Flame of Sin |Blue Exorcist|...

By Red__Ruby

213K 8.4K 2.4K

There are three sides. The good, the evil, and the indifferent. Why are you always choosing which one you're... More

"Either call me, or a therapist."
"You're hopeless."
"It's okay. I'm here for you."
"Change isn't always good... but we have to deal with it."
"Revelation is a bitch."
"... bitch."
"What a gloomy mofo."
"Why is it always me stopping you?"
"Geez... calm down, will ya?"
"I will never break that promise until Rin is strong enough to protect himself."
"Rin, shut up."
"Satan's Bastard"
"No one can know. Under any circumstance."
"Mind your business, BITCH!"
"Are you stupid? What were you trying to prove?"
"I'm not above being rude,"
"What a bratty demon."
"I don't have anger issues!"
"I told you not to vandalize anything!"
"Why couldn't I have summoned an imp..."
"What a rowdy bunch of bitches..."
"I pride myself on not allowing Rin to lose control."
"Seems like a perfectly good option to me."
"I'll go if y'all get eaten by a giant squid."
"Awe, is wittle Win jeawous?"
"Quit your bitch ass crying! It's hella annoying!"
"I'm the one who Shiro told everything to, let me do it in his place!"
"Rin, Nuns don't usually wear small bikini tops like that."
"You're cooler than I could ever dream of being."
"Bold of you to assume we can cook. That sounds oddly sexist, Yukio."
"You think Rin's the only one I watch?"
"I knew there was a catch to this."
"If he gets killed nothing will stop me after that. Not even you."
"Now can it and sit down. You're disrupting the entire car."

"I'm quitting. I'll see you all in therapy."

7.5K 315 33
By Red__Ruby

You unnoticeably flinched when Satan's eyes rolled over to you. The sword strapped to your back was there to help you fight, but you've forgotten about it.

"Who are you?" He asked, "I don't recognize you, and yet I feel like I've seen you." Satan was talking directly to you.

"Your eyes... they're a peculiar color," he pointed out, "They almost look like one of my kin."

"You're Satan," you spoke, "I would think you'd know who your children are."

"Then, he really is...?!" Rin trailed off.

"Exactly. I am Satan. I am the ruler of Gehenna, and your true father!" He spoke, "You can call me Papa, if you want." Manic laughter—louder—left him.

"Father Fujimoto!" The three exorcists began to run to him.

"Shut up!" Satan turned, glaring at them.
Their bodies burst into brilliant blue flames.

"Guys!" You disappeared from Rin's side and to the others. You kneeled down to them and glanced over at Satan who was too busy with Rin to notice. With a deep breath, you quickly swiped your hand over his body. The blue flames were whipped away. Satan and Rin still hadn't noticed. You discreetly repeated it two more times. The men below you were unconscious, thank god. The sound of distant screeching attracted your attention.
Turning your head to the side, your eyes widened.

'Gehenna Gate?!' You noticed the faces shaped into the thick bubbles, two eyes warbling around.

"Now then, let's be off—to Gehenna."

Next thing you know, Rin is thrown into the gate. Automatically, you moved.

"AS IF I'D LET YOU!!" You dove into the gate, hooking your arms under his and swimming to the edge.

"Y/n!" Rin exclaimed.

"Annoying fly." Satan glowered at you, igniting his flames. You body burned, but not because of his flames. Your grip on Rin loosened. He called out your name. You didn't hear it. The edges of your vision tinted black, a low, two-toned growl echoing in your ears. It wasn't Satan.

'Dammit... Lilith.' You thought, head lolling backwards. From then, your consciousness faded into darkness.

The demon who was in front of you was collapsed to her knees, blood dripping from her eyes.

"You can't even cry properly," you said, "Why did you summon me at such a critical time? Rin could've been taken!"

"... he would've found out," she replied quietly, "I would've died..." You leaned forward.

"You're his right hand woman, the Great Queen. Do you really think he'd kill you?"

"He doesn't care about me," she laughed, "Couldn't care less." Your eyes narrowed at her.

"I would gladly give up your life to save Rin or Yukio," you said, "Now send me back. Now." Lilith's hands clenched on the ground.

"As you wish... Deirhdas...*"

Your eyes slowly opened to the dark, wooden ceiling above. A tear landing harshly on your cheek drew you out of your daze. It's grown quiet. You no longer sensed Satan. Moving your eyes around, Shiro's body lay a few feet away from your head. Eyes widening, you only took note of what situation you are in.
Rin was kneeled above you, eyes closed. The Kurikara was in his possession. He probably didn't even realize you were awake.
Slowly, you sat up, your head mere centimeters from his.

"Rin," you said softly, bringing your hands up to his face. "It's okay... cry. Cry until there's nothing left. No matter how long it takes for you to stop, I'll be here. Weeks, months, years, forever. Lean on me—on us—Yukio and I will love you, no matter what." His head collapsed onto your shoulders, tears and snot soaking through your shirt, but you didn't care at that moment. You placed your hands behind his ears and rubbed your thumbs against his skin.
You pressed your cheek against the side of his head, nuzzling it.

Slowly, you began to sway back and forth, trying to coax him into a slumber. As you were doing that, your eyes moved over to Shiro's body.

'No...' You looked away. Now's not the time to be sad. You, quite literally, had a friend leaning on you for support. You can drown in your sorrows when you get the chance.
The other exorcists around you smiled, pleased to know at least Rin has someone by his side.
With a raised brow, you facially asked if they needed help, but they just shook their heads. You gently placed your hand on the nape of his neck, moving his unruly hair out of the way.

"Sleep," you whispered, "You're okay. It's safe to sleep."
His breathing quickly evened out, lips parting slightly. Two of them kneeled down to your level and took the sleeping boy from your arms. Reluctantly, you relinquished your hold on him. They carefully put in him a place where he could sleep peacefully.

"Rin? Y/n?"
You turned to see Yukio stepping around the truck that was still smashed into the monastery.

"Yukio," you said, standing up. He ran across the room and to Shiro's side. With one last check of your sword, you began helping the others clean up.

You jerked awake at the yell. Looking to your side, Rin sat up on his bed, eyes wide, looking at you. He was sweating.

The chair tipped back from the force of him leaping out of bed to wrap his arms around you.

"You're alive! You... you're not..." He didn't finish his sentence. Not that you cared.
With a light sigh, you wrapped your arms around his waist.

"Mm. I'm alive, Rin. So don't worry, anymore," you said softly, holding him tight against you. After a few minutes he slowly let go.

"Rin. They're having a memorial service in memory of your father. I... think having his eldest son attend would mean everything to him."
Reality seemed to of crashed into him at that moment. His eyes teared up again and you could've sworn he was going to burst out crying again. He hung his head, bangs hiding his eyes away from you.

"Will you be there? With me?" He asked quietly.

"For you, Rin?" You reached over and intertwined your fingers with his. "Always."

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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