Bullied By Colby Brock

By emosock51

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Three sections. Three love stories. One family. SECTION 1: Colby: Anyway, meet me by my locker after school... More

Chapter 1: Valentine's Day
Chapter 2: Reasons Why I Hate You
Chapter 3: Cheaters Never Win
Chapter 4: The Bridge
Chapter 5: The Past
Chapter 6: The Return
Chapter 7: Nothing Lasts Forever
Chapter 8: Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 9: The Procedure
Chapter 10: Lost Memory (pt.1)
Chapter 11: Lost Memory (pt.2)
Chapter 12: Forgiveness Doesn't Come Easily
Chapter 13: The Truth Hurts Sometimes
Chapter 14: You Can't Run Away Forever
Chapter 15: Are You Healed Yet?
Chapter 16: Allies or Enemies?
Chapter 17: Brothers?
Chapter 18: Family Dinner
Chapter 19: Kidnapped
Chapter 20: Psychopaths and Bullet Holes
Chapter 21: Goodbye
Chapter 22: Coma
Chapter 23: Dreams Are Not Just Fantasies
Chapter 24: Adopted
Chapter 25: The Journal
Chapter 26: Ash
Chapter 27: What Are You Hiding?
Chapter 28: Cops pt.1
Chapter 29: Cops pt. 2
Chapter 30: Cops pt. 3
Chapter 31: What Happened?
Chapter 32: Sophomore Year
Chapter 33: Dak
Chapter 34: The Call That Broke Ash's Heart
Chapter 35: A Haunting Of A Different Kind
Chapter 36: Anger
Chapter 37: Tricksters
Chapter 38: The Game
Chapter 39: Urgent Causes
Chapter 40: I'm Sorry, I Don't Trust You
Chapter 41: Explanations Come With A Price
Chapter 42: The Cliff
Chapter 43: Finding Peyton Sawyer
Chapter 44: I'm Not Gone
Chapter 45: Possession pt.1
Chapter 46: Possession pt.2
Chapter 47: Fix It
Chapter 48: I Miss You
Chapter 49: What Are You?
Chapter 50: Cry It Out
Chapter 51: The Day Of Reckoning
Chapter 52: Tell Me
Chapter 53: 2 Years Later
Chapter 54: Quick Thinking
Chapter 55: Change
Chapter 56: Meant To Be???
Chapter 57: College
Chapter 58: Break Up
Chapter 59: Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 60: Forgive Me, Please
Chapter 62: We Can't Escape The Past
Chapter 63: Secret Santa 🎅
Chapter 64: The Aftermath
Chapter 65: Apologies Can Reveal Secrets, Too
Chapter 66: Lies Upon Lies
Chapter 67: Damaged
Chapter 68: Young and Dumb
Chapter 69: Reunited
Chapter 70: Maybe This Time, It Will Be Better
Chapter 71: Selene
Chapter 72: A New Life
Chapter 73: Judgement
Chapter 74: An Enemy Rising
Chapter 75: Realization
Chapter 76: Why Can't We Just Tell The Truth?
Chapter 77: Maybe We Took Normal For Granted
Chapter 78: Prom Pt. 1 (Time Skip Later In Chapter)
Chapter 79: Prom Pt. 2
Chapter 80: Hospital
Chapter 81: A Child
Chapter 82: Welcome Home
Chapter 83: Suspicion
Chapter 84: Breakfast
Chapter 85: Shopping Trip
Chapter 86: First Day Pt. 1
Chapter 87: First Day Pt. 2
Chapter 88: Help
Chapter 89: Answers
Chapter 90: The Party Pt. 1
Chapter 91: The Party Pt. 2

Chapter 61: We're All Human

2.4K 46 41
By emosock51

I felt the all my breath leave my lungs. I felt mad. No, not mad, jealous. I didn't want her to be anyone else's. I just wanted her to be mine. Only mine... But I ruined that. All because I was mad I ruined the best thing that ever happened to me. I swallowed the lump in my throat and walked in the cafe. My hands were shaking, but I just shoved then in the pockets of my jeans. I barely controlled the tears that wanted to pour down my cheeks. I walked to the booth where they were sitting. I looked away from them. I couldn't bear to see it. I cleared my throat. They stopped kissing and looked at me.

Peyton: Oh hey.

Ash: Hi.

My voice was a whisper. I couldn't let her hear the hurt in my voice. The guy waved at me then left. I could feel the anger radiating off of me as I shot him a glare as he walked out.

Peyton: You're late.

Ash: Like you noticed. You were too busy with that guy's tongue cleaning your tonsils.

Peyton: Well now you know how I felt.

Ash: What are you talking about? I would never, ever, make-out with someone in front of you.

Peyton: Really? Then what's this?

She pulled out her phone and showed me a video of me. It looked like I was recording. I was making out with some blonde girl. You could clearly see my tongue down her throat. I turned toward the camera and said : "If I knew you were going to be a liar, I would've left you with Brennen."

Peyton: I seen that at the dinner table. My sister heard that. So did her boss that was there, talking about a promotion. I had to leave. I went to my room and cried for the rest of the night. I cried when I woke up too. Until, I talked to you at the parent/teacher conference. I decided I was done crying over you.

Ash: Peyton, yesterday I was mad and I got drunk. Like, really drunk. Everything I did, and said, was just out of anger.

Peyton: Drunk or not, that hurt. You have no clue how much it hurt. Especially coming from the person who, at one point, would do anything for me. Would shoot a guy in the foot to keep me from another guy. Would lead an investigation for me after six months of hearing nothing. Would rescue me from coyotes.

Tears trickled down her face.

Ash: Peyton, I would still do anything for you. I just want you to be safe.

