I Am The Fifth Member Of The...

By VickyAruwa03

121K 5.1K 4K

My Parent have been dead for a while now, but when the lawyers had finally gotten round to the discussion of... More

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four
End Of Training
Ouch! That's Gonna Leave A Mark!
Your No Hallie Berry
Who is cuter...hotter!
Getting Ready
Go Time
A lesson learned?
I Am Cold...
Home, Sweet,...Dust?
Best. Birthday. Ever!
The Devil finally Shows It's Tail
A British Lunch Date
Meeting Captain America
Hanging With The Avengers
A Girl Lost In Darkness
Pried, Probed and Tubed
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Best. Group. Chat. Ever!
I'm (finally) Over You
A Night On The Town With Tony Stark
Several Surprises
Central Park
The Battle Of Central Park
My One Normal Weekend
What happened?
The Truth Unfolds
Looking For Johnny
Finding Johnny...
What A Saturday Night
Sunday Morning
"Too late, you're adorable"
"He's A Bird!"
Our Weekend, Our Sunday Night...Our Moment
The Gang's Back Together!
"So....I'm not a hero?"
I Decree He Suffers
My Date With Deadpool
Ghost Mode *Activated*
Cold Hot Air Balloon
Paging Doctor Strange
Blood (Loss)
Johnny Has A Plan!
I Am Conscious
Told You So
White, Blue and Black(*To Be Edited After Birthday*)
Yellow Clouds
Oh Brother
Brain and Heart
Obsession Meets Insanity
Everything Will Change
5 Months Later
The Wounded
The Pony Bar
The Wounded Bleeds
Can't Keep Away
We Will Met Again(Author's Note)
Late Night Call
Estranged Conversations
The Advice
Unexpected Events
The Scared, Terrified, and Raped
"I Really Don't Care"
The CountDown a.k.a New Year's Eve Kiss
Steamy Moments (Rated: R/18+)
Tony Stark is a DickHead
More Then Best Friends?
Captain America Wielding A Butter Knife
Underwater Bedroom
Torn Apart
Best Dressed Girl Squad
Remember Me
Marvel Dating Game Show
The Emotions (Feels)
Burning Bridges
Keep Me Warm
The Truth Unfolds...
Author's Video | How I Feel Towards Wattpad
Brian And Harley
The Grand Master
I Had Them All Along!?
Powers Unlocked
Real Talk-Girl Talk
Author's Note: Update (Will Be Deleted Soon...Hopefully)
I Volunteer...
"And I now pronounce you..."
Journey To The Bedroom. Let's Begin... (Preparations)
(18+) Johnny and Vick | Completion

Anybody Want Hot Choco?

1.6K 81 40
By VickyAruwa03

“This is hopeless!” I whine as sat crossed leg – Indian style? I think they call it – on the floor with Sara and David and a million and one papers spread around us.

“No it’s not” Sara says optimistically.

She frantically searches through the papers and brings one up with a triumphant smile.

“Ou! I got it” she wiggles the paper in the air. “One Direction’s-”

“NO!” David and I yelled.

“I am not singing a 1D song” David said firmly.

“But they’re the bomb” Sara says, as if this was enough of an argument.

I put my arms around her, “Sure they are sweetheart, but the people who pretend to hate them will kill us if we sing a One Direction song to the whole of New York”

“Fine” Sara says gloomily.

“Why don’t we just write a song?” David asked.

“In 3 days? With beats and rifts and lyrics?” I looked at him like the idiot he was, “Bitch you crazy”

“Well most of the songs here are either purely male or female singers” David says waving them around, “And you insist on singing even though you know you can’t”

I glare at him but stay silent.

“Well everything would be easier if you also didn’t insist on singing” I retort.

“I don’t care how gay this sounds but my voice must be heard!” David answers.

“Yeah, and I must have a killer guitar solo” I say.

“And my drum solo” Sara pipes in.

Me and David were too busy glaring at each other to notice her.

“If you get a guitar solo then I need one too” David said.

“You play bass!”

“Not always.”

