
Per itzcaamrenyo

258K 7.3K 1.8K

The Cabello's and the Jauregui's are two families in a small town who hate each other, one family good, the o... Més

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thiry Two
Thirty Three


7.7K 226 50
Per itzcaamrenyo

A/N: 👀👀👀👀


Camila's POV

October 21st 2012.

Sunday 10:15am.

Miami, Florida.

For the first time in months I wake up with a smile on my face. I don't feel guilt, I don't feel cheap, I don't feel like a liar.

I just feel like a normal girl who has shared a kiss with a hot girl and is content for now to just relive it over and over again.

I pull myself out of my comfortable bed and quickly take a morning shower before sliding into some comfortable casual clothes. I don't even think about what last night could mean for the two of us, what risks we might end up taking, or if this whole thing is just one big mistake.

None of it crosses my mind for long, because every time they do, they are quickly replaced with the memories of her lips on mine, her tongue caressing my own, her strong hands touching my skin, setting my body alight.

Making me feel alive.

"Morning!" I smile happily as I walk downstairs into the kitchen where my Mom is making her usual Sunday morning pancakes and Sofia is sat texting on her phone, however by my entrance they both look up at me, suspicious and intrigued looks on their faces.

"Morning sweetheart..." my Mom smiles at me slowly. "You seem cheery this morning."

"Yeah, so unlike you." Sofia raises her eyebrow at me curiously, a joking smile on her face.

I roll my eyes at her dig as I walk to the fridge and pull out a carton of juice and pour it into my glass. "I'm done being miserable." I tell them simply.

"So you're over Mendes then?" Sofia looks amused but my Mom takes my mood to be something else.

"Or maybe, their getting back together?" I can hear the hope in her voice. "That would be a wonderful thing to announce at the Miss Miami tea party later."

"No Mom." I sigh loudly but don't get it get to me.

Not today.

"Shawn and I are not getting back together, Sof is right, I'm over him."

"Already?" My Mom looks at me unsure and I can tell that she doesn't want to believe me. At first, she was like my Dad, and skeptical against my relationship with Shawn because of his mother and sisters reputation as well as the fact that he's not a founding family member, but as the weeks past, my Mom got to see him as the nice sweet guy that he is, and the fact that he is an All-American brunette haired brown eyed star football player with a promising future in the sport obviously had a major impact in her change of feelings too of course.

"Yes." I send her a smile. "I really am over him."

And it's true. Hell, it's a horrible thing to admit, but I was over Shawn before we even broke up.

"Ok sweetie." My Mom holds up her hands before turning back towards the pan on the cooker and shovels two pancakes on each plate and handing them over to me and Sofia.

I smile and take the plate before joining Sofia at the kitchen island as we start to talk about mundane things and how she enjoyed her birthday party the night before.

However the easy going atmosphere doesn't last long when I hear shouting and banging coming from the direction of my Dad's home office across the hall.

"No, no no!" I hear him scream furiously and I turn around just in time as he charges into the kitchen, his face red with anger.

"Honey? What's wrong?" My Mom approaches him worriedly and I swallow my food nervously.

"It's gone!"

"What? What has?"

"My case!" My Dad shakes his head and runs a shaky head through his hair. "Damn it!"

"What case sweetie?" my Mom asks confused and I share a glance with Sofia as my Dad runs that same hand down his face.

"On Zach Jauregui! All my files, all my documents! Their gone, Sinu! It's fucking gone! They've been stolen! I have nothing! No evidence, nothing!" he rants in desperate anger and my heart sinks to my stomach at the realization of what has happened.

Suddenly my good mood has vanished.

I excuse myself from the kitchen as soon as I can, hearing my Dad's ramblings as I run up the stairs to grab my phone and car keys before heading out the house.

I can't believe this.

Has this all been a lie?

Has everything that has happened between us just been one big ploy to get inside of my house and to steal my Dad's evidence against Zach?

God I am such an idiot!

The car ride to her house goes by too quick and I jump out of the car with shaky hands.

I am furious.

I feel so stupid right now! How dare she! It makes sense though, I mean, obviously she doesn't like me! It's Lauren Jauregui for Christ's sake!

I should have known. I should have seen this coming!

I bang on her door, once, twice, three times before eventually I hear her shouting that she's coming.

She opens the door in just a pair of shorts, and for the first time ever the physique of her body doesn't do anything to me.

"Camila," she looks confused. "What are you-"

I cut her off by raising my hand back and slapping her full force across the face.


