Back Home (A Larry Stylinson...

By TimeToRead2485

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Harry Styles became the fastest selling record artist with sold-out concerts and an award winning actor. He p... More

Chapter 1 - We had some good times, didn't we?
Chapter 3 - Spaces between us
Chapter 4 - When we were 18
Chapter 5 - The music is so loud
Chapter 6 - The script was written
Chapter 7 - Looking in the dark
Chapter 8 - I want to write you a song
Chapter 9 - Does he know?
Chapter 10 - Story of my life
Chapter 11 - It's gotta be you
Chapter 12 - Better than words
Chapter 13 - Silence and Sounds
Chapter 14 - See you smile again
Chapter 15 - Sweet Creature
Chapter 16 - I wanna tell the world that you're mine
Chapter 17 - Tell me that I'm wrong
Chapter 18 - Don't Forget Where You Belong
Chapter 19 - We don't say what we really mean
Chapter 20 - How many nights till it takes
Chapter 21 - I show you my heart
Chapter 22 - Taste of my Tongue
Chapter 23 - Midnight Memories
Chapter 24 - If I Could Fly
Chapter 25 - I get down on my knees for you
Chapter 26 - I was like... Nanana!
Chapter 27 - Perfect For You
Chapter 28 - We Made It
Home (Epilogue)

Chapter 2 - Happily?

21.4K 728 955
By TimeToRead2485

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Harry woke up with the sound of his phone ringing. He tried to reach it from his bedside table. With half eyes opened, he swiped the answer call without looking who the caller was. He already used to waking up not with the sound of his alarm but a call from somebody.

"Hello?" He answered in his deep voice.

"Harry? Thank God you finally answered my call. Been calling you for a thousand of times already." It was Jacqueline, his road manager, calling.


"Let me remind you that at 10 am, you will have a photo shoot for Gentleman's Magazine and at 6 pm dinner interview with the editor. At 11 pm, you will have an interview at the Late Late Show with James Corden." So there was his schedule of the day. Another tiring day for him but again, he was already used to it.

"Okay. Be right up. Did Mom or Gem call?"

"Oh yeah! Anne only reminded me to take our daily vitamins."

Once the phone conversation ended. He went straight to his bathroom to take a shower. Then went to his massive dressing room, with colour the coordinated and organized clothes, shoes, accessories and all. And he decided to wear a black and white striped top and flared bell bottoms Gucci suit.

He blew dry his hair and brushed it up. He didn't put make up on because his make-up artist, Patricia, would take care of him once he would be in the studio. He put his rings and necklace on, sprayed some perfume. He looked at himself again in the mirror and put his dimply smile and ready to go.

When he arrived at the location, being famous and him being him, he was greeted by the staff and crew of the magazine and even the fans waiting for him outside. He first shook and waved all of them.

Everything was already set up from his suit to wear, to the accessories, props to be used, the lights, the cameras and all.

He knew what to pose from his facial expressions, and angle of his face and body. He had been doing this since he was 16 years old. That is why he had been awarded as the sexiest man alive for five consecutive years.

"Good job, H!" Jacqueline said.

"Thanks. Where are we heading next?" He was already in his car going to the restaurant for his next meeting.

"Uhmm... You will have an interview for the magazine with the editor."

"Oh, God. Can we just have this interview set over the phone? I'm so tired, Jac." He sounded bored and weary.

"That can't be. She was already waiting for us."

"Alright." As if he had no choice.

At the restaurant, he didn't eat anything. He didn't feel like eating, so he just ordered for a cup of coffee. Even if he was tired and all, he had to act like not. He felt like as a celebrity, he had the sense of responsibility to treat people with kindness. And he was okay with it because people around him returned the favour to him.

Although he couldn't avoid the bashers and negative criticisms about him. So basically, he just ignored them.

During the interview, he was asked about his professional career mainly. How he handled the fame and his accomplishments at the age of 31.

Interviewer: "Mr. Styles, Congratulations because you have just awarded as the Best Actor in Oscar in your recent movie, The Joker vs Batman. But before that, back in 2017, you were awarded as the Best Supporting Actor in your debut role in Dunkirk. Since then you collected so many awards as an actor. How do you handle it?"

Harry Styles: Well... For me, it is not about how you handle, it is all about how you accept them. Once I won an award, I always put it in thoughts and heart that my hardworks pay off, that someone acknowledges my talent as an actor. Of course, I am so grateful and honor because I always consider myself like a student. And I am very much willing to learn. For me, it is not all about the awards, it's all about how you make people happy.

Interview: Well, speaking of happy. Since you are the award-winning Joker, out of 100% what is the percent of sadness and happiness in your life?

He paused there for a while. He smiled at the interviewer showing his dimples and answered. That was a hard question.

"Right now, I feel happy. I am very proud of the outcome of the movie." He put a little smirk on his face because he knew he didn't answer that question correctly because personally, he, himself, didn't know the answer.

After that, he went to the CBS Studios for his interview with James Corden. Everyone knows that they had been good friends for so long since One Direction days. He considered the host like his older brother since Anne and Gem preferred to live in London.

During his interview, he was asked the common questions like his reaction and feelings when he heard his name called. Of course, he would answer the same. He became so confident in answering in the interviews and dealing with people in show business. He guessed, it showed with the years of experience.

Then, the question that he did not expect was asked.

"Do you miss the boys?" James asked.

He was surprised from that question. He knew that James would ask him that. For ten years of hiatus, he strictly instructed his management that he wouldn't be asked about it or anything about One Direction.

"Well, anything that I have and who I am right now, I always owe it to One Direction. Once in a while, we see each other. But mostly, they stay in London. Unlike me, I am here in LA, living independently. So, yeah! I miss them." He answered as he gave James a striking look for millisecond that nobody could notice.

That had been his script every time he was asked in an ambush interview. He would just play along with it. And since he was a great actor, he answered like he really meant it. But in his thoughts, he knew what James' point was. He knew to whom the question he referred to.

And the host changed the subject and asked: "Harold, if you could rate your happiness, how many percent is it?"

That was the second time he was asked that question for just one day. So he put his signatured-smile.

"100%!" He answered in a sarcastic way.

This was the life that he chose. He preferred to be busy. He arrived home so late. He was so tired. He went straight to his room, took a shower, wore his boxer shorts and prepared himself to go to sleep.

But he couldn't sleep. That question was bugging his thoughts.

"Am I happy?" He asked to himself.

Well, he is HARRY STYLES. He is famous not only in the music industry but also in the movie world. He already accomplished a lot of things for such a young age. He is 31 years old but he has a lot of money that even the grandchildren of his grandchildren could still use his money.

"Can money and fame make me happy?" He asked again.

He was still single and living independently in LA but he had his ever supportive family, friends and fans that would never fail to make him happy.

But can they completely make me happy? He asked for the third time.

He is the one and only HARRY STYLES. And he could do whatever he wanted. He could get anything in just a snap.

"What about my happiness?" He asked himself for the fourth time.

He started to get sleepy. And just right after he closed his eyes, he saw the person that defines his happiness. Louis Tomlinson. And he slept with a smile on his face.

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