It's a Long Story

By aestheticaries

14.1K 442 293

13 ordinary high school students, complete strangers to one another, end up tying a undying bond together aft... More

Chapter Two - A nightmare
Chapter Three - It Doesn't Really Matter
Chapter Four - Aquarius
Chapter Five - I Trust You
Chapter Six - I'm A Cancer
Chapter Seven - I Killed Her
Chapter Eight - I Don't Care
Chapter Nine - No Comment
Chapter Ten - Do You Believe Me Now?
Chapter Eleven - Another New Student
Chapter Twelve - Locked
Chapter Thirteen - Aries
Chapter Fourteen - A Team
Chapter Fifteen - Powerful
Chapter Sixteen - Aquarius&Capricorn
Chapter Seventeen - Sagittarius&Scorpio
Chapter Eighteen - Libra&Virgo
Chapter Nineteen - Leo&Cancer
Chapter Twenty - Gemini&Taurus
Chapter Twenty-One - Blair
Chapter Twenty-Two - No Problem
Chapter Twenty-Three - Begin
Chapter Twenty-Four - Goodnight
Chapter Twenty-Five - I'm Sorry
Chapter Twenty-Six - Rihanna
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Now
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Psychotic
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Let's Play
Chapter Thirty - Each Other
Chapter Thirty-One - Oh My God
Chapter Thirty-Two - A Word
Chapter Thirty-Three - True Aries
Chapter Thirty-Four - It's A Long Story
One Year Anniversary

Chapter One - Detention

4K 38 37
By aestheticaries

Muscles relaxed as I stretched out horizontally onto my bed. My elbows proped upwards and my hands extended out towards me, loosely holding my phone, scrolling through the latest feeds and fakest news possible. 

I yawned quietly, turning my attention away from the phone to the four-month old feline sleeping beside me. Her noir scruffy fur brushing against my skirt as she inhaled and exhaled quietly and in a silent rhythm. Her emerald glazed eyes relaxed shut as her arms stretched out to north and her back legs stretched south. 

I tucked some of my shoulder-length curly blonde locks behind my ear as I switched my position, glaring onto the ceiling. I sighed, my eyes gradually turning half-lidded and I began to drift off into one relaxing sleep.

"You've got detention!?" I heard my mother scream as I heard her march boldly and infuriatingly towards my room. 

I opened my eyes slowly, "Oh god..." I murmured under my breath as she burst into my room, a light gust of wind shot into my face as she entered. 

An overdramatic intense scowl printed onto her face, matching her infuriated state. Her messy ombre hair wrapped loosely into a messy bun, dark straight jeans that were too oversized compared to her natural waist and a navy blue t-shirt that securely covered her shoulders. 

The pet feline shot up and arched her back as she stretched, her green eyes half-lidded as she regained her consciousness of reality and her ears perked up. 

My mother shoved her phone screen into my face, revealing the text my mother had recieved from the academy. I analysed the message as quickly as I could before my mother removed her oversized phone screen from my face. 

"So, what did you get it for?!" she bellowed. She slid her phone onto the marbel desk, her eyes narrowed as her arms folded up tightly. 

I groaned, dragging my face up off my comfortable bed and sat onto the edge, my feet lightly scraping across the beige carpet, I finally felt the courage to look up to my mother, "I..." I found myself stuttering on my words. 

Knowing that my mother was furious at me, terrified me. She's conniving, sinister and the devil in sheep's clothing as the saying goes. 

"I skipped class..." I admitted, twiddling my thumbs, entwining them with one another. 

I heard my mothers heavy breathing, and cursed myself for telling the truth. Everything remained silent and the atmosphere felt heavy on my shoulders.

I heard a sigh of disappointment and I shut my eyes. 

"Do the crime, you do the time." she said, rather calmly to be surprised, she stormed off and slammed the door behind her. I flinched slightly and awaited for the atmosphere to die down. 

I turned towards the feline and petted her on the cheek, "Well Mav, I got to get ready for my detention." I said, sighing heavily as I stuffed my phone into my pocket and swung my blazer over my shoulders.

