With Every Step Forward (Negl...

By Dracopyre321

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Y/N Rose is the middle child of the Xiao Long/Rose family, being Ruby's older twin brother. Life was great... More

Y/N Bio
Prologue Part 1/2: A Little Rose
Harem Update
Prologue 2/2: A New Home
Harem Update 2
Chapter 1: A New Rose
Chapter 2: Awakening
Chapter 3: Revealing the Truth
Chapter 4: Classes and Training
Chapter 5: Jaune Grows and Faunus Trouble
Chapter 6: Fight With the Fang
Volume 2
Chapter 7: Best Day Ever!
Chatper 8: Greeting an Army
Chapter 9: Awakening Pt. II
Chapter 10: Sharing the News
Chapter 11: Taking Inventory
Chapter 12: The Dance
Chapter 13: Field Trip
Chapter 14: The Reason Why
Chapter 15: The Real Reason
Chapter 16: The Long Ride
Chapter 17: Breaking Point
Y/N Bio Updated
Volume 3
Chapter 18: The First Round
Chapter 19: Gathering Info
Chapter 20: A Brawl Between Families
Chapter 21: Reunion
Chapter 22: Tastes Like Victory
Chapter 23: Giving a Choice
Chapter 24: Consequences and Conviction
Chapter 25: The Battle Between Kings
Chapter 26: Fear
Chapter 27: Battle of Beacon
Chapter 28: Unexpected Surprises, the Good and the Bad
Chapter 29: Chaos of the End
Chapter 30: Aftermath
Volume 4
Chapter 31: The Next Step Forward
Chapter 32: The Days Pass
Chapter 34: Running
Chapter 35: Looking Forward
Chapter 36: Welcome Home
Chapter 37: Closing In
Chapter 38: Punishment and Consequence
Chapter 39: A Much Needed Talk
Chapter 40: Uncertainty
Chapter 41: A Hard Pill To Swallow
Chapter 42: Desolation
Chapter 43: Trials
Chapter 44: Arrival
Volume 5
Chapter 45: Welcome to Haven
Chapter 46: Dread Everywhere
Chapter 47: New Information
Chapter 48: What We Seek
Chapter 49: Unforeseen Truths
Chapter 50: Welcome Back
Chapter 50.5: The Twin Roses (Ruby Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 51: Decisions to Make
Chapter 51.5: A Night Out (Filler)
Chapter 52: I Burn For You (Yang Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 52.5: A Good Omen (Raven Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 52.75: A Mother's Love (Summer Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 53: Alone Together
Chapter 54: The Perfect Storm
Chapter 55: A Person's True Colors
Chapter 56: It Begins
Chapter 57: Confusion and Surprise
Chapter 58: Epiphany
Chapter 59: Together
Chapter 59.5: The Most Enjoyable Ice Cream (Neo Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60: A Much Needed Explanation
Chapter 60.25: Mischievous Cats (Blake Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60.5: Thunder and Lightning (Nora Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60.75: Deflowering the Princess (Weiss Lemon, 18+)
Volume 6: Annoucement And Recap
Chapter 61: Planning Our Next Step
Chapter 61.5: Blooming Roses (Ruby/Summer Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 62: Return to Vale (+62.5: Required Extra Credit (Glynda Lemon, 18+))
Chapter 63: The Forbidden Tower
Chapter 64: Argus Ahead
Chapter 65: Relighting the Beacon
Chapter 66: Lost
Chapter 67: Truth
Chapter 68: Heightened Emotions
Chapter 69: Noice
Chapter 69.5: Overprotective (Saphron/Terra Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 70: Protection

Chapter 33: Fixing a Mistake

7.6K 152 127
By Dracopyre321


Svartur:  "Partner, you okay?"

He notices you breathing heavily.  You just arrived at some docks in the western part of Vale.  It's about noon and been about two days since you left Qrow and Neo.

Y/N:  "Yeah, I'm just tired from the trip."

Ddraig:  "We're almost there.  Take a rest and walk the rest of the way.  I feel like you'll need all of your strength for what's to come."

You find a tree to rest under, making sure to cover up your dragon limbs as to not scare anyone.

Svartur:  "Since I wasn't here at the time, what are we dealing with?"

Ddraig:  "Svartur, you'll learn soon enough."

Y/N:  "I can hear you guys you know.  Don't worry Svartur, we'll be fine.  It's just one of those things, you know?"

You sit there for about an hour.  You wave at some people passing by.

Y/N:  "Ah, this feels nice.  The breeze going through my hair, the smell of the ocean, the peace among the people.  You'd almost think the world wasn't going to hell in a place like this."

???:  "It certainly is nice."

You look up and a girl, maybe around your age, with beautiful red hair and sparkling blue eyes.

