Back Home (A Larry Stylinson...

By TimeToRead2485

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Harry Styles became the fastest selling record artist with sold-out concerts and an award winning actor. He p... More

Chapter 1 - We had some good times, didn't we?
Chapter 2 - Happily?
Chapter 3 - Spaces between us
Chapter 4 - When we were 18
Chapter 5 - The music is so loud
Chapter 6 - The script was written
Chapter 7 - Looking in the dark
Chapter 8 - I want to write you a song
Chapter 9 - Does he know?
Chapter 10 - Story of my life
Chapter 11 - It's gotta be you
Chapter 13 - Silence and Sounds
Chapter 14 - See you smile again
Chapter 15 - Sweet Creature
Chapter 16 - I wanna tell the world that you're mine
Chapter 17 - Tell me that I'm wrong
Chapter 18 - Don't Forget Where You Belong
Chapter 19 - We don't say what we really mean
Chapter 20 - How many nights till it takes
Chapter 21 - I show you my heart
Chapter 22 - Taste of my Tongue
Chapter 23 - Midnight Memories
Chapter 24 - If I Could Fly
Chapter 25 - I get down on my knees for you
Chapter 26 - I was like... Nanana!
Chapter 27 - Perfect For You
Chapter 28 - We Made It
Home (Epilogue)

Chapter 12 - Better than words

17.8K 556 881
By TimeToRead2485

Harry's POV

"Why you didn't tell me the truth, Ni?" I asked him after he closed the door of my room. Only the bed lamp was lit. I was on the bed lying covering myself with the duvet. I could feel the bed moved. He was sitting beside me.

"Because if I tell you, you will get mad."

"You and Liam lied to me. I can't believe you two did that to me."

"I know, and I feel sorry for that. But I have to do the right thing."

I immediately sat and looked at his face.

"You have no right to decide of what I should do. This is my life, Niall! I know what I'm doing and I don't need your help or from anyone out there!" I was now shouting at him.

"Oh yeah?! Do you understand what you're saying, Haz? Look at yourself! You are in deep sh!t. What you are saying is definitely different from I see from your eyes!"

"I'm done with you. I'm tired. Get out of my room." I laid down again, covering my entire body and head.

"You are so good at this, you know? Always walking out of the problems. Building walls to the people that truly care for you."

"That's not true!"

"Oh yeah? Then why are you shutting as down? Even Anne and Gem! You have no idea how hurt we were looking at you like this, in this kind of situation! What is wrong with you, Haz?" I cried quietly. I didn't want them to suffer from what I felt. I thought my acting of being happy in front of them was convincing, but they know me so well.

"Nothing, okay? I'm completely fine!"

This time, I could feel his hand on my back. "You know what Haz... I admit, we set these things up."

"I knew it!" For the second time around, I sat back and faced him.

"Can you please at least listen to me for once?!"

I raised my eyebrows, shocked from his loud voice. When I didn't talk, that was the time he continued.

"Do you remember the day when you told me that you have a writer's block? I went home that night with a heavy heart. I had to pull over my car, because I couldn't stop myself from crying. I never thought you have it. I thought you just simply stop from making music because you hate it. But then when I heard it coming from you, I felt like, I was blaming myself for being such a terrible friend to you."

"Niall, you have been a great bestfriend to me. Don't say that."

"No Haz. Because if I am a good friend, I could have done something for you!"

"But I can handle myself. I don't need your pity."

"Exactly Haz! We let you suffer and live in a world of deception." He was now sobbing. I stood, got tissue and gave it to him. "So, I called Liam. I told him about your problem. He was also in shock. He tried to tame me a bit and suggested to do something. The right thing. For you and Louis."

"Louis... He hates me." I whispered.

"How do you know?"

"Didn't you notice at his words and actions?"

"He was like that because of your stupid reactions. If I were Louis, I would have done the same thing!"

"He cheated on me, Niall." I confessed.

"What? He loved you so much. How can he cheat?"

"That was what I thought. I saw him kissing Eleanor in his house."

"What? How did it happen? El and Lou were just friends."

