The Test of Time

By JessicaLouAuthor

2.5M 93.1K 81.9K

{18+ COMPLETED} THREE BOOKS IN ONE. "What are you doing?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow. "What do you think... More

Part One
1 ~ Month One: July 2019
2 ~ July
3 ~ July
4 ~ Month Two: September
5 ~ September
6 ~ Month Three: November
7 ~ November
8 ~ Month Four: December
9 ~ December
10 ~ December
11 ~ Month Five: March
12 ~ March
13 ~ March
14 ~ Month Six: May
15 ~ May
16 ~ May
17 ~ Month Seven: June
18 ~ June
19 ~ June
20 ~ June
21 ~ June
22 ~ June
23 ~ Month Eight: July
24 ~ July
25~ July
26 ~ July
27 ~ July
28 ~ July
29 ~ Month Nine: August
30 ~ August
31 ~ August
32 ~ August
33 ~ August
34 ~ Month Ten: September
35 ~ September
** BONUS Chapter **
Part Two
36 ~ Month Eleven: September 2021
37 ~ September
38 ~ September
39 ~ September
40 ~ September
41 ~ Month Twelve: October
42 ~ October
43 ~ Month Thirteen: November
44 ~ November
45 ~ November
46 ~ November
47 ~ Month Fourteen: December
48 ~ December
49 ~ December
50 ~ December
51 ~ December
52 ~ Month Fifteen: January
53 ~ Month Sixteen: February
54 ~ February
55 ~ February
56 ~ Month Seventeen: March
57 ~ March
58 ~ March
59 ~ March
Month Eighteen: 60 ~ April
61 ~ April
62 ~ April
63 ~ Month Nineteen: May
64 ~ Month Twenty: June
65 ~ June
66 ~ June
67 ~ Month Twenty One: July
68 ~ July
69 ~ Month Twenty Two: August
70 ~ Month Twenty Three: September
71 ~ September
72 ~ September
73 ~ September
74 ~ Month Twenty Four: October
75 ~ October
** BONUS Chapter **
Part Three
76 ~ Month Twenty Five: December 2027
77 ~ December
78 ~ December
79 ~ December
80 ~ Month Twenty Six: January
81 ~ January
82 ~ Month Twenty Seven: February
83 ~ February
84 - February
85~ February
87 ~ March
88 ~ March
89 ~ Month Twenty Nine: April
90 ~ April
91 ~ April
92 ~ April
93 ~ April
94 ~ April
95 ~ Month Thirty: May
96 ~ May
97 ~ May
98 ~ May
99 ~ May
100 ~ May
101 ~ May
102 ~ May
103 ~ May
104 ~ May
105 ~ May
106 ~ Month Thirty One: June
107 ~ June
108 ~ June
109 ~ June
110 ~ Month Thirty Two: July
S P I N - O F F

86 ~ Month Twenty Eight: March

15.5K 684 614
By JessicaLouAuthor

"You are just over eleven weeks," the Doctor smiles at us, both Brett and I transfixed by the image on the screen, the sound of a heartbeat filling the room. All of a sudden everything is so real and I feel overwhelmed.

Before today it was just a '+' on a stick, nothing more, nothing less. Now it's a real person, something growing inside of me that Brett and I created together.

"Wow!" I breathe out, unable to tear my eyes away as Brett grabs hold of my hand, squeezing it tightly. We've stayed away from each other the last two weeks, conversing only over text, and meeting up today for our first Doctor's appointment.

It's the best thing to do, keep our distance between each other, not make any of this harder than it already is.

"Alright, so your due date..." Doctor Herring trails off as she glances down at the paperwork. I see Brett smirk slightly and roll my eyes at him. We know when the baby will be due, just one of the advantages to having what was supposed to be a one nightstand.

Little did I know, Fate decided my life had been too perfect for too long, time to play another joke on me.

"September 23rd." She exclaims with a smile.

"Do we get to know whether it's a boy or a girl?" Brett asks and I shake my head at him.

"It's too early for that." the Doctor confirms.

"Do you want to know? When the time comes?" I ask him.

"I think so." Brett nods, "Do you?"

"I don't know." I bite my lip, unsure. "It could be a surprise."

"Well, you've got time to think about it." the Doctor smiles at us, placing her clipboard down.

"Thank you so much Doctor Herring." I thank her.

"My pleasure." She grins, "I'll just go and print this picture for you. Then we'll just take some blood to make sure everything is looking good."

"Okay." I reply as she stands up and leaves the room, the door slamming shut behind her.

"You doing okay?" Brett asks, his hand still linked with mine.

"Yeah, are you?"

"Of course." He grins, moving his other hand to grab onto mine. "This is perfect." He shakes his head in disbelief before a cheeky glint appears in his eyes, "You're welcome for such an amazing birthday present." He smirks, gesturing to my stomach.


"You thought I forgot your birthday?" He scoffs and I widen my eyes. Of course I did... it's been years. "Happy birthday." He says softly.

"I... the birthday present, really?" I retort and he laughs.

"Come on, it's a pretty good present."

