Blake and Mac

By Hrichelle

101K 1.8K 56

What happens when Matty and the gang need some outside help to rescue Macgyver back from Murdock? What happe... More



2.1K 39 1
By Hrichelle

Blake stood at her bathroom mirror finishing off her makeup before putting on her dress for her family meal. She looked back into the bedroom and saw Mac looking at his clothes.

"You ok babe?" Blake leant against the doorframe.

"What do I wear?" He huffed picking up a shirt and throwing it down again.

"Ok you sound like me" Blake laughed

"Stop worrying ok, you fight bad guys everyday, you are the smartest guy I know, don't let my family scare you. Just like in the field, I got your back babe" she winked before heading back into the bathroom to put her dress on.

She came out in her dress and saw Mac putting on his navy shirt on to match her dress.

"You look beautiful" he kissed her tenderly on the lips.

"Thanks baby, don't worry ok my family are fine" she pulled his collar straight and kissed him again.

"Let's go" she pulled him out of the room and they both headed downstairs holding hands.

"Princess, everyone is here" her dad greets her from the bottom of the stairs and walks back off into the room.

"Just be yourself" Blake whispered in Macs ear before kissing his cheek.

As they got to the bottom of the stairs she lead him into the room where everyone stood waiting.

"There She is! God you look like your mother every time I see you" Blake's Antie pulled her into a hug first.

"Hey Aunt Sammy, this is Mac. Mac this is my Aunt Sammy, my mums sister" she pulled away looking to Mac.

"Pleasure to meet you" Mac held his hand out but Sammy looked at him strange before pulling him in for a hug.

"Well Mac we hug in this family! Come on I'll introduce you to everyone" she pulled him away as Blake smiled and went to get them drinks.

"I need to warn you" Blake's cousin Amy came up to her.

"What about?" Blake turned to her.

"Liam's here, just came in" she smiled sadly.

"Are you serious? Who invited him?" Blake panicked

"Wait you haven't told Mac?" Amy's eyes went wide.

"No I haven't told him yet, ok I need to go before he sees him and tell him" Blake got the drinks before turning back to the main room.

She scans the room to see Mac standing talking to someone, she moves around the group of family talking to see who he is with. Mac is stood talking to Liam.

"Shit" she manoeuvres her way over to the pair.

"Blake nice to see you again" Liam smiled his winning smile.

"Liam What are you doing here?" She wrapped her arm around Macs waist as he does the same.

"Your dad invited me, we hang out quite a lot still go shooting together" Liam explains

"That's great, yup great" Blake took a drink.

"Liam was just explaining how you two met" Mac gave a tight lipped smile

"Remember when we went on that mission together, that was right before I proposed" Liam laughed

"What? You were engaged to each other?" Mac pulled away.

"Oh shit did i-" Liam's eyes widened.

"I'm going for a walk" Mac left as soon as he could put the door into the dark snow. Blake closed her eyes and went to find her dad.

"Daddy can I talk to you at a minute" she smiled pulling him into another room.

"You enjoying the party?"

"Did you invite Liam?" She folded her arms.

"I did, I thought you'd have told Angus by now that you were engaged" he looked at her

"His name is Mac! Daddy I love you so much but I know what you're doing, me and Liam are never going to happen. I know he's like your idea son in law some GI joe guy but I don't love him" Blake told him as she grabbed hers and Macs coat and headed outside.

She saw Mac standing watching some of the highland cattle in on of the fields.

"Hey, it's cold out here" she passed him his coat and stood next to him.


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry, all this time together, he's not even in the same state and I was so caught up with me and you i just- I'm sorry" Blake watched for his reaction.

"Why is he here?" Mac finally faced her as a tear rolled down her face.

"Liam is a military man, has been all his life. My dad always loved him, he was the first guy he liked and because of that I thought he was the most amazing guy in the world. Turns out I wasn't in love with him I loved the idea of my dad approving of him. We split and it's weird but my dad spends time with him. I'm sorry" Blake rambled on.

"It's ok, I mean we all have a past, it's just he seems so perfect and so masculine I just-"

"You were jealous?" Blake asked him

"A little"

"Me and Liam happened along time ago we were so young and stupid. He isn't the guy that I love, I am in love with you Angus Macgyver and I plan to be for the rest of my life" she pulled him closer so they are face to face.

"I love you too" their lips finally met in a long passionate kiss.

"Can we go back inside now it's frickin cold out here" they both laughed.

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