"Oww! What the hell!" her nostrils flare angrily as I go to hit her again but she grabs onto my wrist and pulls me inside, slamming the door behind me and pinning me back against it, my wrist still gripped tightly between her fingers. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"What is wrong with me?! What the fuck is wrong with you, Lauren! I trusted you!" I shout at her angrily, my entire body shaking with rage.

I feel so used.

"Ok, rewind! You've clearly fucking lost your mind here, Cabello, but you're going to have to fucking explain to me why the hell you've stormed over here and hit me for no reason!"

"No reason?" I ask her in disbelief. "Do you really think that I'm that stupid? I may have fallen for whatever the hell has been going on between us these past few weeks but you can't fool me anymore, Lauren! I know it was you!"

Her eyes glisten with something that resembles anger and her jaw clenches. "I don't like being accused of shit, Camila, so at least do me the fucking honor of telling me what you are actually accusing me of here!"

"Don't play dumb! I know it was you, who else could it have been? I invited you into my home last night, Lauren! I was in the bathroom for a while, you could have easily snuck out of my room and to my Dad's office! I know it was you who took those files!"

I watch as a look of realization crosses her features and that tells me enough. I break my wrist free from her grasp and push her back with both hands with as much force as possible.

"Congratulations, your Uncle Zach will probably be getting off scott free you'll be happy to know. You'll also be happy to know that you will no longer have to keep pretending to be my friend, or whatever the hell it was that you were doing." I try and fight back the tears as she stares at me with a blank expression on her face and I let out a dry laugh before turning on my heel and leaving.

I don't look back.

Because if I do, then it makes this more real.


Lauren's POV

It doesn't surprise me when I arrive at the Boarding House to see my Uncle Zach pouring out champagne.

"Lauren!" he greets me with a wide grin. "Good news, I'm pretty much a free man! The majority of Cabello's case on me has been compromised and the evidence stolen and contaminated so he has nothing!" he pours me a glass before handing it to me, and I reluctantly take it from him and take a large gulp.

"Congratulations." I mutter as I finish the whole glass in one big gulp and motion for him to pour out another glass. "You must be thrilled."

Zach crosses his eyebrows at me. "You don't seem pleased."

"Ignore me, I've had a bad morning." I think back to Camila's accusation, how angry she was at the thought of me using her to get those files from her Dad. She never even gave me a chance to defend myself, she just stormed in like a mad woman, slapped me, and then accused me of something I didn't even fucking do.

I'm pissed.

Last night was so great, we kissed and it felt different, good different. We have something, a connection, and now she doesn't even think it's real, she thinks it was all a lie, that it was all pretend.

I'm not the one who is living in a pretend world. No, that's her life.

"So I see you're getting ahead of yourself." Mike walks into the room, a smiling Harry trailing behind him.

"Oh calm down big brother, I know how this all works! My lawyer has pretty much confirmed that I'm not going to get any jail time now, and even if I did it would be a few weeks if that." Zach rolls his eyes. "I'd take that over six years any day of the week!"

"How did you get the files anyway?" I finally ask the question that has been bugging me since Camila's little episode.

"That would be me." Harry speaks up with a smirk and I turn to face him confused. "Last night, me and Noah snuck away from The Grill while all the Cabello's were there celebrating Sofia's birthday so we knew that no one would be home."

I want to ask a billion questions. One, how the hell did he get in? I was there last night and there was no signs of false entry, of course, I can't exactly mention that to Harry can I?

"Risky move breaking into the Detective's house." I decide to try and gather information without making it obvious.

"I didn't technically break in," Harry tells me with a smug look on his face. "I used a key."

I notice from the corner of my eye that Zach is grinning like a buffoon and even my Dad doesn't look his normal pissed off self.

"You see...Camila is in my History group," he goes on to explain and it's like a bulb just went off in my head.

Of course.

"I stole her key, made a copy, and slipped it back into her locker the next day so she probably assumed that she just misplaced it."


Harry shrugs and Zach immediately pats him on the back proudly. "Clever? This kid is pure genius! And he really saved my ass." he turns to my brother. "Seriously kid, thank you."

"No problem."

"Let's not get carried away though." Mike speaks up again. "You still need to lie low with the cops right now, at least until my fraud charges have cleared up."

"How is that going anyway?" I ask curiously, still feeling a little guilty that him being found out for the tunnels was because of me.

But still, if I had to do it again I would no question. Not saving Camila was not an option and I would repeat it again in a heartbeat if I had too, no matter how pissed off I am with her right now.

"Don't worry about it Lauren, it'll go away." he tells me casually and I believe him, because every time my Dad says that things will be ok, they usually are.

Unlike my Uncle Zach, Mike takes every little detail into account, which is probably why he hasn't been caught for many many of his dodgy dealings over the years. He's clever, too clever if you ask me, but clever none the less.