"It is." I admit, "But that's not the point! This isn't all down to you Winters!"

"Okay, it's a good present from you too." He smirks.

"We'll have a baby before your next birthday." I think out loud, "That's scary."

"It is." He agrees and I can't help but smile as his eyes meet mine, both of us caught up in the excitement. I'm frozen in place as he slowly starts to lean towards me, my breath quickening at the action. My eyes drift down towards his lips, my own parting in anticipation.

"Alright Savannah! Are you ready for your blood test?" Doctor Herring exclaims as she enters, Brett and I quickly springing apart.


"Stop looking at that picture!" I giggle, grabbing the printout from Brett's hands as a bike nearly runs him over.

"I can't quite believe it."

"Me neither!" I smile, stuffing the picture into my bag. "Thanks for coming with me."

"I'm not missing any of these Savannah."

"That's good to know." I smile, "I guess I'll text you..." I trail off, taking a step back as I prepare to leave.

"Whoa!" He exclaims, grabbing onto my wrist gently. "Where do you think you're going?"


"Come on, we're going for dinner." He gestures, grinning down at me.

"Dinner?" I echo, eyebrows furrowed.

"You really think I'm not going to take you out for a celebratory lunch on your birthday?"


"What?" He shrugs, "I know you don't have plans." He smirks, letting go of my arm. He's right, sadly. My stomach rumbles and I roll my eyes, wondering why everything in my body seems to agree with whatever Brett wants.

"Fine." I grumble, "Where?"

"Follow me, my lady." He grins, walking in the opposite direction. Following him down the next side street I find myself in a parking lot, stopping short at the sight of the  familiar black sports car. No way...

"You still have this car?" I blurt out, a smile spreading across my face.

"Of course." He grins, unlocking it and opening the door for me. The seats still look exactly the same, unworn and polished. This man really does take good care of his beloved car.

"How old is this now?" I ask as he slides in the drivers side.

"Very. It used to be my Mom's." He comments, turning the engine on. The familiar roar has my grin widening and he smirks at my expression.

"I still love it."

"I'm glad." He grins, pulling out on the street, "I'm thinking Italian food?"

"Sounds perfect!" I grin, suddenly in an incredible mood.

We end up having an incredible time, laughing and joking with each other for hours, the day flying past. He orders us both non-alcoholic champagne to celebrate and finishes the meal off by ordering a brownie for dessert. The gesture is not lost on me, him clearly remembering more about me than I ever thought was possible.

We eventually get the bill and after five minutes of arguing I give in and let him pay, but only because it's my birthday. We leave as soon as it's paid, continuing our conversation as we jump back into his car and he drives back to my apartment. An argument nearly breaks out as he insists on walking me to my door but I give in once more, desperate not to ruin my happy mood as I shake my head and get out of the car.

After walking up the stairs in silence I slide my key into the lock and glance back at him, suspicious at the sight of a smirk on his face. Why did he insist on coming all the way to my apartment anyway? Is he plotting something? Where's Becky? I think she's home, at least I can call her if he starts trying anything weird.

"Well, thanks for walking me to my front door..." I babble as I push the door open.

"Surprise!" I'm cut off by the humongous yell that sounds out from the room and I jump out of my skin at Brett's grinning face, turning back to face my beaming friends.

"What?" I squeal.

"Happy birthday babe!" Becky grins, walking forward and enveloping me into a hug. "I'm sorry Elle couldn't make it."

"That's okay!" I reply, still in shock, "I saw her at the weekend anyway!" I laugh before taking a look around the apartment, "Elena? Zara? Lucy?" I exclaim at the girls closest to me.

"Oh yeah, even Ellis is here." Becky mutters.

"Ellis?" I repeat.

"Hey Diner Girl!" Ellis exclaims, suddenly appearing from behind Becky.

"I will still punch you!" Becky snaps.

"He's visiting me." Brett grins, shrugging.

"That's why you came up here with me!" I accuse Brett and he smirks.


"Yeah, why are you guys together anyway?" Elena queries, all of them turning to face me and my Baby Daddy. Well, how awkward.

"Come on. If you've got to distract Savannah, who's the best person to call?" Becky scoffs, attempting to change the subject. "Missy! Turn that music on!" She yells across the room and I follow her gaze.

"Missy! Louise!" I exclaim, grinning.

"Hey girl!"

"Happy birthday Sav!" Louise waves and I giggle at Missy downing a glass of wine.

"A drink Sav?" Becky asks, handing me what looks like a glass of wine.


"It's your favorite at the moment!" She exclaims, eyes wide as she attempts to send me a message. Oh, Right. She's got me non-alcoholic wine...

"Thank you!" I smile gratefully at her and she nods.

"So, you two went out for lunch?" Elena asks, eyes wide as she glances between Brett and I as Ellis hands him a beer.

"Uh, yeah..." I manage, unsure of how to justify this. I'm not ready to tell them, not when I haven't even told my sister yet.

"Becky asked me to help out." Brett pipes up, "Sav took a lot of convincing but I think some encouragement from Becky convinced her to accept lunch." He smiles down at me.

