Is It Him!

Від TiffanyDivaGodsbeaut

1.9K 30 11

She eyes him at a coffee spot! Never says a word! He sees her! She wonders is this the guy for her! The conne... Більше

Starbucks! He is at the corner table!
Still smelling him!
Lunch at Esters on the upper east side! With Nicole!
At the Salon!
The Golden Museum: Saturday night!
Atmospheric! She came here!
After this past saturday: the art exhibit!
The illusion
He is Handsome!
Finally a lunch! I hope she dont run!
This lunch date!
At his house! I really am and not running!
Not trying to fall! But its doing it!
I can't be in love with him!
She might be the IT! The One!
I saw him before I talked to him!
Saturday morning
Getting signs of warning
Its Been!
Ready! This is for him!
She is fragile
What wasnt suppose to happen!
Its coming full!
His swagg! Its natural! I love it!
Two days!

For real!

31 2 0
Від TiffanyDivaGodsbeaut

                   Jackson POV
     As the ladies left the table I felt a distant that they were friends of Melissa because they hounded on Bella too much. I mean just coming to sit at my table as if they sat before.
         It has been so long since I could remember anything about Melissa especially after the drunken mishap embarrassing me at work and at meeting.
          I decided to let her go and the stalking of Bella at the Zumba class! At work! Following her everywhere to the point where there was no sleeping nor eating.
          Even snapping at me and forgetting her self care at times. She was so out of it I stepped in caring for her in that way.
           Just seeing her withdraw from life took my heart! My heartbeat was out of sync.
           With Malcolm being not far away from her mind as if he was coming to get her Isabella was a reck wanting to run.
          I know people and we had protection plus I don't have a black belt in karate for nothing and even with the alarms! The double locks on the windows and doors she was paranoid.
          Bella still could not trust the safety! Many nights she urinated in her clothes and I said nothing just cleaned her up still holding her as she cried.
          I looked up at the beautiful almond shaped brown eyes as tears flowed telling her ""I am here I am not going nowhere "" you promise she would say""yes I do.
      And I am still here! Will be here even thru this I will find out about these ladies so interested in Bella.
        The First Lady with the red on got angry so it's not about beauty or what she does with young girls or the community.
         They have spoken to Melissa in prison and wanna torture her by stalking her again as Melissa did.
          I was going to another table when I heard what was happening at the chef table and I went right over Bella was so scared. The anxiety had risen in her so high she was breaking out in fine bumps on her skin.
        I scooted by her grabbing her to give her comfort rubbing her.
        I stayed right there as the ladies left and after twenty more minutes. The kitchen was good and my baby needed me.
        I am her man and a chef second when she gets like this.
         I made sure to be behind her on the way back to the house so I would see if it was anyone following her.
          She drove nervous getting to a stop light crying. I text her to see if she was ok she said yes just scared.  I told her I am behind you you don't have to be.
        Horns kept beeping but I didn't care.

Mike had told me at work man I will drive for her and my sister can come get me here at your house.
        I should have taken him up on his offer let him drive her car but it was ok. Got to the house.
         I gave her a bath rubbed her down and got Bella in bed. Kissed her took me a hot shower climbing in bed pulling her close to me.
         She was a sound to sleep and this sweet beautiful lady was in torture and I gotta find a way to get her out.
          It's morning I took the day off to keep her home! Called her sister and Nikki! They coming over later. No work for her and her sister told me three ladies came by the shop looking for her.
           I asked her to describe them and she did and I told Isla those were the ladies at my chef table last night.
            Stay in tune with this Isla I said ""oh already on it it's my sister " they saw I wasn't having it and left.
           Look Jackson with me, you and Nikki on top of finding out about them and you get Andre on it like Melissa we will get them.
             You just keep my baby safe she my heart Jackson! You know I will ok! Ok! Bye.
            Until the ladies stop coming around Isla wants Bella to stay at the house and it's understood and safe.
             They know her car and face! She will be mad I didn't wake her up but she will have to be ok with it.
      Hey safety is first before the beautiful beauty magic she does. I will make sure of it.

Let me go get breakfast started for her! Hopefully this will make her eat more than she did after the incident.

    Siri how many meetings I got today? You have three meetings with three clients! Ok well put miss Isabella on the list she coming with me.
Ok she on it!

    I know feel more comfortable knowing she will be with me as I plan meals as a private chef with three main clients.

      Theses are big clients in the Boston area who were riding with me since I became a private chef four years ago.

    Didn't know how being a restaurant chef and private was going to work but it did it's a good flow without stress.

     I make it work cause I love food and people and one person that I am loving on more is that chocolate lady in my room.

      By the way she is sleeping she is stressing so she gets breakfast in bed and I will feed her.  Then we go to the meetings no staying here alone.

       The ladies who are trying to know her might know where I stay. Gotta get to Andre soon as possible.

