Hawk eye and Sharp Shooter.

By AshleyBlack42

99.1K 1.6K 368

Most people carry things like guns and knife or weapons during a zombie apocalypse, but travailing with bin... More

Hitting a rough patch
Save the old guy
Fracking zombies
Philly Feast.
Part One of Full Metal Zombie.
Part 2
Home Sweet Zombie
Resurrection Z
Welcome to The Fu-Bar
Break from the show.
Going Nuclear.
Sisters of Mercy
Murphy's Law
Doctor of The Dead
The Past
The Murphy
White Light
Zombie Road
Batch 47
No Mercy Part 1
No Mercy Part 2
No Mercy Part 3
Zombie Baby Daddy.
Down The Mississippi
The Collector
Anther Break From The Show
We Were Nowhere Near The Grand Canyon.
Corporate Retreat
Party With The Zeros
Adios, Muchachos
Day One
All Good Things Must Come to an End
A New Mission.
Murphy's Miracle.
Red Hands
The King and Queen of Lies and Evil Queen of Treachery.
The Capturing of Death
One Doc Flow The Cuckoo Nest
Welcome to Murphytown
Jean and Lucy
The Big Picture or...
Or The End Of Your Era.
Everybody Dies in the End.
Two Years? Really?
Warren's Dream
Are You Kidding Me?
The Vanishing
A New Mission: Keep Moving
In Memory of J-
The Unknowns.
Back from the Undead
Powerless part 1
Powerless part 2
Crisis of Faith
We Interrupt This Program
Mt. Weather
Black Rainbow
Welcome to the Newpocalypese
A New Live
Escape from Altura
Father or Murphy
Doc's Stoned History
Water Keepers
State Of Mine
It is all in my head?
Miss President
Rough Night?
Same Dreams
I Can't part 1
I Can't Part 2
The Fight for Jean
The Calm
The Storm
Don't Tell Her
Hey Guys

Return to Mercy Labs

254 4 0
By AshleyBlack42

"Hey, Warren! We've been walking south for two weeks now! Any idea where we're going yet?" I heard Murphy asking, yelling loudly. "Not since you asked me an hour ago!" Warren yelled back to him. "What was it like being in the Marines?" Tommy asked and I looked at Sarge. "I'm still a Marine. I reckon' I'll die as one." She said to us. There was a small pause as if she was thinking about weather or not to tell us. I stared at her for a moment, before I took hold of her hand. Sarge turned to look at me and I smiled at her. "It's ok, Sarge." I told her, before she let out a sigh. "They were my family. After they rescued me from my old family." Sarge said and I watched her face. "Gave me something to live for other than myself. Still does." Sarge said and I slowly nodded at her. Sarge brought her head up before I looked around the field. Something about this road, it's like I've walked it before. I run up to Warren and I quickly ran up the hill, running past Warren. I stared at the red building and stared. "No way." I muttered.

"Kid was is it?" I turned to face Doc. "Come see for yourself." I said back to them. I looked back at the building and stared. "Why am I not surprised?" Warren asked, I turned to see that she had run up the hill. "Oh, crap. Not this place again!" Murphy said as I kept watching the building. "What? What is it?" Sarge asked. "We've been here before." Tommy said back to her. I sighed as Warren walked down the hill and we all started to follow after her. We walked into the opening in the gate that was there last time. "Warren? Why the hell did you lead us back here?" Murphy asked and I looked up to see him on the stone. "I don't know. But I intend to find out." Warren said back to him. "I was afraid she was gonna say that." Doc said. "Look. I have one word for all of you: Kracken." Murphy said and I shook my head. Although I had no idea what he was talking about.

I stopped and stared at the long dead bodies rotting away. I looked around at the lab and sighed. "Hush little Lucy, don't say a word, daddy going to get you Zombie friend. And if that Zombie turned out bad, daddy going to get you Phytos Z. and if that Phytos z won't hear you, daddy gonna get you blaster gal. and if that blaster gal won't fight, daddy going to you a Zombie horde. And if that Zombie horde don't love you, daddy gonna get you mixed friend. And if that mixed friend doesn't love you, daddy going to make them anyway."-- "I know I've messed up in the past and even yesterday. There's not much that you'll believe, but I hope you'll believe this." she said to me before pulling me into her, holding me close to her. "I love you sis." she said to me. I smiled and hugged her back.--"He's not going anywhere." I said to The Man. "Get out of the way kid." he said to me. I stood my ground and looked up at him. "I won't ask again." The Man said to me. "Geneva, get over here." Murphy said and I turned to face him. I felt something hard hit my head and I fell to the ground.

