Seeking Control: A Sanders Si...

By ariww19

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Virgil has secrets. His magic, his past and his love for Princey. He can't control his magic, hides his past... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-one
Chapter Forty-two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-five
Chapter Forty-six
Chapter Forty-seven
Chapter Forty-eight
Chapter Forty-nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-one
Chapter Fifty-three
Story Photos
Seeking Control Sequel

Chapter Fifty-two

106 5 2
By ariww19

Virgil's P.O.V

Devin laughs again and sits up. 

"The Rune Knights are on their way," Camden says looking at Devin. 

"You're through Devin so have fun slowly fading away in that prison," Hunter says standing next to my Dark Cage. 

Again Devin laughs despite all of his injuries, "I still win." 

Even though he's locked inside my cage and can't use magic or get out, his words make my blood run cold. He wouldn't... Dee walks closer to the cage and asks what he's talking about. 

Since I'm already behind everyone I slowly step back. When Devin doesn't answer, Roman asks again. He laughs again before smiling a twisted smile. He wouldn't tell them... 

"I. Still. Win. You know it too... Don't you Virgil..." 

Everyone turns to look at me so I take another step back. 

"Go on, tell them. Or shall I?" He tells me. 

"Shut up! Or I will end you right here! " I yell angrily. He makes direct eye contact and smiles even wider, making him look even more crazed. 

"Even after I fade, Virgil and I will still be one in the same. I may not actually be here but he will always feel my presence," he says darkly. 

"I said shut up!" I yell again, trying not to just kill him now.

"In other words, eventually he will turn out just like me. Probably worse," he continues saying. "In fact, it has already started. You've only seen a small bit of it just now. The other time was when I took Carsen. I wasn't lying to you when I said he enjoyed it Dee. Right Virge?" No... That wasn't me... 

"Shut up! I will never be like you! I would rather die!" I yell and ball my hands into fists. 

The storm above me starts rapidly growing as the wind starts speeding up. The thunder is going crazy as well as the purple lightning. By now my storm is covering the entire city. 

"Is that so?" He asks in a mocking tone and with an evil grin he looks towards the sky. My storm! Taking a deep breath helps me calm down and my storm gradually disappears. 

"I don't have time for this and neither do you," I say looking at the approaching Rune Knights. 

"You can't fight who you are forever," Devin tells me. As much as I want to end him right here, painfully, I can't. Taking a deep breath I walk up to the cage and open it. I step inside and grab his shirt by the collar. 

Leaning in closer I whisper, "I am not you. I have never been you. I will never be you. There is one thing that you need to know before they take you and you fade away..."

"If I could kill you without the risk of absorbing what's left, I promise you it wouldn't be a quick death. I would make you suffer for hurting the people I love. You are lucky that the others were involved in this fight because my original plan was to lock you somewhere that I could torture you for everything you've done," I continue whispering. My voice becomes dark and distorted when I say, "I know your love for me... You thought I didn't know but I did." His cocky smile vanishes and he begins stammering. 

"T-That's not possible..." That fear in his eyes...

I keep my voice low and wave a hand to cover the cage in a dark shadow. That way no one can see us or get in. The others are shouting for me to open it up and stop messing around. 

However I don't listen because I don't want them to see what I'm about to do. I don't want Princey to see what I'm about to do. 

"I know your fears and until you die... You will suffer in a way only I can make you suffer..." I say darkly and cup his face. 

Without a second thought and before I can talk myself out of it, I lean in and kiss him. When I do I use my Fear spell on him in a way it will linger until he goes. Usually the effects of Fear only last a few seconds to a few hours depending on how I feel about that person.

One benefit of using it is that I don't have to actually make physical contact. That said, another way to make it last longer is by touch. The more stirring the touch, the more effective it will be. Like kissing him for example. It won't kill him but it will torture him. 

I pull away and stand up trying not to feel sorry for him. I drop the shadow and walk out, allowing the Rune Knights to take him. 

Ignoring everyone I keep walking and when I get a bit of a ways away from them I hear a fearful scream and broken sobs from Devin. Wonder what he's seeing right now? 

"Anx!" Princey yells running towards me. I stop but don't turn around until I feel his hand on my shoulder. "What did you- what's wrong...?" he asks softly. 

"N-Nothing," I say back but my voice cracks. Why the hell am I crying?! We won and he got what he deserved... "I-I don't know... It's over, we won and no one was killed... Why do I feel so badly?!" Snap out of it Virgil! You're making it rain. 

"Try to calm down. I don't know what you did but you aren't the type of person who can do something like that and feel nothing. It will take time but eventually this will all pass and you will get better. No matter what, I will be there with you through it all. We'll be okay," he says hugging me. I breathe in his scent and allow him to help calm my nerves. I'll be okay...

Dee's P.O.V (Timeskip 2 weeks)

I'm sitting in the dark commons wondering what to do today? Ugh. Carsen and Hunter said they're going on a job together nearby so I'm stuck on my own for the day. I miss Carsen. I still can't believe what he did before he left. 

["Dee? You in here?" Carsen asks from outside my door. 

"Yeah," I call out as I look for a shirt in my closet. I'd just got out of the shower so I only have my jeans on right now. I hear my door open and close but he doesn't say anything. 

After grabbing a yellow t-shirt I turn around to see Carsen with his hands covering his eyes. I can't help but laugh at how adorable he is sometimes. 