I framed my head  to look down, completely avoiding eye contact with my disappointed mother, as she laid sprawled out across the couch, flicking through whatever channels were currently on show. 

I twirled my keys around my index finger before sliding it back into my blazer pocket, I sighed, before opening in the door and closing it.

The gentle wind of the June breeze immediately hit me as I walked out. England was never blessed with complete sun, everything was trailed by either wind or just pouring rain. 

Groaning, I opened the wooden gate before exiting the garden, it didn't take me long to arrive back at the school. 

I looked down at my phone one final time before turning it off so nobody could reach me during my time of detention. 

From 4pm-6pm I was trapped in this school I had already spent 6 hours at, not ideal but my mother's words go famous: 'Do the crime you do the time.'

That's what they all say. 

As I travelled past the receptionist, I heard her gave a disrespectful tut as she scanned through her papers. I frowned at the gesture as I approached her desk, "Do you know where they're holding detention?" I questioned tilting my head to a side. 

She nodded, she tilted her head to the left, "It's over there, you're the 13th delinquent in here." she hissed, I rolled my eyes softly as I walked my way to the closest room where the fellow students were located. 

As I closed the door, twelve eyes gazed upon me. I gulped nervously, clutching onto my bag tightly, dreading being here by the second. 

"Ah, you must be Blair, correct?" the teacher asked me. He was around middle aged and wearing the sports outfit that was needed for policy reasons. This obviously hinted he was a sports teacher. 

I nodded my head, clutching onto my bag even tightly, my short nails digging into the leather of my bag strap. 

"Please, take that seat over there." he said, pointing towards a seat in the back corner that was next to some mystery guy I've never seen before. 

He had light brunette hair and intense dark eyes, he dressed in a white shirt and his tattoo on his right arm was visible, he wore dark blue jeans with a black belt. 

I sat nervously beside him, the height difference was obviously noticeable and he kind of scared me a little. I scooted my chair closer to the edge of the desk because he seemed like the type to have a large amount of space. 

Sighing, I grabbed my notebook out as well as a pencil. I most likely wasn't going to do any work that involved writing since I found myself wanting to draw a lot more recently, so I would always bring out a pencil so it was easily removable. 

"Alright," the teacher called out, which caught the thirteen of us attention, he traced his steps around the room, staring at one of us as he passed, "You're all in here for a reason, but to be quite frank, I don't care what that reason is." he stated out loud. 

"Wow, okay then." Bronwyn muttered as she adjusted to her seat and pushed up her glasses. Her brunette hair fell partly in front of her face, just covering one eye. 

"All I would like you to do, is write an essay about what you did and why you think it was wrong." he explained, writing the exact words he said down onto the chalk board. 

Shannon whined as she sank further into her seat, she quickly slid back up so she sat up normally then quickly switched her position so that she was sitting on her feet. 

"I'll come back at 6pm to check your progress before you leave, my office is next door so if you need anything you can come and get me." he said before marching his way out, closing the door behind him.

I sighed, pushing my paper back away from me, and rested my chin up against my knuckles. 

"Hey Levi! Catch!" I heard Mason call out. 

Mason was the most popular guy in the school. He most likely ticked every girls and even guy's boxes for the ideal date. He was strong, confident, sporty, the captain of the basket ball team, had an award-winning smile. Any girl would fall for him within a heart beat. 

The ball he chucked over travelled to the back of the class near me and the guy who was beside me caught it. Putting two and two together, it's safe to say the guy beside me is called Levi. The aura created around this guy shows that he's rather tough and won't let anyone say anything about him. 

He had grabbed the basket ball that Mason had threw to him with both of his hands, he then turned around, leaning on his chair and chucked the basket ball out of the window. The hissing of the basket ball was on a low volume, yet to even hear it from upon the third floor, shows that Levi definitely threw it with some force.

Mason chuckled, "Still cold as anything, look you should try and get involved in something, you know?" Mason suggesting, with a cheesy grin on his face revealing all of his teeth. 

Yet Levi remained monotone, "No thanks." was all he said before bringing his head back down to the paper.

