But Who's Counting?

By wowdaisy

316K 12.6K 3K

"I'm pregnant with your child, Alex." Sophia was determined on convincing Alexander that besides her being pr... More

Chapter One: "Happy Birthday!"
Chapter Two: "Hell yes!"
Chapter Three: "Deal!"
Chapter Four: "Abortion."
Chapter Five: "Baby."
Chapter Six: "Control."
Chapter Seven: "Mamas,"
Chapter Eight: "Nicole."
Chapter Nine: "The Grinch."
Chapter Ten: "Merry Christmas!"
Chapter Eleven: "Pack your shit."
Chapter Twelve: "I'm jealous."
Chapter Thirteen: "Who is that?"
Chapter Fourteen: "Hold me."
Chapter Fifteen: "Your face."
Chapter sixteen: "They're kicking!"
Chapter Seventeen: "Just friends."
Chapter Eighteen: "Family dinner."
Chapter Nineteen: "Family Dinner cont."
Chapter Twenty: "Are you drunk?"
Chapter Twenty-One: "She's mine."
Chapter Twenty-two: "Just like you."
Chapter Twenty-three: "Basketball and Ice Cream."
Chapter Twenty-Four: "Vodka."
Chapter Twenty-Five: "Cravings."
Chapter Twenty-Six: "I'm calling the police."
Chapter Twenty-Seven: "Bash your skull in."
Chapter Twenty-Eight: "Who's is this?"
Chapter Twenty-Nine: "Relationship status."
Chapter Thirty: "Change your outfit."
Chapter Thirty-One: "Cinnabon."
Chapter Thirty-Two: "Sophia's Family."
Chapter Thirty-three: "Buddy System."
Chapter Thirty-Four: "Pool."
Chapter Thirty-Five: "Dumbo."
Chapter Thirty-Six: "Surprise!"
Chapter Thirty-Seven: "Shorty."
Chapter Thirty-Eight: "Wedding Bells."
Chapter Thirty-Nine: "Thor."
Chapter Forty: "Welcome home!"
Chapter Forty-One: "Five weeks."
Chapter Forty-Two: "You deserve to be happy."
Chapter Forty-Three: "Call Daddy."
Chapter Forty-Four: "Mommy's not happy."
Chapter Forty-Five: "Being loved."
Chapter Forty-Six: "She said what?"
Chapter Forty-Seven: "Here goes nothing."
Chapter Forty-Eight: "Unbelievable."
Chapter Forty-Nine: "You're stupid."
Chapter Fifty-One: "Nose rings."
Chapter Fifty-One 1/2: "Jaisiah and Jalen."
Chapter Fifty-Two: "Moving like a sloth."
Chapter Fifty-Three: "Adult Brownies."
Chapter Fifty-Four: "That's not his pacifier."
Chapter Fifty-Five: "Water balloons."
Chapter Fifty-Six: "Baby gravy."
Chapter Fifty-Seven: "Happy Birthday!"
plan b(aby)
Bonus Chapter
Chapter Fifty-Eight: "August 23rd."
Official Sequel #1 Sneakpeek
Official Sequel #2 Sneakpeek

Chapter Fifty: "Alexander the Maniac."

3.4K 186 34
By wowdaisy

Goal: 40 votes and 10 comments. Easy bc last chapter got like 73 votes lmfao I didn't know there was that many readers.

After telling Alexander that we actually couldn't have sex and a quick shower, we were on our way to his parents house.

Jaisiah has been getting fussy, according to Arabella. In the background, it was a lot of commotion during the call. This only fueled Alexander the Maniac to drive about fifty miles faster than the speed limit.

We got to Aiden and Sarah Parker's house in about six minutes, fifteen minutes quicker than we should have. Alexander pulls into the driveway after breaking both of our necks and unbuckling his seatbelt. He looks at me, a frown on his face while we sit in the car.

"I don't have your ring."

"What ring?"

"Your engagement ring! I proposed to you without a ring!"

"It's okay."

"It's not that I didn't buy a ring, it was inside the diaper bag."