"What in the holy heck happened here?" Sarge asked, pulling me back into percent apocalypse. I turned to face her and stared. "We tried to help some people. It didn't work out." Tommy said back to her. There was growling and I turned to see a Z with metal over its head. "Big ass Z, 3 o'clock!" Sarge yelled. "Kracken!" Murphy yelled before jumping out of the way. Sarge took a few shots at the Z, but nothing happened. "Save your bullets! He's mercy-proofed!" Doc yelled at her as he started to walk away. The Z run into the wall were Doc was and he started to laugh at it. "The damn thing's blind. He's got his helmet on backwards." Doc said, still laughing. "Hey, dumbass!" Doc yelled as he held up a red fabric. The Z turned and ran at him, before he moved out of the way. "OlÃ!"Dco yelled and started to laugh with him. "Hey!" Tommy yelled, banging a chain on some metal. I watched as the Z ran at him as he held the chain out. The Z trip on the chain and stayed down for a moment. "Stop playing with that Kracken!" Warren said and Doc stopped laughing. Warren throw something away and the Z when running after it. "Now let's suit up." Warren added.

I bent down, pushing some metal out of my way to put on the suits we throw off last time. I set my bag down and took off my jacket. I was going to shove it in my bag, but some wind blew past me, blowing something out of my bag and past me. I dropped my bag and quickly ran after it. I tried to grab it, but it was too high for me. I saw Murphy's cane handle hook enough to stop it. I stared for a moment as it hung around the cane in the wind. "That's my cane cave boy." I turned to see Tommy standing there, holding Murphy's cane and Murphy behind him looking pissed. Tommy quickly brought the cane down and Tommy held onto the paper. I smiled at him. "Thanks Tommy." I said, before he gave it to me. "Any idea what is it?" He asked me. "It flow out of my bag, it has to be imported right?" I said to him and he nodded. I stared down at the paper and sighed. "I thought I lost this." I muttered as I walked to the steps of the lab.

I couldn't stop staring down at the paper. I held it tightly in my hands as it felt like the world had stopped moving. Time had stopped as I kept my eyes on the paper. How did I forget about this? How do I still have this? So much happened that day and yet I never lost this. Lost and forgotten. Opening this would could tell me everything, her side. "Hey." I looked up to see Sarge standing there. "Suit up. We're waiting on you." She added and blinked a few times at her. "Sorry, just uh..." I stopped and she looked down at the paper in my hand. "Time capsule?" Sarge asked me and I smiled up at her. "You could say that." I said up to her. We both stood there for a moment as I looked back down at the paper. "Why not open it?" I looked back up at Sarge and stared at her. "It could change everything...again" I said and she stared at me. "It's- uh... I'll meet you inside." I said, getting up and walked slowly. "Ok Jean." Sarge said slowly.

I leaned on the building wall and closed my eyes. "Its a band-aid, just have to rip it off." I muttered to myself. Well that's easy for you to say, isn't it. Shut up me, ok focus. I can do this. I slowly opened the paper and stared down at it.

If you're reading this, I had to leave you for some reason. Or you looting my body and found this, beside to open it and read it. If that's my fate that please get this note to a girl named Geneva or she may go by Jean, but her last name is Dawn. hear the last request of a corpse...But that's not going to happen so its likely I had to leave my only family member because I knew you were safe where you were. I knew the person or people around you would protect you, not that you ever needed protecting. You were strong enough on your own. If I left you again, knowing you you'd be so angry or upset with me. I had to. I had to leave to stop something most likely or I get in with the wrong crowd...again. I never really learn, that much I've learned. This whole apocalypse shit is out of hand and writing this note makes it somewhat feel normal again.

That night I pulled you from the car, I went to find food.I went to find something more to help you. I couldn't save Ella, she was gone. It was you or her, I couldn't save both. Once this whole thing started and it was only us left I told myself to follow you. I do anything for you. I know where you are now you're safe. I know you're out there or in this case I knew you were out there. No one's taking down you, or I'd like to think so. I'm sorry I had to leave you alone for so long. I've being trying to find you out there, even asked that nerd CZ for help more then once. Who know a punk with a satellite would come handy. I don't know if you heard about, but this whole thing could be over one day. I hope soon, would make it easier to find you. Sorry it took so long.

