The Test of Time

De JessicaLouAuthor

2.5M 93.1K 81.9K

{18+ COMPLETED} THREE BOOKS IN ONE. "What are you doing?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow. "What do you think... Mai multe

Part One
1 ~ Month One: July 2019
2 ~ July
3 ~ July
4 ~ Month Two: September
5 ~ September
6 ~ Month Three: November
7 ~ November
8 ~ Month Four: December
9 ~ December
10 ~ December
11 ~ Month Five: March
12 ~ March
13 ~ March
14 ~ Month Six: May
15 ~ May
16 ~ May
17 ~ Month Seven: June
18 ~ June
19 ~ June
20 ~ June
21 ~ June
22 ~ June
23 ~ Month Eight: July
24 ~ July
25~ July
26 ~ July
27 ~ July
28 ~ July
29 ~ Month Nine: August
30 ~ August
31 ~ August
32 ~ August
33 ~ August
34 ~ Month Ten: September
35 ~ September
** BONUS Chapter **
Part Two
36 ~ Month Eleven: September 2021
37 ~ September
38 ~ September
39 ~ September
40 ~ September
41 ~ Month Twelve: October
42 ~ October
43 ~ Month Thirteen: November
44 ~ November
45 ~ November
46 ~ November
47 ~ Month Fourteen: December
48 ~ December
49 ~ December
50 ~ December
51 ~ December
52 ~ Month Fifteen: January
53 ~ Month Sixteen: February
54 ~ February
55 ~ February
56 ~ Month Seventeen: March
57 ~ March
58 ~ March
59 ~ March
Month Eighteen: 60 ~ April
61 ~ April
62 ~ April
63 ~ Month Nineteen: May
64 ~ Month Twenty: June
65 ~ June
66 ~ June
67 ~ Month Twenty One: July
68 ~ July
69 ~ Month Twenty Two: August
70 ~ Month Twenty Three: September
72 ~ September
73 ~ September
74 ~ Month Twenty Four: October
75 ~ October
** BONUS Chapter **
Part Three
76 ~ Month Twenty Five: December 2027
77 ~ December
78 ~ December
79 ~ December
80 ~ Month Twenty Six: January
81 ~ January
82 ~ Month Twenty Seven: February
83 ~ February
84 - February
85~ February
86 ~ Month Twenty Eight: March
87 ~ March
88 ~ March
89 ~ Month Twenty Nine: April
90 ~ April
91 ~ April
92 ~ April
93 ~ April
94 ~ April
95 ~ Month Thirty: May
96 ~ May
97 ~ May
98 ~ May
99 ~ May
100 ~ May
101 ~ May
102 ~ May
103 ~ May
104 ~ May
105 ~ May
106 ~ Month Thirty One: June
107 ~ June
108 ~ June
109 ~ June
110 ~ Month Thirty Two: July
S P I N - O F F

71 ~ September

14.9K 670 555
De JessicaLouAuthor

"Well?" Elena asks, her hand gripping mine as we sit in the Doctors office three days later. The Doctor takes a seat across from us, clipboard in hand.

Elena had cried all night, not even her beloved Twilight able to distract her. Polly and Louise had figured out something was wrong, leaving Elena numerous notes around the house detailing their love for her. I hadn't seen Brett, instead making sure I spent all hours of the day with Elena. She needed me more than him.

Elena's clutch on my hand tightens as the Doctor sighs, sitting back in her chair. This is it, the answer we've been waiting for all week.

"The blood tests have come back negative." The Doctor announces.


"Elena, you're not pregnant." She explains, shooting her a small smile. Wait, what? She's not?

"I'm not?"


"Thank you!" Elena breathes out, relief evident in her face as she sits back in the chair.

"Pregnancy tests can throw up some odd results sometimes." She explains. "They aren't one hundred percent accurate. It's always best to go to the Doctor to double check."

"S-so I'm okay? No baby?" Elena stutters and I squeeze her hand, shooting her a big smile.