Red-Haired Girl:  "Mind if I sit down?"

Y/N:  "No, go ahead."

The two of you sit there, taking in the sun.  After a few minutes, she speaks up.

Red-Haired Girl:  "It's days like today that make you forget all of your cares in the world."

Y/N:  "I'd like to do that, but I have something on my mind right now."

Red-Haired Girl:  "Well, whatever it is, I'm sure you can let it go for a few minutes at least."

You start talking to each other like you're a couple of old friends.  You tell her about your travels and defeating Grimm and she talks about visiting her family in Vale.

Red-Haired Girl:  "Oh my, that's certainly impressive.  So why are you here?"

The smile on your face fades.

Y/N:  "I need to face my past."

Red-Haired Girl:  "...I see.  I know if anyone can do it, you can.  You're strong."  She hears her friend calling over to her.  "I'm sorry, I have to go.  See you later Y/N."

Y/N:  "It was nice talking to you."

She gets up and goes over to her friend, who seems to be an equally beautiful girl with long black hair and violet eyes.

Y/N:  "Wait... did I ever tell her my name?  Oh well, probably recognized me from the tournament.  I have bigger things to worry about."

You get up and start heading towards the docks to find a ship.

Red-Haired Girl's POV

Black-Haired Girl:  "So?  What was he like?"

Red-Haired Girl:  "He was very down to Remnant for someone as strong as he is.  I'm surprised."

A man with silver comes over to the both of them.

Man:  "You two did very well."

Red-Haired Girl:  "Then let us go!"

Man:  "I'm sorry girly, but I'm afraid I can't do that.  I'm under very strict orders from my boss to keep you safe.  Don't want the kitty cat to get out of his cage."


You had finally found a ship to take you where you needed to go.  It wasn't that far, but it still took about an hour and a half with all of the boarding and docking procedures.

Y/N:  "I'm back."

Ddraig:  "Y/N, careful.  This island is populated with Grimm.  There's not many, but be on your guard."

You start walking.  After a while and after killing some Beowolves, you reach your destination, a house.  You go inside.  It's dark, smells, and you can hear a faint noise.  You go into the living and see a television on with a man asleep in front of it.  You could tell he had been drinking by the smell.

Y/N:  "What a disgrace."

You pick him up and throw him outside.  He starts to wake up.

Y/N:  "You awake now, Dad?"  You say the last word with venom in your voice.

Tai:  "What the... Hey!  I was watching that!  Who are you?  What do you want?"

You punch him in the stomach.  He reels back.

Y/N:  "Ring a bell?"

Tai:  "What the hell was that?"  He says reeling over.  You lift his head up so he takes a good look at your face.  "Wait... Y/N!?"

Y/N: "That's right. Your punching bag has returned."

Tai: "I should've known you weren't dead. You always were pretty resilient."

Y/N: "Yeah, you always saw to it that whatever you inflicted on me could be hidden. Well not anymore." You uncover your arm and leg. "This is proof that I've become strong, strong enough to beat you."

Tai: "Hehe, oh Y/N, no matter how strong you think you are, you will never-". He's interrupted by you putting Svartur to his throat.

Y/N: "Why? Why do you hate me!?" Your hands start trembling. "I was only 6 years old! Tell me why!"

Tai: "You want to know why? I guess I really have no choice here." He says with a grin on his face. "When you were born, I could tell you weren't normal. I don't think your mom picked up on it, but I did. I felt power within you and I thought I could make you into my weapon. So much raw potential, but when I saw that you couldn't be my puppet, I was so frustrated that all of that effort was wasted on you!"

He goes to punch you in the face. The blow connects, but you aren't phased.

Tai: "I see now that me doing that to you actually helped! I succeeded in creating the perfect weapon! Hahahaha!"

You push Svartur against his throat and it starts bleeding.

Y/N: "NO YOU DIDN'T! What I am is a result of my own hard work and determination! I have people who care about me and they are my resolve! It has nothing to do with you!"

You take Svartur away and roundhouse kick him, sending him into a nearby tree. He starts coughing up blood.

Tai: "*cough* See? You're this much of a monster to me. A freak. No one could possibly love you. Not Ruby, not Yang, not even your own mother. They hate you. They're MY girls.  Soon enough, they'll see what I saw and they'll come crawling back to me, just like I always wanted them to."

Y/N: "That's enough!"

You unconsciously take in Svartur's power due to your emotions. Tai notices the powerful Grimm aura coming off of you and begins to tremble in fear.

Tai: "What the... you're not human! What in the hell are you!?"

Y/N: "I am your nightmare Taiyang Xiao Long! You will die by my hand!"

You run up to him, take his face in your hand, and slam it against the tree.  He punches you in the balls.  You kneel in pain.

