Mated To The Bastard (lone st...

By Animejunkie13

71.6K 3.2K 308

My names Virgo its been a year since I challenge my cousin to be Alpha and lost. I don't regret it one bit be... More

Big lost
The Cresent Moon Pack
Save him
My Mate
Are you crazy
Who is He?
The Curse
The Talk
Meet your father
Tell me everything
it's crazy.
I'm leaving
Touch me
wild wild
Moving on
I'm off
Saying good bye and Hello
The Villains
Rescue plan
Break the Curse
counter attack
A might Alpha
The Firefly Pack
wrap it up.


3.1K 105 3
By Animejunkie13

Rose's POV

"Ahh ah ah," i scream as the pain hits me with each contractions. "One more big push now," the female doctor says to me.

I wonder what she thinks I'm doing all along, "huh hu hub," I breath.

Making big push I groan and and bite my lip. "The heads coming just a little bit," the doctor says again.

"Ahh ahh you," I yell then I could here the hear words of congratulations from the nurse, as she tells me, "its a boy."

I watched as the rapt him IP and place him in my arm, he was a cute little boy.

I wish his father could have been here to meet him.

"Hey there can I meet my nephew my brother," said as he looked from the doorway.

"He's a cryer," I said as I handed him the cranky baby.

"He has your eyes," he has your eyes.

"Thanks," I reply, "when am I going to meet your mate and hopefully your husband," my brother ask as he rocks my baby in his arms.

"Bennett I don't have a mate," I tell him.

"What do you don't have a mate," he asked.

"I've been dating a guy and we broke up and he's the baby's father," I tell him.

"You know dads going to go ballistic when he finds out," he says.

"That's why you aren't going to tell him," I say.

"So your going to go home with a baby and not explain anything," he looks at me skeptically and asked.

"No Bennet, I'm going to tell him my mate rejected me," I said with and evil smile.

"I won't be apart of your lies," he says.

"That's okay, I'll just tell dad about Sarah," I said.

"Okay but who's the kid dad because he deserve a chance to know his son," he tells me.

"I don't know, after he broke up with me, I had a witch wipe my memory of him," I say to him.

"Rose, why would you do that," he asked me.

My brother was a player, he went through girls like he was changing his clothes.

He wouldn't understand how the first person you love can make you feel.

He made me happy but when he told me we had to break up, I was devastated. So I had all the memories of him erase.

I would have never guess at that time I was pregnant.

"I did it because I'm hurting," I tell him.

"Real mature for a eighteen year old," he says.

I wanted to deny his words but they were true in someway, I was seventeen and in love when I meet him.

I thought he would be my mate so I gave him my first time, the moment I turn eighteen and he realized we're not mates.

He leaves me high and dry with a broken heart, I beg him to give us a chance until our mates come.

But he refuses and goes back to his pack to god knows where.

I wanted to drop the topic of my foolishness, "what do you think we should name him," I say to him in hopes of distracting him.

My brother was bad at giving names, we once had a dog and his name was sea breeze, I felt so sorry for the poor dog when he picked out the horrible name.

"Oh let's see, what should a handsome guy like you be called," he says and looks down at my son.

I felt sorry for my own son already. Him might end up with a name like coconut.

"I got it," he says excitedly.
"Okay what do you got," I say to him.

"His name should be Virgo Pengant Romes," he says, it was a weird name but I've heard worst.

"I'll hate to interrupt you two, but mom and baby needs some rest," a nurse comes in and say.

"Okay, see you later," my brother says and kiss my forehead, then he leaves the room.

The nurse comes in after he leaves and takes the baby, I know it procedure but I didn't want to be far away form my child.

I tried to sleep but it eluded me, all I could think about was how my life has change so much since I meet that man.

Bennett's POV

"Come on boy," she says while playing with the baby.

"I can't believe the old mans a grandfather already," I tell her.

"Yeah just let's hurry and go  home," she tells me.

We were on Fork island driving home, our wolf pack had lived on these lands for centuries..

They were in the car with me, rose was in the back of my car with baby Virgo.

We were driving back to the pack land on pride rock.

Pulling up to the gate I hunk the horn and the gate slowly opens,
"Bennett glad to see your back and hello there rose," Goffered said.

He was my dad captain of the Alpha guards and my dads best friend, "I'm okay how are you Fred," my sister says.

"I'm okay is that the little boy that I keep hearing about," he smiles at the baby and say.

"Yeah his name is Virgo," my sister says and introduce him to Virgo.

"He's going to me a special boy, I don't want to keep you any longer, " he says and drives off .

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