"But for now, we celebrate!" Zach lifts up his glass of champagne with a smug smirk and I roll my eyes but a small smile creeps onto my lips because despite everything I am glad that he is no longer in trouble.


Camila's POV

The Pre-Miss Miami Pageant Tea Party was as crappy as I expected it was going to be.

Spending the day with preppy women of all ages telling me how great they are and how beautiful they looked back in their day, while wearing conservative dresses and sipping crappy tea before offering their expertise and advice about how to win the pageant made me actually want to shoot myself in the head.

My Mom was by my side through every moment of it, gushing about how beautiful my dress is and how she is planning to help me write the perfect speech to win over the judges.

It's like she is living her youth all over again through me.

I hate every single second of it.

But I muddle through, with a fake smile and fake laughs because what else can I do? I'm in enough trouble as it is with my parents, so I need to get back in their good books and I can't do that by showing my real feelings about this whole charade.

I watched as Dinah basked in all the attention that was given to her, enjoying every second of being a contestant, loving the way that past winners tipped her to win or offered her advice on how to style her hair to match the color of her dress.

My best friend, to her credit, tried to involve me as much as she could, as much as I could really let her to be honest, but my fake enthusiasm was so tiring and demotivating that by the middle of it I just wanted it to be over and to crawl into bed, trying to force the image of a certain green eyed Jauregui out of my stupid foolish brain.

So by the time I get home, I make up an excuse to my Mom about not feeling well and needing a nap before dinner and head upstairs to my room.

I note that Sofia and my Dad aren't home but don't think anything of it, Sofia is probably at a friends place and my Dad is probably trying to fix the mess that I created by carelessly bringing Lauren Jauregui into our home.

I pull my hair out of the tight bun it was in and let it flow messily down my shoulders as I push the door open to my bedroom, jumping with fright when I see that damn figure sat on my windowsill.

"Are you out of your mind?!" I recover from my shock at her being here and quickly close the door behind me, moving towards the shared bathroom with Sofia and shutting that door too. "What the hell are you doing here?! You can't just show up here! What if my Mom walked in? Or Sofi? Or worse, my Dad!"

Lauren however doesn't seem the least bit fazed as she slowly rises to her feet. "You owe me an apology." she says with an icy tint to her voice.

"Excuse me?"

"You owe me an apology." she repeats, her voice firm and I glare at her.

"I'd say it was the other way around, wouldn't you?"

"No, I wouldn't actually because unlike you, I haven't done anything wrong." she takes another step forward. "After your little unnecessary outburst this morning, thanks for that slap by the way," she scowls at me. "I went over to the Boarding House to find out what was going on, why you would accuse me of stealing those files." I gulp slightly from the way she is staring me down, my heart pounding hard against my chest. "And not that you deserve to know, because you really fucking don't, but it was Harry who stole them, not me. He broke in while we were still in The Grill, apparently you need to be more careful with your stuff because he stole and copied a key of yours while you were all working on your history project and you didn't even realize it."

Oh god.


"Don't Camila." she holds her hand up to stop me. "I don't want to hear your excuses, ok? I get it. Just apologize."

My heart continues to pound fast as I watch her. I feel terrible, and embarrassed, because I did overreact, and I didn't even give her a chance to explain or to defend her innocent. I just marched right over there and gave her what for, for something she didn't even do!

God, I'm an idiot!

So I look back up at her, her emerald eyes staring intently at me and I take a deep breath before speaking the words that I do so genuinely mean. "I'm sorry, Lauren."

"Good." she crosses the room before I can even blink and her mouth crashes against mine. It takes me a moment to respond but when I do I moan against her lips as she kisses me hungrily, her body pressed against mine as I stumble backwards against the wall, pinned against it by her overpowering body.

I clutch onto the thin material of her t-shirt tightly, my hands balling into a fist as I scrunch up the material in my hands as her hand grips my hip while the other is lost in my hair.

"Apology...accepted." she murmurs against my mouth before pulling away ever so slightly. I look up into her green irises and feel myself getting lost in her gaze, my entire body frozen in place. "Now..." she twirls a finger around my hair and curls it. "You need to make it up to me."

"How?" I ask breathlessly, still very much aware of the way she is pushed firmly against me, her body pressing against mine, the bulge of her jeans pressed against my core.

She smirks and in that moment I'm reminded of how dangerous this all is.

How dangerous she is.

"Come back to my place and I'll show you." she runs her other hand up my side before landing on my cheek.

"I'm grounded." I don't even know why I say the words. I know they don't mean anything and Lauren knows it too.