"Well, maybe it's still there." I shrug, unbuckling my seatbelt. I go to open the door and I am stopped.

I look over at Alex, his wide eyes looking at me expectantly.

"You're stalling." I say, realizing what he was starting to delay.

"What if they hate me? What if thy don't even recognize me? What if Maya is mad at me?"

"Maya's the reason we knew where you were. She's not mad at all, she loves you." I attempt to convince him, putting my hand on top of his. He takes a deep breath nodding at me before motioning for me to get out the car. I open my door, standing up, only to get stopped... again.

"My dad is going to kick my ass."

"Probably." I say, shutting the door behind me so that Alex has no choice but to get out. I hear his door open and close, followed by the noises being made underneath his sneaker as he walked. He catches up with me, grabbing my hand and looking at me with a slight smile.

"I love you."

"I love you. Now, let's go get our kids. I can hear Jaisiah crying." I smile, walking into the house with Alexander by my side. Immediately, Jaisiah is shoved into my arms by Arabella. Alex's dad, Aiden, is standing near the couch, cradling Jasmine and Jalen.

I don't see Maya anywhere, but I know she's here somewhere.

Alex is bombarded with hugs from his Mom, sister, Dad, brother while he attempts to step through the threshold. I hold Jaisiah, making him calm down why Alex's family questions him.

"I'm back for good." Alex nodded. He turns to me, his eyes getting wide at the red headed baby in my arms.

"Jaisiah, look at daddy." I coo to him, lifting his arm and waving to Alexander. Alexander looks almost... lost for words. He pauses, slightly cocking his head. A frown come on his face and he holds his arms out. I immediately put Jaisiah in his arms, securing Alexander's arms around Jaisiah chubby frame.

"He's definitely about to start crying." Aurora says, laughing. She snaps a picture of Alex and Jaisiah on her phone before tucking it into her back pocket. Arabella stands behind her sister, debating on when Alex will start crying. Aurora says in a minutes and Arabella says sooner, in the next thirty seconds.

I say the moment he sees Maya.

Aiden walks back into the room with Jalen and Jasmine, the latter was beginning to cry. I grab Jasmine and Alexander reaches for Jalen.

"Somebody is missing." Alexander's says out. Sebastian and Stella both come running into the room. Apparently they learned how to run during our California trip and hadn't stopped since. Hot on their trails were Maddison and Maya. Maya had yet to look up and notice just who was here.

"Aunt Ella! Come back! I have a lollipop for you. Oh, I didn't know you were back. Where's Daddy?" She says, not able to see Alex from his brothers and sisters crowding around him.

"He's-." I don't even get to finish my sentence because Alexander begins talking.

"He's crying. What do I do?"

"Daddy!" Maya lets out the loudest scream, immediately getting in all four and starts crawling between the legs. She moves Aurora and Arabella out of the way. She crawls between Sarah and Anthony's legs before popping up in between Alexander's legs.

"Daddy! I missed you so much!" Maya begins balling, tears flooding down her face as she desperately tries to hug him. He has two babies in his arms so it's hard, but they finally settle on something. Arabella and Sarah offer to take Jalen and Jaisiah while Alex reunited with his oldest daughter.

I was right; Alex started crying after he saw Maya.

"I missed you too princess."

"I missed you a lot! We all missed you and I'm so happy! Are you coming back home with us?"

"Oh," Alexander sighed, looking at me with a frown. I frown in return. What was wrong?

"I have something to say," Alex says, standing and swinging Maya to his hip. She clings to his neck while Alex begins to speak.

He glances warily at me.

"Sophia and I are getting married. I think we should elope but it's too late now."

"We aren't eloping." I say, feeling Jasmine grip my finger with her tiny hand.

"Woah! Married? Can I be the flower girl with Stella and Auntie Maddison? Can we all be flower girls?"

"Of course. Whatever my girls want." Alex says, throwing a hand over my shoulder. He has a bright smile on his face, one that I was glad to see.

I missed him so much. Words couldn't even describe it.

