Enslaved to the vampire Princ...

De WolfPanda95

247K 9.3K 460

How far, would you go?! To protect the ones that you love. Is love even possible in this world? How long can... Mai multe

Enslaved to the vampire Prince and Falling In Love. What!!!
Brought to prison - Edited
First Day Part One - Edited
First Day part two - Edited
First taste - Edited
First apology- Edited
Whipping - Edited
Underworld - Edited
Family Part 1 - Edited
Story Time Part 1 - Edited
Story Time Part 2 - Edited
Family Part 2 - Edited
The Answer to Our Feelings - Edited
On The Way Back - Edited
Oh Boy! Not Again Part 1 - Edited
Locked out of Heaven - Edited
Who Knew Singing I'm Not A Vampire Could Make One Angry-Edited
Underworld: Evolution - Edited
Library - Edited
Tickle, Laugh, Smile - Edited
A memory - Edited
Candy Land- Edited
His Strength and His Weakness- Edited
Breakfast, Work, Sleep, Dinning room, Looks, Fun- Edited
An Old Friend- Edited
Just Another Day Being a Slave Surrounded by Vampires- Edited
One Person Knows- Edited
His Parents- Edited
This, is Only the Beginning- Edited
That Was Close- Edited
Back to Work- Edited
I Love You- Edited
Telling the Plan- Edited
Just Another Day, Plan in Motion.- Edited
Going Home, and Old Friends- Edited
Back Home- Edited
Authors Note
Shower, Just Happened- Edited
Authors Note
The Parting- Edited
Authors Note
Last Authors Note
Authors Note

Going for a Run- Edited

3.4K 160 5
De WolfPanda95


Rachel's POV

“Stupid mate thing.”

“Stop saying that.”

I looked him in the eyes and smiled.  “Stupid. Mate. Thing.”

I brought his lips back down to mine.  “I will think about it, about all of it.  About you turning me, about my family and I leaving to live with you.  About being with you period.”  He ran his hand down my side, and stopped at my hips.  He squeezed, and pulled me closer to him.  My arms tightening around him. 

“My mind is confused, along with my emotions, but I do know, that I love you.  I love you, and it scares me.”  I looked into his eyes, to see him looking back.  We were both searching for something.  Something, what is it, I don’t even know.  His hand came back to my cheek.  My breathing was becoming uneven.  “Derek.”  My voice broke.  “I. I’m scared.”

He rolled onto his back, pulling me onto his chest.  He ran his and down my back, and his other running through my hair.  I sighed into him, holding onto him tighter.  A few tears left my eyes, and I lifted my head to look at him, as he wiped away my tears with his thumbs.  He kissed my nose, my forehead, my nose, and then my lips.  He pulled away, and brought my head back down to his chest, and he held me tightly to him.  I sighed, and closed my eyes, trying to get control of myself.  I need to calm down.  Ever since Derek came along, I have been a hot mess.  I have emotions, he makes me feel, just as I make him feel.  I don’t want to lose him, I don’t want to die, and I don’t want to lose my family.


Rachel’s POV

Derek and I had gotten out of bed, to clean around the house, and then watch TV for a few minutes.  We were watching the Avengers.  After a while I soon heard crying.  I got up to go get Jake, while Derek changed the channel to Disney.  Mickey Mouse Club House was on.  Once in Jake’s room he was playing with his toys with signs of tears on his face.  I picked him up, “What’s the matter?”

“My truck no work.”

“My truck does not work.  That’s okay, how about I will look at it later to see if I can fix it okay.”  He nodded his head. 

“I have to peepee.”

“Okay come on.”

I took him to the bathroom, I put him down, and he went to go sit on the toilet.  He went and then I helped him wash his hands.  He was smiling and clapping.  When we got downstairs I put him down on the floor.  He ran to Derek.  His hands on Derek’s knees. 

“I went peepee.”

He was so happy that he went to the bathroom like a big boy.  Derek looked down at him and smiled at him.  “You did, that makes you a big kid.” 

Jake looked at me.  “I’m a big kid!”

“Yes you are.”