"No baby."

"Oh thank God." Elena exclaims, jumping up as she grins at me. I pull her into a hug and laugh at her excitement, relief clearly flooding through the both of us. "Let's go S!" She exclaims.

"I'll be out in a minute." I reply softly, shooting her a pleading look. There's something I need to discuss with the Doctor, something I've been putting off for months now.

"Okay..." Elena replies, staring at me curiously, "Thanks Doctor!" She says, before leaving the room with a reassuring smile. Turning back to the Doctor I bite my lip as she waits. Wow, I feel awkward. Why is it that it always feels uncomfortable when you're in this kind of scenario Doctors hear this sort of thing everyday, but hey, I still feel anxious about even opening my mouth.

"I was wondering if it's possible to go on some form of birth control?" I manage to stutter out. She nods, smiling slightly as she sits forward.

"Of course."


"You could have just asked her whilst I was still in the room." Elena scoffs as we walk down the street, an ice cream in each of our hands.

"It just made it less awkward!" I justify and she rolls her eyes.

"Well, it's good to know you're being safe." She mutters. "Kyle tried to ring me last night. He left a voicemail."

"He did?"

"He apologized for how he acted."

"Are you going to call him back?"

"No. I'm done." She declares, "I know we were together for eight months but when I thought I was pregnant I realized my biggest problem was with the idea that Kyle was the Father."


"If that's not an alarm bell, I don't know what is." She snorts and I nod in agreement. That is one hundred percent a sign that you are with the wrong person.

"Absolutely." I agree. "But you're okay?"

"Yeah. He just isn't the one." She confirms, "Nice necklace by the way."

"Thanks." I smile, gently touching the gift. "Brett gave it to me."

"He's so cute." She exclaims. Suddenly my phone starts ringing and I quickly dig it out my pocket as Elena takes a bite out of her ice cream. I've never understood anyone who does that, don't they get brain freeze? I shake my head before raising the phone to my ear.


"Savannah." The familiar voice greets. Why the hell is Brett's Mom ringing me? What kind of game is this?

"Mrs Winters?"

"Olivia, dear!" She corrects, laughing, "I was wondering if you are free to meet for a quick chat." What? Why? My heart starts beating erratically, nerves building up in my stomach. This is a bad idea, there is absolutely no way I should ever agree...

"Umm... yeah, sure." I babble quickly. What? Why did I...? Oh right, because I'm too scared to say no.

"I'm at the penthouse." She exclaims.

"I'll be there in half hour." I reply before hanging up. Just great.

"Who was that?" Elena asks, eyes wide.

"Brett's Mom."

"What does she want?"

"No idea. Raincheck?"

"I'll see you later." She grins and I nod, turning away and starting off down the road towards the expensive side of town. Subconsciously I take a bite out of my ice cream, grimacing as the pain shoots through my teeth.

Urgh, damn rich people distracting me with their games!


"Here you go!" One of the maids hands me a cup of coffee and I thank her before placing it down on the table in front of me. Olivia sits directly opposite, her eyes pinned on me as I shuffle uncomfortably under her gaze.

"Thank you for coming." She smiles.

"That's okay." I reply, "Thank you for inviting me."

"I have something to discuss with you Savannah." She continues, sighing slightly.

"Okay?" I reply, my nerves and curiosity battling each other.

"I know I haven't been the best Mother." She starts and I immediately suck in a breath, wondering where this is headed. "But I'm trying to change." She continues. I have no idea what she wants me to say, what she expects me to reply with. I know she's trying, even Brett has admitted that she's around more than she used to be. "Alice will be going to New York to attend an all girls school starting from next month." Olivia announces, "She wants Brett to visit as much as possible." That's understandable, his little sister is the sweetest person I've ever met. "And his Dad wants him more involved in the business."

"Brett is still in college." I point out the obvious, wringing my hands together.