“You just want attention”

“No, I want girls to know how awesome I am”

“An awesome loser”

“That doesn’t make sense!”

“How about Pharrell’s ‘Happy’?” Sara says lifting another paper and dutifully ignoring our bickering.

“No” we answered, then looked at each other and continued arguing.

“Big Time Rush?” Sara asked.

“Yes!” David yelled.

“What!?” I says, then I look to Sara. “Girl, I love BTR more than the average sane fangirl but NO WAY!”

“Becky G and Will.I.Am ‘I’m A Monster?’” she says looking at another paper. “Both male and female sing” she adds.

“Hmmm” I think.

“It could work,” David said, “But this is a summer concert, it should be a summer song not something for Halloween.”

“True” I agree and point to him.

Sara pushes the papers away from herself in anger, “You’re right, this is hopeless”

“C’mon guys don’t give up” I repeat Sara’s words, now that she was giving up I felt more determined. “We’ll find that song”

“Why don’t we just sing a love song?” David asked, “It can work for a summer type song”

“What about all the couples that broke up or ended their summer flings?” I say, getting up and folding my arms.

I run my finger through my hair, fighting back the frustration.

This was a great opportunity, we got a gig!

How cool is that? A really big event in New York, and we were the opening and closing band!

I couldn’t help my smile. Susan had argued against it, Ben was ecstatic for us, even Reed offered congratulations. Only Johnny didn’t say anything, he just nodded at the news and walked off. It left chills.

I unconsciously put my hand over my heart, it felt tight-constricting-every time I thought of the gorgeous bleach blond man. It was hard but I managed to avoid him even though we practically slept 5 feet apart.

Hmmm, sleeping Johnny…

I snap the rubber band on my wrist. It stung but it got the job done. Every time I thought of him in a sexual manner I snapped the rubber band I’d put on my wrist the morning after my night with Tony. Thinking of Johnny had become as constant as breathing to me, and that wasn’t acceptable.

He maybe gorgeous, sexy, athletic, funny, loving, carefree, protective, possessive, charming, dangerous, enticing, attractive, alluring, arousing……


“Ow!” I squeal, damn! That one hurt!

“Thinking of him again?” Sara and David asked in unison.

I clamp down on my lips, pushing them into my mouth. I didn’t want to admit it to them, they knew the struggle I was going through and I loved them for their patience.

“We need some brain food” I say, both as a distraction for me and them.

“You’re making fish?” Sara asked.

“No,” I laugh, “Hot chocolate!”

“Horray!” David jumped.

“Isn’t that more like sleeping food?” Sara said, “It’s not even food it’s a drink”

David shoved her.

“Yes. Chocolate. Please.” David said with an excited grin on his face.

He loved my hot choco.

“I’ll be back in a flash” I smile at them. It was only half forced.

And I walk out of the room.

I wore baggy grey-green pants and a tank top, so you can assume I was getting all the air I needed. I pushed my hair back and packed it up into a loose ponytail. I closed the door behind me before I realized that Johnny was standing opposite me, staring at me.

I froze.

He was standing there.

In torn blue jeans.


Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap!

I don’t talk, I don’t wave.

I bolt down the corridor to the kitchen, and don’t look back.

The house was relatively empty (can I even call it a house? Apartment? Penthouse? Heck, I’m calling it a house. It’s four stories high!)

Susan had gone to hang with some friends-c’mon guys, she has friends- Ben had gone out with Alicia and Reed was giving a lecture on ‘Unstable Molecules’ at the University.

I’d thought Johnny had gone out, I assumed as much, I hoped as much!

But knowing his here with no one else in the house but my buddies made me relatively edgy.

I stood in the middle of the kitchen and sigh out loud.

“Okay girl, forget about him” I say to myself calmingly. “Just make the chocolate and get hot-I mean-out. Things will be fine”

Now fully reassured I set to work.

I pick out a pan, sauce pan, and light the stove. The blue flames lash out but I reduce it to the temperature I want. I dig through the fridge till I found Ben’s stash of chocolate bars he saves for big games.

I bring out three and close the fridge.