"I don't care." she presses another searing kiss against my lips and I gasp into her mouth as her tongue slides across mine. However, all too soon she pulls away, that devils smirk still on her lips. "One hour." she steps back and I instantly miss her touch. "Be there."

She turns and heads back towards my open window and I watch as she climbs over, but I remain frozen against the wall trying to catch my breath and collect my bearings.

Well shit.


Lauren's POV

Exactly one hour later I hear the tapping of my door and I grin to myself as I finish off my beer before heading towards it. I swing open the door and the second I do Camila crashes against me, her lips against mine and I barely have time to close the front door before she is pulling my t-shirt over my head.

"Someone is an eager beaver..." I break away from her lips and start to press kisses along her neck and jawline, walking backwards towards my bedroom.

"It's been nearly two months." she gasps as I bite her neck lightly.

"Oh I know baby." I murmur against her skin before moving back to her lips and kissing her, open mouthed and hungrily as I swing her around and push her down onto the bed. I grin and kneel down so I am hovering over her before I press my hands on the button of her jeans to undo them and sliding them down her legs, tossing them across the room, my hands trail up her bare thighs while she shudders against the bed, and I watch with as her dark lustful eyes flicker shut as I stop at her center.

"You're so wet already." I mumble in a low voice, and I tug on her panties as she happily obliges and lifts herself up ever so slightly so I can pull them down before I slide my fingers through her folds, feeling my member hardening as I feel how wet she is for me.

"God Lauren." she gasps before wrapping her hand around my neck and pulling me down to her parting lips. "I need you so bad."

"I know baby." I moan into her mouth as her hands slide down my bare chest before tugging on my own jeans. I lean up and remove them quickly, discarding them somewhere into the room and I lean back down to kiss her again, groaning as I feel her hand slide into my shorts to stroke my throbbing hardening member. I trail kisses to the side of her mouth across her cheeks and back to her neck, my fingers still making firm and steady strokes over her clit.

"Oh God," I gasp as her hand grips onto my erection, slowly and teasingly moving up and down. "Camila."

She smirks and then her other hand tugs on my wrist and removes my hand. "I need you now." she looks up at me, her eyes dark with desire and I nod my head before slowly sliding into her. I still for a moment and shudder as Camila moans softly with pleasure at the contact before I start to move, thrusting in and out at a steady pace, Camila's hands gripping the back of my shoulders as I start to kiss her neck, my face buried between the crook of her shoulder.

I moan as her nails dig into my skin as I quicken my pace, going fast and hard as she moans underneath me.

"Lauren! Oh god, oh god," I go harder and when I hit that g-spot she screams into my mouth as I press my lips down onto hers, swallowing her screams with moans of my own as I kiss her breathlessly.

She reaches her climax and her eyes slam shut and her head rolls back into her pillow as her orgasm hits her like a steam train, and just the slight of the pure bliss on her face makes me follow.

I land against her breathlessly, and I stay there for a moment, Camila's fingers lazily playing with my hair before I slowly pull out, hearing her whimper slightly as I do and roll over.

"Shit..." I open my eyes as a thought crosses my mind. "I didn't use a condom." I curse myself for my stupidity, because this is something I never do.

I never forget.

"It's ok." Camila tells me reassuringly. "I'm on the pill."

I nod my head relieved before raising my hand and placing my fingers gently on her cheek. "I missed that." I smirk.

"Me too," she smiles slowly back, her eyes shining. "A lot."

My smirk deepens and we fall into a post-coital bliss, lying side by side and I can feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier before sleep takes over me.


Camila's POV

I watch silently as Lauren sleeps beside me as the night gets darker, she looks so peaceful right now, like she doesn't have a care in the world and I slowly lift my hand to stroke her cheek soothingly before trailing a finger slowly along her cheekbones, down her nose and then over her lips.

She sighs in content and shuffles closer to me and I smile into the growing darkness, realizing that it's getting late and I'm glad that I already told my Mom I was sick and was going to have an early night so hopefully they wouldn't check up on me if they thought I was sleeping, because they would definitely have noticed my absence by now.

I look back up at Lauren and jump slightly in surprise to see his green eyes open and staring right back at me. I smile, and she smiles back and we lie silently for a few more minutes.

I roll onto my back after another couple of minutes and sigh contently into the dark silent room before eventually gathering my bearings and sitting up to make a move. I go to climb out of the bed when Lauren grabs onto my arm.

I turn back to look at her confused. "Stay." she tells me simply before taking in my shocked expression. "Stay here tonight."

"You want me to stay the night?" I question a little stunned, unsure if I just heard her right.