Jean, I'm sorry I had to leave. If you read this soon after I left, maybe you can stop all of this. Murphy bite me, told me to leave. I'm going to try and cut a deal with The Man to spare you. He says that he's going to burn this place down. If there's still time, get out. Run and don't look back. Take Thomas and run away. Start somewhere new and leave a new life. I'm sorry I couldn't stay and fight alongside with you. I love you sis and I meant it when I said that to you. If we see each other again, I'll change. I'll be a better person. For you. I'd do anything to protect you. I have to stop The Man from killing you, he's going to kill everyone. Geneva, I'm leaving because I have no other choice. I can see that now in your friend. I love you sis. I'll see you again soon after the dust and ashes settle.

I raised my head from the note and stared out at the world. My right hand pushing my hair up away from my face. Everything she did was for me and Murphy corrupted her mind, changing her, taking her away from me. And to top it all off, I'm the reason she's dead. I got her killed, if I fought with her, she'd still be here. I felt a hand touch my left one, but I didn't look up at him."Sarge told me you were out here." I heard Tommy say. "I miss Julia." I said to him. His hand let go of mine, before he bent down in front of me. I stared up at his face, trying to figure out what he was thinking. "Everything she did was bad or unhealthy, but she was still my sister...and I miss her." I said, dropping my eyes away from his. I felt his hands go around me. I held onto his suit as we stood there.

"We have to go." I said to him. I quickly whipped the tears away and looked up at him. I stared up at him and nodded. "I'm good." I said to him. He took my hand and we ran to the lab. I followed after him and his long legs. We were in the lad and looking around. No one was around. "Warren?" Tommy whispered into the darkness. I followed close behind him before we came across a body. I stared down at it for a moment. I felt something hard hit my head and I feel to the ground. I stared up to watch as The Man take Teller and walk away. I stared, fighting to keep my eyes open as Murphy walked into view. "And that's why they call him The Man." Murphy said, but it was muffled. Murphy turned to me as I stared at him. "It's ok kid." he said and I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes and stared back down at the rotting body. That could have been me. I could have been left here to die and-- Tommy tapped my shoulder and I looked up at him. "Light." He whispered and I turned to see a light moving.

Tommy and I quickly followed after the light. "There's too many rooms." I whispered after losing the light. "You hear that?" Tommy asked me. I listened and heard a door close. "Warren?" We both called out. There was nothing coming back to us. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. "Come on." He said and I quickly followed after him. We kept calling out for Warren, but there was nothing every time. "I'm starting to get worried." I whispered. "We'll find them." Tommy said to me. "No." I started and heard someone shoe scoff of the floor. Tommy started to walk faster and I quickly ran to catch up. "Where did she go now?" Tommy whispered as we looked around. I just shrugged up at him, before we heard a grunting sound. We turned into the room and saw Warren trying to move a cabinet.

"Warren?" Tommy asked, but I took one look at her and knew she wasn't there. "What are you doing?" He asked her. "She's not going to say anything." I whispered to him and he looked at me. "Look at her eyes." I stated and she stared at Warren's face. "Here."Tommy said, handing my his gun. He reached over Warren and started to push the cabinet back with her. Once it was pushed back, Warren turned to the keypad and we both stared at her. "This is--" "Interesting." I said back to Tommy and he smiled. Warren opened the door and we followed after her. Warren walked into the room and to the other side of the room. Tommy and I followed after her. Warren pushed a lever up and there was a loud sound. I jumped as the lights turned on. I turned back to face Warren as she pulled her mask off. "It's cool to take these off now?: Tommy asked her. She walked away from him and over to huge fridge cabinet thing. Warren started to put numbers in as Tommy took his mask off.

I jumped on the counter as Warren pulled the first lock off. "Should we stop her?" Tommy asked me and I just shrugged at him. I stared at him for a moment and sighed. "Come here." I said to him. "What? What is it?" He asked me and I smiled at him. "You have a yellow crust right here." I said to him, trying to pick at it. "Ow, stop. It's stuck to my skin, leave it." he said back to me. I slowly raised my hands, stopping and he looked back at me. He took a few steps away, but I could see him picking at his skin. "You want some help?" I asked him. He turned to look at me and he stared. He sighed and walked back over to me. "Stay still." I said to him and he stared right at me. I looked back at the yellow crust and sighed. I 'cleared' my nail and slowly dug at it. I pulled it off and showed it to him. I flicked it away and I stared at him. "Thanks." He muttered, looking around at the room we were in. "Love you." I said and he turned back to me. He smiled at me and took my face in his one as his other dug into his pocket. There was a beeping sound and we both jumped back.