"Wait, you're getting married right now?"

"We can." Alex looks at me with suggestive eyes before winking.

"Excuse me, did I hear one of my kids are getting married? Like, really? Oh, I have been waiting for this moment since you were born. When's the wedding? I have a scrapbook planned, a list of venues, cake tasting places.. You're not pregnant, right? Well, you're not going to be pregnant, correct? If not, I have a wine tasting place, absolutely excellent." Sarah rambles, a large smile on her face as she sits on the stool in front of us. Aiden comes, wrapping a arm around his wife. I pass Alexander Jasmine, who instantly begins crying. He passes her right back to me with sad eyes.

"Take her so she'll get used to you!" Maya says, a 'duh' tone in her voice. She climbs up on the next stool, putting her hands out for a baby. She gets Jaisiah and demonstrates to Alexander how to hold the babies. Jaisiah looks as his sister with a slight smile. He hasn't really smiled yet, just the corner of his lips pulling up ever so slightly.

"They're so big."

"I know! Look how fat Danté is!" Aurora says, calling Jaisiah by his middle name.

"I have to tell you all the nicknames! I call Jaisiah these names: Jai, Danté, or Baby brother. I like Jai. Sometimes I say JD! Get it? Jaisiah Dantê." She smiles, tightening her grip on him. She couldn't pronounce Jaisiah correctly yet, so it sounded slightly weird whenever she said his name. "I call Jasmine these names: Princess Jasmine, like from Aladdin. Jazzy, or just Jazz, because her name is Jasmine and at the beginning it sounds like 'Jazz' even though it's spelled J-A-S-M-I-N-E. There's no Z! Sometimes I call her sister because I love her so much." Maya says while Arabella and Anthony bicker with each other. He pulls her hair and she attempts to jump on him.

Anthony, Alexander, Maya and Jaisiah, Aurora, Arabella, Stella, Sebastian, Jalen, Jasmine, Sarah, Aiden, Maddison, and I all stood inside the kitchen/living room area. Sarah, Maya and Jaisiah were sat at the counter. Alexander and I stood near the counter, Aurora was now sitting on the couch behind us, Aiden was standing up next to Sarah, Sebastian and Stella both sat on the floor while tossing Cheerios at each other, Maddison sat next to them, Jalen was in Auroras lap, Anthony and Arabella bickered towards the center of the room.

"What about Jalen?" Alexander questions, readjusting his hold on his child.

"Oh. He doesn't have a nickname. He's just Jalen. Uncle Tony calls him JP. I don't know why." She says, dismissing the subject quickly. "He's tired, here you go." Maya says, frowning. She doesn't make any move to actually give Jaisiah to someone, instead, she gestures with her eyes for someone to grab Jaisiah. I grab him and allow Maya I run off, leaving mostly adults in the room.

"I can't believe my baby is getting married. Ooh! Can I see the ring?" Sarah asks, holding her hand out for my hand. I smile, shaking my head.

"No ring."

"No ring?" The whole room basically says in unison, turning to look at Alexander and I.

Alexander rolls his eyes before nodding. "There's a ring, she just doesn't have it. Where's the diaper bag?"

"Where is it?"

"That's for me to know and for you to never, ever find out."

"I know where it is. Remember you told me to hide it but then I brought it with me when we went to the hospital to have the babies. But then you left it there so I put it here." Maya says, digging through her book bag.

While she's digging in her bookbag, the front door opens, making us all look down the stairs while Alexander sits next to Maya and gets the ring, apparently.

Chance, Andrew, and Quincy all waltz in through the door, grocery bags in their hands as they struggle to close the door.

"Hi mini Parkers that I have never met, I am Quincy Matthews, Sophia's brother. I am sure you've heard of me," Quincy says, running up the stairs and dropping his grocery bags on the counter. Immediately he looks down and speaks, "Oh, babies. I like babies. Who is this? Chubby little thing," he picks Sebastian up, "Definitely not little, hefty little thing." He remarks, swinging Sebastian up in the air.

"So exactly how many Parker's are there? Fifty?"