"I know! When I felt his hardships and even the band were affected, I decided to make peace with him. So I went to his hotel room, forgave and gave him another chance, but then, he committed another mistake by sleeping with another woman and the worst impregnated her. So I thought to myself, if he really loved me, why did he choose to break my heart?"

"Obviously, you didn't ask him about it, and just completely ignored each other and never have spoken since then?"


"Eleanor is now married and so as Briana. Everyone moved on already, except you two! Why can't you just be friends?"

"Louis and I can't be friends anymore, Niall. I ruined it!" I covered my face.

"What do you mean?"

"Did you hear what he said awhile ago about his songs..."

"Those are all dedicated to you. He wrote them for you."

"Yeah, and I hurt him, Niall. He loved me and never cheated on me. I fully understand him now. I was so stupid! I didn't give any chance to explain his side. It was I who broke his heart. All this time, we suffered from a simple misunderstanding. I'm so stupid! I hate myself! F*ck Niall, what should I do?"

"Thank God, Harry! You are now awake from a long time sleep!" He hugged me so tightly and kissed my cheek. "I guess there's only one thing you should do."


"Bring his heart back home."

It was exactly one week since the incident, and I hadn't received any call coming from Louis. I was already loosing hope. I kept on calling Niall and Liam to ask their help because I had no balls to do the first move. They said, he wasn't answering their calls because he was too mad to talk to either one of them.

Even Jeff gave up and went back to the US. He still had more businesses to attend to. And I completely understood. I also gave Jacqueline the days off since she and I had nothing to do. And now here I was in my big house, all alone.

I was in the music room, obviously listening to his songs. The lyrics were with me. I tried to study how to sing them. However, I couldn't finish any of them because in the end, I was crying from the guilt that I had done to him.

I was looking at my phone at the other side of the couch. I reached for it and searched for Louis' number. I just stared at it for I didn't how long. Should I call him?

I went out of the room heading towards my bedroom. I laid there for awhile, still in dilemma whether should I call him or not.

I took a deep breath and hit the call button. I heard the ringing. My heart was beating so fast, more like, about to explode.

After five more rings, he answered.

"Hello?" That voice.

My mouth and my jaw were locked. C'mon, Harry speak up!

"Hello? Who's this?" His angelic voice, I missed him so much!

"Hello?" I said.

This time, it was him who was not responding. Probably, he already distinguished my voice. And now, maybe he would end up my call. I waited until he would hang it up, but he didn't. So, I took that opportunity to speak again.

"L- Lou? Are you... uhmm... busy?" My voice was shaking.


"Can we... uhmm... talk?" Please say 'yes', please say 'yes'.

Dead air.


"Really?! I mean, can we... uhmm... meet?"

Dead air again. I could hear his breathing.


"Here in my house? Is that okay?"

"What time?"

"Lunch time? Is that okay?"


"Thank you! See you lat—" And then he hang up.

I dropped my phone. I was in awe. I couldn't believe he said yes. I was so ecstatic that I stood on my bed and kept on jumping and bouncing. Until I was running out of breath, I laid down the bed, still in shocked.

I looked at my watch, realizing it was already 11 am. In an hour, Louis would be here. I ran to the kitchen, instructing my cook and maids to prepare for a visitor.

I went back to my room, straight to the bathroom and made a quick shower. Once I was done, I blew my hair dry, and decided to just wear a simple white plain shirt, blue jeans shorts, and a pair of slippers. I sprayed a little amount of my favourite perfume.

When I was walking down the stairs, I noticed that Louis was already here. He was standing in front of the wall, looking at my pictures. I paused there for a minute to take a look at him, from head to toe. He looked healthier. His face was all clean shaved. His brown hair was the same as the first time I saw him in X-Factor, side to the left. Actually, he looked like a 33-year old 2010 version Louis.

I put a smirk when I noticed his clothes. He was wearing a plain shirt, just like mine, a blue jeans shorts just like mine, and a pair of blue Adidas shorts while I wore slippers.

"Haz, thought you will never come down." It was Niall. Niall? What was he doing in here? I only invited Louis but why was he here?