“Hmmmm…” I hum, look at the fridge again and take out two more bars. Ben will restock later.

I unwrap the bars and dump them onto the pan. Then put it over the stove and leave it to melt.

“Cups cups cups cups” I say to myself in a childish voice.

I root around till I find them in a cupboard practically 50 feet above my head. I open it and stretch on tiptoes, I stick my tongue out and stretch it with me. I don’t know why I do that, maybe from watching too much TV?

My fingertips graze the tips of a mug. I stretched even more and balanced my whole body on the weight of my big toe. I refuse to take a chair because that will be admitting I was short and that ain’t gonna happen. I was tall…just not tall enough.

“Bingo!” my hand wrapped around the first mug and I bring it down.

Getting the second and third were much harder, they were on the same row, most of my top rode up as I defied gravity as I stretched up to the point of spaghettification to get those mugs out.

I carry them over to the stove and balance them on the counter.

The chocolate has melted.

Did I take that long?

I poured the smooth gooey creamy deliciousness into all three mugs. Making sure I poured alittle more for myself. I looked through the fridge once more and got some marshmallows to pour into David’s cup which I tipped off with sugar and whipped cream.  I left alittle bit of chocolate over which I grated over the whip cream. I do the same for Sara but I leave out the extra sugar and grated chocolate. And for mine I leave out the marshmallows.

I bring out a tray and place all cups on it.

Once I was satisfied I turned off the stove and pick up the sauce pan. It tipped to an awkward angle and a little of the remaining chocolate poured onto my hand.

“Ouch!” I ran to the sink and drop the pan in it. I look at my hand and the growing red swell. “Goddamnit” I mumble as I put my hand under running water.

It felt good, calming. I tip my head back and sigh.

The smell came first then I felt the arm wrap around my waist.

I fight back my startled gasp.

I should’ve sensed his presence earlier, his smell surrounded me as his body heat invaded mine from behind.

My chest constricted even tighter, I couldn’t breathe. My body instantly hummed in recognition to that of the male entity behind me.

My hand flies to the rubber band to snap it but he catches it, stopping me from inflicting the needed pain on myself. His hand then went up and held my face firmly, one finger caressing it. I fight back a shudder as I angled my face towards his fingers.

His arm tightens around my middle and he bents his nose to my neck, running it up and down my neck, sending sinful shivers racing through my body, fighting for an escape. My legs threaten to buckle but he held me mostly upright.

He lets go of my face and takes my red hand, the one with the band on it, and places it under the still running water. It feels like heaven, plus the heaven my body was feeling I sigh out loud.

His arm tightens even more and he draws my body back to ram into his.

This time I wasn’t able to hold back my gasp.

His hand leaves mine and he runs it down the sides of my face. Due to our closeness I could hear his breathing next to my ear, it was harsh and ragged. As if he was finding it hard to breathe as well. His head tips down, lips touching my shoulder as his hand continues its journey down my face, slides over my neck, shoulders, chest breast and body.

As he does so the song ‘Dance Again’ by JLo repeats in my head. Don’t judge me!

I turn my head away and look over my shoulder at him.

His body was there, untouched. And I was dying to change that.

Without thinking I spin around and place my hands on his chest. I run them up and down his body hungrily, desperately. His body was a work of art. All hard muscle, planes and ridges, it was good enough to lick

I gasp at my thoughts and bring my hands back to my body.

His hands were on my waist, grasping a hold on them firmly.

I didn’t want to look at him, I was too ashamed of my actions. Not only did I let him touch me, I touched him.

Not every wellmy unwanted thoughts brought up.

I look to the floor as I still stood with him, not moving. I’m sure he had a cat grin on his face, Cheshire cat sized. He got me to show emotions, probably still thinks I’m not over him. Well he was wrong! I am, it was just the fact that he caught me off guard and the things he did just made me act without thinking.

So if you’re so sure you’re not still into him why are you continuously looking at the floor?

I couldn’t help it! I just really don’t want to see the smug satisfaction on his face. The cool look of victory. Knowing he still, after everything, got to me.

I feel his hand gently grasp my chin.

