She was ok for a Potter

By Blooberylemonade69

196K 5.7K 2.3K

(Y/n) Potter is the better half of the Potter twin set. Her and her brother are always in constant friendly r... More

First, the first chapter
The importance of purple giraffe
Why hello there muggle
Journey to Hogwarts
Slytherin drag queen
First class
The unatended midnight duel
Nimbus 2000
4th year
Well... this is fun
Well okay then
Bulgarian exploits
Those good old days
Wolf in human clothing
Oh dear!
Dragon test
Final trial
Snake in the waters
In the dark
The letter
Boys are back in town
Awkward encounter
Happy fun days!
Its Not So Bad
Day 2 Of Hell
The DA
The artical
Just Dance!
Owl-t of place!
That night
Back to the DA
Wannabe Drarry
Oh shi-
You Ok?
6th year in a flash!
We dont talk about fight club
Walk or die
What a story
Wedding shinanigans
Intended Chaos
Say something...
Imma keep going
Infomortial breakdown!
Lol jokes
Too late!
Tee hee! 69!
First, the first chapter (take 2)
The giraffe never existed 🫒
Wheres the muggle?
There is no muggle!

The Yule Ball Disaster

2.8K 75 38
By Blooberylemonade69

It was the day before the Yule Ball, Charlie had decided to give Y/n her Christmas present early (a sword with a handle made out of the deer's antlers).Y/n and Dick decided to make a friend pact that if neither of them had dates when the Yule Ball came, then they would go together. Kind of like one of those pacts you make with a friend where you tell each other that if your both not married by the time your 40, you both get married to each other. Well, the time had come upon the two where they would decree that they would go together, that is until Draco came just a little too late.
"Hey um Y/n." He started as Dic and Y/n were mid bff handshake
"You wanna go to the ball with me? I know it's last minute but..."
"Oof! Sorry man! Dick and I literally just agreed to go together. If you had asked earlier, I would've totally said yes." Y/n said reluctantly, not wanting to hurt her best friend's feelings.

"That's fine, didn't need a ball to swoon you anyway Potter." He retorted before he walked away to the common room.
"Well ok then." Y/n said to no one in particular.
*************************************Yule ball cuz nothing exiting happens
Y/n came out of the common room in a white laced short dress with a mint green skirt and a pair of mint green pointe ballet shoes to match.

A/n: do what you want with the rest, clothes aren't important
"Sup dude?" Y/n said as she greeted Dick at the main hall entrance. Dick had taken the liberty to match Y/n's colour choice and was wearing a mint green tuxedo with a bow tie and top hat. He had decided that he suited top hats, and he did, surprisingly well. He greeted Y/n with their classic hand shake and then offered her his arm which she took as they walked into the great hall together. A slow song was playing and the champions were dancing with their dates in the middle of the room. Y/n took this opportunity to wolf whistle at her brother.
"Wooh! Go Harry!" She laughed as Harry's cheeks went red and he accidentally stepped on his dates foot from lack of practice. Y/n nudged Dick and nodded her head towards the stage. Dick got the message.

The two rallied their troops, consisting of Bella, Jake, Emmet, Logan, a new friend called Cooper and sone other kid they didn't really know. Y/n snapped her fingers and changed them all into Hogwarts uniforms Bella, Jake, Logan and Emmet in Gryffindor, Dick in Hufflepuff, that one kid they didn't know Ravenclaw and herself into boys Slytherin. Y/n got on the stage to introduce them.

"Heyo! How's everybody doing? So basically, me and my band have been asked to do a few songs for you guys, but we have taken the liberty to go that one step further and give you a show. That show is of our four years at Hogwarts. There will be some familiar faces, so please enjoy.... A very Potter musical!"(again, don't own this wonderful franchise) Jake played Harry really well, people laughed once they realised who he was portraying, but they laughed louder when Emmet came on doing an immaculate impression of his cousin Ron. The laughter continued as Bella came on as Hermione, less so with that random kid as Cho Chang, but there was uproarious laughter when Dick came out of nowhere pretending to be Cedric. Yet somehow, the laughter grew louder when Y/n came on as Draco. She had used her magic to change her hair to that iconic bleached hair and she could see Draco's face redden as she came strutting on stage. Everyone in the room laughed when Cooper came on with a fake beard and purple robes pretending to be Dumbledore and once the performance was over, the group had the loudest round of applause and cheers they had ever received. Y/n snapped her fingers and changed them into the clothes they were wearing before.

They did a few of their own songs until Charlie stepped in and did a couple of Panic!at the disco songs.
"Hey Y/n." Dick said as he caught Y/n's attention "put me in a dress. I'll be a laugh. I can finally be the bomb ass Queen I've always wanted to be!"
"Sure man whatever." Y/n waved her wrist absent minded and Dick was suddenly in a fluorescent pink tutu and pointe shoes. He clapped and giggled like a small girl and skipped and twirled away.

Someone caught Y/n eye from across the hall. Someone happily familiar. A woman with a tied up blonde dancer's bun and a long flowing purple dress. It was none other than Y/n's old dance teacher! The woman who taught her everything she knew and was the mother figure she needed when no one else volunteered. Y/n walked over to Harry and nudged him, pointing int the direction of their teacher.
"Chloe!" Harry called as he scrambled to his feet and ran to give the woman a hug.
"Hey kid!" Chloe said in a prominent Texan accent. Y/n joined in on the hug and they just enjoyed the embrace for a few moments.