I heard a girl chuckle, "The bickering between you and Levi is too funny." she said, giving the flirty eyes towards Mason. It was plainly obvious who it was.

Her name is Vivien. Every high school has to have it's Queen Bee, and Vivien was ours. Very little girls liked her but the guys were all for her, she was rich and was pretty intelligent considering, she had already been offered a scholarship for college since she's a gymnast, and may I add an excellent gymnast. She has long thick blonde hair that wasn't curled naturally like mine, she has bright blue eyes and plump lips. 

Mason only smiled at her response. It was obvious, even to Mason, that Vivien had eyes for him. Yet all Vivien's flirty remarks and efforts has gotten her no where, she's still stuck in phase one, and always has been for the past five years. 

Shannon rolled her eyes before tearing her piece of lined paper into tiny pieces and dumping it into Vivien's hair. Shannon chuckled as Vivien grew a horrified expression. "Grow up!" Vivien hissed as she picked some of the small pieces of paper out of her hair. 

Shannon brought all of her dark brown straightened locks to once side of her hair as her chocolate brown eyes began to focus on carving her own initials onto the table.

Stuck on the end of the row was Eleanor. She had short blonde hair and brown eyes, she has extreme anger issues so it was safe to not get onto her bad side or she would get rather fierce. Aside her anger issues, she was a decent and average person to be around. She looked up to the conflict between Shannon and Vivien but placed her head back down onto her work, deciding to not get involved within the drama. 

Travelling back onto the second row was two sets of twins. Both male and female and went by the names River and Rhianna. River was younger by an hour, he's rather lanky, quiet and reserved. He was dark brown hair and glazing amber eyes. He's extremely intelligent and also kind to anyone, no matter the person, he has the manners and a thick Liverpool accent. 

Next was his outgoing older sister Rhianna. Rhianna was rather short, the smallest out of the 13 of us, standing at 5'2. She has long straight dark brown hair like River but her eyes lean more towards an orange type of colour to represent her strong personality. She's bold and confident and is also the head cheerleader. Aside from me, she's probably the only girl I know who doesn't have eyes for Mason: yet she is no doubt Mason's type. 

Beside Rhianna was Jake. Jake was an average size for a male teenager with light brown curly hair and bright blue ocean eyes. He was rather an outsider, he was quiet and kept to himself. He didn't have any friends and he always seemed to vanish during lunch. When someone tried to approach him and try and talk to him, he never gave a reply back. However, he was perfectly capable of talking, he would always talk to the teachers, he just didn't talk to students which is rather odd. He seems perfectly normal. 

Then right on the corner of the row was Bronwyn. Bronwyn was an intelligent girl, she was kind of the nerd, but she's nice to talk to. She has dark brown hair that is loosely curled, bright blue eyes and glowing pale skin. She has bold, jet black glasses, hugely oversized, and no matter what she always wore denim, no matter the occasion. She was an average girl like the most of the students but has always had a kind heart. 

Now, coming back to the further back row, was Cody on the furthest away from me. He was a tough guy and was known as Mason's second-hand-man. He was Mason's best friend but he was also second choice which infuriated Cody. Cody had short blonde buzzcut hair and a nose piercing, he had a fierce jawline and dull hazel eyes. Always wearing leather jackets and grey shirts, he was the type of guy in stereotypical love movies who would always break the female protagonists heart. And that's what made him so dangerous. 

With an empty seat beside him, the other chair was taken by a girl named Scarlett. Scarlett was a overly confident redhead who also stands as Class President. She's confident in her abilities and always thinks she's the best at everything. Ghostly pale skin with visible freckles, her bold red hair was long and straight and she never believes she's doing anything wrong. 

Following after her was a guy called Bailey. He was lanky and wore thin glasses that shielded his bright blue hues. He had pale skin and sun-kissed blonde hair, as much as his appearance deceived another's eye, he was actually quite the trouble maker around the academy. 

Thus, this concludes the thirteen misfits that had been huddled up into this spacious room. 