"Basically." Sarah smiles. Sebastian wails his arms wanting to be put down. I sit on the stool and watch my fiancé.

It feels so unreal to be saying that.


Soon I'll be Mrs. Alexander Parker.

When will our wedding be?

Where will our wedding be?

Will we have a honeymoon?

Will it be as magical as Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's wedding?

"Sophia... are you gonna answer?"

I snap out of my thoughts and look and Anthony and Quincy who are both looking back and forth from me to the ground.


I look around, seeing Arabella, Aurora, and Sarah with their phones out. Everybody else was suddenly smiling, leaving me confused until I looked down.

This time, Alexander was on his knee, a small black velvet box in his hand that held a beautiful diamond ring in the middle.

"Do I have to say this shit again?"

"Obviously if she didn't hear you the first time, dweeb."

"Pay attention this time, Sophia." Aiden says, crossing his arms over his figure as he stares at his son.

I look back down.

"Okay, so I know I already did this, twice, but Sophia, you know I love you. I have since I first laid eyes on you and, fuck, this is hard. I'm nervous, sorry. Where was I? Right. You gave birth to three of my kids, you put up with me in a way that I have no idea how. I would have been bailed. Fuck, I don't know what to say I want this to be perfect. I love how stubborn you are, how you always have a counterpart for whatever I say. Even though we bicker endlessly and we are constantly at each other's throats, I love you. You're the woman I want to marry, wake up next to everyday, spend my life with, and die with. Preferably not next to you.
I love you because you try to annoy me or get on my nerves, I could never get sick of that. I could never get sick of that. I could never get sick of you. I want to be that someone who would take care of you when you're sick, who would come out to every social event you have, just to support you. I feel like a groupie right now. I'm your biggest fan. You want to know why? I am foolishly foolish and stupidly stupid and irrational, and totally, completely, entirely in love with you. I love you. With everything that possess me in my soul, I love you. So, if it isn't you.. if I don't have you... I'm nothing. Everything is nothing if I don't have you, my love. I had the pleasure of having you by my side for almost this last year, I don't know what I would do without you. I thought I had all this shit planned out. I thought it was going to be just Maya and I until the day I died, but that day I ran into you? I'm so happy I did. You're like my everything. I definitely would not even be in this living room with any of my family. When you came to me that day, I knew my life was gonna change. I wouldn't change a single day because at the end of the day I know we can get through it and make it out together. Even though you're a feisty mama and always make sure you get what you want, whether you need it or not, I love you. You hated how you couldn't fit any of your clothes while you were pregnant but you looked fucking perfect to me. I need you. I crave you each and everyday. I love how we have always... fuck.. I can't even say it. Man, I love you. You'll never be able to love yourself a third as much as I love you. I love how you twist that earring when your bored and how you get upset about tv shows. How you've cared for our kids, for Maya, it's spectacular. I'm a asshole. I'm incredibly selfish. I'm in love with you and all your little things. I love it. I love you. It's always going to be you. If I had it my way, nothing would ever come between us. You're like the Pepper Potts to my Iron Man. The MJ to my Spider-man. The salt to my pepper. The Sophia Brooke to my Alexander Makai. You make my fucking world go round. You're so fucking beautiful I have absolutely no idea how I ever possibly pulled you. I love your thick ass thighs and your smart ass brain. What's that quote? From Lion King? Can you feel the love tonight? You needn't look too far. That's it right? Fuck, I don't even know if I'm using it right but that's the best way for me to describe it. I'm in love with you. I'll never leave you, even if you beg and plead.. you're stuck with me forever. I say things that I don't mean, and don't get me wrong because you act impulsively a lot, but I'm sorry if I've ever made you feel less than you are. I never truly mean it. When I get hurt by you, I just love you so much and it hurts so much that I have to find a way to make you hurt as well. I want to spend my mornings, afternoons, evenings, nights, sunsets, fucking sunrises, everything with you. I promise I don't want fucking anything. I don't want anything if it means I don't have you. I don't fucking deserve you. You're exactly what I need in life. I can't even think of a way to pay you for anything you've ever done for me. You deserve the world and I will give as much of it as possible to you only a fucking silver platter if you do me the pleasure and .."