The loud but short beep stopped and the two of us looked around. "The batteries aren't holding. Are you sure you want to do that?" Tommy asked. We both ran over to Warren as she kept unlocking the locks on the fridge cabinet thing. It seems like maybe whatever is locked in there should... stay in there." Tommy said, but Warren kept going. "She can't hear you." I whispered. "I'm trying." he said back to me. I turned to door and stared as I thought I heard something. "Jean, what is it?" I looked away from the door and at Tommy. "It's nothing." I said and we both walked back to Warren. She just kept going on what she was going on. I watched her for a moment, before I looked at the door again. "DO you hear that?" I asked and right after I asked the door opened and in came a Z. "Warren! Look out!" Tommy yelled. The Z went right for him and he pushed it away. I ran around the fridge cabinet thing and saw as he throws a huge flammable can at it. The Z got up and grabbed Tommy. "Hey." I yelled loudly and it turned to me. I grabbed the Z by the shirt and throw it at the wall.

The Z got off the wall and grabbed me. "Jean." Tommy said. The Z grabbed Tommy and pushed him against the wall too. The Z was looking more at Tommy and I took the time to get away and I started to run for my bag the Z grabbed me. I kicked it away and fell into Warren, knocking her down. I quickly got up and grabbed Tommy's gun. "Hold it still." I said to him. "I'm trying." He said back. I used the butt of the gun and knocked it down. I quickly shot it and stared down. "Mercy." Warren said and both turned to look down at her. "What are you doing here?" Warren asked as Tommy and I helped her up. "We was following you." We said back to her. "What am I doing here?" Warren asked. "You were trying to get into that. I think you were having one of your vision things." Tommy said. "She was." I said back to him. The beeping sound when off and I looked up at the lights. "I need to get in there." Warren said. "You knew the combination to all the other locks. You're on the last one." Tommy said. Warren looked at it and I stared at Warren. "Warren?" I asked. "I don't remember." Warren said back.

Warren kept trying as we both stood there. "I can't do it. I can't see the numbers. I'm not in the dream." Warren said and I stared at her. She walked closer to Tommy and stared up at him. "Hit me." Warren said to him. "What?" Tommy asked as I just stared. "Hit me. Sometimes fighting triggers the dream. Hit me." Warren said. I watched as Tommy light slapped her and Warren rounded her eyes. "Hit me." Warren said again to him. Tommy when to hit her, but she grabbed his arm. "Harder." Warren said. "Sorry about this." I said before I punched Warren. I watched as she fell and get back up, before I shook my hand. "Ow." I muttered. "You ok?"Tommy asked. "Fine." I said. "You've never punch anyone have you?" Tommy asked me. "What I've pushed people before." I said to him. "Warren, wait! Your mask!" Tommy said and I turned to see the huge fridge cabinet thing open. Warren dug in a few times as I put my mask on. There was a squishing sound and Tommy groaned. I slowly rubbed his back. Warren throw another one to the ground and dug in again. I kept rubbing Tommy's back. Warren turned to us and stared. "We go now." Warren said and we followed after him.

"Dude, there's a fungus among us." I heard Doc say and we turned to corner. "Oh there you are." Doc said. "Where have you been?" Murphy asked. "Collecting souvenirs." Warren said back to him. "Well, you were right about the solar chargers. But, we also came across a little surprise." Murphy said and I stared at the kid. The poor kid with a bullet hole in his head. I couldn't stare look and I looked down. "Who is it?" Warren asked. "It's Teller's kid. Andrew." Murphy said. "Is he alive?" Warren asked, walking closer. "If you can call it that. Despite having a hole in his head you could drive a model train through." Murphy said back to her. I walked away from the kid, before I leaned on the desk. "Is this it? Is this why Teller sent you here?" Murphy asked Warren. "No. This is." Warren said back to him. "What the hell are we supposed to do with that?" Murphy asked loudly. "I don't know yet!" Warren yelled back at him. "He should have been mercied." Tommy said and I gripped tighter on the desk.