"Car? What are you doing?" I ask still slightly laughing. 

"Uhh... You could've told me you weren't dressed!" he says. I laugh again and walk up to him with my shirt in one hand. Once I'm close enough I pull his hands down only for him to close his eyes. 

I laugh again and pull my shirt on saying, "Alright I'm dressed." He slowly peels his eyes open and punches my shoulder. 

"Did you need something?" I ask sitting on my bed to pull my shoes on. 

"Oh yeah. Hunter and I are going on a job so we won't be back till later," he explains sitting next to me.

"Oh..." is all I can respond with. 

He asks if I'm okay and because I don't want him to worry I look at him with a smile and nod. He smiles back which I won't lie melts my heart. I finish putting on my shoes and look back up to see him just looking at me with a small smile. 

"What?" I ask. He shakes his head and avoids the question. 

Glancing down on my bed I see his hand and decide to put mine over it. I watch him look down and turn his hand over before he intertwines our fingers. Looking back up he smiles at me softly. Using my other hand I reach up and touch his cheek. I lean in closer and he seems nervous but doesn't pull away. I lean over and kiss his cheek softly before pulling back. 

From the hallway I hear Hunter call, "Carsen are you ready? Talyn's waiting for us!" Carsen looks at my door and stands up. 

"We'll be back later," he says. I nod with a smile and watch him walk to the door. He opens it and I see Hunter leaning against my doorway. I wish them luck and grab my phone from behind me on my bed. I unlock it and check my notifications.

When I open YouTube I notice that someone is standing in front of me. Looking up I realize it's Carsen so I go to ask if he needed something else. 

I don't get the chance though because he leans down and kisses my lips softly. It lasts a few seconds before he pulls away and walks out. I look at Hunter who has a satisfied smirk on his face before walking away. 

"Did that just happen?" I ask myself out loud.] 

I smile to myself when I remember how soft his lips were. 

"You seem happy. Something happen?" Virgil asks from behind me. I stand up from the couch and walk into our kitchen with Virgil following. 

"Yeah. Carsen did something I didn't expect before he left," I explain while leaning against the counter. He nods but doesn't say anything. Something's wrong. 

"Is something the matter Virge?" I ask cautiously. He doesn't answer but I can definitely tell something's wrong. He leans on the middle island with his face in his hands so I stand across from him. 

"Talk to me," I say and then hear him start crying. What happened? I walk around the counter and pull him back towards the couch.

He's still crying when we sit down so I put my arm around him and do my best to comfort him. 

"I'm sorry..." he manages to say after a few minutes. 

"You know you don't have to apologize to me. What happened though?" I ask. 

He stands up and asks if we could go outside the compound. It's been awhile since we've left the compound but I nod anyways, knowing that he just needs to go for a walk. We get outside and start walking along the tree line in silence. 

Out of nowhere he stops and asks me a question, "If I needed to would you let me move back into the dark commons?" What?! 

I don't say anything at first because I never expected a question like that. Finally I nod and tell him that of course he could but why. 

"It's Roman..." he says barely loud enough for me to hear. Did he do something? "He's going to hate me. I hate me," he continues saying. 

"Wait, what? I haven't really known Roman for too long but from what I do know is that he couldn't hate you if he tried. Virgil what's going on?" I say grabbing his wrist. When he winces in pain I immediately look at his arm.

He tries to pull his arm back but I grab his hand and pull up his sleeve. Fresh cuts from today and from the past week at least. 

"Virge... What's going on?" I ask looking him in the eyes. 

"I kissed Devin..." he says softly. What?!?! 

"Do you remember how when we were together you didn't like Devin being around me?" he explains. I nod as the memories flood back. 

"Yeah, he was always focused on you. The others didn't notice but when we were together he would always try and get between us. Literally. It was obvious he had feelings for you. So what?" I ask. He starts walking again and I follow. 

"You know how my Fear Magic works right?" he asks me. 

That's when everything clicks in my mind. Everything that happened right before the Rune Knights took him makes sense now. Virgil used Fear in a way that would elicit the biggest emotional response in him. 

"That's what this is about... You want to tell him but you're scared of what his response will be," I say and he nods. What do I say? I can't reassure him it will be okay because honestly I don't know if it will be.

"Yeah because if I'm being honest I didn't have to do that. I could've just let them take him away but I wanted him to suffer. I wanted him to pay for everything he'd done! He hurt Carsen, he tried to kill you guys and that asshole used me to do it! I had to watch him hurt innocent people with my magic! I had to watch him while he did all of that to Carsen! He wanted to do more too! He wanted to- dammit! What the hell am I supposed to do?!" he yells angrily and I hear a boom of thunder above us. I can tell he isn't asking me but I have to calm him down. 

"Listen to me. Do you love him?" I ask after grabbing his shoulders and making him look at me. 

"Yes! What's your poi-" he says back but I cut him off. 

"Do you believe he loves you?" I ask and he asks what I mean. "Think about everything you two have been through together. All of it. Now do you believe that he loves no matter what?" I ask again. 

He doesn't say anything at first. 

Then after a minute he says, "I think so..." I shake my head. 

"You're not sure?" I ask stepping back and crossing my arms. 

"That's not what I... I mean... No? I mean... yes. I have to believe that because if I didn't it would hurt too much," he says softly and looks towards the compound.

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