheeks heat up again. What was in the cider grandma gave me? I have never been this flustered before.

"I guessed that you brought the young man here for these clothes right Akazuki? You've been very excited about the cosplay you were going to do for the school's cultural festival." Another voice sounded, coming from behind Ōkami. My mother stepped out from behind, a warm smile on her face. Oh god mother was here! I prayed she did not know what Ōkami was, she was always against half breeds. Especially wolf ones...

(About an hour or more before)

Azuri's POV (Akazuki's mum!!)
I was sitting down with Minako-San, drinking the delicious cider she made from the apples I collected. She has done so much for me, I was grateful that she was still a part of my life. We were talking about some things that happened back in the old days but then we heard some frantic knocking on the cottage's door. Who could that be? Akazuki was never this impatient. Both of us headed towards the door quickly, opening it to see an unexpected visitor.

Outside was a boy of the same high school as my daughter, and she was in his arms? The boy looked kind of scruffy, his black hair caught in his face but I could see a worried expression. "Minako-obasan! Akazuki just fainted on our way here, please help her." He said in a hurried tone, the subtle worry on his face did not match how frantic his voice was. Minako-San nodded and she made way for him to get in and he zoomed towards the couch like he knew the place. Placing Akazuki down onto it.

Minako-San went towards them and she touched Akazuki's forehead. "Hm, no fever. It's not illness...it magic." She whispered quietly. Magic? Why was my daughter involved? "Ōkami, are you ok? You look crazed, she'll be alright." Minako-San then continued on. Patting the boy on his head, shifting his raven locks off his face to give him a kind smile. Oh god, his eyes. They were like hers. His eyes looked exactly like Azura's, but it had to be a coincidence. I did not even know what happened to them after she died...

"Azuri, could you get some cider for the boy here?" Minako asked. That snapped me out of my daze. I nodded at her words and made my way to the kitchen to get a cup of cider. Why was that boy here? I wondered a while as I stirred the cider. If he was in the same high school...oh! Akazuki must have brought him here to lend...lend some clothing for the cosplay cafe. My husband's clothing that is...

I went back to the living room, handing him the cup. He thanked me and he begin to sip the liquid slowly. "This is delicious." He mumbled softly to himself. It took a while before he finished the cup, but he did eventually. "Come with me er...what's your name?" I said. Then he looked up, slightly surprised. "Kozure Ōkami. I hope you remember me Asumi-obasan." Oh, this boy is my daughter's boyfriend, but does she remember him? That was my biggest question, but maybe it was not the best time to ask in front of Minako-San.

Ōkami's POV
"Yes Kozure-Kun, I remember you. Come with me, I think I know what Akazuki brought you here for." she continues to speak after some pause. Then she stood up and gestured me to follow, which I did willingly. She brought me to one of the rooms in the house, opening a cupboard and taking a few articles of clothing out. "I think Akazuki brought you here to try these for the cosplay." She said, holding up the clothes to me. It was a simple white button down, black slacks and a dark grey vest. "They were my, my husband's. there are no more guys in our household. Be-because he's d-dead." She stammer, her lips trembling as she mentioned who the clothing belonged to. I mumbled a small sorry, I was not sure if she heard it but think she did. She nodded her head in acknowledgment and then walked out, closing the door behind her.

I stared at the clothes. They were Akazuki's dead father's clothes. Why was he dead, I wondered. I thought is possibilities as I stripped my clothes down. I could not think of any. Looking at the clothing again, I begin to take it off the hanger. Hesitantly moving to put it on. Akazuki wanted me in it, I guess I should at least try it on. Only by one I wore the clothes at a really slow pace, each article of clothing fit on me perfectly. It felt so odd. Eventually I finished wearing it and I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked interesting? That was when I heard a knock on the door. "May I come in?" A voice was heard from the other side. It was Asumi-obasan. Instead of answering her, I walked towards the door and opened it for her. "Ah thank you." She said and came in, closing the door behind her.

"Kozure-Kun, I have a question. Does my daughter still remember that you are her boyfriend?" She asked. Her tone was hesitant like she was trying not to step on any land mines. Damn she just had to ask...I thought to myself. "No she doesn't. But maybe it's for her own good." I said, my voice softening as I continued.
She gave me a sad expression in return, she had no words to give me.

(Back to current time)

Akazuki's POV
Ōkami walked towards me, sitting on the floor beneath the couch I sat on. He looked up at me, mouthing, "She doesn't know." There was the typical sparkle in his eyes, but a sad twinge were in them. My hand reached out to touch his fluffy hair, "I was right. You look really good with those clothes. All there is left is a tie, which I have at home." I said. Mother came over to my side and sat down. "Feeling better sweetie?" She asked me. Concern laced her voice and pat my back. I nodded and finished the rest of the cider.

Ōkami's cosplay costume was settled, all was left was his tie. The cultural festival was soon and I am going to try again. Try and confess again, maybe the atmosphere would be better. Maybe he would accept my feelings, and it would not be such a one-sided love anymore.

Yay, longer than usual chapter! But took more time as I was busy with school, bleh the upcoming tests and loads of hw are killing me. The amt of info is overdrive. But hey a longer chapter ( ◠‿◠ ) Hope ya'll enjoyed!!

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