     I prepare eggs, wheat toast and mixed tropical fruit with coffee and juice with jam! Walk upstairs she is still sleep.

     Bella hey you""I made breakfast as I nudge her cute nose. She tosses a bit before awakening "" oh ok let me go to the bathroom first freshen my mouth.

    No! Come here! No my morning breath! Lol it's ok kiss me and I kiss her! Feels good to do that with the right one.

      She looks at me laughing in my T-shirt! It's a beautiful sight to see.

    Here eat now! I feed her! She sits down and does! ""I am so hungry Jackson those women scared me and I messed up a perfectly good meal you made for me.

    I think those women knew Melissa and my nerves went all off I was already emotional you know this.

    Don't worry I will get Andre on it and see what there motives are about you. Because you with me they coming after you and I am sorry.

  Cause a relationship I should have not gotten in went bad. I will take care of this for sure.

      Jackson it's ok you didn't know she still harbored feelings the way she did and I wanna be with you so I am in it with you.

     Please don't let me get back to two months ago with the urinating or mood swings and sleeping too much promise me cause Melissa took a toll on me! Protect me from me.

   I will keep eating you need food and you going with me to meetings today.

   But! I gotta work Jackson"" no you don't your sister officially said your off and canceled the appointments for you today and tomorrow until these women stop stalking you.

    They came by the salon this morning but your sister sent them out.

    You with me today and yes your mad but it's your safety Bella. I know it's just why me? I don't know these women to keep bothering me.

I know you don't precious and it will be dealt you too awesome and spunky to be kept down.

   I am glad she ate all the breakfast made me happy and I kissed her! Tasting the tropical fruit. I love kissing her I do!

    You wanna go get ready as I clean up the kitchen and we go to our first meeting and you got a say so.

Oh I do! Yess you do with me! I love a woman who speaks her mind it's sexy and you are.

Isabella POV

He is wonderful in this mess of mine and I will not pout about not going to work until these ladies leave me alone.

So I take a shower and put on my outfit to be with him throughout the day as he goes to his appointments.
I wanna be comfortable as I am with him yet cute. Along with my big green bag.

To know he wants me with him is awesome and as I get dressed I am smiling. I finally get time with him and I need him in this time.

     I come out the room and go downstairs I see him finalizing everything and it's beautiful I am adoring this. Watching him get his computer in the bag and make a last call before we leave.

     I stare and he notices! Ahh you looking at me! Yess I am handsome you look good being your own head of a culinary.

   It's a turn on I tell him as he comes up the steps grabbing me saying " we can stay I can cancel my meetings to be under you as he kisses me with flirty passion.

     No! I push him off and he laughs! Work now making love later! That long yess! Ughhh! Ok Bella!  I am with you in your truck we can do what we want when we want.

      Ahh! Yess! Don't make me rush theses appointments girl! Your sexy self! Let's go and get an early start so we can get lunch in between.

     Let my clients see why I am smiling! You look beautiful by the way and I might be looking hard at you at these appointments don't mind me.

    I won't! Let's go chef and let me watch you do your magic. We get to the hummer and he pushes me up touching my butt! He wanted to do that lol!

   Giving me a sexy look that made me glow. In this time I don't worry about the ladies wanting to know me and harm me I am with him feeling safe.

He's driving and I am looking out the window as we come up to a posh neighborhood that looks straight out of beautiful Wakanda.

I knew where Jackson stayed it was beautiful but this was awesome and it felt amazing to be in the feels of it. The castle like houses and the contour of the neighborhoods gorgeous.