"I know that." Olivia nods, "But he could consider part-time studying." She suggests and I feel my eyes widen. "So he's able to spend more time with his family."

"I..." I trail off, shaking my head. "Why now?" I blurt out, unable to control myself. What is she doing here - asking me my opinion, or telling me?

"I've made a lot of mistakes Savannah." Olivia grimaces, "I don't want to lose my son." She comments, her eyes full of regret.

"It might be too late for that." I can't help the retort that falls from my mouth.

"I just want you to consider the benefits for Brett." She says, "You know he's always wanted a cohesive family." She smiles, "I'm trying to give him that."

"Why don't you attend one of his football games?" I reply, crossing my arms. "That would be a start." I scoff, "He loves football."

"I know he does."

"If he does what you say then he'll have to give up football." I point out.

"Absolutely not." She shakes her head. "I'd make sure he's back here two days a week at least, able to train and play in the games." She assures and I shake my head slightly. How accommodating of her.

I immediately stand up, grabbing hold of my bag. I'm unwilling to sit here any longer and listen to her. She clearly wants me to support her ideas, and convince Brett to commit. Why would I do that when he's happy here, with me, with football, with his friends, with his studies?

He doesn't even know whether he wants to work for his parents, let alone drop everything and move with them.

"Brett needs to make his own decision." I assert, looking down at her.

"I just wanted you to know." Olivia smiles, standing up, "Alice wants to see him more. So do I." She says and I can't help the slight guilt that floods through me at her pleading expression. "I've spent too much time doing wrong. It's time I put my family right."


After shoveling the slice of pizza into my mouth I sit back and swallow, glancing back up at Brett to find him staring at me.

"What?" I ask, "Do I have something on my face?" I grab hold of my napkin and wipe around my face. Way to be attractive Savannah!


"Where is it?" I exclaim, making sure to scrub harshly around the corners of my mouth.

"There's nothing on your face." Brett interrupts.

"Good." I breathe out, sending a glare his way. "Why are you looking at me like that then?"

"I was wondering..." He trails off.

"Yes?" I encourage him to continue, smiling at him as he breathes out, reaching up and running his hand through his hair.

"If you wanted to be my girlfriend." He rushes out and I feel my mouth drop open slightly.

"Your girlfriend?" I repeat.

"Yes." He replies sheepishly, running his hand through his hair. Oh wow! Is he serious? I mean we have basically been together since May, and I know that it's been killing him to wait this long, to make sure that I'm truly ready to commit, to put a label on things.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend!" I grin and feel my heart swell as his face lights up.

"You will?"

"Hell yeah!" I exclaim and he reaches over the table, grabbing hold of my face and pressing his lips to mine.

"Thank God." He breathes out, "I've been waiting for that since I was eighteen." He grins and I giggle.

"Let's get out of here!" I exclaim, my heart racing, the need I have to kiss my boyfriend now inexplicably high.

"Really?" He asks, glancing down at the uneaten pizza.

"We can ask for a takeaway box." I shrug. As if I'm going to leave any food. "Plus, you're driving. I can finish it in the car." I point out.

"Typical." He smirks before grabbing hold of my hand and yanking me up from the chair.


I'd forgotten about the party Polly was having tonight, my mind having been preoccupied with Elena all week. Pulling up to the house I chuckle as I spot the horde of college students whilst Brett rolls his eyes.

"I have work tomorrow." Brett groans as he turns off the engine. I quickly get out of the car, him joining me, a dubious expression on his face.

"Aren't we supposed to be celebrating?" I ask, shooting him an innocent smile.

"Don't try and play that card!" He warns, his eyes scanning my body from head to toe as my cheeks heat up. "My version of celebrating is not for an audience."

"Live a little!" I retort, grinning as I grab hold of his hand and pull him up the path. "Let's celebrate!" I giggle as we enter the heaving house.


Half hour later I stumble across Elena. She's watching the party from the corner of the room, a drink in hand. I make my way to her immediately, and she smiles as she spots me.