"Niall? Nice to see you again, Bro?" I hugged him and gave him a quick whisper. "Why are you here?"

"He called me and asked me to accompany him here." He whispered. He pulled away from my hug, stepped back and looked at me from head to toe, then to Louis. "Did you two talk what to wear?"

"Huh?" Louis asked confusingly.

"Are you like in a boyband or something? Take a look at yourselves! You two wear the same outfits." I could hear the blasting sound of his laugh. And he left us heading to the dining room.

"Hi, Lou. Thanks for coming." We shook hands. There was an electric shock that lingered though my veins. He gave a small smile.

"Yeah. You said, you wanted to talk?" No emotions coming in his mouth.

"Yeah. We can talk while we eat. I prepared your favourites." I smiled at him. But his face was blank.

"And they look delicious!" Niall interrupted jokingly. Thanks to him for breaking the ice.

"Don't tell me you started already without us!"

"Well, Lou's favourite is my favourite too. So can we eat now? I'm starving!"

"Niall, you just ate in a McDonalds' drive thru a few minutes ago! You stink!" Louis screamed sighing how our Irish friend never changed his love towards food.

And we both laughed. We headed to the dining room. This time, since it was only the three of us, Niall was already sitting on my left side and Louis was on my right closer than the last we were here.

It was so silent. The sound of the clanging of spoons, forks and plates was the only sound. So I kicked Niall's foot. He was kind of staggered from it. He looked at me and he saw my eyes directing at Louis' direction. And he read my mind to start the conversation.

"So, Lou, have you already considered the offer?"

He looked at Niall, then to me. "Yes."

"Really?!" I asked astoundingly. I was now joyous that I couldn't control myself but to touch his wrists. And he immediately took it away from me.

"In one condition."

I paused, my jaw dropped. I looked at Niall who was now looking at Louis, as if their eyes were having a conversation. I supposed he knew something. Maybe they already talked while they were on his way here.

"What condition?"

"I don't want my songs to be only part of your comeback album. You need to include one more song."

"Okay. I will just ask Julian or Ryan to give me one." I said.

"No. I want you to write one."

"That's not going to happen." I looked at Niall asking some help. But he just shrugged.

"Well, then, my songs won't be yours." Damn, sassy Louis! "Thank you for a delicious lunch. Niall? Let's go?"

"Lou, Bro, wait up." Niall tried to stop him but he already stood up and was now ready to go.

"There's nothing to talk to. I'm done here. Let's go!" He shouted at Niall that made my poor bestfriend stood quickly. Angry Louis was scary sometimes.

I covered and rubbed my face with my hands. My stress level was so high. I was so desperate, so I banged the table that made the utensils bounced. The two turned around and looked at me.

"Okay. Fine! I will do it! Okay?"

"Okay!" said Louis giving me a smirk. He turned around and continued walking out.

"Louis! Where are you going?" I shouted at him. "Didn't you hear what I said?!"

Then he went back to the dining room. He looked at me, like he was already fed up. "What?"

"I said, I will do it. I will write a song."

"I heard you! I completely heard you."

"Then, why are you walking out again? Where are you going?"

"To the music room! Where else?!" Then, he walked out from us.

Niall and I looked at each other. A smile on our faces were now starting to form on our lips. I quickly stood and ran towards him to hug my bestfriend.

"Thanks, Niall."

"This is it! This is a good start."

"I was kind of scared though. And the song writing, I think I can't do it."

"Well, you have to try harder. For Louis, okay?"

"Okay, I will—"

"I'm waiting here! Don't test my patience!" Louis shouted on the second floor, making us laugh quietly.

Louis 'the sassy master' Tomlinson had finally returned. 


Hi everyone! Thank you all! 794 reads and counting?! I became top 7 in #HarryStyles. There were some comments already and casting votes. Others included it in their reading list. I am so so happy! My Larry heart is rejoicing! Especially these past few days, the whereabouts of Larry? Oh God! Thank you! 

Keep on believing Larry! 

Time to ready Larry! Enjoy! xxx

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