He looked back to Derek.  Smiling big up at him, he loved Derek which was great, and Derek loved him too, it seems.  I guess I have my hands full.  I walked over sit on the couch next to Derek as Jake started to pull a few puzzles out from a chest that held his toys in downstairs.  I sang along as a new episode of Mickey Mouse Club House came on, as did Jake.  Derek raised an eyebrow at me and I just shrugged and continued to sing. Jake soon wanted to play hide and seek.  Jake was to hide and Derek and I had to look for him.  After we finished counting we called “Ready or no here we come.”

I smiled, I always got a bit worried when playing hiding seek with Jake, afraid that he could get into something he shouldn’t.  Mainly outside, no telling where he could go hiding.  I always worried about him.  But with Derek here, he could most likely sense him, so Derek would know if Jake was safe.  We found Jake hiding in a closet downstairs.  I smiled at him, “You’re it.”

He ran out and instead of him counting he does the begging and ending chants for Dragon tales.  Derek hid in the kitchen while I hid in the living room.  Jake found me first, “great job buddy, now go find Derek.” 

“Okay.”  He ran off to look in the kitchen, I followed him.  I heard him shout, “I win, I win.  I got you.”

Jake was holding onto Derek’s leg.  Derek started to walk towards me with Jake on his leg.  “I have a growth.”

I laughed at the two of them.  “Ray, can you read me a story?”  Jake asked, letting go of Derek’s leg.

“Sure kiddo, why don’t you go pick out a book.”  He took running into the living room to go find a book.

I looked back Derek.  “Well don’t you two get along.”  I said smiling to him, while crossing my arms across my chest.

“Yeah well, kids naturally love me.”

“Yeah, sure they do.”

I hear Jake yell that he found a book, so Derek and I walked back into the living room.  I took the book from Jake and sat down on the couch, with him on my lap.  Derek stood against the wall watching us.  I began to read the story to Jake, it was about pirates, kid friendly of course.  I even used different voices for the different characters.  Jake loved that I would use different voices, he would always clap his little hands together, and smile. Once I was finished reading the book, I had Jake put puzzles together, then told him to match different of some of his toys together by their color.  He was doing well, still working on the puzzles.  Derek soon went to the kitchen to start on dinner, where did time go?

I went to go help, I had to cut the vegetables, and then hand him whatever it was that he needed. I would stick my head in the living room to check on Jake every five minutes or so.  He continued to play with his puzzles, then match his toys, and then he pulled out his coloring books and crayons.  I walked in and told Jake that he need to put the toys that he was done playing with away.  He did as he was told, and I hugged him, for listening, and doing what he was told.  Mom got home around that time, and looked at me, and Jake.  She walked to me, and hugged me, I was shocked at first, but soon I hugged her back.  Derek came out of the kitchen and looked at my mother, she bowed her head, and he held a hand up.  He smiled at her, and at me.  He walked over, and put his arm around my shoulders.  “Dinner will be ready in an hour.”

“Yay.”  I said, and clapping my hands together.  He smiled down at me and shook his head.  My mother just kept her eyes on us. I smiled at her, and then looked up at Derek.  We all went to go sit in the living room, to watch Jake.  I sat on the floor with him, and talked to him, as we rolled a ball to each other.  He laughed so much today, I have missed him so.  I smiled at him and laughed at what he had said.  He looked up at Derek.  “Derek play with us.”

Derek smiled at him and sat on the floor too.  We added another ball and we rolled them around the floor to each other.  Mom left the room and I don’t know why.  She came back and said to smile.  We all looked at her.  She took a picture.  We continued to play and as she took more pictures.  At some point Derek, Jake, and I ended up having a tickling battle.  Mom got pictures of that as well.  I could not stop laughing.  Today has been a wonderful day. 

Soon the hour was up and we all went to go eat dinner.  Everyone sat at the table, and Derek served everyone.  He sat next to me, Jake was on my right, Derek on my left, and mom across from me.  This soup is amazing.  It was really good, oh yeah, Derek is totally cooking more often, plus it is kind of hot to see him cook.  He needs to cook without a shirt on, I stopped thinking like that and ate my soup.  Jake liked it too, as did mom. 