"Maybe Teller thought he could bring him back. Cure him." Doc said. "Well sometimes the Zompocalypse has a way of ruining the best laid plans." Murphy said. "Right now we we got to get power to the transmitter." Warren said. "Well you're not gonna unplug the little guy, are you?" Doc asked and I let go of the desk. "No, no, you ain't going to kill him... I can't let a kid dead. Not again." I said, putting my foot down. "I can divert power from half the batteries. That should leave him enough power to stay alive. Or whatever he is." Sarge said, before I looked away from the group. I walked away from the group and leaned on the desk.

"Delta Xray Delta. This is Citizen Z. Do you copy?" I faintly heard. "That's it. Go back." Warren said to Sarge. "Yeah, that's Citizen Z all right." Doc said. "Copy you. Citizen Z, this is Warren. Repeat. Citizen Z, this is Warren. Do you copy?" Warren asked. "Copy you, Warren. This is Citizen Z. How are you, Lieutenant?" CZ asked. "We're alive. Most of us anyway. Bad signal, low battery. Talk fast." Warren said to him. "Okay, I'll get right to it. Kaya's been drilling down into deep storage looking for anything Black Rainbow." CZ said. "What'd you find?" Warren asked. "We had intruders here. Zona soldiers. They copied all the Black Rainbow files then wiped the servers." Kaya said. Great. I walked away from the group and stared down the hall at the boy in glass. "Hey, you ok?" Tommy asked and I turned to look back at him. I shook my head before I looked back at the kid. "Hello?" I heard Warren said and I bit my lip. "We're out of juice." Sarge said, before walked past me. I need this radio. We need this radio." Warren said and I turned to face her.

"Chief, if we take any more batteries from that kid, his life support's gonna fail." Dco said and I looked at him. "What if he can be saved?" Sarge asked and I turned to face her. "My parents left me. Left me locked in the trunk of a car, trying to save me. But they never came back...Not alive. I should be dead. But somebody found me. We found him. Maybe we're supposed to save him." Sarge said to us and I sadly smiled at her. "We don't know how to save him." Doc said and I frowned. "Well we can't leave him here for all eternity." Murphy said. "That's exactly what we're gonna do. But not like that. His mother's dead over there. His father's dead on Zona." Warren said and walked over to Sarge. "No one's coming for him. He is trapped in amber like a bug that can't die. If it were me, if it were my son, I'd want mercy." Warren said to Sarge and she made a sound. I grabbed Sarge's hand and she squeezed down on it.

"Sergeant, sometimes in war, we have to make hard decisions. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of one. Divert the power to the radio. That's an order." Warren said to Sarge. I looked up at Warren and she stared at me. Sarge let my hand go and walked over to the controls, I could hear her cry. "Warren, don't make her do it." I said, staring at Warren. I walked over and grabbed Sarge as Warren took over. Sarge took my hand and I stared at her. "It's ok." I said to her, even though I thought it wasn't. "I give you mercy." Warren said. There was nothing for a moment and I sighed. I touched the dark glass and stared up at the light boy. "Do you copy, Citizen Z? Citizen Z, this is Lieutenant Warren. Do you copy?" Warren asked on the radio. I kept my hand when his is and kept staring. Poor kid. "Hey." I turned to see Tommy standing there. I turned away from him and bent my head down. "How would this to a kid? This poor kid." I said, before I felt hands on my shoulders. "He was just a kid. Left alone. Left to die." I said slowly. I quickly turned and hugged Tommy tightly. "It'll be different." I muttered.

"You need the President's thumbprint to verify you have clearance to change the codes. Do you copy? You must have the thumbprint of the President of the United States to change the codes. Do you copy?" I heard as Tommy and I walked back to the group. "Copy. Over and out." Warren said, before hanging up. "Looks like...we're going to Washington." Warren said slowly. "Ok, Washington we go." I muttered. I quickly walked out of the building and ripped off the suit. I got into a van and looked around for keys. I found them and plugged them in. I when to the back as Sarge opened the drive seat door. We all got in the van and drove away from Mercy labs. "It's a beautiful sunset." Sarge said. "It's only beautiful if someone's there to watch it." Warren said back to her. 

A/N: I'm back. sorry for the long pause with this update. had to clean the house last week and a bunch of other things kept popping up. it's all good thou. I hope you liked this chapter. 

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