So I had to ask and I did! Baby which client stays out here! This client is Mrs Alicia Adams and I knew that name.
      I wore some of her lip glosses and eye-make up I don't do much foundation. Jackson i am excited to meet her.
Alicia Adams the make up heir well ok! Her sister is a client of mine I just did her hair this past Thursday.
      He smiles saying baby that's awesome well she is cool and she has been my client about a year.
       I was as I sat there and he parked was in awe of him and this craft. Yes it's good food he puts out but he is so wonderful in it.
        I see what attracts me to him besides his height and looks that chocolate skin.
        I love that he impresses me without trying! so he gets out comes to open the door for me lifting me out the truck.
We walk hand n hand as he knocks on the door and there comes beautiful Alicia in a peach colored shirt and jeans.
Hey guys come on in welcome! She does look like Ava her sister my client twins.
When she looked at me after staring at Jackson for so long like I was going to say Really Alicia ok.
Yet! She looked at me saying I know you! Heard of your products and your work! I use some of your products they are great.
She was telling me this as she made black tea for me and Jackson.
He was setting up his computer and iPad! She kept staring at me too! Your beautiful she says.
Thank you I sat back as I sip the tea and I look at my phone it's about 9:50 am.
She catches me being nervous and I don't know why the way she is so nice.
Your ok sweets I don't bite ok lol! She laughs. I think these other three women at the restaurant last night still got my nerves.
I got chilled around the make up heir and asked about this beautiful castle of a house.
Her response"" girl this thing lol" it's beautiful but a handful was my grandma house I just been here four years me and the dogs they out in back.
The first time Jackson saw this house he wanted to buy it! Jackson shakes his head "" Yes"" seeing I am not exactly comfy he comes over asking ""you okay ? Yes "" you frigidly and looking at the time.
I stand up under him and breathe heavy tears wanna come but why now and he feels them too.
Lifting my face with his long finger he kisses me Saying I will be done in a hour and we can go if it's bothering you?
No! I will not stop your your work because of my paranoia I should have stayed at the house.
No! I wasn't going to let you and your not bothering me I like seeing you with me Bella.
Alicia was watching us interact and knew to steal me. Honey that man has talked about you to me he loves you.
And after meeting you and your lovely self I love you now. Let's go see my makeup collection she tells me before she has to come back and talk to Jackson.
I felt ok after seeing she wasn't after me or trying to hurt me. I could be free! Not on edge as I was as I got in the house.
                   Alicia was amazing showing me the house until Jackson called for her to come and work on her meals.
                 Watching Jackson work with her made me love him more. He was so intelligent and evolved I adored him.
                  Seeing and hearing him know food! The concepts and the ins plus outs! I was saying to myself I see why I love him yet! He is so awesome in his craft.
              I love to see this man work! I am so glad I came with him. He wasn't going to leave me anyway cause he don't want me hurt or running.
           Seeing Alicia be friendly to me had me see I don't have to be scared or so anxious.
           Thank God for Jackson wanting to take me to his business meetings I am such a wreck.
As Jackson drives to his next meeting with her beside him out the mirror sees a car that has been following them for at least fifteen minutes.
The nerves start to pack but Bella stays calm don't want Jackson to worry and it looks like Malcolm car.
She suddenly can't help but get rigidly in the seat and Jackson sees.
        But never says a thing he knows she is going thru a rigid system right now!
        He has noticed the black SUV for time now! He just turns off on another street until the black SUV is gone.
        It's Malcolm and he knows it! This man has to leave from Bella life it's making her rigid.
         He Keri's driving to the next meeting ready to get it over to take Bella home to calm her down.
       He gently grabs her hand looking at her and she smiles back letting her know it will be ok.
When Jackson grabbed her hand she felt a sigh of relief still knowing Malcolm could be somewhere trailing them even as Jackson turned off two blocks down.
She was and still is scared of Malcolm! He put her in the hospital for two weeks with a concussion plus broken ribs and a broken foot.
Isabella is surprised yet knowing she is blessed to be able to wear a heel! To have her ribs intact the way he hit her! Tortured her! and to think clearly she is a miracle.
So any pressure or presence of Malcom in the vicinity of Boston or the neighborhood tiles her up and she goes in spans of like seizures because of what happened to her with him.
The women were creepy but Malcom was a holy terror and everyday with him was hell! Until she broke up with him scares to death because he told her! If I can't have you no one will"" he was really serious.
It's been years yet the fear is still there no matter how strong the self defense classes made her or after time.
The man can still cause her to pee on herself if she ever was in his presence alone.

Isabella POV!

I still smell the coco butter on the stove cooking as he had me tied up. He was going to throw hot coco butter on me for being late from the salon.

I had clients and had to work but he didn't understand that! Thought I was cheating with the guy who came to fix the air in the salon.

I was pleasantly pleading for him to let me go he kept saying "" you lying hoe I could kill you"" you with someone else behind my back.""

No"" I am not I pleaded! But to no avail he kicked me in my stomach and my ribs! Banging my head into the carpet floor.

I was getting dizzy as he walked away! Glad he did! My cell was by me and I managed to get it before he came back with the hot coco butter to throw on me!

I was throwing up blood and all! He got scared! He caused it yet he called the ambulance lying about what happened.

Cause I was going to call 911 throwing up if he had not! No matter how much I was out of it I had to get away from the terror of that night!

Tears stream down my face as I remember this and now I am with a man who dares not terror me that way.

Yet! I get scared he will change on me! I have told him what happened and Jackson promises that is not him! It's been a couple of months with us and it's good!

I need it to stay that way! I can't end up in the hospital from another guy.

     The pain I received was for real and I felt the pain from the ladies too just as if I was still in the hospital in tears.

This has affected the sex life I have with Jackson early but he still is with me and it's sexy passion there it's just fear sometimes.

Jackson has to really has fallen for me to go thru this fear with me and still adore me! Love me! Want me! He is this awesome! I tell him all the time.

He says I am his sunlight! Like really wow! I am delicate but wanna run and he won't let me I am his light.

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