Up To My Neck In You (Sequel...

By vampirewerewolves

59.8K 2.3K 536

After leaving the tour and estranged 'love of her life,' Suzie-Q made her way directly back to Australia with... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Sixx
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Sixx
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine

Chapter Forty-Two

939 50 25
By vampirewerewolves

Tommy had walked out that day and as for I? I couldn't just sit there in my office and watch him go. My heart hurt too much just to let him walk away. I knew we were a train wreck together and quite frankly, I was sure he even knew that as well. But still, he couldn't seem to accept the fact that we wouldn't work out. Our hearts weren't in the same place, as much as I did love Tommy, we weren't on the same wave length. Not at all. And as for Nikki? I still hadn't seen him since that night. I didn't know where he was, nor did I really go looking for him.

"So I see the chat didn't go as planned." Hunter murmured as we stood at the bar.

"As per usual, no." I shook my head. "Hunter, he told me he loved me." I turn my head to look him in the eyes. "And I couldn't just let him walk away, when I probably should of. I was hurting and well, I couldn't stand seeing him leave. I know, I'm in a very fucked up situation."

"You're telling me." Hunter did a slight sarcastic laugh.

"It's not funny Hunt. This shit hurts, it's getting too real." I frowned.

"I know, I'm sorry." He returned watching the red-head come over with the drinks. "So you obviously haven't seen Nik?"

"No." I shook my head. "I wouldn't even know where to start if I did go looking for him."

"I'm surprised you ain't searching the streets for him. I thought he was the love of your life." Hunter gave the waitress a small nod as she handed him a little dish to carry all of the drinks on.

"I figured he will show up eventually. If not, well I'll try and comprehend it when it happens." I mumbled.

"You don't sound very confident." Hunter turned around with the drinks in hand. I on the other hand grabbed the remaining drinks. Vince and Mick had both succeeded in chatting up a couple of ladies, so the table was a little more full this time.

"Ah, yeah. Can't say I really am." I cringe at the thought. I didn't really want to face Nikki, but at the same time I did. I wanted to know his problem and of course, where he had come across the "rumour".

Noticing Angry walk through the doors of the pub, I sighed and looked away before noticing who was trailing behind him. "So, you on talking terms with Angry yet?"

"No." I shook my head. "I haven't properly spoken to him since our father/daughter talk." I followed him over to our table. Vince was of course, making out with his chick of the night and Mick? He was glaring at the wall, seeming to be ignoring his chick.

"Jesus Sue. Maybe you ought to talk to him sometime. I get you're pissed, but he is your old man." Hunter answers as we got to the table.

"Whose old man?" Tommy chuckled, obviously laughing at something Jimmy had said.

"Hunter is talking about Angry and I." I answered, taking a seat beside Tommy.

"Oh yeah?" Tommy cocked an eyebrow, his attention flickering over to Hunter. He was pretty happy this evening, I guess it was because I was beside him and well, he was able to have his arm around me.

"Yeah, just said I reckon she and her old man ought to talk out their shit." Hunter passed around the drinks before wandering back to the bar with the dish.

Tommy nodded his head and gave me a sweet smile. "I think you should as well."

"I will." I rolled my eyes. "Eventually."

"Angry is here, so why not take the chance?" Tommy hinted, his hand resting on my thigh.

"I'm not quite ready to talk about that to him Tom." I shook my head.

"You can't stay mad forever." Tommy furrowed his eyebrows and gave my thigh a reassuring squeeze.

"Maybe not, but still. I'll talk about it to him again when I feel up to it. Right now, I'm just not ready." I gripped onto my drink.

"Well you don't see that every day." Hunter exclaimed, walking back to the table with a shocked expression.

"What's that dude?" Tommy eyed Hunter, watching him take a seat by Vince.

"Angry and Nikki." Hunter looked directly at me as he said it. "I thought those two butted heads!"

"You so sure you seen Nikki? With Angry, of all people?" I frowned, looking around the bar and not being able to see either of the men.

"Fair dinkum! I'm not bullshitting Sue. Angry and Nikki walked in together." Hunter nodded, he looked very confused.

I don't know who between us was more confused, him or myself. But as for Tommy, somehow he didn't look shocked. "Well he obviously didn't skip town." I murmured, staring down at the drink in front of me.

"Clearly." Hunter chuckled, not wasting any time before chugging down half of his whiskey.

"Are you okay, beautiful?" Tommy brought his lips to my ear, making me shiver at the sensation.

"Yeah, just fine." I mumbled. "I need to go to the toilet." I peel Tommy's arm from my shoulders and slowly descended away from the booth. Before I managed to get to the door of the women's bathroom, a voice calling out my name stopped me in my tracks.

"Hey Suzie-Q."

Having stopped just outside the toilet, I turned my head to the left, my eyes narrowing on a table at the far back. As Hunter had said, there sat Nikki and Angry. Angry was clearly the person calling out to me and well Nikki? He had his back towards me. Biting my lip, I stood there for a moment longer pondering whether I should or shouldn't go over there. But finally deciding to, I made my way over there and stood by the table. My eyes flickered between the two men and of course, stayed on Nikki.

