With Every Step Forward (Negl...

By Dracopyre321

999K 15.5K 16.2K

Y/N Rose is the middle child of the Xiao Long/Rose family, being Ruby's older twin brother. Life was great... More

Y/N Bio
Prologue Part 1/2: A Little Rose
Harem Update
Prologue 2/2: A New Home
Harem Update 2
Chapter 1: A New Rose
Chapter 2: Awakening
Chapter 3: Revealing the Truth
Chapter 4: Classes and Training
Chapter 5: Jaune Grows and Faunus Trouble
Chapter 6: Fight With the Fang
Volume 2
Chapter 7: Best Day Ever!
Chatper 8: Greeting an Army
Chapter 9: Awakening Pt. II
Chapter 10: Sharing the News
Chapter 11: Taking Inventory
Chapter 12: The Dance
Chapter 13: Field Trip
Chapter 14: The Reason Why
Chapter 15: The Real Reason
Chapter 17: Breaking Point
Y/N Bio Updated
Volume 3
Chapter 18: The First Round
Chapter 19: Gathering Info
Chapter 20: A Brawl Between Families
Chapter 21: Reunion
Chapter 22: Tastes Like Victory
Chapter 23: Giving a Choice
Chapter 24: Consequences and Conviction
Chapter 25: The Battle Between Kings
Chapter 26: Fear
Chapter 27: Battle of Beacon
Chapter 28: Unexpected Surprises, the Good and the Bad
Chapter 29: Chaos of the End
Chapter 30: Aftermath
Volume 4
Chapter 31: The Next Step Forward
Chapter 32: The Days Pass
Chapter 33: Fixing a Mistake
Chapter 34: Running
Chapter 35: Looking Forward
Chapter 36: Welcome Home
Chapter 37: Closing In
Chapter 38: Punishment and Consequence
Chapter 39: A Much Needed Talk
Chapter 40: Uncertainty
Chapter 41: A Hard Pill To Swallow
Chapter 42: Desolation
Chapter 43: Trials
Chapter 44: Arrival
Volume 5
Chapter 45: Welcome to Haven
Chapter 46: Dread Everywhere
Chapter 47: New Information
Chapter 48: What We Seek
Chapter 49: Unforeseen Truths
Chapter 50: Welcome Back
Chapter 50.5: The Twin Roses (Ruby Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 51: Decisions to Make
Chapter 51.5: A Night Out (Filler)
Chapter 52: I Burn For You (Yang Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 52.5: A Good Omen (Raven Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 52.75: A Mother's Love (Summer Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 53: Alone Together
Chapter 54: The Perfect Storm
Chapter 55: A Person's True Colors
Chapter 56: It Begins
Chapter 57: Confusion and Surprise
Chapter 58: Epiphany
Chapter 59: Together
Chapter 59.5: The Most Enjoyable Ice Cream (Neo Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60: A Much Needed Explanation
Chapter 60.25: Mischievous Cats (Blake Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60.5: Thunder and Lightning (Nora Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60.75: Deflowering the Princess (Weiss Lemon, 18+)
Volume 6: Annoucement And Recap
Chapter 61: Planning Our Next Step
Chapter 61.5: Blooming Roses (Ruby/Summer Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 62: Return to Vale (+62.5: Required Extra Credit (Glynda Lemon, 18+))
Chapter 63: The Forbidden Tower
Chapter 64: Argus Ahead
Chapter 65: Relighting the Beacon
Chapter 66: Lost
Chapter 67: Truth
Chapter 68: Heightened Emotions
Chapter 69: Noice
Chapter 69.5: Overprotective (Saphron/Terra Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 70: Protection

Chapter 16: The Long Ride

10.6K 218 174
By Dracopyre321

(A/N) Before we get into the chapter, I just wanted to thank everyone who got this story to 10k total views!  I'm incredibly happy you guys are liking it so much and as always, give me feedback.  Now without further ado, let's start!
Y/N:  "Let's go!"

You change into your combat gear and you all head down into the hole.

(Just a reminder in case you guys forgot)

Ruby's POV

Torchwick's pushing Ruby around because he knows he can.  Without her weapon, she's nearly helpless and he knows it.

Torchwick:  "You're much more manageable without that oversized gardening tool of yours."  She runs at him, only to be tripped by his cane.  "Oh, man.  Ya know Perry, I really did need this, thanks.  But seriously, how'd ya find this place, Red?"