"Yep!" I reply quickly, before stepping back and making my way towards Missy and Louisa in the living room.

"Sav!" Missy grins, "You look beautiful!"

"Thanks Missy!" I giggle, "How much have you drunk?"

"Becky keeps plying me with alcohol!" She moans and I raise my eyebrows, glancing over towards Becky. She merely shrugs in response and I shake my head at her.

"Happy birthday Sav!" Lucy smiles at me and I pull her in for a quick hug, happy that my closest work colleague took the time out of her day to come to my little party.

Before long Zara, Elena and Becky join us in the living room, the seven of us dancing to the cheesy tunes and I can't help but feel sorry for the two guys in the kitchen, watching the untalented karaoke with indescribable expressions on their faces.

After an hour I take a break, falling down onto the couch and sipping my wine as I watch my friends with a giggle. Zara immediately notices, taking a step away from the group and sitting beside me.

"You okay?" She asks and I nod.

"Exhausted!" I laugh and she grins.

"It makes me remember all our parties in the past, the ones in high school, the ones in college!" She giggles.

"The one in January? Right here?" I remind her, chuckling slightly.

"Yeah!" She agrees, "Although I hope this one doesn't end with your head in the toilet this time!" She teases and I shake my head.

"It definitely won't!"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure!" I smile at her and she bites her lip before asking.

"Are you two back together?" Zara asks, looking over towards Brett as he laughs with Ellis and Louisa in the kitchen. I shake my head.

"No!" I deny, "Just friends."

"So why are you hanging out..."

"Alright!" Becky interrupts, "Here we go!" She grins and I furrow my eyebrows before she moves out of the way, Elena and Missy walking forward, a huge two tiered cake between them. I know that my face lights up instantly at the sight, my mouth salivating as they all begin singing.

Glancing around I can't help when my eyes stop for a moment longer on Brett, his piercing blue eyes standing out against the crowd as he sings, and suddenly it's almost like we are the only two people in the room, my heart hammering against my rib cage.

Tearing my eyes away from him as the song finishes, Elena and Missy take another step towards me and I close my eyes making my wish before I blow out the candle on my cake.

I wish for my baby to be happy and healthy.


It's another three hours before my friends leave, Becky, Ellis and Brett all cleaning up the kitchen as I walk off to throw some comfy clothes on, not wanting to suffer with the tight waistband of my jeans any longer.

I've just finished pulling my fabric shorts on and have sat down at my dresser to brush my hair when a knock sounds from behind me.

"Come in!"

"Hey." Brett says softly as he enters, the door shutting behind him.

"Hi." I say, not moving away from my dressing table.

"Ellis left."


"I said I'd meet him back at the apartment."

"Okay." I reply before turning back to the mirror, ignoring the voice of Slutty Savannah in my head who pleads for him to stay.

"Did you have a nice day?" He asks, walking up behind me and looking in my mirror.

"I did." I smile and he nods his head. Reaching up I unclasp a gold necklace from around my neck, not missing the way his gaze falls to my exposed skin.


"You should probably leave." I reply, standing up from the stool and continuing to look at him in the mirror before placing the necklace down on the surface beside me.

"Are you sure?" Brett mutters against my neck, his arm gently weaving around my waist as the other one glides down the length of my arm. I watch in the mirror, frozen in place as my body reacts, hairs standing on end.

"Y-yes." I manage to get out, my head disobeying me as it leans back, resting on Brett as he moves his arm to the top of my shorts, his lips now moving to gently suck under my earlobe. I move to give him better access, lust instantly fuelling me, my breath becoming labored as he gently pushes a hand below the waistband of my shorts. Desire has already flooded through me, leaving me wet and ready for him. Damn hormones.

"Really?" He asks, raising his spare hand to cup my right breast over the top of my clothing as I watch in the mirror, his fingers lightly tracing the fabric of my thong. "I'll leave if you want me to." He promises, before moving his lips further down to my shoulder blades.

"Don't..." I manage to stutter out, feeling him smirk against my skin.

"Don't?" He asks playfully, one hand squeezing my breast as the other continues to play with the top of my underwear. My eyes are fixed on the scene in front of me, my flushed cheeks evident as he tortures me slowly.

"Don't leave!" I practically beg and with that his hand slips into my underwear, his fingers moving down.

"God, you're already so wet." He moans against my neck and I shut my eyes, the feel of his hand down there turning me on faster than ever before. "Absolutely soaking." He mutters before a finger finally slips in. "Look in the mirror." He orders and I immediately obey, my gaze fixating on the unfamiliar sight of me, the tall, muscular man clutching me against him as he worships my body.

I let out a gasp of surprise and pleasure as he adds a second finger, leaning back for support, his other arm moving from my breast to my waist, holding me upright.

"Brett!" I hiss as he pumps his fingers in and out of me, finally adding a third for good measure. I cry out in ecstasy as he looks up, his eyes meeting mine in the mirror.

We're entering dangerous territory.



Even better than cake. And that's saying a lot.

Seriously though... they just can't seem to resist each other!

Did you find this chapter hotttt?!


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