I glanced around me, peering over my left shoulder, the lack of double glazed windows scattered around the room concerned me, with hardwood flooring and cream coloured walls, the smell of fresh new paint lingering through the air. A huge mirror visible in front of us all, spread out till it reached to the door and to the door of the male bathroom. The female bathroom was to the left and the ale bathroom was to the further right. A birch wood door with a rectangular mirror reflecting through so anyone could peak through. On my right was a TV, wired to a sound player. The TV was muted and had subtitles playing as it played the news that would be recently occurring into the world. 

It didn't take long to become quickly bored, I stretched out my limbs so I was sat unprofessionally in my chair and fiddled with my pencil between both my index fingers, twirling it around. 

I sighed and looked across the room, I noticed Shannon scrolling through her phone whilst anxiously biting onto her necklace charm. The detention room was well-known for a great signal, which was quite ironic. 

Shannon accidently kicked her bottle of water over, it hit the floor and water spilled all over, she peered down at it and shrugged her shoulder before turning back to her phone screen.

I noticed her eyebrows furrow through the mirror, "My phones not loading..." she commented, as she continuously tapped onto her phone screen in frustration. 

Bronwyn looked up from her drawings, "Your phone might've just frozen, that's if your phone is overheating, if it is you should leave it for a few minutes then try again later." she instructed, pushing up her glasses with her middle and index finger. 

Shannon took off the cover of her phone and pressed the back of her left hand against the phone, she pouted and switched positions so she faced Bronwyn, "No, it's not overheating." she replied, "And signal and WiFi is great in here too." she added on. 

I averted my attention away from Shannon and her current phone situation and gazed up onto the TV which had currently frozen. However, it was frozen in a disorientated manor, his nose and top of the weatherman's lips didn't even connect with the rest of his facial structure. His hand was printed firmly across a map of the cities nearby us to show the current weather. 

The message that was written in bold subtitles read: 'Some cities are experiencing a complete blackout and run down of internet and electricity, please avoid using as much source of electricity as possible'

"That's odd..." I mumbled to myself, scraping the bottom of my chin in questioning. "Isn't it just?" I heard the cold voice beside me snap, I instantly turned around and noticed Levi also looking up to the TV, "What are the odds of this poor bedridden town experiencing a dangerous lack of power surge in rainy bitter weather?" 

I nodded my head in agreement. Despite how harsh he appears, it's polite to treat him as the rest, as much as he wants to distance himself.

"The TV is frozen too." I heard Vivien said, pointing towards the TV, instantly snapping me out of my daze. 

Suddenly, the weatherman started playing again, yet his voice was a lot deeper, muffled and static. His voice started off mute gradually getting louder and louder until reaching full volume. His dull voice echoed through the sound-proof room, the static piercing into our ears, causing us all to flinch. 

I glanced up to Levi who seemed unfazed by it, keeping a monotone expression and staring straight ahead, seeming to be caught up into his own thoughts was all I could guess, but it didn't really surprise me. 

The static then began to die down and eventually everything was secured, the weatherman had gone back down to mute, yet the static still ringed in my ears. I looked up to the rest of the group, and most likely the rest of us had the same idea. 

Vivien stood up from her hair, "I'm going to the bathroom and ringing my parents, I'm getting out of here!" she wailed, as soon as she stood up, the lights turned off. 

Just then, the TV burst, the glass layer shattered causing Scarlett to shriek in surprise and all of the broken wires dangled out of the frame.

Everyone was engulfed into darkness, nobody could see a thing. The atmosphere of the room transformed into panic and worry as I heard Vivien's heels scattering the room. 

Shannon then turned on her phone torch, "It may not be the best thing to do, but at least it's creating light." she said as her torch light scattered the room. 

"Yeah, good idea." Cody mumbled, fiddling with his phone with his shaking hands and immediately turned on the phone torch. 

Soon after, Mason did the same and so did Vivien, followed by Rhianna and River. Eventually, all of us had our phone torches turned on. I looked around, noticing everyone was stood up, worried and afraid.