"Since when have you two became mates?" I asked, turning my attention to Angry. Nikki's face was mostly hidden by his messy dark locks, but he appeared to be staring down at his drink.

"Sue, take a seat." Angry returned, not answering my question.

"No." I shook my head. "I'm not going to be here long, so what do you want?" I ask, my tone cold.

"Sue, please take a seat. I assure you, we won't hold you up for long." Angry stated once again.

"No point Angry, just let her on her way. I'm sure she was just going to clean her cunt before fucking Johnny." Nikki lowly growled.

"Watch your mouth, Sixx." Angry warned.

I wasn't sure which part of his sentence that had really lit the fire in me, but I sure as hell knew I wasn't going anywhere now. Not until I hammered some common sense into his thick skull. Grabbing the closest chair, I dragged it to the table before sitting down.

"Sue-" Angry starts, but I interrupt him.

"First of all, if I ever hear that word come out of your mouth again, I will kick your arse so hard that you'll be able to taste your dick in your mouth. Secondly, I don't take you as a dumb fuck, but you're definitely not the sharpest needle in the hay stack. So his name is Jimmy. And lastly, I was going to the bathroom to pee, not wash anything for anyone. But hey, I might as well now. I heard Jimmy has quite the sex labido, as for you, just two pumps and your finished." I rolled my eyes. The last part I added in just to tick Nikki off, to get a reaction out of him and you know what? It sure did.

"Oh you take that back. I rocked your world and two pumps my ass. I've got more of a labido than anybody here put together." Nikki snapped.

"Settle down you two." Angry sighed.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Yours is pretty high, so instead of staying loyal, you fuck anything with legs." I sarcastically answered.

"Here we go again, making me out to be the bad guy." Nikki rolled his eyes and lifted his head, his green eyes staring at me.

Nikki looked horrible. Black rings around his eyes, his eyes were bloodshot, crusty dry lips, pale face, no longer a clean shave. It wasn't the fact that he hadn't looked like he had slept, it was the fact that he looked exactly the same from when he went through his heroin phase. Now that scared me, it really did. Ignoring Nikki's rant, I grabbed a hold of his arm and ripped up his sleeve. There on his arm was the proof, the little black bruises. He had been shooting up.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Nikki hissed, ripping his arm back.

"I take it back, you really are a dumb fuck Nik." I snapped, looking away from him and towards Angry. The only person I knew of that could get anything remotely close to heroin was Angry. "And you! You gave him that shit? What the fuck were you thinking? Nik use to have a problem with it once before, and now you give him the taste of it again. I don't know who is more stupid, you or him!" I angrily ripped out of my chair.

"Why would you even care, Sue? You're too busy fucking Jimmy." Nikki slyly smiled.

"I'm not fucking Jimmy! I wouldn't ever do that with him! He's an attractive guy, sweet and caring, but I wouldn't go down on him!" I hissed, standing by the table. "You should know that! But hey, you're too busy putting that shit into your veins." I go to storm away, but Nikki grabbed a hold of me before I could go anywhere.

"I thought I knew that, but it's true. You've been sleeping with Jimmy!" Nikki answered, pulling me back and forcing me into the chair so had been sitting in.

"Fucking hell! I never did! You could even ask Angry and he could vouch that I haven't ever slept with Jimmy, despite him wanting me to!" I exclaimed.

"Oh yeah? Considering you two aren't fucking talking, he probably hasn't got a fucking clue." Nikki returned.

"I've got more of clue compared to you, son." Angry answered with a slight chuckle.

"And why would he lie to me!" Nikki returned with gritting teeth.

"Who?! Who the hell told you that bullshit, who?!" I raised my voice.

"I did." A voice answered from behind me.

Looking over my shoulder, I spotted Tommy standing there staring at the three of us. "You didn't?" I stared at him dumbfound.

"He did. He told me every fucking detail Sue. You've been ratted in. Thanks bro, for having my back when it comes to skanks." Nikki gave Tommy half a smile.

"Having your back?" I choked. I almost wanted to laugh. "Nikki, Tommy is the last person you should be trusting." I state. "As for you? Get out of my sight." I turn away from Tommy and stare directly at Nikki.

"Oh yeah? Why shouldn't I trust Tom? He's my brother and you? You're just a cunt." Nikki answered.

"You call Sue that again and I will kill you, Nik." Tommy snapped from behind.

I on the other hand? I didn't speak, I just dived out of my seat and towards Nikki. Crashing into Nikki, the both of us tumbled onto the ground, knocking his chair as well. "I told you, don't ever say that word again!" I growled, hovering above Nikki as he stared up at me in shock.

"Get off me, skank." Nikki huffed, pushing me away.

Trying to hold back my anger, I slowly stood up and watched as Nikki picked himself up. I was furious, not only with him, but also with Tommy; the lying son of a bitch. "I didn't sleep with Jimmy and that's final." I state, watching as he picked up his chair and sat back down.

"Ha. Liar." Nikki rolled his eyes.

"I suggest you for once, back me up instead of spreading fucking bullshit." I glared at Tommy.