Ruby uses her speed to try to get away, but Torchwick uses his cane to grab hold of her hood.

Torchwick:  "I see you got some tricks up your sleeve!  But let me make this clear.  We're not through here yet."

They hear an explosion.

Torchwick:  "Perry, if you and the boys could take care of that?  Kind of in the middle of something."

Another explosion occurs, followed by White Members running from something.

Ruby:  "Whats going on?  Who's that?"

She sees everyone else from recon team.  In the confusion, she jumps on Torchwick's head and then runs.

Torchwick:  "Somebody kill her!"  He and some White Fang members shoot at her, all missing.  "Attach this car and spread the word.  We're leaving now."


Y/N: "Ddraig!"

Ddraig: "BOOST!"

Torchwick: "Oh no, not this guy again. Who is he? Does he fancy himself an assassin or some sort of warrior? Oh well."

Ruby's cornered, but you fired red and black orbs at the White Fang members surrounding her.

Ruby: "Y/N!"

Y/N: "Are you alright Ruby? They didn't hurt you did they?" you say as the rest of the team and Oobleck come up.

Ruby: "Im fine, but they've got all sorts of weapons and robots down there. Androids, mechs - they're all loaded up on the train cars."

Dr. Oobleck: "Ah, that's ridiculous! These tunnels are sealed. The tracks lead to a dead end."

As if right on cue, Torchwick comes on an intercom.

Torchwick (intercom): "Get to your places! We're leaving now!"

With that, the train starts up.

Yang: "It sounds like they're going somewhere!"

Y/N: "We need backup. I'll call Jaune."

You dial Jaune's scroll, but he doesn't answer. You have a low signal and can't get through.

Y/N: "Shit! We have to do this ourselves. Everybody ready?"

Everyone: "Yeah!"

Torchwick's POV

WF: "Uhh, Boss? They're on the train!"

Torchwick: "Then get them off the train!"

The member leaves and Torchwick sighs.

Torchwick: *sigh* "What a bunch of manic animals." He turns to the conductor. "Not you though."


You all jump onto the train and you look inside the caboose.

Y/N: "Dr. Oobleck, is that what I think it is?"

Dr. Oobleck: "If you think it's a bomb, then yes."

Ruby: "We've got baddies!"

She points at a lot of White Fang members coming out of the cars.

Dr. Oobleck: "Well I didn't expect them to go" (You hear the bomb arming itself) "easy on us... Time to go! Blake, detach the caboose! It'll kill us all!"

Everyone jumps to the next car as Blake goes to cut the connection. As she's about to, it detaches."

Blake: "It decoupled itself!"

Dr. Oobleck: "Wait what?"

The caboose goes some distance and then explodes.

Dr. Oobleck: "That's not good."

Ruby: "Neither is this!"

Blake: "Another bomb!?"

You look around and go to the next car. You open it up and see that it has a bomb in it too.

Y/N: "They all have bombs!"

As you say this, the bomb I. The car Ruby, Yang, Blake, Oobleck, and Weiss are on arms itself and the car decouples. They jump to the one you're on and like the caboose, goes a little way and then explodes.

Yang: "This doesn't make any sense!"

The White Fang members are getting closer, you and Team RWBY go to fight them. Yang punches one through a car's roof while Blake slashed through about four at once, knocking another off in the process. Weiss glides a line past them with her ice and takes out the one at the end. Ruby uses her speed to knock the rest of them on their asses.

Y/N: "Looks like I didn't need to do a thing."

Another explosion occurs and you see Grimm coming in through the hole it made.

Y/N: "Oh fuck. He's leading Grimm to the city."

Weiss: "What?"

Y/N: "It's the cars. They detach and and explode, creating openings for the Grimm!"

Dr. Oobleck: "Weiss, Blake, Yang, and Y/N, go in the train and try to disarm the bombs. Ruby, you and I are going to stop this train!"

You do as Oobleck asks and you four go inside.

Ruby's POV

Ruby, Oobleck, And Zwei are running towards the front, but see many Paladins piloted by White Fang members in front of them.

Dr. Oobleck: "Up ahead! We've got a problem!"