Later after everything was put up and set, Derek and I went to my room.  Mom had put Jake down to bed for me, so Derek and I put up dinner.  I had to take a shower.  I looked at Derek, as I was getting my things together to take a shower.  Should I let him take one with me, no bad idea?  Well I am grown, I can make my own decisions.  Besides I love him and he loves me.  No, bad Rachel, no shower taking with a boy.  I went to my bathroom and took a quick shower.  Derek took his next and came laid down behind me.  He put his arm over my waist, and I put my hand over his arm.  He will be leaving soon, so that no one gets too suspicious.  I closed my eyes and focused on Derek’s arm around me, protecting me. 

The next morning, I woke up early, it was still dark outside and Derek was still asleep.  It was only five in the morning.  You know, I think that I will go for a run.  I put some yoga shorts on and a tank top, grabbed my iPod, put my hair up, brushed my teeth, put some eyeliner on and left the house.  I started slow, by walking for a while, and then jogging, then running for a few minutes, then jogging for a few minutes then back to walking the jogging then running.  It’s a pattern and it helps, keeps you on track, and a constant flow.  Soon I was joined by someone, I was about ready to fight, but noticed that it was only Derek. 

“Morning.”  I said, as I was walking. 

“Morning, little miss I am going to sneak out.”

“I wanted to go for a run.”


“Hey, a girl has to stay in shape.”

“So did you do this every morning?”

“I would do this five days a week.”

Soon I was running again.  I was passing a spot that I knew Marcus would be, oh well.  I was right.  He was with a few of his men, and he saw me, I waved to him, and he took off towards us.  “Its fine.”  I told Derek so he wouldn’t kill him.  Marcus came to my other side.  He looked at Derek, he bowed his head at him and Derek just glared at him.  I turned my attention to Marcus.  “Don’t worry about him, he’s just cranky.”

Marcus smirked, “So did you find anything.”

“Yeah, my boys said that you should really be careful out here, you’re wanted, and there is a bounty for your head, but more if you are brought in alive.  It was sent out this morning.”

I looked at Derek, he knew, and he didn’t say anything.   “You knew.”

“I found out after you left.”

“That’s why you came to find me?”


“Aww aren’t you sweet.”   He just gave me a look.

“Thanks Marcus, yeah no problem, you just be careful you hear.”

“Yeah sure thing.”  Marcus left and I continued running, I picked up my speed, and Derek easily caught up with my pace. 

“Like you could out run a vampire.”

“I could try, or nah.  It would never happen.”

“She is smart.”

I hit his arm.  “Hey.”

He laughed and we continued.  Once we got back home I rinsed off in the shower and changed into sweat pants and a shirt.  I walked into my bedroom, it was only seven in the morning now.  Derek was laying on my bed with only his boxers on.  I smiled and climbed on top of him.  Straddling him now, his hands behind his head, I ran my hands up his abs and to his chest.  I kissed his lips gently, then kissed down his neck, and back up again.  My nose traveling his jaw line and then to his ear.  “Good morning master, is there anything you need?”

He growled lowly and grabbed my hips.  I kissed his neck again, and then pulled away just enough to look into his eyes, my damp hair, falling around my face on one side.  I pecked his lips.  “Time to get up, not go back to bed.”

“Rachel, why must you tease me?”

I went to get off of him, but he and his vampire strength held me in place.  “Because it is fun, and sometimes I don’t even realize what I am doing, until I have done it.”

He sighed, and brought hand to the back of my neck, pulling me back in for a kiss, then flipping us over.  He was pinning me to the bed with his body, although I did enjoy it, I had to keep my mind clear.  He pulled away to look into my eyes.  His eyes were changing, getting darker by the second.  I brought my hand to his cheek and caressed it.  “Derek?”

He closed his eyes and breathed in my scent.  Putting his head in the crock of my neck, he nibbled, and then kissed me there.  He pulled away, “Sorry.”  He sat up and was at the end of the bed.  I went to sit next to him and turned his face towards my own.  Soon I was straddling him, but in a comfort way.  Placing my forehead against his.  “It’s Okay, you stopped.  It was my fault.”

He pulled my body to his, hugging me, holding me close to him.  “How do you seem to be controlling the monster that I fight to control within myself?”

“I don’t know,” I rubbed my nose against his, my eyes focused on his, and his face, our foreheads still touching.  I sighed, “I love you.”

He kissed my nose.  “As I love you.”

I smiled.  He stood and lifted me off of him by my hips, placing me on the floor, once he was standing.  He got dressed and we went downstairs. 

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