"Don't sound so surprised, Camz." She rolls her eyes at me. "You know it's different this time." I gulp because she's right, I do. "No more sneaking out of my bed, alright?" she tells me sternly and I blink at her in surprise, totally in awe of what to say.

"Ok." I eventually agree before letting out a smile and sliding under the covers beside her.

"Things are different now, right?" she sounds firm again but this time I can hear the nerves in her voice and I need to stop it.

"They are." I confirm, notably feeling her body relax beside mine. "I mean, I don't hate you anymore for a start." I smirk.

She scoffs loudly. "Oh please, you never hated me to begin with!"

"No I guess not, although there was a time when I really though I did." I confess but Lauren doesn't seem fazed by my words in the slightest.

She just chuckles and turns back over onto her side to face me so she is slightly towering over me as I lie on my back. One of her hands lands onto my bare waist and I shiver under her touch, my eyes automatically closing.

When they open again she has that devilish smirk on her lips and I roll my eyes at her arrogance before a thought suddenly crosses my mind.

"You know, you're breaking another one of your rules right now." I inform her and watch as she raises her eyebrow curiously. "You never let a girl stay the night on purpose after sex, you told me that once."

Her lips twist into a smile. "Yeah well, I've already broken the buying girls lunch rule for you so what's the harm in this one as well, huh?"

"No harm at all then I guess." I smirk before pulling her head down towards mine to press a slow soft kiss against her lips. "Round two?" I grin against her lips.

"Oh yeah!"

"This time I'm on top." I smile cheekily before rolling us both over.


Lauren's POv

I stifle a yawn as I wake up the next morning to see Camila already awake beside me, a soft smile on her face as she notices me awake.

"Morning." she leans forward and presses her lips slowly against mine in a sweet kiss.

"Mmm morning." I murmur tiredly. "What time is it?"

"Just after five," she grimaces slightly. "I really have to go. If my parents find out I've gone they will kill me, I'd rather not be grounded for eternity."

"So does that answer the skipping school with me today question?"

"Sadly yes." she smiles slightly before sitting up and I tiredly follow her actions, watching as she climbs out of bed. I watch her slowly and lick my lips subconsciously as she searches for her clothes, her perfect naked body exposed. She grabs her top and turns around and I see the blush creep to her face when she notices me staring, however her shy look soon turns to a confident smirk as she takes a step towards me. "You like what you see, Jauregui?"

I chuckle and reach out for her, my hands landing on the back of her bare thighs as I pull her towards me before they slowly start to slide up and down, stroking her smooth soft skin. "You're sexy, of course I do." I grin before pulling her down for a slow open mouthed kiss.

Camila sighs against me before reluctantly pulling away. "I really have to go." she pouts. "I wish I didn't, but I do."

"Ok." I nod my head with a disappointed sigh. "You want me to walk you home?"

"Yeah because that would be a good idea." she rolls her eyes slightly with a smile while slipping on her top and then pulling up her jeans. "I'm good but thanks."

I walk her to the door and kiss her goodbye, making a promise to celebrate her grounding sentence finishing come Wednesday and that she has to make sure she keeps her evening free. After stealing more kisses, I eventually let her leave and let out a loud happy sigh.

I shower and get dressed before heading out for coffee, knowing that I don't have anything at home right now. As I sit in a small coffee shop sipping on a hot coffee while eating breakfast, I enjoy basking in the feeling of contentment, it's the first time in a long time where I feel excited about something.

Happy, even.

And oddly enough, of all the people in the world, of all the girls in Miami, that's down to one Camila Cabello.

Who would have thought?

I chill out here for an hour before heading to school, knowing that if I skipped there wouldn't be a chance of me seeing Camila in passing.

God, have you seen what she has turned me into?

I shake my head at myself, a small smile lingering on my lips as I climb out of my car and walk through the parking lot.

"Lauren! Lauren!" I turn around to see Harry running to me, a frantic look on his face.

"Harold? What's wrong?" I ask immediately on edge from the look on his face

He stops breathlessly and it takes him a moment to collect himself. "Where the hell have you been! Why haven't you been answering your phone? I've been trying to contact you all fucking morning, I even went round to your place but you weren't there!"

I immediately move my hands to pat my jeans pockets and curse when I find that my phone isn't there, I must have left it at home.

"What's happened, Harry?" I ask him seriously.

"It's Dad, he's in trouble," He explains quickly, holding the back of his neck with his hand. "Cabello and the Sheriff came around this morning, they've charged him with crimes of fraud and some thing about the failure to act in duty of public safety." he says with panicked eyes. "Because of the underground tunnels."


"He's been arrested, Lauren, he's been taken in."

Continua llegint

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