He drinks his coffee and extends his club, which now has a flame at the end. Zwei jumps and Oobleck launches him at a Paladin, destroying it. He then comes up and surrounds a second Paladin with fire, sending it into a wall.


Y/N: "Well, I guess this is what we trained for."

Weiss: "Here, this should help you." She hands a cartridge full of dust to Blake, who loads it in her weapon. You begin to advance, but are stopped by that girl with the brown and pink hair from before.

Y/N: "Leave her to me."

Yang, Blake, and Weiss go on ahead while you stare her down. She doesn't seem to want to fight.

3rd Person POV

Yang, Blake, and Weiss each take a train.  Yang got a train with many robotic soldiers in it, Weiss got one with a White Fang Lieutenant, and Blake got Torchwick.

With Yang

Yang:  "Ha!"  She fires shell after shell at the soldiers and uses their numbers to her advantage.

The soldiers are disadvantaged at being in a tight space, but as more of their number fall, the easier it is for each to move.  Yang lunges at a few of them, using her superior speed to her advantage.  However, one of them gets into a lucky hit that slows her down.

Yang:  "Oh no.  That's not good."

The more she's fighting, the more they're adapting to her combat style.  While this adaptation is wonky, it is somewhat effective.  Soon, there's only about 10 left, but she's out of breath.  She falls to one knee as three soldiers fire at her, knocking her out.

With Weiss

Weiss:  "Looks like you'll be a challenge."

Lieutenant:  "I've always wanted to kill a Schnee." he says as he revs his chainsaw.

Weiss lunges at him, using her superior speed and acrobatics against his superior strength.  He's knocked back and Weiss gets ready.  They're fairly evenly matched, but Weiss uses her glyphs to speed herself up even more.  She creates some glyphs around him and charges.  She jumps from glyph to glyph, slashing with each jump.  As she's about to do a last strike, he grabs her by the leg and throws her into the car ahead.

With Blake

Blake stares down Torchwick, weapon in hand.

Torchwick:  "Hello kitty cat.  We really gotta stop meeting like this.  What are people gonna say?"

Blake:  "Ew, no thanks.  I already have a boyfriend."

Torchwick:  "You mean that little bastard that keeps ruining my plans?"

Torchwick walks to her as she charges at him.  He swings her cane, but with her semblance, she leaves a clone of herself.  Imbued in the clone is fire dust, so it explodes when Torchwick hits it.  She throws him up into the air gets in a couple hits before kicking him to the back of the car.  He fires at her and she creates a clone imbued with earth dust.  They party each other's strikes and as he swings his cane at her, she creates a clone imbued with ice dust, making his cane stuck in the ice.  She backs up and delivers a wave of energy straight to him.

Blake:  "You know, I learned that little trick from Y/N using dust."

As he starts to get up, she steps on his chest to keep him down.

Torchwick:  "Why are we fighting?  I saw you at the rally.  We're on the same side and you know it.  So what are we gonna do now?  Do you really think a little bow on top is gonna make people forget what you are?  What you've done?"

Just then, Weiss comes thrown through the door with the lieutenant right behind.

Torchwick:  "So what's it gonna be Blake?"

She kicks him in the head, knocking him out.  She goes over to Weiss, picks her up, and they run.


Y/N: "It's alright. You don't have to fight right now."

She looks at you confused, then pulls out a notepad and paper.

(The way she talks will be denoted like 'this')

???: 'Why don't you want to fight me? Afraid you'll lose?'

Y/N: "No, that's not it. I don't want to fight you because I can tell you don't want to fight me. What's your name?"

???: 'My name's Neopolitan. How'd you know I don't want to fight you guys?'

Y/N: "Neo huh? Well, it's because I can tell from the look in your eyes that you're scared. I know because I used to have the same eyes." You take off your hood to reveal your face.

She seems surprised by this, and quickly scribbles something down.

Neo: 'But you're so strong. You beat Roman easily and I can tell you've gotten a lot stronger since then.'

Y/N:  "I wasn't always this strong.  Tell me Neo, why are you siding with him?"

Neo:  'I didn't really have anywhere else to go.  He picked me up a long time ago after I ran away from home.  I was trained to be strong, but I never agreed with his ideals.  I'm only helping him because I owe him.  I'm a horrible person.' 

She starts breaking down into tears.  You grab her shoulders.