"Yes." I answered, not allowing him to finish. He started crying halfway through, which made me cry, which made Maya cry, so now we are all crying.

"-become Mrs. Alexander Parker?" Alexander kind of trails off, standing and quickly pulling me against his body while everybody around us cheered and shouted 'aw'. Maya squeezes between Alex and I, wrapping her small arms around us and sniffling into my thigh.

Alexander and I slightly pull apart when Maya begins to speak, the tears in her voice evident. "So does this mean that Sophia's my mommy?"

Alexander looks at me while I nod, "Yeah, pretty much."

"I'm so happy! Daddy, I'm so happy." Maya cries again while Alex picks her up, steadying her with one arm and using his other hand to hold my hand out. He slips the ring onto my finger with a smile on his face. "Daddy's so happy too, baby." He says, standing. He presses his lips again mine, making me smile.

"Um, J times three is feeling left out." Quincy says, bouncing Jalen before placing him in my arms. I secure him in one arm before Jasmine is brought to my other arm. Alexander gets Jaisiah duty and we laugh, while tears stream down our face, at our family.

"That was the most nerve-racking thing I've ever done. God, was I nervous." Alexander breathes, pressing a kiss to Maya's head.

"I'm proud of you, son." Aiden says, smiling slightly at both Alexander and I. It didn't take long to get on his good side.

Sarah comes up, hugging me and Jalen and Jasmine, tears streaming down her face. "I'm so happy for my babies. I'm so glad you're in his life. He needed you." She whispers. This only sparks more tears as I look up at Alexander. Maya was shimming in his arms, trying to get down. He crouches down and set her onto the ground.

"Sophia, can I be your junior bridesmaid?" Aurora asks, smiling. "I can't believe my sister-in-law is going to be Sophia freaking Matthews. You're like a legend at my school and now.. I'm related to you! I'm your kids blood aunt! This is crazy. I'm gonna pee on myself. Alex, this is literally the best thing you've ever done."

"Daddy, can we have a party?" Maya says, dragging out the 'ty' in party and making it sound like 'taaaaayyyyyy'. She nearly jumping up and down as Alexander says for what.

"Because, I want all my friends to meet Mommy. Brieaje can come over, Justin can come over, Yasmine can come over, Isabella, Michael, Adam, Rosalie, Xavier, and even Mariana! It's going to be so much fun! They can meet Jaisiah, Jasmine, and Jalen too! Then, they can come in my room and see my cool fish tank! Then we can have tacos and pizza but the tacos with shrimp and that green stuff made out of the avocados Sophia likes!"

"Guacamole?" Anthony offers.

"Guacamole!" Maya says, basically yelling while looking up at the ceiling. The room erupts into laughter at Maya's antics as she continues.

"Mommy! Then you can meet all my basketball team! I'm going to invite all of my friends over and it's going to be like how people come to meet daddy at his event where we get to dress in the pretty dresses and ohmygod I'm so excited. I've never been so happy. I'm so happy. I have a mommy and a daddy and a sister! And brothers! But I think I want another sister, then it can be the same amount of boys and girls because right now it's only two boys and one girl." Maya rants, the biggest smile I've ever seen displayed on her face. Her eyes are wide as she jumps onto her tippy toes.

"Sure, we can have a party." Alex laughs, swaying to the side with Jaisiah. Jaisiah's red hair and hazel eyes stood out against Alex, who had black hair and green eyes, but you could tell whose child he was.

"Now I'm always going to call you Mommy and I'm never calling you the S-word again. Never." Maya declares, wiping tears from her wet face. She hugs my leg.

"Now I can tell Mom that you're actually getting married and that you aren't moving to California. She's ready to get on the next plane to drag the triplets and you home." Quincy laughs, making me roll my eyes at how dramatic my mother is.

It doesn't matter because I'm staying with Alexander.