Oh no, his going to make me look at him…

I try to fight away but his hold was firm.

He lifts my face up to his, I close my eyes.

Hey, I really don’t wanna see his face.

He waits, and I eventually started feeling like an idiot standing in the kitchen with my eyes closed and my head angled up. I open my eyes slowly.

He wasn’t smiling.

He didn’t even look amused.

He looked…sad.


His eyes stared straight into mine, I was caught breathless for a moment, then I feel a slight tug on my soul. His whole face portrayed that of a man who was going through pain and agony, immersed in depression.

Then I see his eyes look down.

At my lips.

I hold my breath.

Was he going to kiss me?

We’ve kissed before…twice I think…or was it three times?

But something about this one, knowing it’s coming…made it feel different and weird.

Oh God I’m gonna explode.

His gaze stays on my lips for a second longer…then he lets go of me.

What the heck!?

He turns around and walks out the kitchen. Just like that folks.

His beautiful, buff, muscled, toned back flexing slightly as he exits the kitchen.

“What the fu…” I don’t have the energy to finish the curse.

I stand in the kitchen for a moment, not to catch my breath or regain my balance but to let my brain get back to functionality.

I take the tray of hot chocolates and walk as fast as I can back to my room.

His door was closed.

At least I thought so.

When I reached right opposite my door I notice a slight crack in his. He was looking through it, probably waiting for me and he looks up and down my body.

 His eyes lock with mine and he shuts the door. Was it because he saw me staring? Was he peeping? Or did he just want one last look?

That last thought made me sad, which was stupid. I was over him, so why am I getting sad at the thought of him getting over me?

“I’m back!” I hum/sing to the room as I entered with the tray.

“Horray!” (rhyme) they all chanted as I walked over and knelt on the floor.

Everyone instantly knew which cup was theirs and we all took ours respectively.

“I was about to go to the kitchen to see what was taking you so long” David said before he digs his whole nose and mouth into his cup.

Uhhhmmmm” Sara was already bringing her head up and licking up the choco stain on her top lip. “So gooooood” she moaned.

We both look to David for his compliment but his face was still in his cup.

“I doubt he’ll come up for air anytime soon” I grin. I sip my own cup.

The chocolate was thicker then usually, I’d waited too long to bring it. But we all know why.

“It’s kinda thick” Sara mumbles after afew gulps eyeing the cup.

“Oh sorry” I mumble back.

“This is truly a masterpiece” David finally says when he lifts his head. He raises his mug high up in the air as if to make a toast.

We all sip our mugs again, a second ticks by, then we burst out “I have an idea!” at the same time.

We smiled and grinned. Whenever something like this happens we most often were thinking the same thing.

I got up and walked over to the little bin at the corner of my room next to my door.

“Whatcha doing Vick?” Sara questioned.

“Getting rid of something that won’t work” I reply.

And throw the rubber band that was on my wrist into the trash.


Author’s Note

I love it, I love it, I love this chapter!

Do you too???

I get the feeling most of you hate it when you see those stars(it's different then the other one's ain't it?) above then immediately after you see Author’s Note, must be really annoying cause you probably don’t want the story to end. I don’t too!

There’s so much I wanted to add but with the amount of homework I’ve got to get finished my weekend is fully booked and this was the only time I could spare.

I’ll incorporate it into next week’s (or sooner) chapter.

(Fun Fact: Spaghettification-In astrophysics, spaghettification (sometimes referred to as the noodle effect[1]) is the vertical stretching and horizontal compression of objects into long thin shapes (rather likespaghetti) in a very strong non-homogeneous gravitational field, and is caused by extremetidal forces.*Wikipedia*

The fun part about that fact is that spaghettification happens when someone falls into a blackhole :p

I love Astronomy<3)


C’mon guys! LET’S GET TO 10K reads!


I know we can do it!!!

P.S Johnny and Vick’s steamy moment. :O

So let me know your thoughts. Comment! XD

Don’t forget to vote! :D

And remember that I love ya <3

Be frosty! (Another rhyme! :p)

~It’s Ya Gal Vicky!

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