Mason stood near Rhianna looking around confused and Vivien wasn't far from his side. Scarlett was nearby Jake and River was beside Shannon. Bronwyn seemed to have her face buried into Bailey's chest afraid and terrified, but it made me question if they had history or not. Eleanor was stood on her own, her back prickled up against the back corner closest to the door, getting ready to bolt out immediately if necessary. Cody was also stood up on his own, taking slow steps around the room. And me and Levi were stood behind our chairs, our hands grabbing the back of both of our chairs in case we need it as a weapon. 

I sighed, giving in to speak up over the atmosphere, "Look, this is just a power shortage." I reassured, "It said it on the news that most cities around us are experiencing this." 

"Great, so glad we can count on you Blair." Vivien commented sarcastically, rolling her eyes. I frowned, but then Levi spoke up, "It's true, I saw it to."

Bronwyn left Bailey's grasp and faced the group, "Yeah, come to think of it, a warning was set out earlier this morning before I left for school, and since it's just a warning, I didn't think it would happen." she explained.

"I don't think the black out is the least of our problems." Eleanor commented, "Our parents are going to be sent a fine of us breaking the TV!" she exclaimed, gesturing towards it. 

Scarlett then spoke up, "If we can get rid of the TV as soon as possible and hide it somewhere, we can just lie and say there was never a TV in the detention room." Scarlett suggested, Jake nodded his head, agreeing with the idea.

"For once, I agree with smart ass." Shannon said, flashing her light towards Scarlett. River's eye's scanned the room, "How are we even going to bring the TV down?" he asked, "We don't have any engineering supplies up in here." 

Mason chuckled, "We don't need any engineering supplies." he said as he stomped his way over towards the TV, he placed his hands firmly onto his hips, he glanced at the TV for a matter of a second before turning to face us, "We can just yank it out." 

"Are you sure that's safe?" I questioned, arching an eyebrow. I heard Bailey laugh in the distance, "Definitely not but it sounds quite funny." he said, walking backwards and sat onto Eleanor's chair which she wasn't too pleased about. 

Mason frowned, feeling a little discouraged about the idea. "Don't listen to him Mason, I'm sure it'll work." Vivien commented, partly in a daydream, Mason only smiled at her comment. 

"But won't like half of the wall come off with it too?" Bronwyn asked. "Not if he does it carefully." Shannon said, leaning against the mirrored wall,  still shining her phone with one arm resting under her other. Rhianna nodded with Shannon's plan, "Hear that Mason, gently." she teased, with a slight smirk crawling onto her face. 

"Now hurry up, my phone is about to die." Shannon ordered, her face monotone, her voice lacking expression and patience. 

"Stand back, majority of us know this isn't going to work well." Levi told me, I nodded my head, a little anxious and stepped back, Levi did the same, standing about five centimetres in front of me. 

Most of us watched intensely, watching as Mason obliviously tried to pull the TV off the stand with all of his strength, "I thought I said gently." I heard Shannon mutter from a side, shaking her head in dismay, as her thumb and index finger pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Here, let me help." Cody insisted as he approached Mason and Vivien. A little grossed out, Vivien stepped back, and watched as Cody and Mason both attempted to yank off the TV from the stand. 

"Is he really trying to do this?" Scarlett questioned, as she stopped twiddling with her hair, "It would've been better to at least get some supplies." As she spoke, small hints of her braces were revealed. 

Suddenly, the tv was yanked off, and in shock and the credible force that they had powered through into yanking out the TV caused both Cody's and Mason's hands to fly backwards, letting go of the TV. 

The TV landed right into the middle of Shannon's now larger puddle of water, faced down where all the wires hung out. The reacting of water and electricity caused sparks to fly everywhere. Mason, Cody and Vivien ran to the rest of us as we all crowded against the even worse mess we had made. 

"Great, what can we do now, if we touch it we die." Vivien cursed, running a hand through her locks in frustration. 

And as if on cue, electric sparks shot out from the broken TV, powerful enough to create a fire, we tried to step back but it was too late, the electricity hit into our phones and as we were holding the phones, we experienced the same impact. 

The power surged through my body, I couldn't take it.

I blacked out.

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