"What are you doing here Chloe?" Harry asked
"Glad you asked! Came here for two reasons, first being to watch you in the tournament," She said as she ruffled Harry's hair "and Dumbledore asked me to keep an eye on you too. Says you might be in danger of going to the wrong side." She rubbed Y/n's arm
"But I already have Charlie." Y/n said, confused about the situation
"Well yes, but as you know Charlie's brother is you-know-who. Dumbledore is just worried that you look up to him too much and would follow him no matter what. He doesn't want him to accidentally lead you down the darker path." She gave Y/n a side hug "he knew I used to teach the two of you and thought you both needed someone easy to turn to." Y/n thought for a moment
"Since when were you a witch?" She asked after long consideration

"I always have been. Used to come to school here too." Y/n looked shocked for a moment
"But your from Texas!"
"My parents didn't much like the idea of Ivelmorny so decided to send me here instead." It was at that moment that Charlie stopped playing and just put on a playlist of 100 top hits. He was trying to make his way over to the small group.

"Charlie? God you haven't seemed to change a bit." Chloe said as she looked Charlie up and down. Charlie was just at a loss for words.
"Do the two of you have some sort of history or something?" Harry asked. Charlie didn't speak for a few seconds but then said in a surprised voice
"Yeah... she used to be my school crush..." his face flushed deep red "ended up being my girlfriend by the end of it... then I made the stupid decision to move to New York." He rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed. Chloe leaned in and kissed him on the cheek making his whole face go redder and causing him to do a classic cartoon faint. Charlie lay on the floor unconscious.
"He never could believe that I said yes."
"Yes to what?" The twins asked at the same time. Chloe just showed them her left hand which had a small green gel in the middle.
"You two go have fun, I'll deal with Charlie." Chloe laughed.

Y/n found Dick over by a table of Beauxbatons girls, still proudly wearing his tutu, holding a bottle of butterbeer. A Drumsrang boy then came up to the table, clearly looking for a fight.
"What you think your doing small boy?" He asked in his thick burly accent
"Trying to pick up some ladies man so lay off and use your skills elsewhere cuz these girls are all over me." The girls at the table giggled and whispered among themselves about how funny Dick was.
"With that outfit? You must be joking."
"Nope! If you've got the charm, body and daring flare, girls practically throw themselves at you. And girls love guys who don't care what others think, like I clearly do." The Durmstrang boy's face began to turn an angry shade of red. He then gave Dick a hard shove, sending him down to the floor, clutching his now bleeding eyepatch. His butterbeer bottle had smashed and a shard of glass had dug itself deep into Dick's eye, letting blood pour everywhere.

"Who do you think you are jackass?!" Y/n yelled as she squared herself up to the boy.
"Do you think your able to pick a fight with me? Look at yourself." Y/n looked down at what she was wearing then snapped her fingers to change her into her everyday clothes, her new sword in its scabbard by her side.

"Square up bro. Pick on someone your own size." Y/n stood on tiptoe so that she could be close to the boy's eye level
"I really don't think it's likely that a girl would win in a fight against me." The girls on the table behind them gasped at the comment. Y/n had lost her tether at this point and she swung a surprisingly powerful punch to the boy's face.

Y/n froze as she saw the boy's reaction like a deer in headlights. He snarled and made a swipe at Y/n which she dodged as she ran away from him. The boy chased her all around the hall, out into the cold corridors and into the courtyard. A small group of students including the golden trio and Draco followed them into the courtyard and gathered around, sensing a fight.

"Well? Come on then small girl." The boy said as he threateningly pulled out his wand
"I don't fight with those." Y/n flicked her wrist and another, standard sword appeared in the boy's hand.
"You real Arstotzka boy? Fight like real man!" Y/n said in her best Bulgarian accent
"Bulgarian!" The boy yelled as he threw himself towards Y/n with his sword swinging madly around his head. Y/n managed to block it with her own sword and pushed on her blade with her foot to get the boy off her. There was then the clatter of iron against iron as the two fought. The boy then struck Y/n in the side, causing blood to start trickling out. Y/n clutched her side with her free hand and winced, but carried on fighting anyway. She then managed to expertly unarm him with her sword and sent his flying over the courtyard wall. She turned around and bowed to the students applauding her victory.

Little did she know, the Bulgarian boy had drawn his wand and cast once of the unforgivable curses, avada kedavra. Y/n put her hands around her head and  somehow her magic managed to drain the curse out of existence.
"Ok... clearly Bulgarian boy don't play fair... ok... let's play dirty then." Y/n said as she slowly turned around, her body smoking after her encounter with the dark curse. She then ran at the boy and they started to throw punch after punch. Y/n had managed to completely mess up the boy and had gotten him cowering on the floor. She then proceeded to kick him hard in the gut.

She suddenly felt her feet come off the ground as Harry and Ron had stepped in to drag her away from the bruised and bleeding boy on the floor. Y/n's chest was heaving, she had cuts and bruises all over her face and the boy had managed to break her left ankle and she couldn't walk on it. Once she realised all this, she meant on Ron who was on her right. He grabbed her around the wrist to give her better support.

Charlie and Chloe came running out onto the scene. Charlie grabbed Y/n round the shoulders and Chloe was seeing to the damage Y/n had done to the Bulgarian boy. Charlie let go of Y/n once he saw that she was as close to ok as she could be. He got out his wand and Y/n started to float as Charlie brought her into the Hospital wing. Chloe did the same to the Bulgarian boy an they laid the two on two separate beds at either end of the wing as far away from each other as possible.

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