"E? You okay?"

"I feel bad." She immediately blurts out, looking down at her cup. "I was so excited that I wasn't pregnant."

"That's not something to feel bad about." I counter and she glances up at me, "You just broke up with Kyle." I continue, "It wasn't your time." I smile, "You don't have to feel ashamed."

"Are you sure?"

"Hell yeah!" I scoff, "You're young." I point out, "Have babies in a few years." I smirk and she rolls her eyes. "Pete keeps glancing over here." I nudge her shoulder and she raises her eyebrows, glancing over at the buff football player across the room.

"He does?"

"I know you want to talk to him." I smirk and a sly smile forms across her face.


"Go for it." I encourage and the smile widens.

"You think?"

"Hell yes. The sexual tension that's bouncing between the two of you is giving me a headache!" I retort and she shoots me a scowl before turning and making her way towards him.

Quickly downing my punch I make my way back through the house to find Brett, deciding that we have socialized enough. I want to spend the rest of my night with my boyfriend, up in the privacy of my room.

Spotting Brett and Kyle laughing together I decide to hang back a little, aware that Brett needs to work things out with his friend. After all, they do live together and I know that their exchanges have been tense over the last week, neither of them ready to apologize. Maybe a small drop of alcohol tonight has loosened their tongues, allowing their stubborn selves to talk it through.

I grab hold of another cup of punch and jump onto the kitchen counter, glancing around and spotting Polly dancing, Louise taking shots, Elena and Pete making out in the corner. Everyone's having fun and I grin, happy with the drama free life that I'm currently experiencing.

Eventually Brett and Kyle part ways, Kyle leaving immediately and Brett turning, grinning as he spots me. Finishing my cup, we meet in the middle and I entwine our hands together before leading the way towards the stairs, up to my bedroom.

As soon as I click the lock on my door Brett's lips are on mine, his hands quickly lifting me up. I wrap my legs around him, pinned against the door as he presses his hardness against me immediately drawing a moan from me as he moves down to my neck, attacking it with ferocious need.

Gently pushing him away, he sets me down, eyes filled with confusion as I give him a sheepish smile.

"I want to..." I trail off, my cheeks reddening.

"What?" He asks, eyebrows furrowed. Slowly I get down onto my knees and grab onto his trousers to unbutton them. His eyes widen as he realizes what I'm about to do. "Are you sure?" He asks, eyes wide. I nod.

"Just tell me if I'm doing it wrong." I reply, nervousness eating away at me as I grab onto his length and guide it towards my mouth.

I hear his large intake of breath as I close around him, swirling my tongue over the tip, a slight salty taste filling my mouth.

"Yes baby!" He mutters and I glance up to see his head thrown back slightly, encouraging me to continue. I would grin if I could, instead deciding to take him further into my mouth, using my hand to grip the base as I move him in and out, attempting to take it as deep as possible.

He reaches down, placing a hand on the back of my head, urging me to go deeper. Praying I don't gag I continue, his hand gripping my hair as his breathing gets faster. Suddenly he hits the back of my throat and I feel my eyes water, unsure of what to do. Pulling back slightly I attempt to use my tongue on the tip, my hand pleasuring the majority of his length in steady, repetitive movements.

"Keep going!" He moans. Slowly picking up the pace, my hand seems to work magic, moving up and down as he throws his head back further, sucking in heavy, ragged breaths. "I'm close baby!" He manages to utter. Continuing my inexperienced, yet apparently pleasant doing along his length, he glances down and I hold his gaze, staring deeply into his eyes as he comes undone in my mouth.

"Wow." He breathes out, pulling me up and wrapping his arm around my waist, "Now it's your turn!"


Little plot twist, Elena isn't pregnant!! Thoughts?

Do we like Brett's mom?

Also... a new relationship status! Are we loving it?

Same as always... if you like me, the story, cake, candy, cocktails, fill in the little star and throw a few comments my way!! 💙


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