Tommy's eyes flickered to me and over to Nikki, he looked very nervous and very guilty. "Fine." Tommy murmured. "I lied."

"What?!" Nikki snapped his head back to Tommy.

"I fucking lied, Nik." Tommy sighed, stepping forward and standing by my side. "I-I thought if I told you that Sue was fucking Jimmy, you'd back off and well-" Tommy paused, his eyes flickering to me. "Sue wouldn't want anything to do with you. But instead, it backfired." Tommy bit his lip and returned his attention back to Nikki.

"Back the fuck up. So Sue and Jimmy haven't been fucking, at all?" Nikki's eyes were wide and his mouth was hanging open.

"No." Tommy shook his head.

With my mouth firmly shut, I stared at Nikki. I didn't know who I wanted to take my anger out on. Tommy or Nikki. All I knew was, I didn't want anything to do with either men and well, why stop with sharing the secrets. Tommy fucked up what good that was happening between Nikki and I, why shouldn't I do the same.

"Sue, I-" Nikki starts, but stopped when I shook my head.

"Don't even bother, because I'm not done here. I think it's time to come clean. Your so called brother and best friend, he is far from being either to you." I state.

"Sue!" Tommy shrieked.

"No. It's fucking time." I snapped, looking back at him. "I'm done with the pair of you. The fact that I chased after you because I felt guilty, my heart broke for you. That was my mistake, especially when you go spreading bullshit about me." I narrowed my eyes on him. "I am done with you, Tommy."

"Wait what? What the fuck is going on?" Nikki asked, looking very confused.

"You're right Nik, I have been sleeping with somebody that isn't you." I answered.

Nikki laughed again, rolling his eyes before glaring daggers at me. "I fucking knew it. Who is he?" Nikki questioned.

"He's the bastard that lied to, that's who." I answered blandly.

"What? I don't fucking get it. Who is he?" Nikki, looked very confused.

"Nik, are you that fucking blind? I just told you. It's Tommy!" I exclaimed.

"Sue!" Tommy snapped.

"No! Don't 'Sue' me, Tom!" I growled, turning my attention away from him and to Nikki. "That's right, Nik. Tommy and I have been sleeping together since well before you decided to fly your arse here." I state.

If it was even possible, Nikki grew even more pale. He looked well beyond shocked, like he was finding it hard to believe the words that were coming from my mouth. "No." He shook his head, he was trying not to believe it. "You're lying."

"Isn't that funny. When I'm telling you the truth, you don't believe me. I can't win with you Nikki. But that's all well and good." I mumbled.

"S-Sue I'm sorry." Tommy wrapped an arm around my waist, he looked unsure as to what to say.

Pulling away from Tommy, I stood closer to Angry who had been watching everything unfold. I bet it was just like watching reality tv.

"'Sue I'm sorry?' What about me! You're my best friend and you've not only lied to me, but you've been fucking my girl behind my back? I could fucking rip your throat out Tom!" Nikki roared, he was very pissed off.

"And if you lay a single hand on him, I'll knock you on your arse." I state, my arms crossed over my chest. "Go on, try it. See where it gets you."

"I can't fucking believe this." Nikki shook his head. "Of all people, you fuck my girl. She's off fucking limits to everybody, especially you! What the fuck is wrong with you!" Nikki glared daggers at Tommy.

"What the fuck is wrong with me? What the fuck is wrong with you Sixx?! You've had this perfect girl in front of you for years. Loving you without turning her back on you! You had your chance, you fucked it up the ass and inside out. You blew it Nik and I wasn't standing around and waiting for you to make your move." Tommy hissed back.

"You're a fucking prick!" Nikki ripped out of his chair and charged for Tommy, shoving him back angrily.

"Just look at you Nik. You're a fucking mess and by the looks-" Tommy shrugged his shoulders and lowered his head, examining Nikki a little closer. "you've been fucking shooting up, haven't you? Jesus man, you're a fucking idiot." Tommy shook his head.

"Fuck off, crack-head." Nikki retorted. "And as for you, you've been fucking my best friend this whole time. Without even feeling remotely guilty about it?!" Nikki directed his anger towards me.

"Remotely guilty? Nikki you have no idea." I rolled my eyes. "And as a matter of fact I have and you know what, I enjoyed every bit of it." I gloated, rubbing it in his face.

"You fucking slut!" Nikki roared. "I can't believe it and I am in fucking love with you. Bloody hell, didn't I just fall for the wrong chick. Opens her legs for anyone with a dick." Nikki clenched his jaw.

"Well that's not my problem." I shook my head. "You had many chances, Nik. And you know what, recently I thought things were going great. Then you accused me of sleeping with Jimmy and now, the truth has been revealed." I paused, taking a deep breath. "But that's fine. I am done. I am done with you, Nik and I am done with you!" I flickered my attention back to Tommy. "Here, you can have this shit back. Fuck back off to LA and give it to fucking Brandi." I tugged off my necklace and the ring on my finger. Slamming it down onto the table, I took one glance both at each men. "Fuck you." I walked away without another word to any of them. Good riddance.

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