Y/N:  "Please don't cry.  I can't stand to see a girl cry.  It's alright.  You don't have to fight for him anymore.  Free yourself.  Fight for yourself.  You're strong.  You can do it.  And you want, I can help you.  I promise."

Neo looks up at you and smiles.  She hands you a note.

Neo:  'Here's my scroll number.  Message me after this.  I can't tell you anything about what they're planning because I was never told what the plan was, but please, don't break your promise.'

Y/N:  "I would never."

She kisses you on the cheek and disappears.

Y/N:  "Did I just...?  Questions for later.  I gotta catch up to them."

You go into the next car and see Yang knocked out and robotic soldiers getting ready to finish her off.

Y/N:  "No!"

Just then, a woman appears and destroys the rest of the soldiers in one swing of her large katana, more like an ōdachi.

Y/N (thoughts):  'This aura...  it's like Yang's..."

Y/N:  "Let me guess, Raven Branwen."

She turns to you with her sword drawn.

Y/N:  "Wait!  I just want to talk.  I'll fight if necessary to protect Yang, but I feel like that's also why you're here."

Raven:  "That's right, I'm Raven.  Who are you?"

Y/N:  "I'm Summer's son and Yang's half-brother, Y/N.  I'm also her boyfriend.  I heard about you from my mom and Uncle Qrow a long time ago.  Why did you leave her?"

Raven:  "That's none of your concern boy.  However... I sense that you're very strong and have a lot of potential.  Tell Yang nothing of this encounter.  I do not want her to know, not yet.  Do this and I shall reward you."

Y/N:  "Reward me?  With what?"

Raven:  "Me..." she says seductively.

You blush heavily.

Raven:  "Ha!  You're easy to sway, aren't you?  You're very entertaining.  I like you kid."

Y/N:  "Alright.  I accept your request, but not because of what you promised.  I accept it because I want you to tell Yang yourself one day."

Raven:  "You have my word on that.  My my, my daughter's picked an interesting man.  I'll come by your room sometime and we'll have some fun, but for now, looks like she's waking up."

She slices open a portal with her sword and walks through it.  You don't know if Yang saw, but you're by her side.

Yang:  "Y...Y/N?  What happened!?  Where are the soldiers?  And that girl?"

Y/N:  "Don't worry Yang, they've been taken care of."

Yang:  "You beat her?"

Y/N:  "Something like that, but for now, we gotta go.  Can you stand?"

Yang:  "Yeah."  She falls a little bit.  "Can you hold me up until I get my balance back?"

Y/N:  "Sure."

Yang (thoughts):  'He's gotten a lot more muscular.  I hadn't noticed before.  I'll definitely have to reward him when we get home.'

Ruby's POV

Up too, Oobleck and Ruby are still fighting Paladins.  They get on both sides of one and shoot at the same time.  Two more Paladins come up from behind.

Dr. Oobleck:  "Ruby!  Go on ahead!  It's time I teach them a lesson."  He runs off against the Paladins.

Ruby looks at Zwei who looks like he wants to go too.

Ruby:  "Heh, go on, what are you waiting for?"


You and Yang go out through the top of the train.  You see Weiss, Blake and Ruby all on top already.

Ruby:  "Hey guys!"

You see the train about to hit the barrier that separates the tunnel from the rest of the kingdom.

Y/N:  "Ruby, this isn't the time, Weiss!  Ice now!  Ddraig!"

Ddraig:  "TRANSFER!"

You transfer power to Weiss (who gets lewd expression on her face like Penny did) and creates a large ice flower that shields you all.

The train crashes in a large explosion that leaves your ears ringing.  You can hear sirens going off in the distance and you can see the rest of the team.  They all seem fine.

Y/N:  "Thank goodness."

Ddraig:  "Partner, deactivate and then reactive the Boosted Gear.  It's time."

You do as Ddraig asks.

Y/N:  "Time for what?"

Just then, a King Taijitu Grimm erupts out of the ground.  You can see many other Grimm overrunning the city.

Y/N:  "We can do this."

Ddraig:  "I'll back your play kid."

Svartur:  "We've got your back partner."

You look at the Boosted Gear and notice it looks slightly different.

Y/N:  "Ddraig?  What's this?"

Ddraig:  "It's my power kid.  Use it."


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