"We are related." Chance breathes, Sebastian on his hip while he looks at me.

"I always knew this day would come." Andrew says. "Y'all thought I forgot, didn't y'all? Fess up, fifty bucks. I called they'd get engaged before July."

"I said July, you said our birthday.. which is in August." Anthony says, clutching his wallet. "No you idiot, that was you." Chance says, rolling his eyes.

"You bet on when we got engaged? What would have happened if you didn't get engaged?"

"Oh no, you would have. You didn't have a choice. I've been praying for this day since the day Sophia came over for dinner." Aurora says.

"So are you going to have more babies?" Maddison asks, looking up from where she sat with Stella.

"Yes. Four more." Alexander says, instantly. Sarah whispers a good luck to me while Aiden laughs.

"Four more? You said you wanted six kids!" I said, a little mortified. Did he expect me to push more babies out of my vagina when all of the kids seemed to favor Alexander's head size.

"That was before I saw how beautiful these three turned out. Besides, what's two more kids?" Alexander shrugs, smiling down at Jaisiah and pushing a hand over his head.

"You're not pushing them out of your vagina." Arabella points out.

"Neither are you so shut it." He replies, adjusting Jaisiah from one arm to another.

"Mommy is though." Maya says, smiling up at me. "This is the best day ever. Can we have ice cream for dinner?" Maya asks, obviously still really excited. She's freaking out lowkey.

"Maya, baby, come with me." Quincy aays, swooping sown and plucking her up. She clings to his neck, a wide smile on her face. "Where's the ice cream, Mama Parker?" He says, swinging around the counter to the freezer.

"So, are you going to have more kids again?" Aurora asks, again.

"Can we get married first?"

"I mean, you're not getting any younger." She says, laughing.

"Trust me, there will be more kids." Aiden says, taking a baby, Jasmine, from my arms.

"Don't speak that into existence just yet." I say, seeing Alexander wink at me. "Yeah, don't." He says winking again, making me roll my eyes.

"Eat?" Stella says, holding her soppy cup up.

"It's okay Baby Parker number 1, I'll get you something. Anybody ever have a Pepsi float?" Quincy asks, sitting Maya on the counter and shoveling ice cream into a cup.

"This is Quincy's favorite snack."

"Actually, I've been leaning towards sushi lately but you're right. I love me some Pepsi. Woah, before Parker and Matthews get married and become Matthews-Parker or Parker-Matthews or just Parker, does anybody here like Coke?"

"We don't do drugs. Anthony and Drew smoke weed." Arabella says, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Arabella." Anthony hisses ya his sister.

"I meant the soda, dumbo. You're a bit more special than Alex aren't ya?" Quincy says, opening a Pepsi out of the grocery bag that sat on the counter.

"Coca cola? Mommy says that's all sugar and it really has no flavor. We only drink sprite."

"Daddy drinks Coca Cola." Maddison points out.

"Daddy, I'm so disappointed in you." Quincy frowns, sliding a cup with ice cream and Pepsi towards Aiden.

"He doesn't eat sugar."

"This ice cream literally says sugar free and you just said he drinks coke." Quincy says, helping Maya lift the heavy beer mug to her face.

"I want one." Maddison climbs onto the stool. Arabella and Aurora are next to her soon while Alex comes closer to me.

He takes Jalen out my hands and gives Jaisiah to me. Jaisiah instantly starts crying. He spit out his pacifier and started crying just because he was coming to me.


"You turned my son against me." I say, giving Jaisiah back to Alex.

"I can't help he loves me more." Alex smiles, bouncing both Jalen and Jaisiah in his arms. I wouldn't be surprised if he could hold all three babies at this same time in his large ass arms.

"I love you."

"I love you too, baby."



Goal: 40 votes and 10 comments. Easy bc last chapter got like 73 votes lmfao I didn't know there was that many readers.

james charles really about to have his career ended and that's what he gets bye


i think I'm gonna keep writing until Alex's birthday or the 'J' triplets 1st bday. Idk. Idk.

Love y'all-


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