Tai:  "Ha!  I always knew you'd bow to me Y/N!  And it's not like you were going to use those very much to begin with!"

Y/N:  "Shut up!"

You tackle him to the ground.  He tries to pull you off of him, but to no avail.  You sit on top of him, punching him in the face over and over and over again.  You put your knee on his chest and press down, making it hard for him to breathe.  Eventually, he stops moving.

Y/N:  "...Is it over?"

You get off of your father.  You turn around, but soon feel a knife in your side.

Y/N:  "Bitch!"

You spin around and kick Tai up into the air.  You unleash a series of kick to his chest and finish your combo by roundhouse kicking him through the doorway of the house.  He tries to crawl away from you, but you grab his leg and throw him up the stairs.  As you let to, you cut his leg off.  He gets up as you walk up them and starts limping.  He shuts a door behind him and you can hear him starting to barricade it.  You summon the Boosted Gear.

Ddraig:  "BOOST!"

You punch through the door, knocking down the bookshelf he tried to barricade with.  It's now on top of him with you walking on it.

Y/N:  "You may be my father, but you certainly aren't my dad.  My dad is a kind man.  He cares for me, raised me without expecting anything in return, and is a much better man than you will ever be."

You shove Svartur through the bookcase, stabbing him in the arm.  You twist the blade and as he cries out in pain, you feel a smile come on your face.  Something inside you snaps.

Y/N:  "Scream for me!  It's music to my ears!"

You shove the blade in deeper, but then take it out.  You lift the bookcase off of him and as he's holding his shredded arm, you step on him with your dragon leg.  You apply pressure and...


You can both hear and feel Tai's ribs breaking under your foot.

Y/N:  "More, entertain me more!"

Svartur:  "Y/N!  That's enough!  This isn't you talking!"

Y/N:  "Whats wrong Svartur?  Can't handle my fun?"

Svartur:  "Your own emotions have mixed in with the emotions taken from me!  In short, you're losing your mind!"

Y/N:  "Oh come now, this bastard deserves everything he's getting."

Ddraig:  "Y/N!  Get a hold of yourself!"

You can feel your body stiffen.  You start to black out.

Y/N's mind

Y/N:  "Whats the meaning of this!?"

You see both of your dragons in front of you.

Ddraig:  "We're here to show you something."

You see images of your own memories flash before your eyes.  You see your girls, all talking and laughing around you.

Svartur:  "This is the past."

You see what you were doing just a few moments ago, making Tai scream and bleed in pain.

Svartur:  "This is the present."

The image changes to a scene.  It's you, hunched over, on all fours, and covered in black, with everyone you love scattered around you, dead.

Svartur:  "This is your future."

Y/N:  "No... no, I don't want this..."

Ddraig:  "This is the future if you keep doing what you're doing.  It's one thing to defeat someone, even kill them, but to take pleasure in their constant torment is another.  You mustn't go down this path Y/N.  You mustn't let the evil and hatred inside your heart win."

You see a reflection of yourself.  Half of your face has changed into that of a Grimm.

Y/N:  "No... no.  I won't.  I can't.  I'm still human damn it!"

You awake.  You're still standing over Tai.  He's writhing in agony and fear.  While you were blacked out, it seems you inflicted multiple gashes onto his body.  Your sword is directly above his heart.

Y/N:  "This can't be... I did this?"

You think for a moment before picking him up and throwing him on his bed.

Y/N:  "No.  I've had enough.  Goodbye... Dad."

You exit the room and start to walk down the hall.  Before you get to the stairs, you look to your left and see your old room.  It doesn't seem as dirty as you thought it would be.  It looks like Summer had kept it clean for you to come home to.

Y/N:  "Wow.  I've gotta thank her if I get home."

You go down the stairs and exit the house.  You start walking down the path towards the docks.

Ddraig:  "Kid?  You alright?"

Svartur:  "You nearly lost yourself back there."

Y/N:  "Yeah, I'll be alright.  Besides guys, we have somewhere to be.  We can't waste time hanging around here."

3rd Person POV

Tai's laying in his bed, his entire body filled with pain.

Tai:  "That little bastard... the next time I see him, I'll..."

He sees an Ursa comes in through the broken door.

Tai:  "Heh, looks like this is the end for me."

Suddenly, the Ursa disappears and he sees a young man with a golden axe with a silver blade.

???:  "You'll do what, Mr. Xiao Long?"

To be continued
And there we have it!  I know some of you will be upset that we let Tai live, but I have plans for him.  Let's just hope he doesn't look the gift horse in the mouth.

Hopefully, some of you got who was talking to us at the docks.  Don't worry, I have it all planned out.

And also, who is this person at the end?

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