Peyton: I was so mad.

Ash: I know-

Peyton: I'm not talking about the video, even though, I was mad about that, I was talking about how you reacted when I told you I wasn't going. You were happy. Even if I did tell the truth, you would be mad I was leaving. You would be mad I was doing something for myself. It was an amazing opportunity and I took it. Haley made the same decision and you were so happy for her. You wouldn't even let me explain. 

Ash: Look, I'm over that now-

Peyton: I didn't make the decision because I wanted to go to New York. I made it because you also had an opportunity too.

She pulled a letter out of her trenchcoat and handed it to me. It was from a culinary school. They heard about me and my amazing cooking all the way in New York.

Ash: I'm so sorry. I feel like a total dick.

Peyton: You should.

Ash: Hey, I picked you up something.

I grabbed the case out of my hoodie and handed it to her.

Peyton: You remembered.

Ash: Can I make it further than the front door?

She smiled and laughed. That damn smile.

Peyton: You've already made your way into my heart.

We both laughed and hugged.

Ash: Peyton, I want to get back together with you.

Peyton: Ash I don't know...

Ash: Please. Give me a second chance.

I begged. She thought it over for a couple moments.

Peyton: Fine. Only because I miss you so much it's become unbearable.

Ash: Look, I'm sorry I wasn't accepting of your decision at first. I- I just didn't want to lose you.

Peyton: I understand.

Ash: Who was that guy you were with anyway?

I said, trying to hide my jealousy.

Peyton: Just some guy I paid for a stage kiss.

Ash: A- A what?

Peyton: You looked away before you could realize we weren't actually kissing.

Ash: I'm totally not embarrassed.

We both laughed.

Peyton: Look, Ash, can we just forget this while thing ever happened? It was singlehandedly the worst day of my life.

Peyton: Are you going to New York with me and Haley?

Ash: It's Haley and I and of course, as long as Jen and Colby can find something to eat while we're gone.

I had just realized Haley was in he booth behind us listening into our conversation. She must've gotten off work and closed the cafe early so we wouldn't be interrupted. She does things like that, that's what makes her a great friend.

Haley: Okay, don't get me wrong I'm so excited, but, how does Jen and Colby not work and still pay the bills?

Ash: Well, Jen's parents are rich, and I mean, like, really rich. Her mom has a bank card that she adds to all the time. She pays the bills through PayPal. She never calls or checks in. She doesn't even know that Jen and Colby are still dating.

Haley: That must suck. I come from a family of 12, but my mom still cares. What about her dad?

Ash: She doesn't talk about him much. I think that's something that she doesn't like to talk much about.

Peyton: Can you guys believe Christmas is in like, three days?

Ash: Well, time to go shopping.

Haley's phone started to ring.

Haley: Captain dumbass is calling.

Peyton: Nathan?

Haley shot Peyton a glare to shut up.

Haley: Colby.

Ash: Oh, that makes sense.

Peyton: Nathan is way worse than Colby.

Ash: He thought you were pregnant because we hadn't came in the door while making out because 'that's what all teenagers do.'

Haley answered and put the phone on speaker.

Colby: Nathan's here.

Peyton: Tell him to leave.

Peyton said, annoyed.

Colby: Jen wants you guys to come home. Apparently she has a surprise. You too Haley.

Peyton: As long as I don't have to speak to Nathan.

Colby: Okay... I'm assuming you and Ash are back together?

Peyton: Yeah, I decided I couldn't live without him.

She said, kissing me on the cheek.

Colby: Can I speak to my brother for a sec?

Haley: Sure.

Haley handed the phone to me and I kept it on speaker.

Ash: Yes captai- I mean my very intelligent brother?

Everyone could clearly sense the sarcasm in my voice.

Colby: I know you're going to want to give Peyton a Christmas gift, but your dick is not a good present I already tried that with Jenning-

I cut him off by hanging up.

Haley: Only your brother would say that, Ash.

Haley said while laughing. Peyton was laughing too. I realized I had been laughing without noticing it.


We went to Jen's house in Haley's car. Peyton would probably stay the night anyway. We usually just chill in my room anyway. Yes, just chill, nothing else. Unless, we're home alone, then sometimes we may do something but nothing too extreme. We're not a really sexual couple. I mean, yeah, sometimes we have sex, but it's not every chance we have. Normally we just cuddle and talk. Sometimes we go and walk around town, or hang out with Jen and Colby. We all walked up to the door. Peyton turned to me and whispered.

Peyton: Let's show Colby that I'm not pregnant.

Ash: Okay.

I said, catching on to what she was saying.

Haley: Just let me go in first so I don't have to watch.

Haley complained. We both nodded. Haley opened the door and Peyton and I started making out while entering the house. A few seconds of silence passed as we continued to make out. We stopped when we heard Colby clear his throat.

Colby: So I take it you're not pregnant.

Peyton: No Ash's tiny little worm has not spewed inside me, making another living creature.

Ash: Thanks for the self confidence Peyton.

Nathan: Ew guys, T. M. I.

Nathan laughed and scrunched his nose up. Peyton looked pissed and walked over to Nathan.

Peyton: If you don't like me speaking maybe you should do us all a favor and take your man-whorish self somewhere else.

Nathan: Says the one who slept with my best friend.

Everyone gasped in disbelief. Even I did. Peyton wasn't like that.

Peyton: Says the one who slept with my sister. While we were dating, I should mention.


"White shirt now red, my bloody nose
Sleeping, you're on your tippy toes
Creeping around like no one knows
Think you're so criminal
Bruises, on both my knees for you
Don't say thank you or please
I do what I want when I'm wanting to
My soul? So cynical"

Previous Winner: GabrielaRomerocruz

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